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October 16, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-16

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1)-t ,i D' \1






Junior literary elections, held Wed-
nesday, resulted in the following elec-
tions: president, AlberI Jacobs; vice-'
president, Marguerite Clark; secre-
tary, Howard Weeks, and treasurer,
Fitzhugh Brewer.
Interest in the election, which was
held between 10 and 5 o'clock in the
main corridor of University hall, was
light. Only 182 ballots were cast.


'apacity of
en to

Couiwcil Upholds Maize and
Varsity Banners; 'Will
More Yell Leaders

Blue for


u Cortege..Doubois
V. Moore
s My Shepherd
im Wheeler .

State Journalists Come to Ann Arbor
for Three Day Meeting; Waite
First Speaker


.DFor the first time in the history of
Lloyd C. Douglass the American Association of Teachers
.......Dickinson of Journalism, men actively engaged
.DiWkinsen in newspaper work are to attend
ta Wheeler the annual convention, which opens
eanJ . Ffnger; Thursday, Oct. 16, with sessions at
)ea J.U. ffigerthe Union. Teachers of Journalism
Lloyd C. Douglass from the entire country and newspa-
......... Wiorper men from all parts of the state
.W Morewill come to Ann Arbor today and
V.Mor tomorrow to attend the business ses-
tion, to be held at sbus, and lectures by prominent
,fternoon in Hill newspaper men and educators.
cupy less than an Students Welcome
1 to b4 one of the "All students of the University will
dens f hecollege be welcomed to the lectures," said
ent of the h itsgProf 'Johnd .Brummn,1chairman of
cltorium, with its
f 5,000, will be the local committee. "The lectures
;s of students and will be of special interest to stu-
s the prediction of dents of journalism but they should
engineering col-I interest all students from the stand-
t Wday. point of citizenship.
s[ake Debunt "Students of politics and sociology.
B. Hutchins Wed- particularly, should be anxious to be-
:full program. The 'come acquainted with the men who
of' Mr. William make the newspapers and the newvs--
of ,the vocal -musicpaper as an institution."
School of Music, Expect Big Attendance
featlre the event. About 150 newspaper men and
s, who will pre- teachers of journalism are expected
r, speaker of the to attend the convention.. The rooms
Douglass, who will at the Union, where the sessions are
Sand' benediction, to be held are large enough to ac-
who will play the commodate all students who are in-,
hpostlude, are all terested.
, Arbor and Uni- Students may also attend the get-
together dinner 'to be held in the new
it Ceremony Union dining hall at 6 o'clock Thurs-
o all Univer- day"'evening. Tickets for the dinner
kuspended, and'the will be on sale at the Union desk for
1 pieces, under Mr. 75 cents. The smoker, the same even-
rector, will assem ing at 8 o'clock, is open to students.
if the campus. Aft- .. Speeches Today
li selectios, the The talks by Prof. John B. White
the front of Uni- on "Compulsory Unit-Ownership of
the President, the Newspapers," and by Ernest F. Lloyd
the speaker of the on "Is the Newspaper a Public Utili-
hers of the several ty?" scheduled for 3 o'clock Thuris-
academic robes, day afternoon will be of interest to
sion. Led by the journalists and the public. The talk
will proceed north by Chase S. Osborn entitled "The
North University Fourth Estate" will be of general in-
1,Nrth n versity Iterest but the other talk of the aft-

