.! .J x~bpatt/ S A, / DAY AM) NIGHT SERTICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 9,1920. PRICE s = - . NERINES SCORE DOUBLE 4 1" Goskin Gets Orator ,. .. ,,. . a 7, 'r. Nicholas J7. 'utler Candidate For G.O. P. Nomination Issues Stand Uni- Declares Self in Favor of Beer. and Light Wines; Approves Ex. eeutive Budget (By Associated Press) New York, May 8.- Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler tonight issued a state- menatof his principles favoring among other things, light wines and beer and principles underlying a court of industrial relations. This will be the only puble statement he will make until the convention, his managers annouced. The statement covers subjects which' he stated today, urgently need 'atten- tion. These he says are of three kinds: Those relating to the struc- tures and functions of. our govern- ment; second, those relating to our domestic affairs, chiefly economic; and, third, those relating, to interna- tional politics. ~ Instead of planning new taxes, he, says rigid economy should be effect- ed and the high cost of living should be attacked at its sources. 'He fav- ored an executive budget. Dr. Butler would restore to the people their Am- erican form of government' he says, "and bring executive authority to an New York, May 8.-Eugene B. pebs now serving 10 years in the Atlanta penetentiary for violation of the war espionage laws will be formally year,was in months, dur- ing editor of ppointed May Ltrol. hip of The an 'to Willis s been with er of the up- s. Boyd H. was the editor -of aviation service years. A new nt managing edi- I, to be appoint- editor, with the rd. ,George A. as elected to the aunched as the Socialist candidate in MARQUIS TO SPEAK ON RELIGION 1I INDUS1T FORD MEDIATOR'S ADDRESS 4 0- NIGHT WILL CLOSE UNION SERVICES Speaking on the topic, "The Place of Religion in the Solution of the Pres- ent Industrial Problems," Mr; Sam- uel S. Marquis, head of' the educa- tional department of the Ford Motors Corporation, and industrial relations expert, will deliver the principal ad- dress at the last University union services to be given at 6:30 o'clock to- aight in Hill auditorium. The many personal and industrial problems that have always arisen at the Ford plant have been intrusted for settlement to Mr. Marquis, who has proven himself a capable mediator and 'authority on present day indus- trial questions. Special music for the last union service of the year has been arrang- ed under the -supervision of Mr. Rus- sel Carter of the, School of Music.- Bertrand Bronson, '22, is to render a violin solo, accompanied by Mr. Frank Taber of the School of Music. A male quartet, also frm the School of Mu- sic, will sing several numbers. TICKETS FOR FRESHMAN FROLIC PLACED ON SALE MONDAY Tickets for the freshman frolic, to be given by the freshmen of the College of Literature, Science and Arts, will go on sale at the "Talks to Freshmen" meeting at 3 'o'clock Monday at Hill auditorium. The price of the dance- ticket4, which is to be held at the Union on May 15, will be $2. the presidential race, it was announc- ed ihere tonight. , Chicago, May 8.-The first national referendum of farmers to be taken in this country and possibly in the world has. just been completed, J. R. Howard,. president of the American Farm Bureau federation, announced here today. He said tb1e compass of the referen- dum was the same as the purpose of those taken among business men of the United States to ascertain the views of -the farmers on questions of a national kcale concerning them. The initial farm referendum related to federal taxation. A second is soon to be taken, he said, which will deal with the federal highway legislation. HURLEY NA MED 1AS ASSOCIATION HEAD0 Union Conference - Delegates Chose SMichigan Man Executive Chair. man at Last Session CONFERENCE CLOSES WITH BANQUET AT NOON SATURDAY George Hurley, '18L, general secre- tary of the Michigan Union, was elect- ed' executive chairmacn of the perma- nent association of university unions formed at the final meeting of the con- vention yesterday, the position to cor- respond to that of president. Full pow- er was given him to appointthe exec- utive committee from among the dele- gates, the first meeting of this. com- mittee to be leld in June. In addition to this, financial support was agreed upon, each union to cn- tribute a definite sum for the main- tenance of a permanent organization. Prof. Wenley Speaks At the morning session, Prof. R. M. Wenley addressed the gathering, say- ing -in part, "A Union, to be successful must come up out of the life of the university and should not be devel- oped from a model. It must meet its own needs and, be formed accord- ingly. " . At noon the final banquet was giv- en the delehtes by the Michigan Union, and the report of the oragni- zation committee heard, through the chairman, George W. Tagart, of the Houston club, University of Pennsyl- vania. Following the dinner, a rising vote of thanks was tendered to the Michi- gan Union for the entertainment ac- corded the delegates during the con- vention. Rendered Assistance "I think we have been able to ren- der considerable assistance to these other organizations through showing them the working of our own," stat- ed Carl T. Hogan, '20. Attendance at the track meet with Illinois and baseball game with Wis- consin, as guests of the Athletic asso- ciation, was the' final phase of the convention. PAUL JONES WINS KENTUCKY DERBY AFTER A FAST RACE Louisville, May 8.