ZTHAND --and - 111= STkTL ST. BANK STOPS = CHECKS LESS THNN$5.00 i Flowngthe led o the Ann Arbor SSavings Ba~nk the Farmers and Mle-. _chanics bank has announced that here after checks on transients' accounts will not be received for less thaan $5.00. _This course is' made necessary, ac- =cording to Mr. Stowe, cashier, by the great number of small checks which Sare written. Recently the books show- =ed a total of 2.5f0 items for one day1 w = 1,100 of which were for less than $5.00. One student had drawn 'nine cliecks, s all of which, were less than $2.00. "- k Too :suchi Clerical WorkI E'WRITING MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 "COMBINE THE PRACTICAL WITH THE THEORETICAL" J BUSINESS COLLEGE "The merchants and bankers of A-in 'Arbor realize what the University tmeans to the city," says- Mr. Stowe, "and we are wrilling to do more than our share for the convenience of the :students, but it has become a physical impossibility for the State street of- fice to take care of the clerical work there. We employ eight expert oper- ators at the branch niow, and they are often compelled to -work overtime to, keep the book~s up to date. Thle bank has no desire to discommnode the stu- dents and we feel sure that it is only k'amatter of education and that the stu- dents will gladly co-operate when they realize the situation." This .new rule does not revoke the charge of 25 cents a month charge against all accounts which fall below $50. ADAMS HOT MASN'S NAME GEOIWE MATHEW ADVAS' S1S- T ER SAYS -HE ANSD1 W ALT 3MASON ~NOT TIHE SAMiE PERSWN Editor, The Michigan Daily: The person who wrote "Plain Folks are White's Passion" in your Sunday Michigan Daily evidently has the wrong conception of Walt Mason and. George M4athew Adams -(who is a_ you the facts as they really are and air asking you, in all due fairness to George Mathew Adams. I will gives brother of mine) to correct this state- m'ent previously made. Walt Mason and George Adams are two decidedly different people. WiI- 11am Allen White took Malt Mason into his office, It Is. true, when Walt Mason was "down and out." 'My brother, George Mathew Adams, who is a friend of William Allen Whltes. found Walt Mason, then MAU. White, and realized his' ability as a poem writer and has, made him famous by >yndicating his poems in nearly all the leading papers of the United States. My brother also compiled and published a, few years ago, a book of Walt Mason's prose poems.. N1 r. ,Aams owns tha George Math- ew Adams Newspapor service in New York City and syndicates not only Walt Mason's prose poems but a great many other features. He also writes "Pepper TalIks" and "Today's Talks,'" for a great many of the leading pa- pegs. Trusting that you will see that the mistake is properly corrected, I am. Sincerely yours, EDITH E, ADAMS, Mlichigan State-Normal College.. ~Sweet, sna~ppy, beautiful, Smud-faced, loving, furious Stempered, big hearted, con-' Ssiderate, thoughtless, lav- Sishly gowned, slatternly at- Stired, romantic, 'cynical, hon- Sorable, a safe~ cracker, digni- Sfied, a shimmy dancer, and Scrapshooter, wholesome al- Sley denizen-that's "THE . HOODLUM" _= W__ w At the sM/AJESTIC! for three days- Suniday,°Oct. 1 Monday, Oc 't 20 Tuesday,r Oct 1 Mary Nash MAJEST Today- Totuorri Torn Mix In Rough 1R~i Rom~ance LLIAM ANN ARB3OR i 9i I I . , .. ,, __ . P' i ARC Sn.?ws at 3:oa The Stage' THE WHITNEY J: cd ay l Youn .Wife' l1ICiK4PICTIRE meci y C'RESS8' Walter Hast will present at the Whitney theater on M~onday, Oct. 20, 4-Im Hailton's delightfuil and amaz- ing comedy, "; cai~dal," which but re- cently olicl44e1d a sever} months', run at the Garrfrik theater, Chiago.. The play unfolds the story Of' 4, wil- ful, tempestuous. girl, who seeks di- version in midnight visits to a rascally artist's studio, and is caught at it by her patrician family. On the spur of the momment she calls" in an acquaint- anuce from, his apartment across the hall and introduces him as her hus- band, acquired by way of a secret mar- ,. . age. Hie g~i~iy 'accepts the commission. Also he develops puexpected caveman tendencies. When she would abando'n the masqu~erade, at least between through 'wit~b G SATURDAY Programl has Lben chanpe4 to ALICE, BRADY I IN cI Dr T-LT U A T11, iD "'I- !R 3UNDAY-MONDAY-TUE~SDAY 3ERALDIN E FARRAR A WORLD AND ITS WOMAN" LeRIVSCapy at ERTISUNG I WANTED DANCING SCHOOL LEARN TO DTAN~CE Learn to dance, then you will be popular. Don't be a wa~ll flower. All the latest dances taught, with ladies' assistance. D~ancing is one continuous plea- sure. Prof. H. H. Mittenthal,,of, Detroit, having 10 years'' exper- ience and is one of the best mod-- emn dancing instructors in the state, andi is now teaching in Detroit, Jackson, Lansing, Flint, !Pon~tiac, and will open his school at the Armory Friday evening,. Oct. 17. Classes. every Friday evening from 7 to 8: 34I. Private lessons 6 to 7 Those wishing to attend should come the open- ing night. Armory dance will fqlqw after the class. Toun i ~ixin "-4ough idingB Rom-, ance" will be shown at the Ma1jestic today and tomorrow. It 18 sure to ap+ peal to the admirers of this athletic westerner as every bit of it is/ up to his usual standard. In addition the Majestic offers num- erous other attractions. They Ini- clude "Mr. Outing Climbs% Aboard," a travelogue, the screen supplement, and a "Tug-boat Romance," a Sennett comedy. In "The Hoodlum,% which will be I-resented at the ajestic Sunday, Mon- clay, anid Tiiestay, 11ary rickford h'as one of the best character roles of ther career. At the same tin te comedy in the pictu~re canot fail to, amuse ~everyonem that se§s It, %TIHE ARCADE1 Cliaa %inibrkll Youlng in "Thle Bet- ter WVit e" will be - repeated for the last times today. Th~i s sory was tak- en from L.enore Coffee's novel, "The Love Que~st" and is a romance of Eng- land and the continent, In which Miss Young Is seen as an American girl, Charmian Page. An unusual cast sup- ports Miss Young in this production, including Nigel Barrie, Kathlyn W,il- liamis, Lillian Walker, Irving Cunm- mings, Ben Alexander, Edward 2MI. ~Kimball (the .star's own father) and others. Tom orrow "the program of the Ari- cade. has been changed to "Alice Brady in "Redheadi.". History I to Mteet in Seieui R ildutg The '9 o'clocl4 secti~ni n History 1 which met in room 321, Natural Sci- ence building Tuesday morning, will meet in same room Friday apxd there- after. I MAJESF 202 E.-HURON T. FOR. QUALITY AND' SERVICE :CaII821 Jo P, ESCRELBACH Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Poultry;.,Sausage and Bologna{ Theatre, 296-M . Mgr's Ri Thurs-Fri. 16.17--Clara Kiml in "The Better Wif'e"; Comedy, "The Detectr'es! Friday, Chap. I of "Sm, rlirs-"} t 1 --aliceBrady in "Redi (In tad of "ils AM9esty, ican")a; OutingChester S Comedy. WUERTH THEA 2:00, 330,7:00,8:30, TlrsFri. 