"...i Wr-tA 1 £l~ar% N AND SLIGHTLY COLDER I, p41 1 k A tA II I DAY AND 10 .. I r" opl No. i'1 S. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, MAY 2R 1920 "b'v rrvm rim " " .'r a :: a.a> a ac1 lo L F I i PLAN I1EANS FOR UNIVERSiTY 9AID *TO INDUSTRIES ONE HUNDRED PRODUCERS MEET WITH FACULTY AND REGENTS DEAN COOLEY RECEIVES OVATION OF GATHERING Engineering Professors Tell of Many Available University Facilities, in Talks Co-operation;and service of the Uni- versity to the state, formed the key- note of the gathering of faculty, and' regents, of the University, and more than 100 influential manufacturers from the state" of Michigan at their luncheon at the Michigan Union yes- terday. They met with the -idea of working out ways and means of plac- ing at the disposal of the latter the immense wealth of research informa- tion and facilities for such work along engineering lines at the University of Michigan, thus linking closer the University and the state._ President Hutchins Welcomes President Harry B. Hutchins ad- dressed the group in a welcoming talk at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, fol- lowed by an inspection of the Univer- sity grounds and buildings, including shops and laboratories, giving these manufacturers an idea of the facilities All Publications Banquet At Union; Staff 'embers Announced _. Students representing all the differ- ent publications of the University were guests last night at a banquet at the Union given in their honor by the Board in Control of Student Pub-, lications. Nearly all the men who have been working in this branch,'of student activities were present and the number present totaled more than 175. . Prof. Scott Speaks Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric de- partment, was the toastmaster of the evening and introduced the various student managers, each of whom. made a short address. The principal speaker of the program was Prof. J. R. Brumm, head of the department of Journalism, and she selected as the subjetc of his address "Training for, Journalism." He explained the pur- poses and the policies of the journal- ism department and stressed the pres- ent day need of highly educated and well trained men in this line of work. He stated that he was of the opinion that the upp.er staff positions of the EU CATIO0N HEAD Opinions Expresse by frominentMen Indicate Vital Necessity of National Secretary" BELIEVE OFFICE WILL BE, CREATED AT FALL ELECTION various, publications should be given to the men who intended to enter the field of journalism when they left school for it was only fair to the into be allowed the advantages of the ex- perience which they could gain while in college. COMMITTEE GIVESs BIG TEN MEDAL TO CARL JOHNSON CONSIDER ATHLETIC, SCHOLASTIC RECORD AND PERSONALITY IN DECISION KNODE ALSO THOUGHT POSSIBLE CANDIDATE Athletic Association and University Senate Appoint Electors Daily Appointments Made George Brophy, '22L, recently ap- pointed managing editor of The Daily, made a short talk, and announced the following appointments to the upper staff for next year: News Editor, C. M. Campbell, '21; Sunday Editor, Jo- seph A. Bernstein, '22; Night Editors, T. H. Adams, '22, H. Hitchcock, '22, R. Sherwood, '22; B. Campbell, '22,J. I. Dakin, '22, J. E. McManis, '21, and T. Sargent, Jr., '22. 'Chairman editor- ial board, Lee Woodruff. Assistants, Russell Fletcher, '21, Robert Sage, '22, and C. H. Murchison, '22. Sports editor, Robert Angell, '21, Assistant news editor, E. P. Lovejoy, '22E. Women's editor, Mary D. Lane, '21. Telegraph editor, West Gallogly, '22. LeGrand A. Gaines, the new busi- ness manager of The Daily, announc- ed the following appointments: Ad- vertising Manager, D. P. Joyce, '22; Circulation Manager, R. A. Sullivan, '22; Publication Manager, F. M. Heath, '22; Accounts, E. R. Priehs, '22; Classified, J. W. Rawlings, '22. Weeks Gives Out Names Howard Weeks, '21, recently ap- pointed editor of the Gargoyle, an- nounced the following appointments to the editorial staff of that paper: Art editor, Lee Boyd, '22; Assistants on the editorial staff, J. W. Kelly, '23, and E. Chamberlain, '22. R. L. Drake, '21, Gargoyle business malia- ger, announced the following ap- pointees: S. Sarasohn, '22, M. Geiger, '22, L. Sullivan, '22, M. Hicks, '22, H. Chapel, '22, G. Keiper, '22, and W. Mi- chaels, '22. Willis Blakeslee, '21L, gave a short talk, in which he lauded the work of Bruce Millar, '20, but did not an- I Carl E. Johnson, '20, captain of the Varsity track squad, has 'been, award-, ed the Conference medal by the com- mittee selected by the, Athletic asso- ciation and the University senate. The directors of the Big Ten con- ference give these medals to each of the Conference colleges with the provision that they be awarded to the graduating athlete who has the best athletic and scholastic record. In making the award the personality, and executive abilities of the candidates are also considered. Two Organizations Make Award The University senate appointed Prof. R. W. Aigler, W. A. Frayer, C. S. Berry, and L. M. Gram to repre- sent the faculty in selecting the re- cipient of the medal and the same men were chosen to represent the Athletic association. Johnson has distinguished