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June 03, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-06-03

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Plan To Provide Upperclassmen
As flentors For Class Of 1920


Secretaries of the diifferent schools
and colleges are to receive two tickets
to the Commencement day exercises
for every senior to graduate in June.
They will be given out on the basis
of two to each senior at the time an-
nodnced by Registrar Arthur G. Hall.
Speaking of the limited number al-
lowed to each senior, Registrar Hall
said: "About 1200 Seniors comprise
the , graduating class thisiyear. The
I' capacity of HiIk auditorium is 4800.
IS Allowing two tickets to each senior
and with the 1200 seniors themselves,
nd this makes 3600 without any outsid-
ers. Then there are only 1200 seats
left for alumni, special guests and the
general public.
It is evident that the ruling is not
al arbitrary but a necessity and cannot
al be evaded.

Undertaking a new departure in stu-
dent welfare work, a committee com-
posed of officers of the Michigan Un-
ion, of which Albert C. Jacobs, '21, is
general chairman, is rapidly complet-
ing plans for the inauguration of a
mentor system for members of the in-
coming freshman class:
That there is great need for the
immediate adoption of this plan is
strongly emphasized by Jacobs, who
gives the following explanation of its
purpose and the things which they
hope to acco nplish.
Freshmen Enthusiastic
"Freshmen, upon first entering the
University, are usually filled with en-
thusiasm, and are eagerly willing to
do their part in Michigan activities.
This spirit, however, is soon damp-
ened, due to the fact that after the
first few days of the semester, they,
are left to themselves by upperclass-

men, and find it is a difficult matter.
to make their own acquaintances. The
result of. this appargnt lack of inter-
est on the part of the older students
is felt'later, when these men, neglect-
ed At their first year, see no reason
to render service to the University if
called upon to do so."
To prevent any further recurrence
of such conditions, the mentor sys-
tem, which provides for the appoint-
ment of one upperclassmen as mentor
for two or three first-year men, is/to
be established next fall. It is essen-
tial to the success of the movement,
'says Jacobs, that at least 250 respon-
sible upperclassmen signify! their wil-
lingness to act in the capacity of "big
brothers" to the new men.
Sectional clubs and honorary socie-
ties have already been requested to
report 'to the committee the names of
all men who will be upperclassmen
next year, whom they can recommend'
for these positions.
To Canvass Fraternities
A committee ,f six fraternity men,
Guy Moulthrop, '22, John Winters, '22,
James Kennedy, '21, ,rack Reilly; '21E,
Charles E. Eades, '22, and Charles At-
kinson, '22, has been chosen to can-
vass all fraternities and house clubs
on the campus, to secure the names
of upperclassmen to aid in this work."
A meeting of independents will be
held at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the
Union. The number of the room has
not yet been chosen, butwill be post-
ed on the bulletin board in the lobby.
,With the opening of the fall semes-
ter, the 250 men chosen'will have un-
der their guidance 600 men'of the class :
of 1924. After careful consideration, I
it was decided not to attempt to pro-
vide mentors for the entire class, as
it was deemed unwise to start a new
plan on a too large scale. If, however,

L thThe interfraternfityconference of
a the University, of Michigan will be
a represented at the convention of con-
le ferences to be held at. Madison, Wis.
under the auspices of the University
of Wisconsin, Saturday and Sunday,
June 5 and 6. This was decided at the
meeting of the conference held last
s night at the Union. Robert E. Mc-
b- Kean, '21,, and Donald K. Mirrielees
n '20E, were chosen as representatives.
o The delegates were instructed to in-
vite the various conferences to Ann
e Arbor for a similar. convention some
e, time next year, the time to be decided
o later, by the conference.
n. The petitions of Phi Sigma Delta
1- and iHermitage, for admittance to the
1- conference were accepted, and these
)f fraternities will take their places in
1- the conference at the first meeting next


First Edition Planned To Take
Of Usual Souvenir
! ogram



It was suggested that the various.
fraternities in the conference have
Alumni day, at the time of one of the
big football games next fall. It was
Y pointed out that in this way the var-
ious fraternities couli become better
acquainted with their alumni, and
might aid the athletic situation at
some future time. The president of
the conference endorsed this sugges-
tion and urged that the various fra-
ternities make arrangements for the
day for next fall.
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, which was
to have held the presidency for next
year, asked to be allowed to drop its
position for one year. The request
s was granted, and therefore the other
fraternities move up one notch in the
officers jor next year are as fol-
lows: President, Alpha Tau Omega,
P. S. Nertney, '21L; seeretary, Phi
d Kappa Psi, G. L. Rourke, '21; treas-
_ urer, Phi Kappa Sigma, G. C. Dunn,
'21. The officers named will take their
i offices immediately, and will assume
e full responsibility'with the opening of
the conference next fall.
The report of the banquet commit-
tee, stating that the banquet held a
short time ago, netted the treasury $1,
1 was accepted. The report of the treas-
urer on the financial standing of the
1 conference was also accepted.
The meeting was the final one, for
the year. Activities will be resumed
with the first meeting next fall, which
will be held early in October.
Information on Scholarships Available
Information concerning 'the Rhodes
scholarships may now be secured at
the office of the Graduate school. Stu-
dents interested are asked to confer at
once wtih Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, chair-

