p *1 "winY . U. ,L, 40 YR :S 1P ,'V AM) NIGHW SERVICE .. ANN -ARBOR,. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1920, PRICE amtpus Election Nominees "Following is the list of the nomiinees' of the various campus organ izaitions, who will bo voted on at the All-campus election. Wedne (lay, May 12. PreidntFerinndC.MICHIGAN UNION eton PresdentFerinan C.Bell. '21L; Paul WV. Eaton. 'f1 (by p in David 'A. Forbes, 122L (by petition) ; Robert Grindley, 121E; Fre J. Petty,. '21. Recording Secretary-Donald J..vPorter, '21; John A. Stewart, '21. Law Vice-President-Abe 3. Cohn, 1211; Thurman B. Doyle, 1'21L. Enigineering, Vice-President-Richard 0. Fischer,, '21E; George 1H Roderick, 121E; Guy S. Shoemaker, 121E. Redic Yice-Presdent-H~arry B. McCallum, '2121; Ralph 0l. Rychenei '2211. Literary ice-President-C. Stewart Baxter, '21; John Mc~anls, '21 Gratton L. Rourke, '21. Combined Departments ie-President-Lester H.' French, '21R1;Wil 1am E. Kireligessner, 120P; Marlon D), Slaughter, '221). PRESIDENT STUDENT COUNCIL Le G~rand A. Gaines, '21E; Fran~k L. Walters, '21L.. STUDENT COUNCILMAN AT LARGE' (Two to be-elected), Nominated by the Union-Dewey F. Fagerburg, '22L. Nominated by Student Council-Robert J. Dunne, '22; Angus. Goets 1 2211. [Nominated byr Y. IM. C. A.-James K. Pollock, Jr.,,'22L; Lee M. Wood ~ALL R CANDIDA'TES FOR THE x.- Following is the list of nomin 1 i Beard In Control of Student Pub be elected at the All-Camnpus elec Roswell P. Dewey F.] Ralph E. Q Alan F. Ki f r llid B. L " James L. 1 tz, ,John E. lik Walter S. 1E 5j4-'Gilbert P.I .PUBLICATIONS BOARD' vol1 .EADY FOR es for student' Members= on The ilicatlons from which, three are to en, today. 1?agerburw, -'20L., Ing, '20E.- ,andis, '24L. .gamis, '21. Riess, '21L. Schafer, 'TOE. i LOOKED FOR TOI , Chairman Eager, '20L, Urges Stu to Observe AUl Voting Regulations BOOTHS TO OPEN AT 8:45, O'CLOCK; CLOSE AT Final arrangements for the All pus election today have been pleted and everything is in rea' to handle the record' vote which pected. The eight voting booths open at 8:45 o'clock and the will be closed at 3:15 o'clock i Iof at 3:45 o'clock as erroneousl "nounced yesterday. r. ENGINEERS' AND ARCHITECTS' HONOR COMMITTEE rEngineers-E. A. Kerbey, '21E; 3. H. Pilkington, '21E. mnrore Engieers-,Edward J. Elliott, 122E; Robert C. Vail, '22E man Engneers-J. E. Johns. '23E; L. IT. Kirkpatr40k,"'23E. rArchitects-H. A. Beam, '21A; L. S. Martz, '21. more' Architects-R. H. Ainsworth, '22A; J. 3. ZimmermanI,;' -ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION L'. <1 I President-J. W. Hindes. '21: James K. Pollock. '2L: C. M. Young- johin, '22L. V ice-President-Winef red Biethan, '21; Earle Miles '21;-Preston-,H.' Scott, '22.- Treaigurer-Leon E. Grubaugh, '22; Roy E. Lounsbury, '22; William H. Messinger, '21. Secretary-Euphemia Carnahan, '22; Olive N. Smith, '21. Delegates at Large-(Eight to be elected).-Gladys R. Boughton, '2; Eiarl F. Boxell, '21; Carl G. Brandt, '22L; Leland Galt, '22; Car- olyn F. Hayes, '21; Aurella 1M. Igel, '21; Helen M. Middleswart, '22; Edward T. Ramsdell, '23; Telford "N. Rygh, '21; Donald Stott, '22; Margaret R. Stone, '22; William Wachs, '21; Harold H. W'arn- er, '21; David A. Watts, '21. STUDENT COUNCILMEN I or Engineers-Lautrence E. Frost, '21E; Clareii't N. Johnston, 21E.