himself in the athletic world by his perform- ance on the track and is considered by sport critics as the greatest college track athlete in the country. Johnson Good Student He has also maintained a high scholastic record throughout his col- lege course, being elected to Phi Beta Gargoyle 's Pelt In Danger A ga in Capt. John McManis, '21, and his All-star aggregation of Daily horse- hide heavers are trained to the min- ute in preparation for the game at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning on Ferry field which it is confidently ex- pected will add another gargoyle pelt to the already long list of Daily troph- ies. As a result of a joint conference of the staff heads it was decided that a regulation big league ball' will be the pellet used during the fracas in pre- ference to a soft indoor ball. This conclusion was considerable of a blow to. the tea-fighters, because inside dopehas it from the gargoyle camp that their hands are4not iq condition for such rough work. Managing editor-elects of both pub- lications will practice the gentle art of pitching and business manager- elects will endeavor to stop all freak throws at the catcher's station, fol- lowing the custom of previous years. As usual, the president-elect of the Union will referee the bout, and Paul Eaton, '21, has giiaranteed fair play. Dr. Lovell has not committed himself to the part he will play in the staging of the contest but it is expected that his intentions will appear in print by Saturday morning. The Daily has a decided advantage in the acquisition of, Mark Ehlbert as official score keeper. This ) sterling Daily man, although he will be on the side-lines, will add dignity and accur- acyto the occasion as he has prepared himself for the position by success- fully completing Business Law I nd1 11-1 .II .PLAN TO NO MINATE Den es Report That Wood's Campaign Was 'Underwritten by Wealthy Men Appro a:1 LOCAL C H URHC' COMMENCE AN PLAN HOLDING OF SERVFI GRADUATING CLASS YEARLY WEAR CAPS AND G( OCCUPY SPECIAL Questionnaires Answered by of Class of '20 Indica' Inaugurating a custom that been in the mind of one of the : ters of the city for years, a churches of Ann Arbor will' hold cial services for the seniors of congregation on June 20, which be known as "Senior Sunday." The seniors of the different co gations will appear in caps andg at their respective churches and be seated in special pews desig for them. Special services and will be given. The services w held at the regular church hour, o'clock. In some of the chu ,prominent seniors will also talks. It is the hope of the ministe the ciy to make this an anna fair on the Sunday preceding mencement. Questionnaires sen to a number of the seniors o campus asking their opinon of a custom have been answered in that show that the seniors wi operate in the movement. FIND'OLDDOCUMENTS WORK' *0N ANGLL HI ag at the Union for luncheon, lute talks followed by six of ineering faculty, representing led activities of ,that college. A. H. White explained the of the chemical department f. H. E. Riggs explained the ges of the civil engineering de- Prof. H. C. Anderson, of the de- partment of mechanical engineering, and Prof. J. C. Parker, of the depart- ment of electrical engineering, con- veyed messages of the accomplish- ments in their respective departments. A suggestion of Prof. Emil Lorch, department of architecture; was "to make the factories a better place to work in and you will automatically increase production and get more in- terest in the work." Prof. H. C. Sadler, department of marine engineering, spoke of the work done at the University Naval tank, fir the way of aiding ship man- ufacturers. In addition, his sugges- tion for t1 V establishment of an ae- ronautical laboratory met with in- tense interest. Cooley Greeted with Applause Rising to present a summary of the engineering facilities available, Dean Mortimer E. Cooley was greeted with applause given with every man in the room rising to his feet ' His talk was of intense interest and aroused such a spirit of co-operation, argong those present and so impressed them with the wealth of knowledge and facilities 'right at hand that the first two men called upon in the general discussion following offered to sponsor fellow- ships in the University upon lines of research of interest to their indus- tries. Mr. Clemens of Lansing and Mr. Le- land 3f. Detroit promised the full co- operation of their companies as did Frank F. Rogers, of the state highway' department, Mr. HalH. Smith; of De- troit, Mr. E. P. Perry, of Bay City, Mr. Abner Larned, of Detroti, and oth-' er speakers. 