otel from 8:30 to sday to confer with ire to work for the higan this summer. CA MPUS TO BE FILMED e- OR N ON -N W MUSEUM STUDENTS AND BUILDINGS AMONG : SUBJECTS TAKEN BY / MOVIE CONCERN pen name of Charles L. Dodgson, a dignified Oxford scholar, noted for his attainments as a mathematical in-' structor. Professor Dodgson invented Alice for the amusement of the three small daughters of Dean Liddell of Oxford. It was not until long after- wards that he conceived the idea of printing the stories and of thus giv- ing to the children of the English Speaking world their classic litera- ture. Star Polo Shirts with collars that fit. $3.00 upwards. Wild -& Co., 311 S. "State St.-Adv. The Daily's specialty is service to everyone.-Adv. Larg4 well known brokerage com- pany selling food staples in volume. to wholesale trade will consider em- ployment of several gradiates inter- ested in entering business life and as- sociating themselves permanently with reliable concern offering exceptional opportunities for growth and advance- ment. Must be clean cut, high grade, active minded type. Highest refer- ences required. Applications not fully. stating business experience, if any,' also education, age, home address, and when services available, will not be considered. Address in own handwrit- ing, Box X. X., Mich. Daily.-Ady. Patronise our Advertisers.--Adv. SA Ito College -Trained Mei A Nine Weeks' Summer Course in Ac Administration will begin at Pace Institute o tensive course (day sessions) is well suited to men and women who expect to make Busine The curriculum covers fundamentals of doubl ing, economics, finance; cganization, manageme their relation to the principles and procedures ofl descriptive Bulletin S. Pace Instit Hudson Terminal 30 Church S Patronize our AAver rs meet regation in Uni- a Lane r Camp prat- rooni Ann Arbor is to have her picture taken today as a part of the motion pictures of this state, which will be kept in the National Museum of Mo- tion pictures. The pictures taken of Ann Arbor will also be shown at a local theater in about three weeks. These films are being taken through- out the United States .by the Tisdale Film Co. for educational purpose.. v- ery city in the state having over 10,000 population and each industrial plant of more than ordinary importance will be taken as a part of this state's pic- tures and will be kept at the museum in New York. The two films that are to' be taken of Ann Arbor will include all the prominent parts of the campus, group pictures of many members of the fac- ulty, several fraternities, the hospitals, the Union and many general pictures of the city. These pictures will be shown at one of the local theaters as soon as they are-completed and will then become a part' of the pictures of this state in the Museum at Ne~W York, where films of all the states in the Union will be kept for educational purposes. CARROLL'S "ALICE" COMING IN FILMS1 SUMMER SESSION 1920 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SHORTAGE OF TEACHERS ALARMING Over ioo,cpo more. teachers are needed in the United States at once.- Why not plan to teach and thus serve your country.? Salaries are very attractive. All prospective teachers should finish their courses as soon as possible. By summer study as much as one year may at 433 ... ... 111 auditor' be saved. summer. There are many special courses for teachers this f- C OLLA: T HIE quality that put Collars in the premie Sin public confidence is th ity that you are getting 101, ban~quet in ,H Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and' Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library Meth- ods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sanitary Sci- ence, June 28-August 20; Medicine and Surgery, June 28-August8; Law, June 21-July 24 an4 July 26-August 28; Field Courses in Geology and Geography in Southern Kentucky, August 30-September 25. tnnounceients and information my be obtained at the offices of the various Schools and Colleges. For general information, address ofI n 12:30 "Alice in Wonderland," the film ver? ernoon. sion of which will be shown Monday, society May 31, in Hill auditorium, is to aid at Gra- the Bryn Mawr college and Smith Union college funds. The original' pook was written, as quet to most people know, by Lewis Carroll. aturday What comparatively few people know N T. E. RANKIN, Box 3o, Ann Arbor, Michigan., CLUETT' MAKERS OF. PEABODY'" & CO' I ARROW SHIRTS AND GO' p , i ! Sn- Mae Murray 'I IN - WITH THE DA CE" ; Arbuckle Fatty IN "The Butcher Boy" J : ; . Twenty-two -Piece Union Orchestra "George Did 1" Qiarette eSandy"~ Wilson :: O'CLOCK THURSDAY, MAY 27 , Tickets at the State Street Book Stores Hill Auditorium N.