After considering the question of
University colors, the Student coun-
cil, in a resolution passed. at its
meeting We.dnesday evening at th
Union, ordered that the student body
should use the true maize and blue,
adopted by the Regents and students
years ago.
It was also decided that competi-
tion for cheer leaders won'i] continue.
Further tryouts will be held at the
Define Frosh Status
The status of men who had been
in the freshman class for one semester
was brought before the meeting. It
was decided that men with less than
24 hours of University credit should
be considered freshmen.1
Two Are Sworn In
After the meeting had been called
to order by President Carl Johnson
two new men were sworn into the
Student council. Frederick Petty
and Karl Velde, '20, were the newly
elected members.
In the opinon of the Student coun-
cil changes in the pattern of toques
are not advisable. Arrangements were
made for Council meetings every Wed-
nesday evening.
Geraldine Farrar, the famous op-
eratic soprano who created the Goose
girl in Humperdinck's "Konigskin-
der, and who will open the Pre-fes-
tival concert series at 8 o'clock Sat-
arday evening in Hill auditorium, has
enjoyed a triumphant musical career
in America and abroad.
Shc was born Feb. 28, 1882 in Mel;-
rose, Mass. She began her musical ed-
ucation at the age of 12 under Mr.
J. H. Long in Boston. Later she went
to Paris coaching with Trabello. Aft-
er several years' intensive work she
studied with Lilli Lehmann of Ber-
lin, making her debut as Marguerite.
in "Faust" at the Royal opera in 1901,
and also the principal musical cen-
ters of Europe.. Before the war she
was regularly engaged at the Opera
Comique in Paris. Since 1906 she
has sung the leading soprano parts at
the Metropolitan opera house,
Miss Farrar is specially noted as
"Cho Cho San" in Puccini's "Madame
Butterfly." Her repertoire includes
Marguerite, Manon, Juliet, Gilda, Vio-
letta, Carmen, Thais and many others.
In private life Miss Farrar is Mrs.
Lou Tellegen, wife of the well known

Varsity Cheer Leaders to Conduct
Yells at Barbecue on Friday
In Detroit
From indications Wednesday, there
is great campus interest in the bar-
becue which the University of Michi-
gan club of Detroit is giving at 8
o'clock Friday at the Elks' temple In
that city. Already many have signi-
fled their intention of going into De-
troit for the affair. The fact that
cheer leaders, Alfred Cuthbert, '20E,
and Harry Sparks, '20E,will' conduct
the cheering indcates that footballi
pep will be thoroughly aroused.
With Coaches Yost and Brewer on
hand to speak concerning their re-
spective teams, much interest is ex-
pected to be aroused in the coming
M. A. C. game. The promised appear-
ance of Ring Lardner is also a big
feature of the evening's entertain-
Particular emphasis is 'being laid
by the committee in charge upon the
fact that discussion of events vitalto
the interest of every man on the cam-
pus will be a part of te, program.
Campus represetation is being earn-
estly sought in order that the alumni
may be brought into closer contact
with the present student body.
Tickets for the barbecue may be
obtained' from Carl Johnson, '20, or
James McClintock, '21L.
"A city editor on a small town news-
paper," is the reference 6ften made to
William Allen White, who will lee-
lure at 8 o'clock Friday night in Hi'
auditorium on "What a Reporter Saw
at the Peace Conference."
Shortly after his graduation from
the University of Kansas, Mr. White
entered the newspaper game with
the El Dorado Republican, going later
to the Kansas City Star. As a re-
porter with this paper the story is told
that an article "Millions in Hogs,"
written at an opportune moment' in
the history of the packing industry,
alone saved him from discharge.
Turns Down Offers
Never caring fOr city life he soon
purchased the Emporia (Kan.) Gaz-
ette, of which he has been managing
editor for a number of year, Here
his name was brought forcbly\ to the
attention of the public in his editorial,
"What's the Matter with Kansas?" a
random comment on conditions which
went to the very heart of the state's
Since taking over the Gazette Mr.
White has ,turned down many offers
from metropolitan papers, 'refusing
(Continued on Page Six)°

University studentys who were in the
service and have not yet obtained
their Victory buttons - may do so
through the Union and Washtenaw
County Community Service, George
Hurley, general secretary of the
Union, announced Tuesday.
Students desiring buttons are re-
quested to bring their honorable dis-
charges to the Union by next Monday.
These. should be enclosed in a wide,
flat envelope, upon which the name
and Ann Arbor address of the ownert
should be plainly written. This enve-
lope should be handed to the cashier
at the desk in the -lobby. From time
to time the papers will be taken to
,the Detroit recruiting staion by the
Community Service. At Detroit a
Victory button will be placed in each
envelope, and the ,whole returned.
The Union will notify students when
'their buttons arrive.
That more than 300 students will
take advantage of this offer is the
expectation of Union officials. The{
discharge papers may be left at the{
Union any time within the next twoI
weeks, but should be brought in by
next Monday.