16-17-Taylor Ho):, si eDown,"with a two-re Al ,i Vaudeville. i- W ill iut Desmonud B:'us,i HaMict," with a Sc zinc aii4 Comedy. Sun-An. 0 1-20'-- "OhBoy 1'ihnuusical Comnedy, with a cedy and Colored Revicw. Thuirs-Fri. l6.17 - Dorothy "The Hieart of' Huanty News and Comnedy. (Retur Sat. 18,-"The Tt t "nthe R reel Special Vetuned by re Nears an4 4 &medy. Sun-,4 Q. 19y.0-Madge Evan: \Y aaec," with a Mut & J] and ord Weekly. T~iasWed, 21-22-Gladys' Les Gray Tower'Myster~y," w reel Western. Thu's - Fri. 2324- A six-re "The Spitfire of Seville" w and Comedy. tbst stylo, 1A Special chi and Lo1mb F. 63 lens ce $60. Call between' 537 Thompson. Phone sirx.hle conicert tickets. .60, Phone or All at, higan Union. 'ymnan Mandolin. Call Thompson, SALE-Speedst~er and iFord de- !ry. Phone 1449-W. wr 'A LF-Violin. and outfit, bargain. 'eman, 433 Hamilon Place. L1 AND FOUNDI Kok, containing money ;charge certificate. Lib- frrevturn. Turner Al. 5 Washtenaw,.or phone WANTED-Three solicitors, can earn $10 in four hiours with "The Newa York Times." _Splendid opportun-{ ity. See M~angouni, Friday, 6:30 P. MY. M. C. A. WANTED-Second maidj, threea times a week, 12 room douse fraternity. 606 Oaktland., Call Letievre, 78. WANTED- Centrally located board- ing housesfor fraternity o f Wnty- eight men. 139x F, Daily, WATDTo iktprefrablyA- t-ether for concert Saturdaiy night. Call Daily office. WANTED-Two adjacent seats on low- er floor or balcony. Call 811-1R, ask for Lincoln. WANTED-A club of fellows to board for schol year. Call landlandy 2693-W. WANTED- Porter for barber shop, 717 N., University, J0111Trojanow- ski. WANTED-To rent one Ford Touring Car. Apply W. P. M. care of Daily. WANTED - Barber for Saturdays. Frank Miller, 115 W. Huron St. - WANTED-Two adjacent, seats for the Farrar concert. Phone 2147-W. 1 "WANTED-Two concert course tick- ets. Phone 2667. WANTED-To wash silk shirts. Call 1089-R. Io JD-Fur .neck-piece. Owner may eive same by describinig same andI riug for 'advertisement. Tel. 1484 call at 624 Packa'rd. -,, black pocketbook containing ut $26 and other valuables. Find- ase return to 1145 Washtenaw Sreceive reward., - - I"r YOU£ARE INVITED ' -: . TO BE A G U M 01' 'OH E- = under the title "SMASH ING # BARRIERS" The first of tihe series: consists of two remarkable reels. It Is SOMETHING 'DIFFERENT SWILLIAM DUJ-NCAN_ is the star. He is supported by Ellitht Johnson, _ = Walter Rogers and V'incent Howrard. The story is by Cyrus Townsend Brady IT IS FILLED WVITH THRILLS. THE.RE IS ACTION GALOJLE Every picture in this great series is showni without extra cost = to our Friday patrons. 0. This advertisement will admilt the bearer Friday, October 17, at I' EITHER 4:30 OR 9:30 P. M. The Arcade offers you this decidedly interesting picture with its =complments. Remember the day-FRIDAY, OCT. 17-and the hours either 4:30 , =or 9:30Y. X. ~Da-redevitl9 the worid- WILLIAM FOX PRtODUC TION that makes t MAJESTIC THEATRE Ti Also SE4ETT rCOMEDY- SCREEN~ MAJESTIC ORCHE - Black fox fur. er at 1704-R. 1001 Please call E. Huron St. ......rte _ },. eceive reward. -Athletic b -ibed. Call Name C. E. Page 0-R. oday and Tomis K SUPPLEMENT ESTRA 3 1SCELIA' EOUS -ho exchanged hats