AND COOLER TODA'Y I Ap41 r1t 5k i DAY ANI S" I IYW IYmII YYYI iYIYIYIIM1YIYWWYWWIMY WYIYAYY VOL. XXX. No. 18. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1919. *FPR 5,000 At Convocation Exercises; Cardinal Mercier Here Monday; Regents Decree Minimum .. DA EFNEOther Universities URGE LOYM emorials To A Sentiment seems to run strong S among the larger schools and univer- T 0O"tEsities of the country for some sort of fitting memorial for those who paid E AEE thesupreme sacrifice in the great FACULTY MEMBERSAE AT war. Various plans have been dis- COMED BYPACN 1 NT AT cussed, tablets erected, and in some CONVOCATION instances, buildings dedicated to then soldier dead. aECORD ATTENDANCE In the larger number of cases, deft- AT ANNUAL EVENT nite action has not been taken, await- ing, in many instances, ample funds Musical Part oa Program Furnished or a big meeting of alumni and "u- by Earl V. Moore and William dent body to inaugurate a campaign Wheeler for a suitable memorial. Iowa to Build Union Fie thousand members of the Uni- The state university of Iowa is versity j'l4ned in singing "America" planning a $1,000,000 "Memorial Friday afternoon in Hill auditorium Union" to be erected in the memory of at the clese of the most largely at- the university's soldier dead. Both tended Convocation in Michigan's alumni and student 'body will take history. Favorable weather condi- part in the drive for funds. tions and campus interest in the event A similar memorial is under con- combined to make it a success: sideration at the University of Wis- President Opens ooeting consin. At the present time a Union President Harry B. Hutchins, ia his is located there but, not in a building introductory address, welcomed the of its own and it is the hope and am- students to "a great family gather- bition of the alumni and students to lig," and especially welcomed those eventually have a Union which shall who entered the University this fall own its own building and which shall for the fist time, and the new fac- be a permanent memorial. tilty members. At the University of Cincinnati in- Tsn thousand Michigan students and terest has centered in the proposi- "uamal W* serylesin the great world tion to build modern and well equip- crisis," le said. "Two hundred of them made the supreme sacrifice. All honor to tbose iNho served and te those IwE served and died i the PE 'great cnause., "I need not say," rMe continued, "that with the battle DI arms won we now a a e icepr sĀ°blem uite as serious as , tho'se of the great world criis, and Coaches of Two Football Aggregatiob it is the educated men and women who Tell Prospects for will have to help in the solution ot Victory these problems." Dean Strekees Ideals Dean J. R. El nger, of the literary REPRESETNTATIVE ALUMNI TALK college, was iutroducd as c nvoca- AT INITIAL GET TOGETHER tio speaker by the President. He- urged students to lay stress upon the Detroit, Oct. 17.-For the first tim ideals of fair play, hard work, de- in the history of the two schools Mich. mocracy, and loyalty which the Uni- Igan and M. A. C. alumni got togethe v"In our loyalty to observance of for a joint meeting tonight. More than merely incidental customs," he said, a thousand alumni of both schools, "we often lose sight of the true bal- with Michigan high in the majority, ance of things. We shall know that were at the gathering. this balance has been restored when Two Coaches Talk sophomores are as cohcerned over Major Edwin Denby of Michigan, poor scholarship among freshmen as they are now when the grey cap fails acted as toastmaster of the affair. Both to come off at the word of command. Yost of Michigan nd Coach Brewer of "In the. war," he continued, "ydX 1. A. C., "Ed." Shields, and Frank all reached some high point of de- Eaman, Michigan alumni, were the votion and loyalty, which made a deep speakers. Coach Yost reviewed the iapression on you and left you ready 1919 football prospects and spoke of for higher things. Some of you laid the handicap caused by the ineligibil- aside the uniform but yesterday. ity of many men. He briefly outlined Some came through the great ex- the team's prospects. He also told perience unscathed, some bear the of his own method of coaching in pr' marks of service. The stern reality paring for the big game. of experience sets you apart as a new Brewer Voices Determination generation of Michigan students. You w Coach Brewer followed Yost and are ready for new and greater t'ings declared that he would give them all Shall not this loyalty and 'eagerness he had. He did not speak concretely for service find an outlet?" of his own team. Denby spoke of the Tells Greek Oath time when he was in the University Dean Effinger urged earnest prepa- and spoke of the /Cornell game In ration for future service. He quoted 1896. Eaman urged the men to take as an ideal which might be adaptable more interest in the University. Fred' to the youth of today the old Athen- Lawton was also there. He led the ia1 oath, in which the young Greek cheering and instilled a great deal of promised to give service to his na- pep. Enthusiasm ran high. tion, to be brave in battle, to obey . Rivalry Declared .Benefit and uphold the law. Cuthbert and Sparks led cheering "What we need is an insistence up- for Michigan. M. A. C. also had a (Continued on Page Eight) ;heer-leader. Eaman said in one of his speeches "In the 20 years that I IMPORTANT MEETING OF UNION Have been out of Michigan I ha've nev- DIRECTORS THIS