Collective Barganing Principals
Up Progress of Labor




hes Hill auditorium, tie band will
its place on the terrace, while
President, Regents, and faculty
ibers enter the building and take
r places on the stage. The grad-
s will then enter by the west door
front entrance, while the seniors
move from their assembly point'
veen the Natural Science and Law
dings through the central and
t central doors, and the juniors
a their meeting place between the'
Aical and Nastural Scieece build-f
will enter the two east doors.
ophomores will move from Thayer
et just north of University avenue
r the upper classmen and will fill
he remainder of the main floor of+
auditorium. Freshmen who as-
ble on North University avenue,
east of Ingalls street, will occu-
the first and second balconies ex-
; that part of the first balcony re-
ed for newspaper editors attend-
the state journalistic convention.
Group Marshals Named
lie newspaper men will assemble
he Thayer street entrance to the
torium foyer in charge of Prof.
. Brumm. Prof. J. W. Bradshaw
have charge' of the graduate
aol formation, Prof. C. S. Berry of

ernoon by Floyd J. Miller ,of the De-
troit News, on "The Super-Morgue"
will be of particular interest to news-
paper men.
"Why join the Women's Athletic as-
sociation?" was the question answered
by Miss Marian Wood, director of phy-
sical education for women; at the get-
acquainted picnic given by the associ-
ation yesterday afternoon on Palmer
Following a hockey game and relay'
races, hot coffee and wienie sand-
wiches were served to the crowd gath-
ered around the bonfire.
"Your athletic association fee will
improve the field, organize outing
clubs and build an adequate field
house. Tag day will give every 'Uni-
versity woman ansopportunity to join
the association, and so participate in
all games and field events of the year."
This was the gist of a brief talk by
Miss Wood.
Margaret Rottschaeffer, '20, discuss-
ed the athletic honor point system and
ended with a plea for unity and en-
thusiasm to make this year's associa-.
tion a live organization.'
Artist Visits University Museum
Mr. Gerald Thayer visited the mus-
eum last Saturday. Mr. Thayer is an
artist whose work in the protective
coloring of animals has won him con-
siderable repute. ' -

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 15.-Despite re-
peated declarations by employers dele-
gates that they never would approve
intervention in the steel strike and in-j
sistent demand from the same groupI
that the labor arbitration proposal be
disposed ( of the national industrialj
conference today deferred action on{
the labor plan pending an effort of
the central committee of 15 to agree
on the question' of collective bar-
!lake Little Headway
The committee was directed to have
a rep'ort ready tomorrow but it struck
a snag late in the day in attemptingf
to define collective bargaining and
made but little headway.
The ,right of employees to organize
as generally recognized it was said but
no agreement could be reached on the,
question of dealing with non-employ-
ees of the company acting as spokes-
men for the employees. The commit-
tee will meet tomorrow morning but
it appears that it will ask for more
time. Such action would mean a
further delay in obtaining a vote oni
the steel l strike arbitration resolu-
May Drop Proposal
Labor delegates said today that they
would be willing to drop the steel
strike resolution in case they can ob-
tain a clean cut acceptance of the
principals of collective bargaining
with the right of employees to select
representatives "just as the compan-
ies hire council." Failure of the con-
ference to arbitrate the strike or to
accept their view of collective bargain-
ing would mean disruption of the can-
ference, some labor represeatatives
went so far as to say.
Final returns show that Michigan
contributed $509.41 for her first me-
morial to those students who have
died in service. A sinking fund of
approximately '$100 is now assured to
provide for upkeep and flags for some
years to come.
The pole arrived from Detroit yes-
terday and will be imbedded in its con,
crete foundation. today under the su-
pervision of the buildings and grounds
department. Definite plans for the
'formal dedication have not been en-
tirely completed, but it is promised
that the first flag raising will take
place .at the M. A. C. game Saturday.
The 65 foot pole is made of steel
welded together' in such a manner
that it is a one piece .construction.
The ball on "the top' is of 22 carat

