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May 19, 1920 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-19

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I t




ichigan and Ohio-State fleet
in Crucial Diamond Test Today


First place in the Conference base-
ball race hinges upon the result of the
game today at Ferry field between
Michigan and Ohio State. At present
Michigan tops the list with five vic-
tories and no defeats, while Ohio State
is pressing close behind with five wins
ahd one defeat.
Ohio Strong on Offense
The Buckeyes have developed a won-
derful offensive and backed by the
pitching of Kime, they have been able
to pull the last two games out of the
fire by ninth inning rallies. Against

Illinois Monday the Ohioans made a
last desperate rally which was nearly
as spectacular and fully as successful
as the rally made by the Suckor
school against Chick Harley and his
eleven in football last fall. Ohio en-
tered the ninth inning three runs be-
hind and aided by 'timely hitting they
were able to register the number of
runs necssary to tie and in addition
an extra counter which gave them the
Parks to Pitch
Back from a trip which was some-
what uneventful because of rain at.
Iowa City, Lundgren's men will take
the field against Ohio this afternoon
with Captain Parks opposing Kime,
the Buckeye left hander. Parks was
the selection to oppose Iowa Monday
but will in all probability work today
in a game that holds so much' at
stake. Should Parks be elected to do




ing costsI
ipi valley
eported to-
cities in
sed reduc-
nt to min-
rities here
were that
limited to

Prof. Frayer Chosen to Shenk
Faculty; Frank Murphy, 114L,
Alumni Representative

r-- I

tor the slab work against Iowa

in the



ns for the
very of goods
.ad been tied
y of farmers
t to a market
nces to have

All classes of the University will
assemble on the campus at 7 o'clock
Friday night to take part in the an-
nual Cap Night exercises. The se-
niors will-gather on the east side of
the court between' the Chemistry
buihiing and the Natural Science
building, the juniors will assemble on
the west side of the same court, the
sophomores on the west of the Sci-
ence building in the driveway, and the
freshmen- around the flagpole. The
Varsity band will meet in front of Hill
auditorium and the freshman band
will assemble at the flagpole with the
men of '23.
March to Sleepy Hollow
Headed by the band the entire pro-
cession will march to'Sleepy Hollow,
where Student councilmen will ar-
range the classes in their respective
places. The speakers' platform will
be placed near the big fire and from
this point of vantage the addresses
will be delivered. Prof. William A.
-Frayer has been secured by the- com-
mittee to give the faculty address,
Frank W. Murphy, '14L, is to represent
the alumni, and Carl T. Hogan, '20E,
Will talk for the student body. Carl
Johnson, '20, will be master of cere-
After the speeches the freshmen
will circle around the fire and a small
amount of paddling will be adminster-
ed Ib a few sophomores authorized by
the committee in charge of the Cap
Night ceremonies. There will be nb
gauntlet this year and the committee
desires that the disciplining admin-
istered around the fire be taken in the
right manner by the freshmen so as
to avoid any unnecessary roughnjess
which'would result in case a contest
was staged between the freshmen and'

game here Saturday, Ruzicka will be
on the mound. In an earlier contest
this season Captain Parks emerged
victorious over Kizne in a close bat-
Iowa on Saturday will furnish op-
position for Lundgren"s men. With
teams of the calibre of Ohio and Iowa
to be met this week it is safe to say
that the most crucial peiliod of the
Big Ten race has been reachedWins
for the Wolverines in these; two con-
tests would make them practically cer-
tain *of the championship, while de-
feat for either of the two visiting nines;
would make their chances nearly neg-



'Plans for the organization of a cam-
pus chapter of the Veterans of For-.
eign Wars will be made at 7:15
o'clock Thursday evening in room 306
of the Union when all overseas men
will gather to elect officers.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars is
the only national organization .ompos-
pd exclusively of veterans of the
wars and campaigns conducted by the
United States on foreign soil.
This organization originated in 1898
after the Spanish-American war and
the Philippine campaign, and now
numbers almost a million members.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars plan to
co-operate with the Overseas club in
getting service men together on the
campus. The Ann Arbor chapter has
signified its readiness to aid in the es-
tablishment of a University branch.
Rare Old fuske
scores Displayed
A display of old music scores is now
on exhibition in the main corridor of
the Library. There aye compositions
by Bach, Beethoven, Hayden, Handel,
Mozart, Liszt, and many others. They
are only a few of the many scores
to be found on the music shelves of
the Library. The purpose of the ex-
hibition is to show the evolution of
orchestration from ;the simple to the
most' complex forms.
Berlioz's "Damnation of Faust,"'
which is one of the scores displayed,
is to be given at the May festival.
Another relic of interest istan en-
cient manuscript done in vellum and;
decorated in gold; which was present-
ed rto the University in 1916by Hon
Albert M. 'Todd, of Kalamazoo.

