WEEK 'I 1. . IN R, y -- Majestic-I m Clock Andy." i "The Heart of William Faver- Who Lost Him- uline Frederick Zoom Thirteen." Charles Ray in Arcade-Naz- rt of a Child." Faversham in Himself." Or- lington in "The -Ethel Clayton hian the Male." iedy in "Dollars -Gladys Brock- orence Billing- ; " 1 tocracy, will be shown today, tomor- row, and Tuesday at the Arcade. The heroine of the picture is Sally Snap, a girlof the slums with a talent for dancing. The tragic death of her mother leaves her homeless and forced to earn her own living. By an un- usual train of circumstances she be- comes a model yin a fashionable modiste's shop. There she meets Lord Kidderminster who is attracted by her winsome manner, but who is also sought after by Lady Dorthea Lytham, an ambitious noblewoman. The strug- gle of the two women for the affection of Kidderminster forms the conclusion of the story. Madge Kennedy, who has been no- ticeably absent from Ann Arbor movies for some time, will appear Wednesday and Thursday in "Dollars an Sense"~ at the Arcade. "Dollars and Sense" has been adapted to the screen from the story by Octavus Roy Cohen, popu- h r Saturday Evening Post writer. STARS ENTERlED IN MEET 'ton in Ar./ and 1'4 Wuerth-Gladys Brock- eum - Constance Tal- "The Temperamental'l To be Shown Today, Tomorrow, Tuesday at the Wierth /lajestic-Norma Talmadge in Woman Gives." Wuerth-' Mason in "Love's Harvest." mr-Constance Talmadge in emperamental Wife." -Majestic-Norma Talmadge e Woman Gives.". Wuerth- Mason in "Love's Harvest." m-Geraldine Farrar in "The and Its Woman." MAJESTIC r of those\country boy types les Ray portrays so well is him in "Alarm Clock Andy," own today,, tomorrow, and at the MaIestic. Andy is a stuttering motor truck sales- meets with so little success 'eligiously begins to imitate the blustering, bluffing methods of the firm's star salesman. But even this move adds little to his sales record until he falls is-love with his employ- er's daughter. In pursuing his acquaintance with her he takes a' desperate chance and by a bit of deception effects the sale of several tr'ucks, and brings his romance to a happy outcome. Larry Semon in "School Days," is the accompanying short comedy. "More Deadly 'Than the Male," a, mixture of melodrama and light com- edy featuring Ethel, Clayton, will be presented, Wednesday and Thursday at the Majestic. ARCADE Nazimova in."The Heart of a Child," a picture of the slums of London, Eng- lish theatrical life, and British aris- RARRICK THEATRE'' DETR OIT N - - -I ONSTELL E CO. IIIEED . INTREST IN SWIMM ING CAPA1SLE TEAM DEVEILOPEI) FROM LARDER MBMIER OF . TRYOUL:TS (By Wallace 1F. Elliott). If the interest that has been taken in swimming were to be represented as the mercury in a thermometer at various times of the year it would be found thafin 1919 the temperature was in the neighborhood of zero. The au- tumn of the year would show a gradual rise of the liquid and the winter of this year would show it at summer heat. If results of the past season are; any criterion for future showing it will be necessary to obtain a new ther- mometer, for to say that they have beel gratifying would be to put it, mildly. Following the course of the sport, from the opening' of the present se- mester it wIll be seen that the total number of men who have reported for both Varsity and interclass swimming was somewhere in the region of the 200 mark. From these a Varsity team; of 15 men was selected which would' compare favorably with any team in the Conference. When the ruling pro-, hibiting freshman competition was passed a strong squad still remained. Star Sprint Men. Tommy Robertson, '20, headed the team by his wonderful a'bity in the sprints. Time after time he demon- strated that he could make the best in the Conference go the limit to defeat him. In this he was ably supported by Lewy, '22, who is a swimmer of no small ability. The absence of Robert- son from the team next year would be keenly felt were it not for the fact that in the freshman class there are at least three men who'are his equals. Turning from sprints to distance. swimming we find this year's Varsity represented by Gilmore, '22, and Bab- cock, '22, two men who will both re- turn next year and whose presence on the team will\ greatly strengthen the 1921 aggregation. Gilmore is the su- perior man at present and undoubted- ly one of, the best swimmers in the University, but Babcock's work has been steady and has shown remark- able improvement. / This year's team could show but one really good man in the back stroke. Porter transferred here from North- western where he was a member of the (Continfied from page 1) ;mery the