MORNING sr seen a moment when the Regents -- r faculty and alumni did not stand The board of directors of the Union behind the University to the fullest ex, will meet at 11:30 o'clock Saturday -ent of their ability." morning at the Union to discuss mat- Shields spoke of the great rivalry ters of policy for the coming year. A between Michigan and M. A. C., char- new medical vice-president will bC -cterizing it as a great thing for the elected and dramatic matters of im htate to have two such prominent in- portance and the opera will be con. '.itutions working together within the Plan Elaborate Fallen War Heroes ped dormitories for the men. It is de- sired to raise $150,000 for this pur- pose. Princeton Completes Nassau Hall Also along the line of dedicating a building or part of one in remem- brance of their lost students,-Prince- ton university has almost completed the alteration of the eitranc to Nas- sau hall. Inlaid in the walls are mar- ble tablets on which will be inscrib- ed the names of all men who have left the university for war service Grinnell college is following out an inovation along this line, but one which has been applied before in the idea of giving scholarships in the name of some member of a class who "went West." Scholarships Endowed The same idea has been adopted at the University of Toronto, where a campai'gn is soon to begin with a goal of $500,00, to be expended in memorial work $126,00; will be de- voted to a physical memorial, while the remaining $325,000 will be divid- .d into scholarships. At the beginning of the centennial at the University of Indiana, the 'Masque for Soldiers killed in the Great War" was read by Its' author, Mr. Chauncey M. Langdon, to the as- sembled student body. WA, WHITE TELLS OAF TREMTYMKING Auther Consders Treaty Drafting Greatest Event Since Cruel-; fixion DECLARES JAPS CLEVEREST DIPLOMATS AT CONFERENCE William Allen White's presentation of facts, opinions and humorous stor- les in his leeture, "What a Reporter Saw at the Peace Conference," brought the work and the problems of the conference to his audience in a de- lightfully personal way last night in Hill auditorium. His character sketch- es of the prominent men were ex- cA'ptionally enjoyable. % European Statesmen Material According to Mr. White. the Amer- ican commission went to France with the desire to'express victory in terms of ideals and were greatly distressed to find the materialisl of the Euro- pean statesmen. The first shock which the newspaper men 'encountered was when it was announced that the con- ferenve was to be closed. This caused the newspaper men to make such a vigorous protest that some concessions were made,'but they were merely technical. However, Mr. White thinks that a good precedent was established which will be follow- ed by the league of nations. "And I have no doubt but that there will be a league," Mr. White added. The pre- sent covenant in Mr. White's opinion is the American translation of the British draft. Mr. White considers the peace con- terence and the drafting of the treaty the greatest event which has occurred since the Crucifixion, and, while he is not a Wilson man personally, he gives President Wilson all due credit for the work that he did. O Weak Helpers In speaking of the rest of the Amer- ican commission, Mr. White said that none of them were strong men. Mr. White gave a very entertaining account of the debate over the ques- tion whether there should be one or two documents. While the President was in America the American com- mission signed sealed and delivered (Continued on Page Eight) BELGIAN PRELAE WILL SPEAK I HILL AUITORIUM MERCIER KNOWN AS "FI4HTING CARDINAL" FOR DEFIANCE OF HUNS CARDINAL KNOWN FOR EDUCATIONAL WORK Churclman Holds High Regard for American Educational System , Cardinal Mercier will speak to the students of the University at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon in Hill auditorium. It was announced at the close of the Convocation exercises that the Belgian prelate would come to 'Ann Arbor from Detroit at noon Monday. He will make the trip from Detroit by motor, and while in Ann Arbor will be the guest of Father Burke. Unable to Come Friday The regents of the University made an attempt to get Cardinal Mercier here for the Convocation exercises, but due to other engagements he was unable to accept the ivnitation. Car- dinal Mercier has been a visitor at several universities in the United States, and has shown an apprecia- tion of the educational system that has won the heart of all scholars with whom he has come in contact. Former Educator Before becoming a Cardinal of the 'church he was an accomplished teach? er and has had a profound influence on Belgian education. Cardinal Mercier has shown his high regard for American universities by his sincere and simple expres- sions of thanks at the several hon- ors that have been conferred upon him by various universities. MINERS ANDOPERATORS TO RE-CONVENE TUESDAY Washington, Oct. 17.