- Frederick H. Storrer, 121E; Calvin G. Wetzel, 121E. or Lits-Joseph A. Avery, '21; Earl F. Boxell, '21; Fitzhugh L. Brewer, '21; George Duffield, '21;. Harcourt Johnston, '21; Edll ,yard S. Kingsford, '21; Donald 3. Thorp, '21. oomore Engineers-Edmund H. Fox, '22E; George E. Gregory, ts-C. Maurice Atkinson, '22; Charles H. Murchison, 'G If. Sargent, '22; Re naud Sherwood, '22;, H. E. Wils( -Gerald A. Herrick, 121L- Oscar A. Kaufman, '21L. ents-Robert W. Christie, '221); John, H. Hutchins, 122 s-William -M. German, '211I; Eugene A. Osins, '2111. *ets-Howard Ht. Battin, 121A; R. V. Gay, 121A. cops-Howard H. Harpst, '2111; Richard Penzotti, 12111 ales-Byron Swift, 121P; Elmer J. Traut, 121P. -hnC. Cary, '22L; Irving A. Jennings, 122L. LAWS- " /,' STUDENTS' +CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ^-C. Stewart Baxter, '21; Roswell P. Dillon, 121E. idents-Baptist: Guy S. Shoemaker, 121E; (,ale IL. Wiessh er, 121E. Congregational: * Laurence E. Frost, 121E; Clarei N. Johnson, 121E. Disciple:. Alan F. King, ex.120E ; Roswell H. Shut 121E. Episcopal: William F. Angell, '21; loe Grand Gaines, Jr., '21E. Lutheran: Oswiald Michelmann, '22; Herbert F. I~ Ewegen, 121P. - Methodist: Leon E. Grubaugh, '22; Charfes B1 St ner, '22L. Presbyterian :' Chesser ,II. Campbell, '21; Donald Porter, '21. 1; L. I'. s ,: ,, , r t 4. t trol of Student Publicationsl 'LITTLE INTEREST'AILYWLL'V beenbselected and they appear in ELECTIONREUN day's Daily. A separate ballot has1 prepared for naming the Board's f Reurnsof he Ai-capus members as the nominationsv IN SPR N C~ ~etuns o th Al-capus made too late for the regular ba -telephonie tonight as soon as All students vote on these ca Class of 19823 H1olds Pep Meeting in they are available,.ats Effort to Arouse Fighting, Call The Daily;, 950, after 8:30 Urges Rule Observance Spirit of Men. for the returns.I Chairman Henry Eager, '20L, of r + Student council election commis YOUAE__________________".____ requests careful attention to the "YOUARE VERCNFIDNT" - lg regulations on the part of all SAYSnnOBESITOTEARLING dents as the ballot is long and "Men of '23, has youir victory of last _____ fall made: you. overconfident?" said lB ~ lfhTG Dave Forbes, 122L' at the freshmen .pep ENGL ISHl LAY UiIGbfl gves To G meeting 'yesterday afternoon. Never -- ' ' V . before in the history of the school has it you were an actress iu Paris, and Wvar On Tiiursdi a pep meeting in anticipation of thef spring games been attended 'by such if you .met a perfectly good, unro- asalbdofsuet.mantic moan and married him, and then One of the most impressivec atem pts toyooArousentsiam o oudh ie n ateadmonies ever given on the campus Atteptsto roue Ethuias if youfoud h lied n acasle'andbe the Rope Day initiation of Ml After Knight Merrielees, '20E, had had a title, wouldn't you think the gamua when it goes on the warl attempted- to arouse some spirit in the fates were upiusually kind to you? But next Thursday to gather in theI Msmrall body, Karl Velde, '20, who has _and there are always "buts," '"ifs," faces who-,by their work on thec charge of the contests, explained the an, an or.whnyufndpsavbenemdwrtyf plan fo Frday nd atudayin d- ads, an "or"-wen ou oundpushav ben demedworhy plan forFriay ad Saurdy inde-coming young bucks of the It tail all of your plebian relatives had seem- tribe of Michigamua. Whe tug-of-war will be held at the ed to alight enmasse in 'your royal The braves. dressed in true In Wail street bridge Fridayr. After the household as its servants, unbeknown;' fashion, astride Indian ponies, contest the. winning class' will, return to you, just what would you think of start on the war path abou~t five bo in a body carrying the rope to have the fates then? heap campus clock. Because o1 their picture taken. Sophomore and "h e sickness of Flying Foot Carl John freshman classes will be excused after Such was the plight of "h e Buffalo Belly Abe Cohn will ac 3 o'clock Friday for this contest and Lady Bantock" in Jerome K. Jerome's Battle Chief