PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE ,192 VN IERSITY HALT. The (toter tart of this ttuilding is devoted to administration offices. aod the two wings, which were the first hoildings to he erected 00ntte camputs, contain (lass roonts. JACK SCIIOLZ The Tiger sprinter is the country's hest io the ceotory and the 220. Mis- soori's representative has yet to he bteaten in the 100, which he does io :10 fiat antd :9 4-5, and he is also an excellent andi tependahle roan in the 220-yatrdltassh. PETE II.SO N Rtepresenting the University of Califor- nia, Peterson, the star vaulter front the Pacific coast, will attempt to walk isciy with first honors in this event. lie has dttte 12 feet 0, and to in hopes ot increatsing this to 13t teet in the Con- letrcnce omeet. rMll.1,, (l WATEIIB3m9s o N GYill he 4)Imir .1 t V fiisss is o 1°(i)0-i1t1 '~. i t it i ii i is, i A BRlADLEY Of the Untversity of Kansas, capturetd list pentathlon champtionship at the Pentst relays this spring. In trying ostt fttr the O~lynmpics lit will strive to rep- resent the United States in the decaths- Its, he heing even helter in this event lion in the peta~tthlonl. 11HE VAISITY BAND Mtichligans tand withs its immoststtl piece, lTe ictttrs," rankos sutpreme n the fietld tif college hands. From coast to coast it htas an enviahle recortd. whichs others have tried to equltlb ut the Michsigats spirit has hepst the hanid first antltocemost int its fiettd. Thesbanstitp llaying at the different cottests hsave sticretd Michigani mentsot actito, stnd reitotedthefisasttnisof thseirtuntdergradutate lays. tCtlhy of Iowa finished btehind Scisolz to the 100-yard dash at the Drahe Re- toys, and Htawkeye stupportecs expect gceat things of hits in this meet. lqua BESTAACTIOPIS FIRST 3' Great Days Starting Sunday Douglas Mz4.cLean ancd Doris M~. nm theirthird g e t Comeutdy scees fo irix ""23 1-2 Ht Leave" rid 'Wh,'s o rHtxsbamvd Doril" awr's Ankle"