4 .\~ d. i ... r. o . . .. . .. . ,, ., _ '" _ r ,_...,.y_ . , _._ , - -- -K- ,' fraternity which succeeds in placing the most men. The coming meet will decide finally who will have the large Intramurar cup. All teams will receive 25 honor points for entering and those who en- ter over six men will receive 50 honor iver- points. Tennis Tourney Wrings Out Stars TES start' In interclass tennis Bernie Shirk, ence '21E, and champion of his class, de- rday, feated White, '20E, champion of his ys It class, 7-5, 6-3. The game was hard It to fought, but went to the better per- gthe former. Shirk is slated to meet San- y re- chez, '23E, for the championship of ty of the engineering college. Seymour, '23, ahead walloped Christe to the tune of 6-1, vhich 6-1, in an easy manner. a the The schedule of games for tomor- stra- stern row's tennis games are as follows: rnia. Bassett, '21, vs. Hess, '21; Sanchez, i Le- '23E, vs. Shirk, '21E; Gregory, '23, vs. Bears Kolb; '22; Zemon, vs. Lance, '23; Bur- more ley, '20, plays the winner of the Bas- sett-Hess go, while Seymour engages the winner, of the Zemon-Lance match. alded With the drawing to a close of the and most interesting and best played cam- aking pus tennis tournament that has been over seen on 1lichigan tennis courts tort onds, years, it is no wonder that the Maize State and Blue are so well represented in nark- the court game. Material has been un- covered in this tournament that will. ' who undoubtedly ai4 greatly competition ,h the in tennis meets to come. SENIOR AND SOPH4 ENGINEERS PLAY The soph engineers will meet at 4 o'clock today the senior engineers forI a chance at second place in the inter- class baseball league. The winners wilt meet the soph lits in the second place finals. The dents won an un- disputed title to the campus champion- ship last week by defeating the soph lits. O'Hara of the dent pitching was the big factor in the victory. The '22 lit team still possesses a number of highly capable players and will make a strong bid for second place. Inter- est in these games has given baseball a leading position among intramural sports. FRESI1WAN NET SQUAD WILL REPORT FOR PRACTICE TODAY Members of the freshman tennis team will report for practice at 2 o'clock this afternoon on the Varsity courts. Teams will be picked by Fri- day. To the winners of the first five places numerals will be given. Stev- ens of Fort Wayne, Indiana, winner, of the all-campus tournament last fall is the most promising and rules as favorite, but several other fast men are showing exceptional form and are sure to give Stevens stiff competition. Bornstein is coaching the freshman squad. CORNELL CROSS-COUNTRY TEAM' MAY ENTER MEET IN ENGLAND A plan to take thf Cornell cross- countiry team to England to compete with the Oxford-Cambridge team dur- ing Christmas -vacation this year is at present under consideration by the Cornell faculty. It is announced that. special eligibility rules will have to be enforced, as the men who are to make the trip must be good students. The team would have to sail for Eng- land 10 days or two weeks before the regular vacation begins.. Are you following the big leagues this season? A special wire enables The Daily to print the results every morning.-Adv. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. h f MAY, S M T W T , fir 1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15" 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27I2829 30 31 PAN A M AS Cleaned, Bleached arnd Reblocked into the latest styles, with all new trimmings just like new. We use no acids, pastes or other cheap and injurious cleaners. We do only high-class work. FACTORY HAT STORE Phone 1792. 617 Packard St. Courteous and satisfact TREATMENT to every custo er, whether the account be la or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Oa Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $600,000 Resources, $497509000 Northwest Corner Main & Hiu 707 North Universiy Avent ". Boston For Use "-Makes Jack a Dull Boy!" Jack and. Tom and Harry get to be very dull chaps, indeed, if they believe in all work and no play. Men who want to keep their minds keen and their wits sharp, know that they must play to keep fit for the terrific strain of modern life. If your "prof" is wise he will heartily approve of your play- ing an occasional game of bi- liards, Come in tonight-get a good cue in your hands again-- and see how soon your former' skill comes back to you. HUSTON BROS. Billiards and Bowling, Cigars and Candies. Cigarettes & Pipes. "We try to treat you Right" 1 m - Quarry d rug c o's PRESCRIPTION STORE Corner S State and N. Univ. Phone 308 I I FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS Cousins & Hal Members Florists Telegraph Delivery Phone 115 1002 S. Univ. I) for. T R.A DE AT THE BLVE FRONT CIGAR STORE Corner Stat. a.nd Packard I Student Propwietors t , __.,._._ , r, . p A' L $420 our minimum guarantee You fix the 'maximum for 6o days work Profitabl Positions open to college menin every State -U U'e of fun TDAY I will be the last' his year. It is 4mural depart- meet be as suc- es meet that was The men eligi- fraternity men "M," or an "A. ~y squad. The s and the com- very keen. At noon the finals and- the broad will be run off Inbestigate today Apply 335 Jefferson I. F I. ii You may hunt the world over-but you can- not find a cigarette to take the place of Murado The tobacco in Murad is 100% pure Turkish-and Turkish is the mo8t famous of all tobaccos for cigarettes. It is true that "ordinary" cigarettes cost a trifle less. 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