-Failing after an all day conference to avert a strike of nearly half a million coal miners, called on the very eve of winter, Sec- retary of Labor 'Wilson tonight invited miners and operators to send their ,full scale committee to Washington next Tuesday when another effort to bring about peace in the industry will be made. Invitation Accepted Both sides accepted the invitation. This did not offer any great hope, how- ever, for representatives of the oper- ators stood firm in their deteymination not to negotiate any demand for a sir- hour day and not to deal with the un- ion unless the strike set for Nov. 1 was called off. John L. Lewis, acting president of the United Mine Workers of America, whose word probably would swing the union one way or the other, showed that he was laboring under a terrible strain when he left the three-corner- ed meeting. , "Reconvention Useless" Speaking to a group of reporters, he said he had told Secretary Wilson that the 32 members of his wage scale committee would be here Tuesday to meet an equal number on the other side but that it would be useless to re-convene the joint interstate wage conference unless the operators changed their stone wall attitude and indicated their willingness to frame another agreement. Thomas T. Brewster, representing the coal operators, hurried away from the secretary's office and refused to talk but later sent word to Mr. Wilson that his scale committee would be on hand for the joint meeting. FLAG-STAFF TO BE DEDICATED TODAY Those attending the game this aft- ernoon will have the opportunity of ,witnessing an impressive ceremony, ,when the new ' memorial flag-staff will be dedicated. President Harry B. Hutchins will inaugurate the memorial in service to the University's dead by raising the Stars and Stripes above the Maize and Blue while those in the stands show tribute by uncovered heads. Promptly at 2:15 o'clock the Var sity band will enter the field, going to the west end; and then returning to face the flag-staff. The flags will then be raised during the playing of an appropriate selection. FARRAR STAR OF PROGRAIM TONIG6HT Noted Sprano to Sing S'electon from Celebrated Opera "Mdame 3utterfly" ARTHUR HACKETT AND ROSITA -, RENARD. WILL ALSO APPEAR Under the management of C. A. El- lis, the Boston impressariofi Geraldine Farrar, Rosita Renard, and Arthur Hackett, will open the Ann Arbor con- cert season at 8 o'clock this evening in Hill auditorium, in a brilliant pro- .gratp replete with the works of the best known composers of both the old and the new schools. To Sing "Madame Butterfly" Miss Farrar will sing Puccini's aria, "Un Bel Di," from Madame Butterfy one of the favorite operas in her repertoire. Arthur Hackett will be remembered as one of the stars of last season's May Festival. He has recently been made a member of the Metropolitan Opera company. Mr. Hackett cones of a singing family, his two brothers possesing tenor voices that are receiv- ing more than passing comment in the musical circles of the east. T'hey have all studied with Arthur Hubbard of Boston. Renard New Pianist Rosita Renard is practically a new pianist to North Americans. She comes from Santiago, Chile. She com- pleted her musical education in Europe and made her debut in the principal South American cities. Miss Renard is scheduled to give forty concerts this season including apperances with the Chicago Symphony orchestra the Bos-. ton symphony and many other import- ant orchestras. Delegates to the newspaper men's convention will be the guests of the University Musical society at the con- cert. Seats will be arranged on the stage. :editors Plan To Come Every Year State editors will organize this morning in order that plans may be made for coming to the University every year. The second day of the newspaper- men's convention opened with a ser- ies of speeches at 9 o'clock Friday morning in the Union. The meeting was opened by an ad- dress by Paul Scott Mowrer former manging editor of The Michigan Daily and, since his gradution, Paris corres- pondent for the Chicago News. Mr. Mowrer has handled the big forejgn news for several years, having cover- ed the Balkan trouble, the Great War, and the peace conference. The second speaker was Arthur W. Stace managing editor of the Grand Rapids. Press. His topic was "What a Cub Ought to Know." "A young (ntineAi om Par* iaht) IINCREASE TO' RAISE EXPE PROVIDE oi soOfT O I N S T I Growing R Grounds Con That no instructor sity, devoting his wh structional work, shal ary less than $1,500 E decision of the Board the meeting Friday. adopted on this point $1,500 to Be M Resolved-That cox the present college yi be the minimum annu paid to instructors in the whole of whose to instructional work sity, the question as time tobe left to the the deans of schools a the heads of departu pose of this resolution, versity." New Buildings G Growing requirement buildings and departme facilities and space we the Buildings and Grou and to the special .co cerned. Among the depa need more room are tb the Health service, an try department. A resolution was p the University of Paris a bronze medal commen igan's part in the wat-, this will be transmitt care, president of that Contributors TI Thanks were extende of Detroit men and otl contributed the funds gan's share in the uj American academy at R 1dwln Denby, D. M. Charles L. Freer (dec Gray, J. C. Hutchins, Lightnei, W. H. Mur Russel, Miss Mary Tur troit, and A. C. Bloom R. W. Hemphill, Jr., Yp Moore, Washington, D estate of William Savaj Dr. Hugh Cabot, ne' department of Surger: permission temporarily residence on the campt cupied by President E B Angell, since, whoss has been unused. Dr granted this permissio was unable to secure a for himself and family The Regents authoriz of a new in.;tructor in of additi-al clerks a se'vice and the Registi Provision was ma (Continued on Pa TWO POSITIONS AS'1 OPEN TO UNDI Of the 105 Choral union co: torium this year returned men w preference, upper