3AN BREAKS ECORD BY 1,700 I on. s on Law new members meet iversity hall. i d assembles in n full uniform. er football men an gym. Complete, sian staff hPoo- at Michigan,.nsian. pictures taken tol practice one In Hill union meets at Lee t8 udents meet Friday in M. C. A. auditorium. section of Cosmopol. ts in Y. W. C. A. Nu debating society Allen White lectures on :rter Saw at the Peace in Hill auditorium. ruild party. Dancing. guests only. One thousand, seven hundred more students are actually on the campus this year than ever before, revised registration figures given out Thurs- day by Registrar A. G. Hall reveal. The total enrollment of resident stu- dents this year is 7,653, as compared with 5,944 in 1916, the previous rec- ord year. Counting the enrollment at Summer school, and at Extension classes, and estimating the probable enrollments which will be made after Oct. 15, Registrar Hall places the total en- rollment of the University for 1919 at 9,600. This shows an increase of almost 2,100 over the final 1916 fig- ure. IMPORTANCE OF PRESS THEME OF ADDRESSES AT CONCLAVE (Continued from Page One) Yellow and the Blue by the band. George Hurley, secretary of the Union, thenm explained the purposes of the Union to the newspaper men and teachers. He declared that the prin- cipal purpose was to inculcate into the student the idea of service and to route out that of selfishness. Revs Douglas Gives Addfess "The Press and the Pulpit" by Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas was a facetious re- countal of what his experience as a reporter had dond for him, and a se- t rious urgence for the newspaper men to co-operate with the pulpit, as'both could better fulfill their duties by act- ing- together. The program for Friday includes a morning meeting at 9 o'clock and an afternoon meeting at 1:30 o'clock with talks by prominent newspaper men and teachers of journalism, a ban- quet at 6 o'clock at the Union, and an address by William Allen White in the evening at Hill auditorium. JUNIOR GIRLS ENTERTAINED BY DEAN MYRA B. JORDAN ~'" .. ti _4 4 3 .' .1, _ , y t c 7Y 2 _. ' r ' y 'Oeor * \f j f ,/' L+ 't~ .4 ~~t; ~ ~,....... ~ ~ ,.,~. ~**~z y.: ~ ~ t .. f lay Wesleyan, guild. CI tryouts hall. in Sarah CaS-I :It ., ..V .,1 e Michigan field. vT. rar appears in concert in Hill 11 f1,,4 }rr" 4 ' , h. i .%:\y ; CE ing held at the 303 S., State Martin, Floyd s, and Edward -n of sections 5Q9, 590 Ambulance service at vening at Union. Oty Glee and Mando- must pay back dues be eligible. Pay in mece building between n History la 321 Science re Friday and Junior girls were entertained yes- terday afternoon in Barbour gymnas- ium by Dean Myra B. Jordan. Ahout 150 girls attended. The class enroll- ment of women this year amounts, to 273, 133 of these being newly enrolled. Talks were given by Dean Jordan, Beatrice Beckwith as chairman of the class social committee, Marcella Moon as chairman of the Junior Girls' play, and Lois DeVries as chairman of .?un- ior advisors. Hobart Guild Members to Hold Dance The Hobart guild will give a danc- ing party in Harris hall from 8 to 11:30 o'clock Friday evening. Members and applicants whose dues are paid are invited. Dues may be' paid at the door. r l{, .a . } E f 1 , : .. h ' i'". . ; r "4 c - J + y. 1 / Y '.?... ti; t .A ls+ Be Sure of / ° Copyright 1919 )4x. CONfERT NOTICE course tickets are re- tach and present for ad-I e Farrar Concert coupon arked "Farrar" in order a ticket takers and to ity of confusion.-Adv. , , What You Buy I1 0 m A N JTO STROP and LLETTE RAZORS THE ONE, YOU LIKE IS HERE IN OUR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT le Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE T ERE are never enough KUPPENHEIME Clothes to go 'round. This season the demand is double, but the House will not rush its work or lower its standard of quality. You will appreciate thiswhen you come to buy your Fall Suit or Ovarcoat. Extraordinary conditionsabring strange goods on the market--a time to be sure of what you buy. Kuppenheimer Clothes are all-wool. They are made right andpriced right. They mustup- hold an established reputation. 'W , 7he HOUSE Of I KUPPENHEIMER Our Fall Lines Of, £zi~onal Clothes Service p Coats,' Suits and Furnishings For Young Men The House of Kuppenheimer 1 ANationClot keSerie Nb ir.rru.r+ r KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES ARE SOLD IN ANN ARBOR BY N. F. ALLEN (, CO. 211 Soin JADHAMS AND CO ST. TWO STORES MAIN ST