,1) ri, '21, was N.] organ- y to the terclass the fra- ere vic- and the in the the fraternity series Trigon won the is also said to be an underlying cause title and the senior engineers won theI of the migration to Europe after theR class championship by defeating all spring term ceases. comers. The projected trip of the Architects At the present time many events are put the idea into the heads of many in progress. Of these fraternity in- of these studot travelers, but they do door baseball and class baseball 'are not plan to visit the musty castles of arousing the greatest interest. How- England and France, but will investi- ever, besides these events the spring gate the wild life of London and Paris. tennis tourney and the fraternity ten- Various ways and means for getting nis'contests, the golf tourney and the across the big pond are now under coming track meet are occupying greatconsideration. Some adventurous ones. attention. contemplate' going across on cattle Award Numerals boats, but after hearing the talk of Winners in all of the open campus various ex-gob's, this project seems to events have been awarded numerals1 have been abandoned. Several form- and jerseys, approximately 250 sets er sailors who have seen overseas Sservice declare tha they will have no in the fraternity events the prize hbas Idfiut in obtaining jobs as seamen been a cup, suitably engraved for the on some of the passenger liners. event and sport. Besides this prize allOther students, less fortunate than the houses are graded according to the " these, are planning to ship as cabin plae huey read-ne torineytoandstewards, coal heavers, waiters, etc. place they reach 4in the tourney an One former service man states that awarded points on a certain basis. The his trip abroad is not going to cost house which amasses the greatest total him a cent, as he plans to be enter- of points by the end of the year will; tained by the many freinds that he be awarded a large cup which must be made in England during the war, thus won twice before it becomes the per- saving the cost of food and lodging. manent property of any fraternity. A smaller cup will be awarded for second;I place. At the presenthtime Alpha Delta Phi has a long lead on the other houses, with Theta Chi and Phi Kappa Sigma fighting it out for second. Primarily, the Intramural depart- ment was.created to provide a labora- tory for Varsity material, uncovering and bringing to light promising men who would n1ever have been discovered in any other way. By Bob Ange 4'11' "He was the better man" is the most acceptable of all alibis. The lack of .boastfulness concerning Michigan teams that has been evident of late is an encouraging sign. At any rate, if we miss out, our oppo- nents can't pull that, old one about pride and the fall. . They say that the women outnumber the men at Wisconsin. If the few that we saw are representative, this is in- deed inexplicable. .We can't see why the influx of men doesn't swamp the place. Query-How much higher is the level of the Huron on a summer's eve? Physics students and Archimedes can Speaking of Sun., nTues.-Wm. Fav shan in "The Man Who L Himiself." opinion of the and its spirit. I. V answer. -j ey which was held e Christmas vaca- Michigan is to have an exceptional opportunity this week-end. For the first time in the history of the Univer- sity there is to be a great gathering of athletes from all parts of the west. The Conference track meet will be a wonderful chance for Michigan to im- press these visiting men favorably. Hospitality is like mercy in that It blesses both the giver and the receiver. It 'should be the aim of every Michigan man to see to it that the track ath- letes leave Ann Arbor with a good bluebook is an awful thing, It haunts me days: ahead; No restful moments does it bring Until its time has sped. I hate the creature's very looks, It makes me likewise blue. Cannot examination books Be of a different hue? As recompense for un-had fun For this.alone I sigh- May I feel sure when I am done I hit it in the eye! , Sun., Mon., Tues. - Paulin Frederick in "Woman in Roo 13." ORPHEOMTI and the total of is by 100 the re organized, he fraternity ors engineers in the class 22L, won the vidual score ORCHESTRA AND ORGAN. MUSIC Sunday-Monday-Tuesday ,* ere held appa Psi nong thi informal! the hbkey squad the entire season laying all of the around here. er team has also Students Would Seek AdijeinLure SIn Foreign Lands evis JT 4 37L aIi1C 1 ear, having lost amnes, and that ds of the chain- of the country, 'he interesting s its exceeding-. but two Amer- d. eam which was the swimming uad was fgrced r limited ondi- ery gratifying. I hockey teai 'ere put on. In Roaming Disposition Grips / Men; Seek Cosmopolitan perlence College Ex t By Haimliton Cochran Now that the war has been over for a \sufficient period of time to enable the Parisian populace' to reconstruct a little of their pre-war gayety, many University students have pldnned trips abroad this summer. The pres- ent arid condition of the United States ck Mai \1 a I f DETROIT t. ARTHUR KLEIN ANNOUNCES E MUSICAL COMEDY OUTBURST r NrST .STACKPOLC, 4 } Tack Toe ply 11 4 /IW an ~Ijj I, 7 WITH e Tucker A BRILLIANT CAST k WONDERFUL CHORUS THE KICK BACK --I I i so Insistent? w .. DL - ,- I -'i .1--- pN4~ \ \ - RI !1 .CAUSE I- ----, - ' .. _... _. -----, y _. ----- - _ ,__ _, ._ : "- : __ _ _ ; . I 1, 'o -, imer's Beefsteak .. 'I { ors are so Hard This is the first showing of Mr. Faversham's latest picture in the state ACOMEDY DMAM - ALSO to Equal ADUUS 3ScI Mrs. Sidney Drew and John Cumberland in "Charming Mrs. Chase" I CHILDREN l0c ORPHEUM Sun-ManPaune Frederickin " in n 13'