gory, H. J. Watson, L. Selling, R.I zodgers, R. A. Sullivan, W. Bend-I )n, L. H. Treat, R. E. Nettleton, E. , C. K. Strozensky, M. Newton, C. !ades, H. L. WNaha, B. F. Kerwin, L. Leader, 1V. Gilbert, R. J. Dunne, Wilson, F. Steketee, E. Vick. iFreshman Heavyweights he freshman heavyweights ire: F. Copp, W. J. Van Orden, W. A. ,on, W. Bastian, R. Chenot, C. D. fly, A. F. Dittmer, E. M. Keeler, ~Crawforth, C. Ely, C. Kuhn, P. G. bel, C. G.Robertson, E. Chapman, 1. Barris, J. H. Truvorrow, D. Pa- C. Sage, G. E. Planck, S. C. Childs, :Bailey, H. Friedman, B. A., Levy, ------ 1fessor Feulillerat. That the quality of French clear-t ness in literature is due to careful INlVORMATION AVAILABLE ON composition, the ability to generalize' OPERA DANCING~ CLASSES and the use of good selection an~d forceful logic was the keynote of a All men interested in Mr. Hoyer's French lecture, "Intellectual Qua!;- class in dancing preparatory to the ties of the French," given' by Prof. A.! 1921 Union opera can secure informa- Feuillerat, of the University of Ren tion from 5 to 6 o'clock Friday, from. nes, yesterday afternoon at the Nat.- ;I to 2 o'clock Saturday, and from 5 ural Science auditorium. I to 6 o'clock Monday in room 308 of "In science the French are more the Union. 1 p AUTO GILL SEXT and other The E - Michigan "Overseas Club, Dance -204 1 Union. on sale to- nion from 1 e has been 'ormal to in- with organ- Club rep-_ the Unionf lock Friday n tup for in- oday. Due ned up last again today. .2 ;e One) vindustries, niember that ve a larger n the coun- .t the same Sexperience esome. ssufficient sand cities ituation this en will re- ditions, and demonstra- A co-opera- erized the G. R. Sutton, R. Chamberlin, J. E.j Johns; H. Watcher, H. G. Dunphy, L. E. Whalley, E. Larson, C. A. Pipp, C. iM. Kindel, M. W. Heath, J. H. Nichol- son, G. R. Holton, R. H. Rolland, D. M. Whitesell, E. D. Tramp, H. Miller, W. R. Kreinheder. Freshman -Mddlewelghts 'The freshman middleweights are: D. M. Layer, L. C. Jacobs, H. G. Gar-i man, L. G. Wilkowski, 'J. C. Baker, G. Ef. Chapin, H. E. Peterson, N. C. Com- fort, W. H. Schwartz, P. F. Schultz, C. J. Andreasen, F. B. Buell, J. E.' King, L. F. O'Conner, E. T. Settle, 0. S. Hult, E. H. Puls, El. H. Davis, C. G.. Myer, J. C. Satterthwait, A. G.Maihof.- er, H. Bibwell, 3. H. Fisher, E. Ander- son, G. Schultz, J. G. Jones, T. H. Hovenden, G. D. Andrews, W. Her- rick, C. H. Van Donk, A. H. Mills, R. F. Lewis, M. S. Goldring, C. Briggs, A.. H. 'Wagner, C. E. Rankin, R. 3. Albright, H. Cites, A. H. Reimann, 'J. W. Becker. Freshman Lightweights The freshman lightweights are: W. D: Chase. S. Seigel, A. R. Naser, A. W. Hanigan, H. 3. Olmstead, F. C. Val- vo, M. M. Ketik, K. W. Petersn, H. R. Stanley, L. J. Crane, W. 0. Ekebald, C. El. Beardsley, D. A. Endre's, Al. E.' Croxton, S. W. Brazee, W. L. R chard- son, W. Cooley, A. E. Borsum, P. Mil- ler-, E. G. Newhall, R. C. Baker, C. E. Perry, G. El. Culp, R. K. Osgood, D. D. Boothley, P. Carlson, R. Allaben, F. A. Brossy J. ,C. Hanna, R. E. Kean, W.. H1. McCracken, H. Popkins, W. R. Nor- ton, W. L. Yeo, D. A. Stone, G. S. New- combe, R. Crary, H. C. Mitchell, 3. FE. Smiggen, H. FE. Adams, BONUS BILL EXPLAINED To NAVAL MILITIA CLUB The Naval Militia club held a smolt. HEY, THERE, BUDDIE, YOU WITH THE, GOLD STRIPE ! (Armay, NVavy, ard Marine Corps) Bring your. Mademoiselle to Barbour Gymnasium Saturday, May Fif teenth-Nine 'P. M. and Put you old hob-:Pails into rhythm with Ike Fisher's Jazz Musict MAY Our ( Plain, F; ( BEA UCO UP REFRESHMENTS TICK ETS $I.25 Try a hBox unc from B eckers Deilicatessen 119 East Liberty" Phone 2620-M OPEN SIUNDAYS 4'T O 6 P. M. Finest a 13-15?I CA, Nickels Arcade Hey Boyl Have Yotj Food At The Pure foods at low prices, Everything displayed oni serving tables. Select .just what appeal appetite. res or n they rs in- ,tor of n they can .or will put ,gents who elp. assistance be glad to I am e* aun L-a eue wee4~Lb *4C , **Sflu.. -- in room 319 of the Union. Prof. J. S. 4 Reeves spoke on the bonus question; . , '- j pointing out the bad effects that would result i the bonus bill should pass congre~. Gustave Ritz and his son,, Harold, who are known as the "Whis-* tling Ritzs," and Archie. McDonald, =" i . '22L, entertained._2LY r: 4 _ - Bakery goods Delicious coffe Kindness, youi and good ,. ' ,. EREDITH, Secretary. 7 Sam, ;e One) x- pressed and shiver- ;old; partial- ie War Path -e they could ;hen making Burchield i &7 The Jine Taido ring. Tra4de of Ann Lrded their bla.- rmas of the xnen perpetuate the Song f 111it~r IIIIIIIIIIfnuIIIIIIIIIIIIul ANNOUNCEMENT whloop, and' one tribesman ,ect, dancing around the circle1 blazing faggots in 'his hands. the ceremony of Bear meat: participated in by the entire chi sniatching a strip of raw tI from the -outstretched arm~ varrior. Then; the Peace ding out its clouds of filmy d the chant of Michigamua, tg in a flaring yell. sly, each "paleface" had been a rope by a buckskin thong, the final shout of the chant d through the operj, windows ,ity Hall, where heads stuck the profusion of dandelions n, the palefaces were led 7eir heads were bent down, to the secret places, there to secrets of the tribe, there he wisemen; there to learn ds and the meaning of the Our stock of light colored goods for hot weather is lef and very complete, all of high grade material. FURTHER We will be glad to reserve your fall and winter (1 We have the goods nowe. a banquet Sam.71Burchfield F& Co. .1-04Last Huron Street Down Town I undies of Boston. .7 So. Man-Adv. s .of Cleveland. r+ ,;