-Ral Parr's Paul Jones, ridden by Jockey Tom Rice, won the Kentucky derby at Churchill Downs; Upset was second;. and On Watch, third. The time, 2:09 fiat, compares with the derby record in 1914, when Old Rosebud negotiated the mile and 4 quarter in 2:03 2-5. Gross value of the stakes, which carried $30,000, was approximately $36,925. Theological Seminary Opens in N. Y. Drew Theological seminary, New York, has opened its doors to women and has set aside one whole dormi- tory for their use. - Gives Michigan Unrivalled R Ten Firsts and Quarte Seconds SPEECH OF WINNER DEOL BEST EVER HEARD A Winniig first place for Mi Madison Friday night, in v universally declared the grea test. in the 30 years . of ex the Northern Oratorical leag Goskin, '22L, again placedI at the top of the list of comp leges with 10 firsts and four Northwestern being the only sity comparable, with nine f four seconds, Gets Four Votes Of a possible five firsts, G ceived four first choices ania ond, an almost unheard of vo N. O. L. contests. "The heads of the oratory ments of the six universitie clared that this was te stron test in the 30 yers history league," declared Prof, Th Trueblood, who attended the "The audience was large an terest was great all through,' Goskin spoke it became int held his audience in complet and had the greatest infuenc ever seen exerted' by a colle since the beginning of the le the end of his oration he ri burst of spontaneous appla lasted more than a minute." Dealt With Russia Goskin's speech is entitled tion's Struggle for Life," a with the Bolshevik regime in REBELSNIMEXIC[ Unconfirmed Report Puts 0' Troops Within Capital's G El Paso, May 8.- Revol forces under Gen. Alvio Obre didate for the presidency of were at the gates of Mexico night, according to reports. An. unconfirmed report fro lutionary headquarters sa troops under Gen. Ben. J. H already entered the capital. sweeping victories were clai other Carranza agents ontth President Carranza, it is's ordered the abandonment northern states' of Mexico and centration in Mexico City of loyal forces there. The state rango was reported to have 4nd to have joined the re Torreon, Coahuila, with Zacap Ajaus, Calientas, capitals an bearing the saie names an 10, capital of Coahuila, we claimed today by the revoluti THE SPRING (Editor's Note-For the 1u informing the student body qualifications of the candid the various All-campus offices work performed by them, T will run a brief summary of e didate's activities while in The elections will be held M -I -, Today the candidates are vice-president, and an additio didate for president of the Un \[lAterary Vice-Presiden C. Stewart Baxter, '21-Sta various student publicationsf years, Daily, Students' D Michiganensian, Chimes; mei committee of the Union; -Sp Delta Epsilon; University committee, campaign committ "Y"; service in machine gun training school. John E. McManus, '21-Da y HonorsBEBALN MarthaCook Aids nIn -Smith Benefi ( I J -Over 200 people attended a card and WISCONSIN EASILY BEAT tea party given at the Martha Cook LNGREN'S IAMON] ecord of dormitory yesterday afternoon held SQUAD' t of for the benefit of the Smith collqge fund. Besides the admission, sport ILLINOIS RUNS UP B hats from the Philippine islands were COUNT , ON . CIN] ARED sold to aid the fund. MEETS sAt Smith college among the many Ohio State Defeated on Courts, ways being used to collect this four. Absence of Michigan's Stell hlgan at million dollar fund is one which in Racquet Man that was New York City netted several. hun-__ test con- dred dollars in one day. Everyone Michigan won two out of th stence of with the last name of Smith was ask- Conference athletic contest h4 ue, 'J. J ed to contribute. Fer'ry field yesterday. The Wc Michigan baseball and tennis teams 'ca: ting co1 ictorous, but the track me seconds, down to defeat before the stro univer-nossu. irsts and . Scheidler's fine hurling, I GAU TLIT with the hitting of the Woler ? men, enbled Michigan to sh1 oskin re- Wisconsin by a 5 to 0 score. ' one sec- Tadkional Ceremony to be Held May itors were helpless before the te in the 21; Discipline Not Entirely' gan hurlers' offerings until tl Ellminat d inning, when for a moment it y depart- as if tliey might score. s all de- CARL JOHNSON TO PRESIDEillinois Wins Meet' gest con- CARL JOHNSONE T ORIE; The Illinois track team over y of the MURPHY SPEAKER FOR ALUMNI ed Michigan 91 1-2 to 44 1- omas C. Wolverines were strong in the contet. Cap night, -which marks ;the pass- and hurdles, but were no ma d the in- ing of the first mile stone in the the Illini inthe other events. but when freshman's career, wil , be held on distances and the field events 1 ense, he Friday evening, May' 21 . Plans al- itors were invincible. Beards] e control ready formulated