NIORS LIKENESS - QUALITY STUDIO. "Portraits That Please" f t1 ns BRICK ICE CREAM Have you tried that deli- cious cream that we have on sale at all our stores? . Either ILLINOIS PROF PRAISES WHiTMAN AS5RATPE "Whitman expresses many of the. ideals of modern American democ- racy," said Prof. Stuart P. Sherman of the UAiversity of Illinois in his lec- ture yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Professor Sher- man's lecture was entitled "Whitman as a Poet for the Hour." "Whitman's work is permeated with religious and moral intention," said the professor. "It is great poetry, for it expresses the aspirations of a peo- ple. Its strength is in its rich, inter- weaving, difficult harmony." "Whitman's life corresponds tb three periods of national history. In the' period before the Civil war he is the embodiment of the spirit of individ- ualism, as opposed to nationalism. During the period of the war he feels the pressure of the nation, and loses some of his individualism. After the war his individualism expands, 'until it finds its growth in the doctrine that the nation is servant of the people, that it mustproduce great souls,, and that the citizens of a nation must be nationalistic, not for the sake of the state, but for the sake of its individ- uals." In A short interview after the lec- ture, Professor Sherman expressed his admiration of the Library and the Union and praised other features of the campus. ALICE IN WONDERLAND TO BE GIVEN IN N. S. AUDITORIUIT In accordance with a suggestion of the, buildings and grounds committee, the time and place of "Alice in Won- derland" which was to be given Mon- day in Hill auditorium will be chang- ed. There will be two afternoon per- formanes ,and, two evening 'per formances because a smaller place Natural Science auditorium, will he used. The shows 'will start at 2, 4, 7, and 8:30 o'clock Monday., This production is under the an- dspices of the women oftBryn Mawr and Smith colleges, for the benefit of their endowment funds. Tickets are on sale at Wahr's book store for both reserved seats and gen- eral admission. WOMEN NEEDED TO CARE FOR MENTALLY DISABLED SOLDIERS . omenn A few senior collars are available for women who were not able to se- cure them before. They may be pro- cured at the office of the Dean of Women., S M T W T F S 1 ( 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PANAMAS Cleaned, Bleached and Reblocked into the latest styles, with all new trimings just like new. We use no acids, pastes or other cha p and injurious cleaners. We do only high-class work. FACTORY HAT STORE Phione ,r792, 617 Packard St. ' Today is the last day for freshman and sophomore physical exami na- tions. All girls who have not had an examination should report at the gymnasium today. The University Girls' Glee club was entertained by the Freshman Girls' Glee club last night at a picnic up the river. After the party, the girls re- turned, and serenaded several of the girls' houses. er, whetner the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00 Resources, $4,750,000.00 Northwest Corner Main & Huron * 707 North Universiy Avenue The Women's Cosmopolitan will meet at 7:30 o'clock Friday ning at Newberry hall. f I .. . 0. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE if READY TO SERVE . AT )NCE From 11 a. m. to 1p. m. And .1 i .4 club' eve- COURSES IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION -1 ENGRAVING & EMBOSSING 100 cards from old plate........$2.00 100 cards and new plate, from......$3.00 up Place your order now and secure -prompt delivery N BRICKS or THREE LAYERS on sale every day and SPECIAL FOR SUNDAYSf e One Home for Your Dinner!, From 5,.to 7 p.i, POT OF HOT TEA AND A BOWL OF RICE WITH PLAIN CHOP SUEY 35c Chinese and American Style Short Orders iome-made and Bakery Rolls 613 East Liberty Street Phone 604-R N I_ I Students preparing for a business career will find many courses well adapted to their needs offered during the Summer Session this year. Some of these are: Business Organization and Man- agement; Corporation Finance, Principles of Accounting; Cost Accounting; Corporations; Money, Credit, and the Level of Prices; Bankihg and Foreign Exchange, and Labor Problems. Detailed information concerning !ourses in Business Adminis- tra,tion may be obtained from Professor I. L. Shai-fman of the Department of. Political Economy. THOSE F L NILMS The Summer Session of the University of Michigan struction in the following divisions of the University: offers in- #. tt you exposed the other day., g them in and get good prints, promptly ODAKS -AND FILMS, V ALUE! The best possible value for long time wear and service is secured by or- dering a HAND-TAILORED SUi T. drafted to 'YOUR PERSONAL MEASUREMENTS. I i I Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, L4brary Meth- ods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sanitary Sci- ence, June 28-August 20; Medicine and Surgery, Jpne 28--August 8; Law, June 21-July 24 and July 26-August 28; Field Courses in Geology and Geography in Southern Kentucky, August 30-September 25. 