i S The second Maypole dance*practice will be held at 5 o'clock Thursday, May 28, in Barbour gymnasium. A few senior collars are available for women who were not able to se- cure them before. They may be pro- cured at tie office of the Dean of LANTERN NIGIT Order of Events 4:00 P. M.- Finals in archery and tennis, championship base- ball game. 6:00 P. M.-Supper on the field. 7:00 P. M.- Maypole dance by freshmen and sophomore classes. 7 :30 P. M.-Lantern procession. [ I .ilE ECiR1C CS 6 ,,.. I' The saving in rug wear alone will pay for the 'TORRINGTON. It removes the gritty, introdden dirt that cuts the fabric. It brightens up the delicate colorings of your expensive rugs and carpets andadds years to their life. 'Free demonstration. ' +yr. - Days- ZI ~ - 4,,,- K(4/>\ / JESSE L LA S KY ~ 7 PRESENTS 2 1:30 7: :30 ANEWr MARK TWAIN PARAMOUNT A RTCRAFT PICTURE The Women's Cosmopolitan club will meet at 7:30 o'clock Friday eve SOPHOMORES WHO WOULD BE ning at Newberry hall. ADVISERS TO MEET ON JINE 1! Geneva club will hold an open meet- Cards have been sent out from the ing at 8 o'clock tonighti at the Kappa office of Dean Myra B. Jordan to all Kappa Gamma house. Girls who are sophomore girls asking that they interested in summer camps are in- serve as junior advisers next year. vited. There will be a meeting to discuss this work and that of the Junior Girls' PROMINENT CAMPUS PEOPLE play at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon OF PAST AND PRESENT TO WED June 1, in Barbour gymnasium. Prof C. 0. Davis of the education depart- The engagement of Miss Frances L. iment will talk to the girls at that Hickok, '15, to Dr. Leonard Harrison time. Cretcher, '12, was recently announced at a dinner given by some of Miss To Discuss Proposed Bond Issue Hickok's colleagues on the English!. The proposed bond issue for school faculty of the University of Illinois. purposes will be discussed at the The marriage will take place in July. Chamber of Commerce banque't to be Miss Hickok' was the first woman held at the Union June 8. student to represent the University of Michigan in oratory or debate, win- ning second place in the 1915 contestsA A of the Northern Oratorical league. She J. L. CHAPMAN was prominent in campus dramatics, AND MER taking leading roles in the ComedyAO club and Oratorical league plays, and 113,SOUTH MAIN STREET besides' was a member of several__ campus organizations including Delta Sigma Rho and the/Alpha Chi Omega sorority. A FEW Dr. Cretcher belongs to the Theta PRIVATE LESSONS Chi fraternity and as an undergrad- uate was a member of Sigma Xi, Al- AT THE chemists, and Phi Lambda Upsilon. SCHOOL O fANMIUG He secured his Ph.D. from Yale uni- versity. After his return as captain. WITH EITHER from France, where. he had worked MISS JEANETTE KRUSZKA on poisonous gases during the war, or he became research chemist for the PHILIP RAE MILLER, '23 National Chemical aiI, Aniline com- will prepare you for Spring pany, off Brooklyn, N. Y. I Announcement was made Tuesday t Activities' of the engagement of Ann Schantz,1 '23, to Reed Bachman, '21. Bachman as STUDIO: a member of the Phi Kappa Psi frater- nity, and editor of the Gargoyle. Miss 514 E. William Street Schantz is' a member of Pi Beta Phi. Phone 1422-J . FALL IN SUPPLY OF TEACHERS IN EAST NOT FELT HERE Many of the eastern schools report Mail Orders a large decrease in the number of, S .- cI WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP THE SHOP OF QUALITY N-t00 E. Washington St. Phone 273 u- - ~RE just as good today as they ever 11have been. The quality that won premer place for themn has been faiths fuly aintaine in the face ofices ing costs of materials 'and labor. CLUETT.-PEABODY &'eCO'/Iwc . TJQy . N y MAKERS or ARROW SHIRTS AND OTHAfri UNDERWEAR Phone Orders Promptly Filed I PRICES- Ineluding war tax* Parquet........................35o Bailoony.......... .............250 Kiddies ............... .... .IO TRA! ack EXTRA!! Sennett's EST AND MOST HILARIOUS COMEDY TFRESH FROM THE 'CITY''- , I,- - I I'd One Caepable Draftsma n One Experienced Stenographer and Typist Four ireiahine assembly meln Six labororsy -1 Good pay, Steady Work. Apply Ann Arbor Machine corporation / copy 'i' and LASSIFE AD VERTISI Nfl .eave Copy at Quarr and. The Delta applicants for positions as teachers, but very little difference has been noticed by the appointment bureau at the University. Miss Margaret Cameron, secretary to