'omDnittee Appointed A smaller committee was appointed at the suggestion of Mr. W. S. Rus-. sel, temporary chairman of the meet- ing, for the purpose of promoting this co-operation; and furthering the or- ganization of the association, compris- ing 17 of the most actively prominent manufacturers of the state. '18E MEN FORMULATE PLANS- FOR COMMENCEMENT REUNION Plans were formulated by the localI members of the class of '18E for a first reunion at a dinner, held Wednes- day at the Union, the reunion to be' held during Commencement week. F In addition to the usual program for alumni, a class meeting will bet held on June 22, followed by a spec- ial lnnhan atYhn ~n^ Several favorable opinions were ex- pressed on the establishnwent of a Secretary of Education in the Cabine of the United States President..y men in the EducationiDepartment of the University. The general idea was held that the proposed office will sure- ly be created at the next election. Prof. Wbitney Approves Prof. A., S. ,Whitney of the Depart- ment of Educationmade the following statement: "I heartily endorse all of Mr. Clancy's statements in yesterday's Daily concerning tie wisdom of estab- lishing a Department of Education in Washington with a secretary in the President's Cabinet. It is quite as Vm- portant that we should have a secre- tary of education as a secretary of la- bor or of agriculture, and in many resp cts infinitely more important. "It is a matter of common knowl- edge that the public school situation is now most critical and is likely to continue so for some time if not in-. definitely. "Our democracy is dependent upon the enlightenment of the people and illiteracy in any one \section of the country weakens the democracy of every other section. Thiscondition is not likely ever to be corrected so long as there obtains the present decen- traljzed organization in education. National Secretary-Only Solution "It can only be corrected by the Federal government placing at the head of education a man who can 'di- rect the attention of the government to education throughout the entire country and aid its development by Federal 9upport." According to statements of men who are well informed on this subject there does not seem to be any strong ob- jection to the creation of this office from any direction. j George E. Myers, professor of in- dustrial education, states that "espe- cially in view of thel present emer- gency in education with a iarked shortage of trained teachers it is highly desirable that this measure cre- ating a Federal department of Edu- cation and providing for Federal aid be made a law. "The Federal government is now aiding in the training of teachers of ipdustrial subjects an- there is no reason why similar aid should not be provided along other lines. fWould' Give Recognition re"The creationof the position of sec- retary of education in the President's cabinet in itself would give education the recognition that it has long de- served. "If the growing of farm crops and live stock is important enough to de- serve a place of cabinet rank in our governmental organization, surely the training of our children is of suffi- cient importance to be given the same recognition." nounce any appointments. Milehiganensian Staff Chosen Boyd H. Logan, '21, newly appoint- ed business manager of the Michigan- ensian announced the appointment of the following business assistants: C. Boothby, '22, R. Wieneke, '22, C. Stewart, '22, H. Woodruff, '23, and M. Lamport; 22. , L. E. Waterbury, '21L, editor-elect of the Chimes announced the follow- ing appointments to Chimes' editorial staff: C. Baxter, '21, assistant managing editor, H. Griffith, '21, art editor, C. Hubach, '22, and C. Seagears, '23, as- sitant art editors, B. Campbell, '22, B. Van Dusen, '22, F. M. Smith, '22, B. Schumacher, '22, and T. Underwood, '22, associate editors. Cadwell Gives Talk L G. A. Cadwell, '21L, business man- ager of the Chimes gave a brief talk but did not announce a complete list of the staff for next year. J. Riley, '21E, managing editor of the Students' Directory, announced the appointment of the following: L. Millard, '21E, J. Bacon, '22, H. Chapel, '22, and D. Preston, '23. F. J. Pfluke, '21E, business man- ager of the Directory, announced his staff as follows: L. R. Williams, '22, and J. Stewart, '21. 0 Stadler Makes no Appointments W. L. Stadler, '22E, the new editor of the Athletic Program made a short address about the plans for the com- (See Number 1, Page Six) SHUTER TO GIVE OPERA LECTURES E. Mortimer Shuter has returned from Chicago, where he staged the University of Chicago opera. He will begin a series of lectures next week to instruct men planning on submit- ting books for the 1921 opera. The committee\ in charge of choos- ing the books is desirous that a large number be turned in and a meeting, will be held at .4 o'clock this after- noon in the music rooms on the third floor of the Union of all men intending to submit manuscripts. Thirty-five men have already sign- ed up for the course of dancing les- sons to be given by Roy Hoyer of New York beginning 'next week 'at the Union for the purpose of teaching the men steps which will be used in next+ year's Union opera. I Kappa, the national honorary scholas- tic fraternity, this spring. e. 