1 at all Our Stores , ALBERT GANSLE 113 South Main Street SECOND FLO'OR) Announcements and information may be obtained at the offices of the various Schools and Colleges.) For general information, address T. E. RANKIN, Box 30, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ,U I COR. E. & S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Dean Myra B. Jordan has received a telegram from Smith college asks ing for names of college graduates who would be interested in training for phsychiatric social work for the care of mentally disabled soldiers. The, United States bublic health hospitals need workers who have had training of this sort. Women who are interested. in taking advantage of a limited number of scholarships at 3T. the Smith college training school of social work are asked to .call at the office of the dean of women for furth- fter information. ... ,_ { 4 A II oll OiUR AN N U A L 'En 4 JTH STATE ST. 711 PACKARDS PROFESSOR DAVIS ADDRESSES WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL CLUB I i U RT 1 Leave Copy Ouarry and The Delta, II OF ALL MEN 'S & WOMEN'S NEW PR LNG _., FOR kALE LLE-Two large houses, highly able, first class location. Suit- for Fraternities or Sororities. erated as rooming houses they rield 20 per cent on the invest- Adress .602 Monroe and 522, oe. Phone 2612-J. Deal with ALE-Buick Six Touring Car. xcellent condition throughout. anically perfect. Cord tires. ndy looker. Runs like a new Must be seen to be appreciat- kct quickly. Ann Arbor Buick 120 W. Huron St. ALE-One-third off on cloth, and furs at Zwerdling's. Also ads of plaiting made at Zwerd- Ladies' Tailor and Furrier.' Lilng Bldg., 217 E. Liberty. Es- WANTED WANTED-A Technician in the labor- atory of the Grace Hospital for the' summer or possibly permanently. If interested please write to the Di- rector of the Laboratories of the Grace .Hospital. WANTED-Experienced female pian- ist with sales ability. .,Full time work. University Music House. WANTED-Student Help. Also engag..- ing help for summer season. Ar- cade Cafeteria. WANTED - To purchase a canoe. Large size and good finish prefer- red. Phone Me at 1672. WANTED-Canoe in first-class condi- tion. Box C. F., Daily. LOST LOST-Trench coat. Left on Senior benches. Call McKee at 566. LOST -Zeta Beta Tau fraternity badge. Finder please phone 1104. Reward. XISCBLI ARIOUS- WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH YOUR SUMMER VACATION? Would you care to earn two, three, or five thousand dollars beitre the start of the Fall Semester? See Pratt or Nyman. Phone 2220, 6 to 7 P. M- A four months Vacation for Summer Students in the City "Y" for $3.00.-- The Girls' Educational club held its annual initiation ceremony at Martha Cook building . Wednesday evening. Prof. C. O. Davis, of the education de- partment, addressed the meeting and plans for the forthcoming year were discussed. School Children to Hold Play Festival Ann Arbor school children number- ing 2,500 will take part in the play festival to be given this afternoon in West Park. The festival, the biggest program ever attempted here, is un- der the direction of the physical edu- cation department of the city schools. Among the folk dances scheduled is the Spanish L'Zoronta, and the Swiss May revel, followed by athletic poses. Shoes N D Oxto rds STARTS FRIDAY at 8 A. M We are starting our College End Sale one week earlier this year because we have an enormous stock of Spring 8 h o e s and Oxfords that we must dispose of before school ends- hence these prices. I 'LANTERN NIGHT Order of Events 4:00 P. M.- Finals in archery, and tennis, championship base- .ball game. 6:00 P. M.-Supper on the field., 7:00 P. M.- Maypole dance by freshmen and sophomore' classes. 7:30 P. M.-Lantern procession. I I, MEN'S DEPT. WOMEN'S DEPT. $16.50 Cordovan Oxfords, now... ..$14.45 $15.00 Brown and fieldmouse shoes. $12.85 U 1904: p E-$45 Victrola with 37 lat- )rds. Best offer by Saturday. , 810 E. Washington St. $15.00 Cordovan Oxfords, now..:.. $14.00 $13.50 Calf Brogue Oxfords, now ... Calf Oxfords, now....... 12.95 11.45 1 1.45 14.95 14.95 $13.00 Black and brown kid shoes... 11.85 $12.00 Oxfords in brown calf, now. . 10.45 - One motorcycle Phone 2129-W. $40.00 FOR RENT ENT-Rooms for the Summer on, can comfortably accommo- eight students. Modern house, locality. 924 E. Am St. Are you a true Michigan Man? If so keep in touch with all the teams, at home and abroad by reading The Daily each morning.--Adv.' MULLANES TAFFIES at Tiegs' Drug Store, 117 So. Main St. Re- ceived every week.-Adv. De Klyn's Candies of Cleveland. Tices' Drug Store, 117 So. Main.-Adv. $16.00 Florsheim Oxfords, now, , . $16.00 Brogue Oxfords, now, .. , . $11.00 $10.00 $ 9.00 $ 8.00 Oxfords-black or brown, now Oxfords and-shoes, bl'k or br'n Oxfords-black or brown. .*.. Oxfords-black or brown.... 8.45 7.45 6.95 These are only a few of the bargians A large stock of white oxfords at low prices I / Campus, Bootery 304S.