the appointment committee, stated that she has had applications from 167 women and 44 men of .the senior class for teachnig positions. Of the total number of womeAf enrolled 15 have withdrawn and 1,0 graduated in February. Up to the present time 58 of the remaining 142 women and.12 men have been placed by the Univer- sity bureau. Miss Cameron says that there is even a slight increase in the number of I applicants over last y6*r' enroll- ment. Howeverthere are not so many as there were several years ago. UNIVERSITY WOMEN ACTIVE IN HOSPITAL SOCIAL SERVICE "Women of tie University Y. .W. C. A. are still doing excellent work in the social service department of the University and Homoeopathic hospit- als," says Miss Eva Lemert, secretary of the University Y. W. C. A. "The work at the Homoeopathic hospital is in especailly good condition." The people who serve in this work report to the director of social serv- ice through the office of the, Y. W. C. A. and are }sent out into the wards for service. They read and play games with children, .take the convalescent ones out fora walk or play, read and write l1etteifs for the older people and in general make things more pleasant for the invalids. Chi Omega and Kappa*camma V ietors Two more baseball games have been played off by women's house teams. Chi Omega defeated Gamma Phi Beta at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday morning at Palmer field with a score of 15 to 11, and Kappa Kappa Gamma won from Delta Gamma on Tuesday with a score of 14 to 1. NISCELLANE OUS WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH YOUR SUMMER VACATION? Would you care to earn two, three, or five thousand dollars before the start of the Fall Semester? See Pratt or Nyman. Phone 2220, 6 to 7 P. M. Vacation time is almost upon us and vacation means trigs. will be going home or to the seashore, the lakes or nearby resorts. Wher- ever you go you want the right kind of luggage for your pretty, new vas cation wardrobe. The call at present is for small dress suit cases, We I Establishied' 1857 1 have one that will please you in genuine leather in a 20-inch size. This fascinating little case has a removable tray, shirred pockets and straps Promptly'Filled i f 1 You and is lined throughout with bright colored cretonne. You may purchase this for $14. I LOST ST-A reward is offered for the re- urn of a bunch of keys lost by an employee of the Buildings and Grounds Department. Call 2486. ST-Sunday, May 23, at Barton Dam a black leather handbag. Suit- ible reward if returned to address in bag. Phone 2612-J. / ST-Note- book and two text books.- ,urrey -"British Colonial Policy" nd "Cubberley School Administra- ion." Phone 710-W. P. K. Platts. ST-In or near Hill Auditorium E'riday night, bi-focal glasses in :ase. Reward. 'Call 1612-W. ST -Zeta Beta Tau fraternity ?adge. Finder please phone 1104. Leward. FOR RENT R RENT- Four newly furnished ooms, excellently located. Phone 211-R. , 'o Qg gy FOR'SALE silks and furs at Zwerdling's. Also all kinds of plaiting made at Zwerd- ling's, Ladies' Tailon and Furrier. Zwerdling Bldg., 217 E. Liberty. Es- tablished 1904.- FOR SALE-$45 Victrola with 37 lat- est records. Best offer by Saturday. Selmier, 810 E. Washington St. 1317-M., FOR SALE - Beautiful Registered Persian kittens. Make pretty gifts. Mrs. Guy L. Mullisin, 326 E. Ann. FOR SALE--1916 Ford Coupe. Good 'condition. Call Heald, 726-M. FOR SALE-- A banjo-mandolin and case. Call 1828-J. WANTED WANTED-A man Playground Direc- tor for July and Au'gust. Detroit Playground. Apply by ' letter to I If you are -partial to enamel leather cases,j you may choose from a .. complete line of goods. These cases are larger, are light and durable and lined attractively in cretonne. For the short trip, the traveling bag is the necesary article. These bags are all leather, lined with leather and come in light weight, mecigm weight and heavy sizes and in 16, 18 and 20-ihch lengths. We are most fortunate in receiving some bags that we will be able to sell at the old prices, You may choose these bags at $15 to $30. (TI-uRD FLOOR) ,,....,. HoMrs. George C. Thrall, 189 Parker Help. Also engag- Av.Dtrt.- imer aeason. Ar- Ave., Detroit. WANTED-Experienced female pian- S TENOGRAPHE;RS desiring. work during the summer vacation shouId file application in the Secretary's office, University Hall, 'as soon as possible. i ist with sales ability. work. University MusicI Full time House.