an- All girls who can go to the Y. W. day. C. A. conference at Lake Geneva in August will 1 lease notify Miss Eva Lamert before June 12. play Blackburn 6e box for Lo(kers in Barbour gymnasium must be emptied by 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Clothes left in lockers af- ter this time will be confiscated.% 'I THANKS y wishes to take this opportunity its friends for their patronage ear just closing. >rders for box candy will be care- ed. You will find, us open this year we shall try to render more ze service that should be yours. The alumnae of Helen Newberry residence will give a tea from 4:30 o'clock to 6 o'clock on the Wednesday of Commencement week. All alumnae of Helen Newberry residence and as- sociate members are invited. 1 If its artistic wall-paper you want, at right prices call at C. H. Major & Co.'s, 203 E. Washington St. Phone 237.-Adv. Fine Straw Hats. Wild & Co., 311 S. State St.-Adv. "THERE'S NOTHING TO DO, IN THIS OLE TOWN" Have you ever said that, when you're tired of the movies, and your best girl is out of- town, and you feel sort of "unneces- sary?" . Just note the address at the bottom - of this advertisement and drop in here "just to look around" and watch' the players. You'll soon find a partner for a game of "rotation", or "straight" and forget all about your lonesomeness. This is a clean, decent place, one which you'll enjoy visiting regularly. Come in today. fIUSTON BROS. Billiards and Bowling, Cigars and Candies. Cigarettes & Pipes.. "We try to treat you Right" 5 ALPHA DELTA PHI WINS FRTERNITY SPORTS CUP Alpha Delta Phi is easy winner of the Intramural cup for general ath- letic efficiency with Phi Kappa Sigma,' Phi Gamma Delto, and Theta Chil closely bunchgd for second place, but finishing in the order mentioned. This cup is distinct from the smaller ones' which have been awarded in . each sport and must be won twice before it becomes the permanent property of any fraternity. ~ Of the 56 fraternities on the cam-i pus all but six have entered teams in at least one event in this unique race.) The, definite number of points to be awarded to Delta Tau Delta, Trigon, and Chi Psi are not'determined, owing to the fact thatethe tennis tourney isl not yet comipleted. The final totals for all the houses is as follows: Alpha Delta Phi 640, Phi Kappa Sigma 485, Phi Gamma Delta 460, Theta Chi 445, Phi Sigma Kappa 440, Nu Sigma Nu 420, Sigma Nu 410, Delta Tau Delta 405 or 415, Trigon 375 or 385, Delta Chi 375, Psi Upsilon 370, Phi Kappa Psi -335, Delta Upsilon 315, Delta Sigma Delta 300, Zeta Psi 280, Phi Delta Theta 280, Alpha Sigma Phi 270, Kappa Beta Psi 250, Lambda Chi Alpha 245, Sinfonia 245, Delta Kappa Epsilon 235, Sigma Phi Epsilon 235, Theta Xi 230, Hermitage 210, Acacia 205, Phi Rho Sigma 205, Sigma Alpha Epsilon 185, Theta Delta, Chi 185, Kappa Sigma 180, Phi Sigma Delta 175, Chi Psi 170 or 180, Alpha Tau Omega 160, Phi Chi 160, Zeta Beta Tau L160, Delta Theta Phi 150,1 Beta Theta Pi 145, Xi Psi Phi 130, Monks 100, Sigma Chi 100, Beta Phi 100, Phi Delta Chi 80, Sigma Phi 65, Knickerbockers 65, Sigma Delta Kap- pa 65, Alpha Sigma 60, Phi Alpha Delta 50, Phi. Beta Pi 50, Pi Upsilon Rho 45, Psi Omega 35, Alpha Chi Sig- ma 0, Alpha Kappa Kappa 0, Gamma Eta Gamma 0, Gamma Alpha 0, Phi Delta Phi 0, Phylon 0. Adelphi Elects New Officers Elections held recently by Adelphi house of representatives resulted in' the following men being appointed as officers for next year: speaker, Leon Grubaugh, '22; clerk, Norman Buch- an, '22; assistant clerk, Preston H. Scott, '22; sergeant-at-arms, Lloyd Weisel, '21, and Walter Hindes, '21, and Oscar Brown, '21, as oratorical' delegates. All students w. due them from association are leave their sur with Coach Mite leave for home. cups and numere rived and somie which are here a' with the numeral effort is being z these distribute close of the sch those who haye their awards wil dresses, the awa warded to them sible. Select paper now and have them pap tion. C. H. Major ington St. Phone; Star Polo Shirts fit. $3.00 upwards. State St.-Adv. / lnr of 'v Page Tices' L ii Your Comfotrt During Summer 1f ANN ARBOR .I f I Is assured if you select from our stock of cloth- ing and furnishings - Straw Rats - Two-Piece Sumnier Suits -Silk Shirts - Underwear -Wash Ties .- Flannel Trousers - Silk Hose Bathing Suits and we have only goods of quality that are offer- ed at, prices very mod- erate when quality is considered 0 *=j A A . REULE, CONLIN FIEGEL C hOME OF HART SCHIAFFNER & MARX CLOTHE THE BIG' STORE-- Soutl( West Corner Main & Washing OUR ANNUAL THE graduate of today 6nters a world electrical. Gathered from the distant waterfalls or gen- erated by the steam turbine, electric power is transmitted to the busiest city or smallest country place. Through the co-ordination of inventive genius with engin'eering and manufacturing resources, the General Electric Company has fostered and developed to a high state of perfection,these and numerous other applications. And so electricity, scarcely older than the grad- uate of today, appears in a practical, well developed service on every hand. Recognize its power, study its applications to your life's work, and utilize it to the utmost for the benefit of all mankind. CollgeEnd Sa Shoes and Oxfordsns O Men's Bostonian and Packard Cordovan Oxfo ;: .- ' a3 r Arcwel -CVT TO $14.45 and $12.95 DURING THIS SALE We have a large stock on our shelves wi we must dispose of -before Commencemen the majority of our business is done during college year. We have placed tempting' on all mens and women's footwear to General Office Cm pny Sales Offices in 97 Schenectady NY. iage cities this sale. 'I Also Women's white oxfords at attractive prices N-- Campus Bootery 304 South State State