.s Confectionery Delicious Sodas own Ice Cream om Fraternities and Main Phone 166 I1 1U WHO ttNI U, R- I, AT GENEVA CONFRENCE (By Helen Middleswart) Few women students at Michigan realize the "who", "why", and: "where- fore" of the college Y. W. C. A. camp, which 12 girls from Michigan will at- tend this summer. The camp is made J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST 113 SOUTH MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR CHOP SUET Excellent CHOP SPEY from 11:80 a. m. to midnight Steaks and Chops 314 8. State BIG CLEARANCE SALE OF f MILLINERY Ule ms/lter aldrP/l eInd A man is judged by the pencil he keeps. A well-sharpened Dixon' Eldorado is a friend to be proud of. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. Pencil Dept. Jersey City, N. J. Canasdian Distebut-r A. R. )IacJ~nu~ail & Co., Lt. To'roODto O * 0- 7LEADS / or"f.'.unce- - Br' s e / lU AND WOMEN BROWN' 'OUR up of girls from all over the country, and, although the number of girls de- siring admittance is almost unlimit- ed, only 700 are to be taken. The camp is situated on Lake Gen- eva, Wis., which, because of its great beauty, and similarity -to the original has been called the "second sea of Gallilee." From one day's end to an- other during the whole two weeks the girls are engaged in something excit-1 ing and worth while. There are Bible Study classes under some of the most eminent authorities in the country, and, prosaic as this may sound, the classes thsemselves are anything but commonplace. Forum Each Day One feature, which has been found successful in other camps, is being initiated here this year; it is the idea of having a forum for an hour each day; at this time the girls discuss all, problems relating to their college life, randits connection with the wider world movements. I The recreations are planned by the girls themselves with the help of a trained recreation leader. A moon- light trip around the lake by steamer, aquatic sports, intercollegiate base- ball and basket ball games, rowing, canoeing, tramps through the woods, and a trip to the Yerkes Observatory are a few of the things that make this camp life so crammed with experi- ence. Eight girls occupy one tent or cottage, and all of them eat in a com- mon dining-room. Here they sing their school songs and give their yells. This year, a oving cup is to be given to the college having the best Geneva song. 17, STEVE NS PERSHIN, 618 Packard Street - near & G State Does a Small Watch Really Keep Accurate Time? I/ V l I CLOTHING STRAWS= ARE HERE ALL STYLES ALL SIZES ALL SHAPES thing in the line of cloth- the highest cash prices. LOWEST PRICES +i1. ing the wagon to Jress. I It was not so very long ago that the clumsy, old-fashioned watches which our grandfathers carried were regarded 'as the 'only accurate timekeepers. Thin watches were looked upon with suspicion-wrist watches were regarded merely as ornaments. All this has changed. Nowadays our sales are limited al- most entirely to the thin models. It has been proved be- yond any doubt that the thini watches-and even the tiny wrist watches-are just as accurate as their more cum- bersome ancestors. You will, be interested, particularly, in our showing of Gruen Verlthin and Gruen Wrist Watches. . The makers of these watches-the famous Gruen Guild of Craftsmen --are largely responsible for the development of the ac- curate thin watch. Accuracy and exceptional beauty are features of every Gruen Watch. We most cordially invite you to come in and inspect this season's showing of Gruen Watches. m m VARSITY 0 TOGGERY SHOP' Telephone 601 f Court House) venings 'til 9 o'clock Lwv Copy at Quarry1: and. the D4t 11 I1 I S N n Hill and Greene the Michigan Union, a for Rhetoric. Finder 1509-J, Jones, or place case No. 441 West Hall. n Ferry Field and East et, carved green gold rystal of square wrist ard. Call 627. Room vicinity of Hill, Church , last Friday night, a omb set with blue bril- ard. Call 390. in Pin set with pearls, 'ifth Ave., Main St. and Return to Daily of- 1... g Slide Rule in Engin- morning of June 1st. o. Liprcomb. Reward. im spectacles in case, ry Field and Campus. 2371-W. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Student furniture. Oak desks, swivel chairs, cotbeds, chif- fonieres, dressers, green shades, 40 watt lamps, one desk, lamps, bed- ding, also very fine piano made by the old Heintzman Co., Toronto. Call mornings at 110 N. Ingalls St.