M PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY S A T I - I t DAN. J tN P' , 5, 1 '-', I 10 Costinogmorce than $1,000,000hticih was c-ontribuOtedthy store than 14000 loy al ict- igan atumini, the Michtigan tnon is the targest and tpest stuttent Oubhounse in the world. It is the (enter nf all stutdent activities, andt here all Michigan men meet on coimmson grond~. Every facility is pirovidedt ty whirci studlent needs may tie supplied, and it is tilled every hour ot the tay wiitht studlents. OHIO'S HOPES HI(tGINS Higgins, one of tthetbest wetght mien in the country, is schedtutedt to take ponts forChicagot, if not fitrsts, in all the weight events. A straitned wrist tao heist himi frioti dousg his hest ini dual meets recently, tbut itftie lives tip to formser recoirtds, he sill putt te shot arouttd 43 teet, hlthtte discus 135, heave the httaiiter close to t45, oast toss the jtaveliti apptroxitmately 165 f eet. OSS Artiold Os ot Mitnnesota is ttne of thte tastest 4409iten in te Conference. fie Io shits event last year in the ot- ito itrlieet agtaitist tast competition, tout tie is bttoikeid to hit off the long datshi in tiroittid 49 secondls. tHe will wtaktetill his opuponents got the lint, mitit te villtprobtatbly lhelpi tlace the Gophtter reltay teamitwell toi the front. hi-SINl ;Minnesouta exports Melly li to tie a test tpiints it the idtshies ill the itiet here.H-ecfitniosied inext tJiohitsoin , the 50i-yartdidashi it the Coniterence tieeltitind ssithi someof the host tioit tetitinitt the counmtry hiete Saturdaty, tie svilt push hisioppuuiients luarud. Theseltiiotc-it ietpresenit Ohio's itiosttprobtabtleptiti iwucines,.flitthe left is Fergusnosts haiIts cotisstently rntshe utile ini 4:3t0 andtiishoiis ex- pcteto idoitesvcit betterishentifuncidtoliithe limiit i inte Conmferetnce mieet. Motoirehueati, spri-inter, broiaidtitihighijtumpier-. isfOhiiois till-itotttidtmtat. Dos itig the 220 itt 22 seconsiandttthelii 110 ini :10,.jutingtit six feet Stir a first. itt the ittidoor Coniferetite tit-I-:Mooreheaditis regar-ietd ittit dltgerotis titatn Ity tlt the dififerenst solis, timsite titicat ItCfclt19 inic-hes, this Slitits otto stiulter loots first him- ors intth te itidototrCoinference stit . and ir itililiutior cir~it s, tie ill 12 feet. CottchsFarrel itt Idit-iigais -ititsitters Ihitiats itticoitt iciigans gretest obtstacltes. GRAHAM'S Two Complete College Bookstores at both ends ot diagonal walk GAHiA~M '