FLOWERINGi rLAI113 uiins & Hall rists Telegraph Delivery 1®f2 S. Univ. TRADE ATg FRONT CIGAR STORE es- State anzd PackardI n t' P r Opr 6 t or )late' Cryeam Sodal f Aomen r1 A meeting of all seniov women will be held at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday, May 25, in Barbour gymnasium. The first May' pole practice for Lantern Night will, be held At 5I o'clock Monday afternoon, May. 24. Only three practices will be neces- sary.eti All ladies expecting to attend the D. A. R. election on Tuesday, May 25, at Mrs. George Pyatterson's, 2101 Hill street, are requested to let Mrs. Pat- terson know by postal by Saturday evening of this week. The only day left for freshman pos- ture examinations will be Wednesday, May 26. All those who hIave not taken their examinationis should 'sign up at once for this date. Allsophomores who have not made> an appointment for a posture examination -should do so at once.-., Girls who, have not yet payed the money pledged by them to the Dr. Sarg- ent campaign fund are requested 'to do, so at Newberry hall today. Sophomore girls will meet at 4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon inBarbour gymnasium. The Junior .Girls" play 'commttee and other elections will be made at this time. OFFICERS CHOSEN BY DORMITORIES A little paint talk is in order now. Call in and we will do the rest. C. H.. Mayor & Co., 203 E. Washington.- 4.dv. Everything new in . wall paper, is represented in our complete stoclk. Phone 237. 'C. H. Major & Co.-Adv. Read the Daily for C~mpus "News. T rubey' s 4 MAY ,5MT W'T 2 9 16 23 30, 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18. 256 5%6 12 13 19 20- 26 27 F s i 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 '29, Dinners. Lunches Confectionery Ice Cream, Delicious Sodas We Make our own Ice Cream Orders solicited from Fraternities and Sororities. 218 S. Main Phone 166 I SUMMER .'SES SION 19201. PA NaA MA S Cleaned,' Bleached and Reblocked into the latest styles, with all new trimmings just like new. We use no acids, pastes or other cheap and injurious cleaners. We do only high-class work. FACTORY HAT STORE, Phone 1792. 617 Packard St. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I' I "I RAWBERRY LTCAKE. SUNDAY DINNER If you have lost time on account of the war, make it up I , MENU 7 of L SOUP Willits' Best Wafers I in the Summer Session. 2 If you have not lost time, gain some I by summer study, and perhaps you can finish your course or enter professional work much earlier than you have suppQsed possible. I; V Combination Salad Sliced Tomato'and Head Lettuce Roast Sirloin ofBeef Brown Gravy Fricassei d Chicken with Biscuit Creamed Asparagus Mashed Potatoes DESSERT Home-Made Cherry Pie Strawberry Short Cake Vanilla Ice Cream ANN ARBOR IS AN IDEAL PLACE FOR SERIOUS SUMMER STUDY. Announcements and in- formation may be obtained at the offices of the various Schools I I Th~c flrn '.A.fi Wuertli treat of the ,, . Martha Cook officers for next year have been elected and'are as follows: Elizabeth Roberts, president; Lucile, Johnson, vice-presidbnt; Ruth Deem- er, secretary; Ella McNiel, treasurer. At the annual election of Helen Newberry residence Olga Johnson, '21, was elected president and Beatrice Champion, '23, was chosen as secre- tary. The ramainder of the officers' will be elected next fall. N. H. FIoo, '21, Will Be Buried Today Funeral services for M. H. Foo, '21, who died last Sunday as the result of injuries received_ in a hbrsebac' accident, will be' held at 2:30 o'clock, this afternoon in the Methodist ciurch. The brother of the'deceased arrived yesterday from, California and will' attend to the interment of the body in Ann Arbor, according to instructions in a cablegram received from the fath- er. Members of the Chinese Students' and Cosmopolitan clubs are to be pre- sent at the services. Tea Coffee Milk 12 to 2:00 P. M. Price $1.00 COME EARLY A Ala Carte Service, 5 to 7 P. M. WiLLITS CAFE 315 S. State treet Phone 173 and Colleges. Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library Meth- ods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sanitary Sci- ence, June 28-August 20; Medicine and Surgery, June 28-August 8; Law, June 21-July 24 and July 26-August 28;. Field Courses in Geology and Geography in Southern Kentucky, August 30-September. 25, For general information address t r i I T. E. RANKIN, Box o, Ann Arbor, Michigan. I 7 . i ,x ,. p .. . .. ,; , Get Good Goods at Goodyear's [. 