n ORPHEUM m."- 7i --TODAY-- FRANK MAYO in "REDDLIER OF LIES" A1 AN In GER" DAY Ein TREE"V It rrained Men and Womsen irmer Course in Accountancy and Business n at Pace Institute on July 7. This short, in- >ns) is well suited to the needs of college-trained pect to make Business their life work. fundamentals of double-entry bookkeeping, account- ganization, management, and law-all presented in >les and procedures of Modern Business. Write for SUMMER BIOO6YCAMP AROUSES KEEN INTEREST Twenty-nine students have already registered for admittance to the sum- mer biblogical station which is to be held near Peliston, Michigan, and in- dications point toward one of the larg- es sessions ever held, according to Prof. George E. La Rue, director of the station. Never before has such a large num- ber of applications been received at this early date, and the fact, that al-t ready additional provisions to quarter the students have become necessary, is considered an excellent pointer to- ward a successful school. The session is to last from June 28 to August 20 and course are offered in botany knd' zoology to both graduate and under- graduate tudents. Unversity Owns 3,200 Ares The biological station is located on the same tract of land where the eng- ineering camp is placed. The Uni-, versity 'owns about 3,200 acres of hills, valleys, lak'y, and plains, so that an excellent opportunity .for all-around study is provided.4 The camp is some distance from any large city and those taking the course are getting a real "back to nature" camping trip in ad- dition to the biological work offered. -en and Women Attend Both men and women are attending the summer station, and a real "un- iversity" air is provided by the pres- ence of a dean of women and a health service. In the Summer session office, an-, nouncements are to be obtained by those interested, while, detailed in- formation is given in the circular which may be had from Professor La Rue, rooms 4 and 9, Natural Science building. T$eScreen THE .ARCADE Her husband's weak will and sus- ceptibility to the charms of the flirt- atious wie of a millionaire threaten to bring disaster to the married life of Madge Grahan, played by Bessie Bar- riscale in"A Woman Who Under- stood" to be shown today and tomor- row at the Arcade. Before their marriage Madge had devoted her time to sculpture and her her tea room in Greenwich Village. She had met Robert Knight who be- came her husband, under unusual cir- cumstances, having interrupted him just as he was about to take his life in a fit of despondency. Their hap- piness together had continued unabat- ed until Knight had fallen in with Mrs. Alden a wealthy woman, who pretended to be studying music but was more interested in artists than' art. yetenes or erai, ana tne quality of the acting, Maurice Tourneur's release is unique. The vivid scenes showing Jim Hawkins' discovery of the treas- ure map, his quest for the buried gold, and. his adventures with the pirate treasure hunters, have an atmosphere that is strongly reminiscent of the charm of Stevenson's book. I 4h MAURICE TOURNE UR BEST ATTRACTIONS FIRST ! TODAY AND TOMORROW F e Institute 30 Church Street New York is .-i t If H NUERT MAYIME DETRO I , C f' f' ~ ! ~This goes farther and costs less to make O tt 'nr 'mlu ' ili I m flll eiillip Detroit MAMMAS AFFAIR BY RACHEL BARTON BUTLER "- """""""'""""l" " aIs' By. Robert Louis The greatest adve w written and all aboul ver the wooden legge Say, don't miss this and gold. _iALS( SNAT A, Merry Sunshi SB'IG AUGMENTED ALL SEATS , -' FRIDAY - SA _ lFirsitOwm ppr "THE TOLL c~nHiHHHH~nuuiun Stevenson LA nture story 4 t Long John d cook-mem s story of pir D ITS URE ILT go uttle's CHEd mne Comedy Lowe Brothers' - High Standard Paint has a way of spread- ing out and covering more surface than any paint you have ever used. Not only w surface but covers it r it a~nwqrcosts less than cheap " Standard not only saves you ses you amoney because it makes worthmore. wtis- misabioltr olreveat pasitingeroubles you use High Standard. Come in it oser Ask for booklet