Two special editions will be issued
_ by The Daily for the Western Con-
ference meet to be held here this
week-end. The first one, the roto-
1 gravure edition, will make its appear-J
ance early Friday afternoon in time
for the preliminaries of the meet,
which will be run off that day.
Containing a story of the meet and
a summary of the different events, an
extra will be published for street sale
within a few minutes after the relay
race has been run and the Coference
title decided. A special wire from the
press box on Ferry field to The Daily
wire has been leased to afford The,
Daily quick communication between
the two places.
In the sporting extra will be many
stories on individual men entered in
the Western classic and an account
of the numerous stars that have been
listed in the entries. The success in
publishing football extras insures that
the paper will be on the street for sale
within a few Miinutes after the term-
ination of the contest.
Only pictures with a few lines of
reading under each cut will be con-
tained in the rotogravure edition,
which is billed to appear Friday after-
noon. A ,large sale of these papers is
expected, as no souvenir program is
being issued.
The number of copies printed will
be limited to 3,000, 750 of which have
been contracted for by the alumni
association of Detroit to send through-
out the country to various high
. Only a few of the Eastern univer-,
sities have had rotogravure editions
and this issue of The Daily marks a
distinct advancement in this line.
Using picures - of athletes from 12
different schools, The Daily edition
will contain not only more pictures
and more pages but also a greater
Only a 'little advertising has been
taken for the publication, it beingf
deemed advisable to keep the paper1
strictly pictorial. The late entry of af
number of schools has necessitated
their, pictures being left out; some
universities even had not available
pictures Nr cuts of their track men.

the system should prove successful
next fall, it will be extended so as to
have upperclassmen. for every fresh-
man of the class entering the follow-
ing year.,
Although similar methods have been
instituted in the smaller colleges,
Michigan is'among the first of the
larger American universities to adopt
the mentor system.
All of the student organizations as
well ias all faculty committees will be
functioning at the Engineering sum-
mer session this year, according to
Prof. J. C. Parker, chairman of the
executive committee of the.. summer
i Effort is being made to retain the
more experienced instructors for this
year's session, and it is'hoped by the
men in charge that students will avail
themselves of the opportunity to put.
in a good full eight weeks work, for
Professor Parker says that "it is im-
possible .to get more instructors, and
that next year both class rooms and
laboratories will be overcrowded."
Small' Classes An Advantage
The small classes of summer school
in addition to an unusually strong fac-
ulty will make ,it of decided advant-
age to the student to attend, in the
opinion of the executive committee.
Material interest has been exhib-
ited by students of other universities
in the summer session of the engin-
eers this year, and all possible ef-
forts are being made to install Ithosel
courses which are in demand, althoughI
they may not be listedk in the catalog.
Professors. Parker, Emswiler and
Hopkins are the executive committee
for this year.'