Mortarboard, national honor society
for senior girls, elected the following
Junorstomembership atZ meeting
Mo onday evening at the Pi Beta
Chicago Symphony 'Orchestra Will Phi house: Beatrice Beckwith, Mar-
Accompany Singer and guerite Clark, Lois De Vries, Alice
Give Numbers Hinkson, Mary, D. Lane, Marcella
Moon, Eleanor-Stephanson, Phylis Wi-- F
HIGHEST PAID BARITONE TO ley, and Aletha Yerkea.
Titta Ruffo, the highest paid bari-UG
tone in the world, will be the first R
artist to sing in the May festi'al se-
ies at 8 o'clock this evening in Hill
three arias, one from Paladilhe's T
"Patria," another, from Leoncavallo s i Payment Must Be Made
"Zaza," and another from Thomas's for AU Services Rendered;
"Hamlet." , llNrtichaRered
The Chicago Symphony orchestra Will Not Charge
will py orchestral works in addi- e
tion to accompanying the singer.- PASS ON NOTES PROVIDED l
tiAfter the Star-Spangled Banner, the FOR PAST BUILDING WORK fe
following programwll be given:j
Overture-"Patie " Opus 19....Bizet Passing a resolution to the effect e
Aria-from "Patria" .......Paladilhe that all services rendered by the a
Symphonic Poem, No. 2 ........Liszt Union be paid for immediately, and
"Tasso; Lamento e Trionfo" authorizing the notes which have
Aria-"Zaza, piccola zingara," been already sanctioned by the build- m
from "Zaza"........Leoncavalo ing committe was the business which i
Intermission was transacted by the Board of Gov- u
Vysherad,.....-...........Smetana ernors at their meeting last night. S
The Moldau ' The committee of rules presented t
Aria-"O vin, diseassia ta tris. its report, setting the date for the
tezza," from "Hamlet" ...Thomas next meeting and authorizing the ap- Ti
Capriccio Espagnol, Opus 34 ...., pointment of the executive committee t
........ Rimsky-Korsakow and the auditing committee, both of a
Albarado which are standing committees.
Variations The board then passed a resolution t
Albarado that payment for all services order- r
Scene and Gypsy Song ed by members was due immediately s
Fandango of the Asturias after the services were rendered. This V
________________resolution refers particularly to ban-
MEN quets and dinners, which the Union
M R..Ecaters, and is made necessary by the n
fact that the organization carries no p
clerical force to handle such accounts e
and by tbe fact that it has no work-n
ing capital to carry over these run- C
ning accounts, o
PLANS FOR MEETING DEPEND 01 The board also authorized the sign- b
RETURN OF COLONEL ing of certain notes which provided C
GANSSER for the furnishing of money for fin-
ishing the building up to its presnt
Taking advantage of the time ex- state. This action was necessary be-
tension offered, many more ex-service cause the board must sanction all
men who are interested in the forma- matters of finance, including the notes
tion of a campus post of the Ameri- which the building committee author-'
can Legion have turned in coupons izes. I
bearing their military records to the The general manager submitted theh
committee in charge. financial report which covers a periodt
For the purpose of getting the names of several months. The statement
of all me intending to join the post, showed that financial conditions at the
the comnttee requests that they fill present time were favorable, and the
out slips containing their names, report, was adopted by the board.
branch and length of service, and if
members of posts in other cities, O' s Ed
names of those cities. These slips
should be dropped in the box which ]$ '$
has been placed in the lobby of he
Union, before 12 o'clock Thursdayk
noon. Officers for next year were elected
Plans for a -meeting 'to be held the at a recent meeting of the Cosmopol-
latter part of rnext week await the re- itan club. B. L. Beckwith, '22E, was
turn of Col. A. H. Gansser, of Bay chosen president of the men's chapter.
City, and Legion commander of the New board of directors was elected
state of Michigan, who is at-present made up of eight members: tw men:
in. Washington, D. C., where he s outside the University, Mr. Thomas
working to aid the successful enact- Lowry and Rev. Lloyd Wallick; two
ment of the soldiers' bonus bill. Defi- professors, Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, as-
selate' professor of German, ad .1
nite action' for the organization of the socf.J. professorasf Germanesslr
postbefre te ed ofthesemeterProf. J. R. Nelson, assd~ite professor
s willbetakenthiseend ftings.mest of English; and four undergraduates, t
will be taken at this meeting. F. C. Lit'21, Ramon Capistrano,s
'20L, Earl Miles, '21, and S. J. Jaf-
A sfn d, ' fre, '21.
Winifred O'Connr, '21, was made 1
To 2ie B an queted president of the woman's chbter i
Plans for the entertainment of the V
visiting high school athletes from al ON SALE TO-DAY