sad Iotb-m tea. A. HERZ I St. F hone 353 F1 , Leave Copy at Quarry1: and The Del THE ,MAJESTIC Maurlc Tourneur's picturizaton of "Treasure Island" will .be shown to- day and tomorrow at the Majestic. Because of fhe impossibility of secur- ing a boy who filled Mr. Tourn ur's conception of Jim Hawkins, the boy. hero of the story, this part is played by Shirley Mason who interprets it with unusual charm and piquancy. Althotigh short screen reproduc- tions of Stevenson's classic have been shown in the past, in its lengtly, corm-, FO SALE FOR SALE-Two seats for entire May q Festival., 6th Row-1st Balcony- Worth $19.00. Price $10.00. call Every, 273 FOR SALE-Two May Festival tick- ets, main floor, for any concert. Call 1766-3. FOR SALE-3 Festival tickets second balcony, front row, section 12. Tel. 302-M or call at 619 E. University. FOR SALE--Two seats for entire May Festival. 6th Rowv, st balcony. Worth $14.p0" Pric, $10.00. Call Every, 2738, FOR SALE-Saxaphoneas, BuescherC Melody and ConnE Flt Alto. Both new?" Call 11984 311 Thompson. FOR' SALE-Two May Festival cover coupons, $1.2 sach, phone 2276, 818 Oakland. FOR SAE-Course ticket for May SFestival. Mta" Floor. $6.00 Call x;344-W. or 23orest. FOR SAL-One course May Festival ticket, center main floor.-$6.50. 414 Church St. or phone 4504'M. FQR SALE-Two May Festival tick- ets for Friday niglit concert. Main floor. Call 583W. FOR SALE -Two May Festival tick- ets together, main floor. $12.00. Call liaitd.Phone.1505. FOW SLE-LTwo tickets. for. entire May Festival. Downstairs.Call 1130. FOR SALE-Two tickets for part of Festival concerts. Call 941. FOR SALEFirst class Gibson tenor Mandolin. Call Walker, 1719-M. . ISCLLANXOUS RESERVATIONS ,for All-Amercan College Tour in Europe this sum mver 'should be made at once. An exceptional opportunity is offered to all students to spend a great vaca Lion. For more details call M. Mer zen, 1070-M. WILL THE fellow wo borrowed the blue and gld pweater at the Fall Games and wore t at the Spring Games please return to the The "Daily office. CALL PACKAGE Express. -Parcels of all finds delivered to any part of the city. 'Phone 1518-. Lunches' Nunnally's Candy Maynard St. r TURDAY i . _ . ._,...;' ' Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Dank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00 Resources, $4,750,000.00 Northwest Corner Main & Hdron 707 North Universiy Avenue GATE" OR C H -, 1I A . ;Place- TODAY TOMORROW BESSIE BARRISCALE -in- "A OMAN WHO0 UNDERSTOOD" 1. 36c Your Order for i r- Iirved o took wafer ,, from Booth , f' Ireward will be given .of the overcoat taken 4m the Union Monday, 4, between Wash- ckarwdvia., Cam- watch. Reward WANTED-First class cook for fra ternity, With table of 35, to begin in fall. Best wages 'for one who can do the work right. References re- quired. Write giving experience and wages. Box E. D., Daily. WANTED-Interviews with mi de- siring connection with large dales force. Plenty of money in this work for you. See me at City "Y" any day after 3 P. M., George B. Wil- son. WANTED-Students desired for sum- mer worki. Positions open in near- ly every state. Must be aggressive. Best of wages. Box G. M., Daily. WNANTED-A guitar of standard, make and size. Must be in good condi- Cards 'I I. .. r.. at Ib , Kodak The *eturn to 118 N. Ingalls ve $5.00 reward. ker fountain pen between and Engineering build- mday. Reward. Phone t Beta Tau pin. Initials ack. Finder please call C. 07-W. Reward. rtain pen, Friday, between ;w and Library. Call Mayer-Schairer A tO AiA/ tic{ n/m rr WHO WINSTHELOEF YUN WHN THE "OTHRWMAN TRIES TO STAL HIM ltion. Call Adams. 1206-J and ask for. .C.1 Co. WANTED - Private garage at once. Call 232. Ask for Mr. Lapp. F~OR SALE FOR SALE-Two May Festival tick- ets. Thursday evening, Friday aft- ernoon, Saturday. One for Satur- day afternoon, 1st Balcony. Ad- STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BINDERS> OFFICE OUTFITTERS Star Comedy "OILING UNCLE' BRAY PICTOGRAPH shows at 2:00 3:30 7:00 8:30 ..,-.. PHONE 1404' T12 8. MAIN ST. ADULTS 25o .OREN i , ,.