As a result of the Michigan Student
Nurse Recruiting campaign carried
on last week, 350 applications have
been received by the Central Recruit- FO
ing office at Lansing.
While the most intensive campaign ,
ha's been completed, the work will -
continue through the summer. Speech- R. J. DtINNE, 22, PUT IN CHA]
es will be made by graduate nurses OF SOPH DISCIPLINARY
in clubs, schools and churches. High COMMITTEE
schools have already been , reached
through the agency of the committee LITS AND ENGINEERS
in charge of publicity.NAMEDAS ASSISTAN
Additional information concerning NS
the course of instruction necessary,
and, the prerequisites of the trainling Crl Johnson, '20, Retiring Presid
school may be received from Miss Given.Rising Vote pf Thanks
Mary 0. Walsh, Superintendent of For Services
Nurses at the University hospital and
chairman of the .committee in Wash- At the last meeting of the year I
tenaw county,.tyesterday evening at the' Union,
Student council ended its activi
until next fall and laid plans for
tinuing its work after the vacatio:
ELECTS O FCUpon the recommendation of
Year's council cmmittee on ,un
years sohmore committee for
Kingsford, '21, Chosen Interscholastic matter were appointed,. and Rober
Manager; iPorter, '21, Baseball Dunne, '22, was named by the p
/ Manager. dent of the council to take charge
all disciplinary matters. Dunne1
FUTURE AWARD FOR OFFICIALS called a meeting o his 32assist
TO BE "2" ON BLUE SWEATER for. Friday evening at the Un
/ These men are:
Baseball and inter-scholastic man- Eigineers-Paul cuoebel, Frail
agers and assistant managers were Cappon, Edward Johns, Richard li
appointed at a meetinig of the Athletic land, Leland Kirkpatrick, Charles.:
board of directors held yesterday af- Ellren, George Tramp, Robert Coo
ternoon. Edward S. Kingsford, '21, Rex Reason, Humphrey Rhones, E
was chosen inter-scholastic manager ace .Wachter; lits-George Pla
with Jashua Bacon, 22, Milton J. Sall- Ellis Hunt, Herbert Dunphy, D
wasser, '22, Edmund H. Fox, '22E, and Paper, William Van Orden, Carl Sm
Frank Losch, '22E, as assistants. Don- Grenville Andrews, Victor Met
ald J. Porter, '21, was made baseball John Sutton, Theodore Banks, Ha
manager and F. M. Smith, '22, Hugh ton Cochran, William Stirling, 04
E. Wilson, '02, Allen B. Sunderland, idge Kieis, Benjamin Burbridge,
'22, and Cla nce Hatch, '22, were iam Christie, Thorne Brown, Art
elected assistants. Redner, Robert Whitlock;' dent
(See Number 1, Page Six) Henry Anderson, Oscar Anders
pharmic-John Searle.
LIIHT AND ROWEirnAdditional members of this c
mittee will be named in the fall
the class 'of '23.
rafilu ErN The report of the committee
charge of the campaign to open 1
auditorium to political speak
(By F., W. O.) showed that the Regers refused
Seniors in cap and gown, with take the desired action because s
brightly lighted lanterns, forming the eral "Liberals" 'on the campus '
block M, juniors in double file hold- presaited a petition couched'in Si
ing flower covered hoops through language that it created a feeling
which the seniors, had passed, sopho- hostility on the part of the Rege
mores on the one side waiting to re- It was decided that the camp
ceive the hoops, and freshmen on the would be continued next year.
other ready to take up their duties Johnson Given Rising Vote
as sophomores-this is the picture of Carl Johnson, '20, the retiring pr
Lantein night, Michigan women's an- ident, expressed his appreciation
nual celebration of the passing of the the support he has received dur
seniois and the progression of the the past year, and the council g
lower classes. him a standing vote of thanks for
The festivities commenced with a services.
may pole dance and the lantern cere- Cap. night an spring games cc
mony followd. A string orchestra mittees reported expenses of $4
pAayed University airs during the and $63.11 respectively.
arching, and class and college songs The All-campus election commit
were sung. Field day scheduled for reported its recount and rcomme
the afternoon was not completed on ed a class election to.settle the tie
account of the rain; and the number Student councilman from the jun
of picnic parties was likewise deplet- lit class.
d for that reason. Three newly elected members
the council were swoniRn
The senior-freshman ball game trn in, Ren
brought a score of 13-2 in favor of '23. Sherwood, '22, John Cary, '22L, s
rennis chaipions for the different Howard Battin, '21E.
lasses are Lucy Huffman, '20, Katrina
3chermerhorn, '21, Teckla "Rese, '22,
nd Rose Horwitz, '23. The sopho- NOTICE
nore-freshman contest resulted in a
rictory for the freshman, champion. Each senior should make ap-

Neither the junior-senior game nor lication to the secretary of his
the final was played. school or college between June
Field day awards for activities in 7 and 18 for Commencement day
the Women's athletic association were tickets ,for his immediate rela-
as follows: the sweater, Lucy Huff- tives, not exceeding two. These
man, '20, 102 points; the pin, Katrina tickets will be given out by the
Schermerhorn, '21, 61 points; arm school or .ollege secretary on
>ands, Eleanor Stephenson, '21, 3 Monday, June 21, in accordance
>oints; Marion Koch, '23, 45 points; with these applications and this
tuth Jennings, '20, 31 points; Grace limitation.
indshawi '21E, 33 points; Leta (Signed) ARTHUR G. HALL,
larke, '22, 31 points; Evelyn Cady, Registrar.
23, 40 points.

map of the University committee of . The price of this souvenir rotogra-
selection. An appointment for 1921 is vure edition, which will come out Fri-
to be made during the coming sum--- day afternoon, has been set at 10
mer. 'Icents.

Glee and Mandolin Club,



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