attest to the fulfill- the big Michigan point winn ae I have ment of every detail of this famous old firsts in both hurdle races, ge orator traditton. The ceremonies this year On th'e tenis courts Michiga ague. At will tend to eliminate the unnecessary ed a decisive victory over Ohi ceived a roughness and with this end in view by winning five out of six . use that the committee in charge has ruled that The Wolverine net men won be there will be no gauntlet though a bles matches and three' out certain amount of'discipline will be singles encounters. The hea "A Na- administered to freshmen preparatory which' bleW across the courts fi ad dealt to their final recognition as sopho fporth was a serious handicap Russia. mores on the campus. players. Members of all classes Wl ssemble Considering the day as 'a C on the campus and led by the Var- Michigan can..consider hersel sity band will proceed in the regular nate to have come off so well. line of march to Sleepy Hollow where a foregone conclusion that bregon's the ce-remone e would win the track meet. It ates WilMrh.~Hlo at all certain ,that the Wi~l Headed by the band the procession would ce tn tp ibs *1 11 move in 'column of folurs go would come but ad top im basel: Lutionary c o e enio rs w o tennis. In fact, Scheidler's hur. gon, can- Sleepy Hollow. The seniors will oc hibition was ,an eye-opener t cupy the extreme north portion oftlQwoddntkw thatDuc Mexico' hollow. The other-. classes will then City to; moe to the right of the seniors and, pitch so good abrand of ball. move tothe igh of he enios ad, he tennis ,team, it was an ni take their places according to their quntty w it W s ou m revo- respective rank on the campus. Red meet id that lights will illumniate the line of march meet. [ill had and will be burned as the procession. eavy Week. End Several p .Taking into account the med by The committee in charge of cere game Friday, this has been on e border. monies includes the following men, biggest week-ends, athleticall m~vis icluds te fllowng ~n:held in. Ann Arboi' Itis no1 said, has Ffed J. Petty, '21, chairman, Grayson hat fou Arsit . t ar nc of. the W. Gill, '20A, David D. Nash, '20, Carl that four Varsity events are sl the con- F. 'Mason, '20, and Fraipk L. Walters, in two days in tIrAe sports. the few 'l'L. Carl Johnson, president of the -ICIGAN '-W'SCNIl of Bur- Student co'uncil will be master of the Coach Lundgren's proteges seceded ceremonies. Frank -Murphy of De trouLa in defatin' the Wi volution. troit, will deliver the ,alumni address teani yesterday afternoon at ecas and and Carl T. Hogan, president of the field, shutting 'hem out by a y d states Union, will give the oration for the (See Number 2, Page SI: d Saltil- student ,body. re , also A large fire will be built in the onists. (See Number 1, Page Six) u..utL Chosen Laiv.l R ICT ON C BIB TIS Rllin L. Mcitt, '121..,has z .been appoited acting dean; school of law of Southwestern rpose of since February, 1919; Michiganension sity, according to the South of the two years; Sphinx; Sigma Delta. Chi; Vox, the official publication ates for S. A. T. C. school. He was formerly a pi sand the Gratton L. Rourke, '21-Fresh bask- in the same institution be Daily etball, 1917-18; assistant track man- 'Although Professor McNitt ach can- ager, 1920; general chairman, Union 29 years old he is considere school. dance committee; executive coancil of qualified for the position bec ay 12.) the Union; membership drive, 1918-19; his tide experience. He has bE chairman, French memorial ' fund mitted to the bar in both Michij literary drive; Sphinx; ,\University service Calfornia, and has served as a i anal can- cominittee; six months in the naval of the editorial staff of the L.T ion. flying corps. ell Law Book company, whe t - For President of Union three years he was assistant ff of the Paul W. Eaton, '21-Football, 1916; editor of the Enclyclopedia of E for tlhree organized original Freshman Glee and the Standard Encyclope irectory, club; house committee of the Union, Procedure. mbership campaign committee, Alumni recep- Professor McNitt is a mem ihinx, Pi tion commiittee of the Union; chair- the California Bar association service man, finance committee, class '19;, committee on constituent assoc ee of the Glee club,'1919-20; Comedy club, 1919- and of the Los Angeles Bar officers' 20; opera cast, 1920; 26 months serv- tion and the committee on pu ice in the Lafayette escadrille; seven He is now a resident of FAg Lily staff months in a German prison camp. city. the olverine flicial daily ier session, ian, '22L, for been a mem- f The Daily years, and .I board last t of Henry nanager, has' cattons, John R. ,ppointed to the, of the Student rick J. Pfluke, s chos- ogran, of the 'AbM of LIBRARIAN OF HEBREW UNION and COLLEGE TO SPEAK TONIGHT lun- Llege "Leopold Zunz, Scholar and Fight- the er," is the subject of the address to be lab- delivered by A. S. Oko, librarian of the our, Hebrew Union college, before a meet- ants ing of the Michigan Menorah society at 8 o'clock this evening, in Lane hall. - Plans for next year, and for the election of officers, will be discussed