'S Street Bathing Season Starts Soon Be Prepared-- Purchase A New Costune {x . ; do' MULLANES TAFFIES 'u Tices' Drug Store, 117 So. Main St. Re- ceived every week.-Adv., Are you all ready for 'the opening of the bathing season? Have ,you a cos- /' 11;, d-the courage and a woman's imatic entertain- Flying'daily at Carpenter's Crossing, Packard Road. Take Ypsi car. Call 236.-Adv. tume that is entirely satisfactory? If so you are one of a few. Many have realized that it is only a matter of days until those who enjoy the refreshing pastime will be swarming to the nearby beaches, and many have found them- or selyes unprepared to go at a' moment's notice. CE ! THRILLS! LOO sCopy at 'OR SALE FOR SALE-Festival ticket for Sat- urday afternoon.- Main floor, ninth row. Call 1889-W. WANTED WANTED- Two men for clerks at summer resort hotels; Men to work: on farms and subdivision real estate salesmen in Detroit, Also waiters for commencement week and week foliloing and for board jobs dur- ing summer school. Many- men for odd jobs at present time. Univ. Y. M. C. A. Employment Office. WAN4TED-Interviews with men de- siring connection with large sales force. Plenty of money in this work, for you. See me, at City "Y" any day after 3 P. M., George B. Wil- son. LOST LOST- $10.00 reward for return of! overcoat taken from Union Wed. N. J. Gibbons, 621 Forest Phone 1463-J. LOST-Heavy grey sweater at Spring games on Ferry Field Saturday. R. Satterfield, 2395-R. LOST-On Ferry Field, Saturday, May 15, leather koda'k case for No. 1 Jr. Please phone Eger, 2576-J. LOST-Phi Rho Sigma fraternity pin. Finder, please phone 394, Rutz, or leave at Daily office. LOST-Dark brown sweater at Spring Games. Finder please return to. 306 N. State. Reward. LOST-At Tug-of-War - dark green suit coat. Finder please call 753. FOR RENT FOR, RENT-Suite across from cam- pus, near' Hill Auditorium. Steam heat, electric lights and gas. Price. $4.00. Can be held, for Summer school and next year. Call T. S. F.,, 288 S. Thayer. Phone 668-R. . JSCELLANEOUS STENOGRAPHEVRS desiring work during the summer vacation should file application in the 'Secretary's office, University Hall, as soon as possible. I WILL GIVE $10 reward for over- coat taken from Union Monday. Am willing to exchange without seeing person who has coat. Call Adams, 1724-M. - NO DUST-Clean'house with Hoover electric suction sweeper. Want work Saturdays and every afternoon. Cail 1741-R. CALL PACKAGE Express, Parcels of all kinds delivered to any part of the city. Phone 1518-R. : During the last few days, especially, students in great numbers have been get- ting their Bathing Costumes from our new stock. Numerous exclamations. of delight have accompanied'the purchase of these suits for they are all charm- ing and distinctively individual California styles and emphasize in no small way the'trend of ideas among bathers at fashionable resorts. This season presents color combinations and designs far more striking than any we have seen before. Altogether the costumes are of an extremely prac- tical nature and promise to be very popular. Colors range from the somber shades to the most brilliant hues imaginable. Prices are from $5.50 to $13. 'I /' r I Caps and Shoes to match 'any Costume may also be had (SECOND FLOOR) r forl New Cotoen Blouses Summer weather makes more press- ing the need of a Cotton Blouse and a pleasing assortment awaits here your inspection. - Blouses of White Voile are daintily made with frequent touches of color, all-over embroidered dots and ruf- fles with colored edges. Any size may be had in all desired models. Priced from $6 to $10.50.. (SECOND FLOOR) Light Tailored Skirts Just as necessary for summer wear as the lightweight blouses are the beautifully tailored Skirts of Gaber- dine, Organdie and washable Char- meusette Satin. Every model has an irresistible charm that evokes the admiration of women who always seek the indi- vidual in fashion. Prices are from $10.50 to $18.50. (SECOND FLOOR) FeAtival tickets o the course. ow 5. $10. 518 1878-W. WANTED-Experienced cook for fra- ternity with table of '25, to begin in Fall. Good proposition. Write giv- ing references and salary expected. Address Cook, Daily. tival tick- I I C. O. Bab- t highest J between WANTED-Students desired for sum- mer work. Positions open' in near- ly every state. Must be aggressive. Best of wages. Box G. M., Daily. 4 W1WifW LOST T-Bill folder with name Justin' Mooney on case. Finder please turn to 413 South Division. IRe- i mpr 0 73 rsrr " r:, G .e" w .r s ar.w" aY..r, s'. s m Entrance 124 S. Main: Telephone 1000. i.