- FOR SALE-No. Typewriter, $12. Typewriter, $50. 5 Blickersderfer New Fox Portable Also army cot. Phone Marston 2236-3 evenings. 609 Monroe, St. FOR SALE-Hart Schaffner and Marx Tropicrash summer suit; size 37; worn very little. Very reasonable. Call at 533 Church St. afternoon or evening. FOR SALE-"C" melody Conn Saxa- phone. Recently overhauled, first class condition. Price $50.00. Call Shaw 746-R or 009 Oakland. FOR SALE-3 H. P. canvas coVered motor boat. As light as a canoe. Engine weighs only 60 lbs. Phone 13. FOR SALE-Spencer Microscope; per-1 fect condition. Complete without oil emersion. $65_ Call 1808-M I Athena Elects Next Year's Officers Election of officers for the semester, '20, was the business of the final meet- ing of Athena literary society Tues- day night. Elections were as follows: president, Beata Hasley, '22; vice-pres- ident, Euphemia Carnahan, '22; secre- tary, Margaret Simonson, '22;treas- urer, Gladys Boughton, '22; oratorical' delegate, Martha Shepard, '22. FOUND FOUND - A first class Boarding House. Didja ever eat any of Ma Failings good grub? If you have you'll be interested. She's goin' to move to 714 Monroe St. Board $6.50 per week. FOUND - Plaid silk sash; corner Church and S. University. Call P. I. E., 2576-J. WANTED WANTED-Men with sales experience and ability to sell electric cleaners, washers, etc., in Sandusky, Ohio, and vicinity, during the summer or all year round, as you wish. Salary and commission. I will interview applicants June 4th and 5th at 427 Thompson St. Phone 1564-J, H. H. Squire, Jr., of Squire Electric Com- pany. WANTED-Three or four. solicitors for subscriptions to the Wolverine, to work during commencement week. Ten (10) pericent commission. Ad- dress, Wolverine, care of Daily'. State experience. WANTED-Newsboys to sell Michigan Daily Extras after track meet Sat- urday afternoon. Ask for Joyce at Daily office between 1 and 2 or 5 and 6 Thursday or from 2 to 3 Fri- day. WANTED-Two ladies want a suite of rooms or one room with two beds. Preferably near State and Liberty streets. Must be clean. Phone 2278-W. 610 E. Liberty St. WANTEP-Would like to rent house about July 1st or later within walk- ing distance of University. Write, Mrs. Corbett, 630 S. Weadock, Sag- inaw. WANTED-Some typewriting done. Will pay ten cents per page; two. cents additional for carbon copy. Paper furnished. Box E..F. WANTED-First class cook for next fall in fraternity with about twenty- six men. Must have references. Phone 1016. WANTED-To rent, garage for sum- mer near South University and Church Street. Phone 2109. WANTED-Barber; steady; must be first class. 108 E. Washington. i t. - 1107 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. I HALLER & FULLER STATE STREET JEWELERS I The Ideal Shoe ti i for sport wear is an oxford in white reignskin cloth and brown leather. This is a broad statement to make but you will have to admit the truth when you see this shoe. Of white reignskin cloth, finely woven to simulate kid with wing tip and heel of brown leather, this shoe is simply irresistible. The heel is mod- erately low, just what you want for a sport shoe and the popular ,shortened vamp is in evidence. In addition to the real beauty of this oxford the extremely low price is an at- traction. You may choose this shoe at Mail Orders Phone Orders Promptly Filled Promptly Fill( Established 1857 1, Il I $10.50 rice suites for in- i 1 1117Vl.v.%UiLVOII opus. Telephone1 'FOR SALE-Underwood typewriter. Standard type 12 inch carriage. Call rrm #131.,- uJErI W A CAL DRAFTSMAN wanted. e general knowledge of me-t building equipment such asj FOR SALE-Small oak case Victrola, $15.00. Call 1114-W. WANTED WANTED-To rent for next year, six room house or apartment. Location South or East of campus. Thoroly modern. Phone 1523. , We can show you white shoes in pumps, oxfords, high and military heel, and three eyelet ties with military heel. . We also carry a full line of dressings for white shoes. vator, and sewer lent position. Apply ar Company, Flint, struction Engineer. LL DRAFTSMAN have general knowl- ng construction, in- rced concrete, struc- 11 construction, etc. [otor Car Company, Shoe Department-Main Floor I WANTED-To engage 50 students for vacation work. Apply in person after 5 p. m. City "Y". George B. Wilson. WANTED-Club of upperclassmen to board for next summer school year. Box E. G., care Michigan Daily. I I