Communication From "Spirit" Scores
flagpole Plan; Urges Campus Gateway

Orders Sent to Coal Meun
Union Heads, Goes ii
November 1I
(By Associated Pr
Washington, Odt. 15.--S
Labor Wilson announced t
'he had assumed jurisdictio
law as mediator In the c
between the coal miners an
of the central competitive i
have resulted in a call by
Mine Workers of America
on Nov. 1
Strikers Accept
Secretary Wilson said tha
L, Lewis, acting president c
ed ine Workers, and T
Brewster, president of the
atfrs association, had acck
vitation to confer with hic
the 'onference ould b 'e]
Indianapolis. Oct. 15-Aft
lug and sending on Ls
4,0 local unions of the c
offilal order caing on all
uhinous coal mitenrs ,in j
Statesto cease coal roduct
night, Oct. 31, Join r. Lei
president of the. United Mu
of America, left here late
Washington to attend tev
called by Secretary of La
with Thomoas F. Brews ter, P
the coal operators asoiat
Befotre leaving Mr.liew
that the only' thing that co
a strike of the ines woul
p 1-ing of an agreement betwe
ers and' operators represe
fore that date.
The miners' head would
'predictions as to the result
ference in Washington. In
time lhe said preparations
strike would be continued
conference were not in prc
The strike order warns
worzkers that there must
pensions or stoppage of' ci
tion before the time fixed I:
and declares that, orderly
must be followed tlhrough
Farm Hrtg
"Mortgages and Chattel
was the subject of DallasJ
lecture on , Investments 'f
In discussing the subject
man's lecture on Investin
nesday. In discussing the
Bouderman brought out th
phases of the different typ
"The basis for, a mortg.
ally' 50 rer cent of thevw
property," he said. "A m
more than 50 per cent of
is a risk. A farm mortg
best one to have because t
"' farm lies in the land, an
it is capable of producding.
"Do not forget insuran
property on which you ta
gage. Insist on the mortga
ing a clause specifying tha
ings on the property be i
that the insurance Is pay
in case they burn down. 'I
essential in city property,
of the fire hazard."
Saturday Mr. Boudeman
on "Mortgages Made by
tions." Due to Convocatio
Friday afternoon, the lect
given at 1 o'clock in rooT
Law building, instead of a

Men and Women of Michigan:-
I, the spirit of one of Michigan's
honored dead, take this occasion to
thank you for the consideration you
have shown, in the proposed flagpole
to commemorate the men of Michigan
who died in the past war. A $500
flagpole, represents a contribution of
five-and-five-tenths cents from each
and every student; truly a magnifi-
cent offering, and after all, a fine in-
dex to the keen appreciation of the
sacrifices made by Michigan's dead.
To be perfectly frank with you, I
had hoped for, ot a too costly, but
a beautiful gateway,,placed at the
State street end of the diagonal walk;
'but of course we spirits can't expect
to get everything. . Some of us al-
ready have for a monument the poppy,
'fields of Flanders, some the chalk of
Picardy, and the more fortunate, if
'spirits may be said to be fortunate,
sleep in the shade .of the Argonne.
Understand, I am not kicking on
the flagpole, but put yourself in my
place. The student body pays tribute
to your memory on Saturday after-
nons during a two months' footballj
season and, theoretically, during a

baseball season of the same duration.
although then the band merely pass-
es the football field and site of the
proposed flagpole in order to get to
the baseball diamond. In the mean
time, a few scattered track meets are
thrown in out of sheer generosity.
How fortunate it will be that the stu-
dents thus will be able to kill two
birds with one stone, as it were. They
may do their commemorating be-
twen halves or innings, when action
on the field is absent. How would you
Now, a gateway would be working
as a memorial seven days in the
week, every week in the year, and
even more or less at night. In addi-
tion, it is lasting, beautifying and is
something that the campus has need-
ed as long as the University has ex-
isted. I know that .the architectural
department would be only too glad to
contribute the design. The difficuly
would be in expecting the student
body to contribute up' to a half, dol-
lar apiece. Fifty cents' worth of com-
memoration would probably strain
the bonds of friendship and loyalty
to the breaking point.
(Continued on "Page Six)


There are a numbe
ings for sophomores
Daily. Men wishing
report to the city edits
1 and 3 o'clock any d

f the

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