QUALITY ould paint your floors oftener if :he house upset so long waiting aer if you could paint one half of ove the furniture over from the he next day? you can do with Lowe's Hard fact, together with the way it he reason it is used so muck on WANTED WANTED-Men and women for work on Drill Press, Punch Press, J. M. L. Operator, and for general work. Wire wheel lacing and Tueng gen- eral handy men. Good pay and piece work. Steady job during vacation. 55c to 75c per hour per day rate, up to $10 per day piece work. Can _use about 200 men and 50 girls. Good pay. Hayes Steel & Wire Wheel Division, West Ganson and Wisner Sts., Jackson, Michigan. WANTED-Men with sales experience and ability to sell electric cleaners, washers, etc., in Sandusky, Ohio, and vicinity, during the summer or all year round, as you wish. Salary and commission. I will interview applicants June 4th and 5th at 427 Thompson St. Phone 1564-J, H. H. Squire, Jr., of Squire Electric Coni- pany. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN wanted. Must have general knowledge of me- chanical building equipment such as heating, plumbing, ventilating, sprinkler, elevator, and sewer work. Permanent position. Apply Dort Motor Car Company, Flint, Michigan, Construction Engineer. WANTED-Senior 'Engineering Stu- ,dents who were raised on a farm dents who were raised on a farm and would be interested in employment ternational Harvester Co. Please communicate with S. W. Cady, Supt. of Experiments, Int. Harvester 'Co., Hamilton, Ont. ARCHITECTURAL D R A F T S M A N wanted. Must have general knowl- edge of building construction, in- cluding reinforced concrete, struc- tural iron, mill construction, etc. Apply Dort Motor Car Company, Flint, Michigan, Construction Engi- neer. WANTED-Three or four solicitors for subscriptions to the Wolveritie, to work during commencement week. Ten (10) per cent commission. Ad- dress, Wolverine, care of Daily. State experience. WANTED-Would like to rent house about July. 1st or later within walk- ing distance of University. Write, Mrs. Corbett, 630 S. Weadock, Sag- inaw. WANTED-A, fewnice girls for wait- resses at strictly private resort. Work begins July 1st; closes about Sept. 10th. Best of references. Ap- ply at once to 417 E. Liberty St. WANTED-To rent a small unfur- nished house or flat 'for two adults for the coming year, by mother and son. Possession July 1st. Call 1716-. WANTED-To rent for next year, six room house or apartment. Lpcaton South or East of campus. Thoroly modern. Phone 152. WANTED-Married student desires small, furnished house or light housekeeping rooms for next year. Box E. H. WANTE-First class cook for next fall in fraternity with about twenty six men. Must 'have references. Phone 1016. WANTED-Porter for' fraternity 'for next year. Address will be 1005 Lincoln. Apply 606 Oakland. Phone 785. CHURCH Corner Huron and Division NOTICE TO PRESBYTERIAN First in Series of Sermons f I on DREARS COLLEGE MEN AND WON WHY NOT CALL Sunday, 10.30 A. M. LEONARD A. BARRETT, Minister C. E Service at 6:30 P. M. AND I. j : : SELL YOUR STRAWS- 111 .1 DISCARDED CLOTHING ARE HERE ALL STYLES ALL SIZES ALL SHAPE He buys everything in th ,a LOWEST PRICES FLOWERS FLOWERING PLC Cousins & Hlal Members Florists Telegraph Deliver Phone 115 1002 S. m 'o literature. ' - HERZ, 7ON STREET F-1 ' ing and pays the highest cash pric A phone call will bring the wagon your address. " AfSIT1Y 120 N. 4th Ave. TOGGERY S T 1 t 1107 S. UNIVERSITY (East side of Cout answered evenin AVE. Calls s . L Leave Capy at Quarrys and Thei Delta "tGet Good Goo( at Goodyear's FOR SALE OR SALE-Two large houses, high- ly desirable, first class location. Suitable for Fraternities or Sorori- ties. Ifs operated-as rooming houses they -will yield 20 per cent of the in- vestment. Pleasant rooms for the summer. Address 602 Monroe and 522 Monroe. Phone 2612-J. Deal with owner. 1 -- ,I A .1 . {J. a T, l 6 / /I 1 - r , , r ,;, V+ ,,, !u T_ ; 1 _ 4 ._ l r I /h r "V. J .'YI.'T i // .'j .1 , J , , r %^ , , , ,r I ( FOR SALE-Student furniture. Oak desks, swivel chairs, cotbeds, chif- fonieres, dressers, green shades, 40 watt lamps, one desk,, lamps, bed- ding, also very fine piano made by the old- Heintzman Co.,. Toronto. Call mornings 'at 110 N. Ingalls St. ;i FOR SALE-Wooden packing boxes, several sizes, suitable for shipping or storing your books and other personal effects. University Music House. WANTED-Small furnished house. the summer. Marion Moon. -Mack Rd. Phone 2308-R. for 507 -1 FOR SALE-"C" melody Conn Saxa- phone. Redently overhauled, first class condition. Price $50.00. Call Shaw 7i6-R or f09 Oakland. FOR SALE-3 H. P. canvas covered motor boat. As light as a canoe. Engine weighs only 60 lbs. Phone 13. FOR SALE-Spencer Microscope; per- fect condition. Complete without oil emersion, $65. Call-1808-M. FOR SALE-Large rooming house one block from campus. Suitable for fraternity. 609 Monroe St. - WANTED-Man for bookkeeper and general office work. Middle aged man preferred. Call 417 E. Liberty. WANTED-Club of upperclassmen to board for next school year. Box E. G., care Michigan Daily. WANTED-To rent, garage for' sum, mer near, South University and Church Street. Phone 2109. WANTED-To buya good canoe. Call Lewis, 2300. After 5 p. m. call 877. WANTED-Canoe. To buy or rent for summer. Call Cook, 951-M. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Desirable rooms, 2 suites and 1 single for summer session. 3 blocks from Campus. 517 S. Divi- sion, phone 2726-M. FOR RENT-Two choice suites for in- structors, ne.r campus. Telephone 736. FOR RENT-Canoe. Summer session. Call 1564-W. Davis. The last meeting of the Upper Room Bible Class, for the college year, will be held at 7 o'clock this evening. It is "Senior" night and most of the spe- cial program will be given by mem- bers of the graduating' class. All "University Men" are cordially invit- ed to be present.-adv. I An advance illustration of one of "Miss Manhat- tan's" selections for the Fall of 1920. "OUwohien who appreciate the dash and smartness of new apparel, yet desire the distinc- tive styles of exclusive tailoring, and who must have a satisfactory range of prices for next year's wardrobe will profit inestimably by waiting un- ti1 you return in the fall and purchase here a Suit or Coat of "Miss Manhattan" design - a com- plete display of which will greet you at the be- ginning of the school year. OR RENT-Large facing campus. room- Phone) .e FOR SALE-Underwood typewriter. Standard type 12 in-ch carriage. Call OR SALE-Banjorine. gain. 1114-W. A real bar- I FOUND- FOUND - A first' class Boarding House. Didja ever eat any of Ma Fa.ilings good grub? If you have. you'll be interested. She's goin' to move to 714 Monroe St. Board $6.50 Entrance 124 S. Main. A, 'I 1 ': _ ° p I'' 1