'Ue has participated in num rous student ac- tivities along with his athletic work, having served this year as president of the Student council, and on various committees. "The committee had an exceedingly difficult time in deciding which of two men to award this medal -to this year," said one of its members. "John- son and K. T. Knode, '2011, are two men who have exceptional records' both in athletics and in scholarship, and both deserve recognition. Knode, who graduates in medicine this year, has won two "Ms" on the gridiron, is playing his third season on the Var- sity nine and captained it last year. In the medical school his record is remarkable." Second Medal Awarded This is the second medal to awarded since Michigan's return the Conference. In 1918 Alan be to w.' Boyd, '21L, was accorded the honor and last year no one was named; for it. An attempt is being made to ar- range for a formal presentation of the medal to Johnson at the Comemnce- ment exercises. Shop Gives Way to "Step" Tonight Leaving behind them all thoughts of forge shops and chem labs, forgetting the very existence of math and phys- ics, soph engineers tonight will gayly trip o'er the floor of Barbour gymna- sium, on the occasion of the much- heralded '22 E. Step. When the clock strikes 9 this even-' ing, they begin their grand march. From that hour they will dance con- tinuously until 1 o'clock the next morning, with Sandy Wilson's jazz or-' chestra, eight strong, supplying the musical impetus. The gymnasium will be brightly decorated with yellow and blue streamers, hung in such a manner as to divide the 'space under the running track into separate booths. To the guests, small, 'novel favors, of odd design, will be given. The style for the affair willdbe sum- mer formal for both men and women." Prof. William C. Hood and Mrs. Hood, and Prof. Ferdinand N. Mene- fee and Mrs. Menefee willbe chap- erones for the dance. Tickets may still be secured at the Union desk. KING SAYS HANNA AGREED TO GO OUT AND GET $500,000 Washington, May 27.--Senate inves- tigation into pre-convention expend- itures in behalf of presidential candi- dates today brought forth information on a plan to put William G. McAdoo's name before the Democratic conven- tion and an assertion from John T. King', original manager of Major Gen- eral Wood's campaign, that John R. Hanna of Cleveland, early in the gen- oral's campaign had promised "to go out and gather in $500,000." In reply to questions Mr. King said he did not know whether the money was receiv- ed. Jenkins; Questioned In respect to the candidacy of Mr. McAdoo, Dr. Burris Jenkins, publish- er of the Kansas City' Post, explained. tleaf iie had been asked to place Mr. McAdoo in nomination at the San Francisco convention but of any fund "to- be used in his behalf he knew' nothing, he said. Resuming its inquiry into the cam- paign of Attorney General Palmer the committee finished its day with form- er .Federal Juge Covington, national trealurer of the farmer campaign, answering questions resigned to show connection of several formex sup- ports as names on the contribution list preyiously produced with the of- fice of'the alien property custodian of which Mr. Painmer was the war time head. Campaign not 'Underwritten Mr. King's testimony concerned the early organization of the Wood can paign and its financing under his di- rection to the extent of $91,000 and his retirement in favor of Col Wil- liam Proctor. He denied reports that the Woods campaign had been under-, written by a group of wealthy men who attended a dinner given by the' late Henry C. Frick for that purpose. The Wood campaigning Mr. King said "had been on ice" 'during many months in 1919, after General Wood; asked him to accepts its conduct. - Documents showing that Pre Angell possessed exceptional while in college in Greek and have recently been discovere workmen while engaged in reri ing the old Angell residence. have been turned over to the tary's office. The following diplomas and e cates are included: University mium for Greek composition, 1846; the same for' Latin co tion, dated 1846; University pre for dissertation in Latin and s premium for English compo both dated 1847; Jackson premit best dissertation on moral philo.i 1849; University premium for composition and for physical se and also for English compo ,1848. All except the last are very good state of preservation. signature of President Waylar Brown university appears on a the documents. Included in the roll is a pamphl titled "Oration Delivered at the cation of the Providenec County House by the Honorable Thomas fee, chief justice of the Sul court of the state of Rhode I Dec. 18, 1877." Secretary Smith has' written ter to Mrs. Andrew C. McLaugh Chicago, daughter of Presiden gell, asking her will in the dispo of the diplomas. Unless she w otherwise, they will be added t Library, collection. SENIORS MEET AT 4 O'CLOCK TOI Members of the class of '20 urged to attend a meeting of class at 4 o'clock this afternoi room 101 of the Economics bui This is the final meeting until examinations. SWilfredB. Shaw, secretary o Alumni association, has consent address this meeting of the cla their position as-'coming alumni c school. Other business concernin election of 6 class committee w new officer, the alumni secre treasurer, as chairman will als taken up. Plans are to be ma this meeting for the class banque it is necessary that every imemb the class should attend this me said William W. Hinshaw. Jr.. Senior Society Elects Officers Senior society elected its officers for next year following the formal initia- tion yesterday afternoon at Martha Cook building. The following girls received offices, president, Josephine' McGuineas; vice-president, Beatrice Nickels; secretary, Alice Hussey; treasurer, Carrie Fairchild.