. over the country that are going to -
compete in the Interscholastic meet The Vampire number of the Gar-
here Friday and Saturday are being goyle will be on sale today. It con-
formulated by the committee in tains the usual number of drawings,
charge of the affair. jokes and humorous writings. A clev-j
Every effort is being made to show er cartoon may be found on the .cen-,
the athletes every aspect of the-Uni- ter page on the political situation.
versity. Tentative plans call for a There is also a story on the 'art ofz
big dinner at 5:45 o'clock Friday night vamping.
at the Union, at which all the visitors
will be guests. Speeches by the Methodists Eleet Three Bishops
prominent athletes of the campus will Des Moines, Ia., May 18.- ThreeY
be given, and a quartette and a spe- bishops of the Methodist Epifcopall
cial orchestra will provide music, church were elected on the senatef
r Outside of the dinner provided by general conference ballot taken today.-
the athletic committee on student af- They are Anton Gast, Copenhagen;1
s fairs, entertainment of the visitors will Edgar Blake, Chicago; and George H.
be left entirely in the hands of the Dickley, Philadelphia.
- various fraternities. Following the
r dinner at the Union, the tracksters Strikes Lock Up Court Robes
. will probably be taken to the Cap Vienna, May 18.-Officers and at-
y -Night exercises. Each fraternity is to tendants of the Vienna courts have
. send a man along 'with the guests, as gone oi strike and taken with them
- was done at the basketball dinner, to the keys to the lockers containing the
e see that the visitors receive proper robes and wigs belonging to the
attention. , judges.






estrictirs Will Be Removed;
Tolerant to People Will
Be Adopted
(By Associated Press)
London, May 18.-Important
s in the government's policy
and were decided upon after
erence between Viscount Fren(
r General McHardy, and th
rnment officials in London las
ccording to the London Tim
To Crush Terror
The government, says the
aent, was so impressed by th(
ty of the situation that it reso
se every weapon in the army
tate to crush the terror before
oo late.
"On the other hand," contini
rimes, "the restrictions which
he whole community will be r
nd a more tolerant regime :
eople as a whole-will be adop
ttempt to suppress crime will,
ied out by groups acting in
quadrons acting from g
Abandon Harsh Arrests
"Martial law will not be pro(
nor any form of military'coefce
posed upon the people. The im
ral attitude towards sedition
Lot -accompanied by violene
omprise abandonment of arrei
out trial and sedition will no
be placed upon war time regi
of the Defense of the Realm a

(By Associated Press)
Baton Rouge, La., May 18.-
or Parker today received a
from President Wilson, iurging
erest and influence in the su
Federal suffrage.
The message said, "May I
spectfully urge you to a favor
luence in the matter of the
amendment? It seems to me
deepest national significance
Mexico City, May IS. -
lost; good-bye, gentlemen."
were Carranza's final words bE
flight on May 14, while paus
nentarily before a crowd of
SThe fugitive crossed the fear:
ley, through which the Mexic
way passes, stopped for
ments occupying the strong pi
disappeared among the moun
is believed that Carranza is
East towards the coast with
tention of boarding a steamer
small port.
Montpelier, Vt., May 18.-'
town to report in today's prim
Middlebury, which cast 38 vot
vote was Republican: Wo
Hoover, 4; Johnson, 1; Dei
Champ Clark, 2; Cox, 1; Mai

hway Program to Be Impressive
luca- The ceremonies this year are to be
ay 14 \More characteristic of the real ob-
Un- jects of the tradition as it was, con-
con- ducted in pre-war days and with this
nited end in view the committee in charge
, Dr. is planning to offer a program which
will impress upon those present that
Cap Night is not a time for freshmen,
disciplining but rather the time for the
TING passing of the seniors into the ranks
of the alumni and the time for the
ciety, recognition of the freshmen as soph-1
ng of omores on the campus.
nents All the caps will be burned on the
ban- big fire in Sleepy Hollow and this
atori, part of the program marks the renew-
o ising of' one of the most prominent fea-
been tures of the Cap Night ceremonies.
During the war the toques and caps
Ma- were collected and administered to the
Lkes, destitute population of Europe.
on of Lloyd Hirth, '20D, Student council-
man, has called a meeting of the fol-
[dent, lowing freshmen and sophomores, to
ident, meet at 7:15 tonight in th'e Union, to
Oc' complete final arrangements for their'
rer, part in the Cap Night ceremonies:
'22-Sharpe, Eades,. Riggs, Dunne,
Czysz, May, and Gilbert, '23-Goebel,
Van Orden, Hunt, Johns, Dunphy,
Paper, Cappon, and Plank.
ht Chicago Defeats U. of Keo I
ck Tokio, Japan, May 18.-The, base-
mk ball team of Chicago university de-
feated Keio university today 1 to 0.
'The game went 10 innings. More than
10.000 spectators witnessed the con-




Washington, May- 18. - Pre
Wilson today appointed John
Payne, secretary of the interic
director general of the railroa
migltratiop to succeed' Walk
Hines, whose resignation becan
fective May 15.
Mr. Hines will sail for Europe
next month, having been select
President Wilson as arbitrate
questions of navigation of some
pen rivers. The selection was
by the President, at the requ
Allied governments.
League May Meet at Brusse
- Rome, Italy, May 18.-The (
of the League of Nations has
message to President Wilson re
ing him to convoke the leagu
November at Brussels.. It is p
ot that Geneva is not ready to r
the assembly.

Nearly 100 student cadets at M. A
C. have signed to attend a "summer
reserve officers' training camp to be
held during June and July, in variow
cantonments throughout the country
Infantry units will leave East Lans-
ing at the end of the present semester
for Camp Custer, artillery men wil
go to Ft. Monroe, Va., and cavalry
will depart for Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga
Sufficient men to form another con-
tingent are expected to enroll for the
training this summer.

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