to lead the Indians.A (See Number 2, Page Six) English comedy by that name. The gtigteplfcsa hi part of Lady Bantock will be taken by gettingthe tibalefeaet them (' ~Madeleine Hazelton, '22, and the pro- Tappan Oak, t9, sing the peace el Tri9 &l Secrets duction, will be given at 8 o'clock to- PeyAgl~slw.Te night and tomorrow night in Sarahjoi R-ev alod T Ten CasellAngel hll ndertheausic-braves and palef aces willj ga CasellAngll al uner he uspc-around the camp: fire to be buil - . es of MYaques. The' entire 'cast is the ma.ll at the official entrance to Scrub! .Swyish! Crack! o-to the tune made up of women students. Men and University, where th~e braves will of these melodies, 10 sophomore en women are both to be admitted,, how- their renowned Indian dance and gineers scrubbed the engineering arch ever. bear meat. The palefac~ will the yesterday afternoon preparatory to taken to the tribe's wigwam. entering the secret order of Triangles. Student Council Meets. Tonight 'j The Pathe film company, of Cr Floor. brushes, water, Duc~en A special meeting of the Student' go, ,is sending a photographer to er, and husky paddles featured the council will be held tonight in' the Arbor Thursday to take moving labors of the Neophytes, while an , in- Union. tures of the Rope Day ceremonief terested audience inspired the workers-- to' great'er efforts. T~ The .10, men were, A. L., May, E. H. H. S R N L C I N C N I A Fox, C. N. Barnum, G . E. Gregory,. Il D. Dow, A. F. Schirmer, R. E. Swart, J. H. Robbins, A. L. ,Welch, W. H. r~i~Nt)I 3imh.sriei Simmons.. (E i' oe a,12;2)nt sriei Aftr ceanng he rchthoougly, Due to an. unavoidable delay, the ambulance corps. scrubbing all the senior benches, and material for Frank L. Walters, '21L, _______________ posing to be photographed in all their candidatg for president of the Stu- misery, the weary initiates were taken dent council, could not be run Tues- FRESH LITS NOTICE to he ldUnin bilingforth' fn:day morning. It appears below. al sacrifice., Then followed the fcr-Frslicasdesrep mal initiation, after which all were For President of the Student Council able this week in the lower coy rejuenaed . abanuet, a th: Frnk . Wltes, 21Lcros cun- ridor of University hall at tb reuentdbyabnqe t h rakL.Wler,'1Lcos on following hours: Tuesday froi Unio, werespeche an smkestry, team,.1913-14, 1914-15, 1915-16; A. 11 to 12 and from 1 to 2 o'clock were the reward of the battered en- gineers. Prf-.H ise ftecvl.M%. A. each year, M C. C. C. each year; Wednesday and Thursday fro] engineering department gave the 'ad- president Cross County club, 1914-15; 1 o1'adfo o2 'l dress of the evening. Sphinx, Druids ; junior law council- { I' ? II BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TH1E STUDENTS' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (To be ratified.) Prof. B.._ W. Bunting, Mrs. M. L. Burton, Prof. J. L. R. Brumm, Regis- trar A. G. Hall, Prof. W. C. Hoad, Prof. J. F. Shepard. I ENGINEERING 'SOCIETY President-C. N. Johnston. '21E; S. N. Lawson. 121E. Yice-President-H. N. Anderson, 120E; L. A. Gaines, '21E. Secretary-11. B. Covell, '21E; F. P. Storyer, 121E. Treasurer-B. P. Dilon, '21E; M. E. 1Mc(owan, '21E. ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY. Presiden"-. C. Goodeyne, 121A; J. B. Swanson, WA~1 ice-President-H. S. Booth, 122A; A. W. Luckham, '22A. Secretary-IV. K. Rindge, '22A; A. A. Roemer, '21A. Treasurer-J. J. Esterheld, 122A J:3. 3.Zinmmerman, '21A. f; I - r. .wra } __ _ .. J' . The New Lady Bantoek -- , Masques Presents Its Annual Play. A four act comedy b y Jerome K. Jerome. t- OPEN TO BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. Admission r m'