only defeat he has sus- tained this year. Scholz should figure in this event, as well as in the 100-yard dash. With so many individual stars en- tered and with all of them so evenly divided among the various teams, com- petition for honors will be unusually keen. Illinois Chances Strong Illinois has an imposing array of material and only the best of running will keep the Champaign team from winning the outdoor as well as the in- door title. Michigan and Chicago will not be serious contenders unless the two stars, Johnson and Higgins, are able to enter with full strength. The presence of either should make his team a strong competitor for first place, and if both are entered, Illinois, Michigan and Chicago are the favored squads. ker, '21, left that event in the able hands of Broock, '21. Plungers Bood - The Varsity was represented by two good men in the plunge, Adams, '22, and Koch, '22. Their presence on next year's team will be a great aid to a good organizatioit. In the dives White was and is the best man in school and one of the best in the state. His pat- ner, Goldsmith, will graduate, but White will be cavorting about the tank for Michigan's team next year. In the freshman class lie some of the brightest prospects for the future. The high light is Hyde, the University's best all-around swimmer, joint holder of the tank record for the 40-yard free style, and a man who can 'swim back stroke~aal breast stro4e, and dive with equal versatility. Close on the heels of Hyde come Valentine and Dollavo, both sprint men. Valentine's 100-yard mark has not been equalled by any Varsity swimmer, and Dollavo is one of the three holders of the 40-yard mark. I'reshman distance swimmers who are sure to be big helps to Coach Dru- lard next year are Hubard; Searle, Randall, Dunlop, and Levy. Who is the best of the quartet is a difficult question to answer and will be left to future competition to decide. Hanson in the breast stroke, and Myers in the back stroke, are men who can be relied upon to make things interesting next year, 'and Grayson is a fancy . diver who will present some wicked twists in future competition. Other men whose work this year merits comment are Million, '20, who has been plunging consistently; Smith, '23, a man of no little promise in the sprints, and Haidle, '23, who has been one of the hardest workers among the tank men. Coach Volunteers To Coach Elmer Drulard, '20, who volunteered his services all due credit should be given. He has been largely responsible for the success of the sport and, it is to be hoped, will be able to handle next .year's team, an aggrega- tion ofswimmers which promises great things. With the Union pool finished, a work which should be completed in the shortest possible space of time, there is no limit to the field which Michigan swimmers should be able to conquer. Are you a true Michigan Man? If so keep in touch with all the teams, at home and abroad by reading The Daily each morning.-Adv. I", ',Fyoh would know real smok' conte tment, just you smoke Na W D C Pipe full of your favorite t bacco, Then you'li know what a real French briar is, and what the Demuth seasoning will do to make it break in sweet and mellow. Ask any good dealer to show you a variety of shapes, then pick yours. WM.DEM UTH &CO..,N E WiYORK WORLD'S LARGEST MAKERS OF FINE PIPES I I. Y A 3EST ATTRACTIONS FIRST! TODAY!V rIMAS H. INC presents \ TN A-- ':"wilt' .-- -" _r .r , ' y_ / . DONT APO Al,, ,° L-Z .L.D O _I A . 1. ' ^ t jd,6'I' t ,,, ;A"' I TUES.,THURS.,SAT. 25 and 0c U - 'uemmm - WOMEN' S WHITE CLOTH OXFORDS //~ Cool. Summer Foot-wear Fine White Reignskin Cloth, whiter than. kid and more easily cleaned. A very .dressy as well as comfortable pattern. Low military heels and white welted soles. Purple's championship team of 1919. He will return next year. In the j The Daly containg the latest Asuo- breast stroke the ineligibility of Par- elated Press News.-Adv. - HOT DAYS AK COMING Select your straw now while the assortment is complete. SPLITS SENNETS BANKOKS' PANAMAS LEGHORNS TOVAS He had no more "punch" than the old office cat. But he was such a harmless, good-natured soul that- well, the boss let him stay along, until - "Good lord! - Andy?--Well, I'll be-What? Hurt, you say?-Oh, the other fellow!-What d'ya know about that!-Why, it's thousands!-Dorothy too ?-Gee, that's great! G-r-e-a-t! !" Now Andy's just about running the place. Rousing Tale of a Stuttering Salesm ALSO LAKRY Prices: $7 and $8 Ammon MLF"% dE AT THLE ?lt4: C~der TRACEMRKI .N'. PAMCOM BOT SHOP IN Wadham 's & Co/6 -4 115 So. Main St. "SCHOOL DAYS" AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS STATE STREET ,MAIN, STREET