cxy e ', ._._, LARGE LISTS FOR INTER- FRATERNITY TENNIS MATCHES Entries for the fraternity tennis list are 'unusually numerous. All the houses on the campus are being call- ed to see whether a team will be en- tered or not. The teams which have been eliminated in the baseball league are being called first and these will play during the first few days in or- der that the two series may not inter- fere with each other. Houses which dre planning to enter teams are urged to call the Intramur- al office as soon as possible, as this will simplify matters there and facil- itate the work. A four-man team will be entered from each house. Each man on the team will play one set of singles and then the men will pair off and play a set of doubles per team. Thus four sets of singles and two sets of dou- bles will be played by each team. Each set will count one point.\ In case of a tie another set of doubles will be played to determine the winning house. Results in the following games must be turned in at the office by Monday night: Delta Theta Phi vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Beta Tau vs."Sigma Nu, Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Kappa Sigma, and Theta Xi vs. Chi Psi. NOSesake' of Johnson Is Star Spokane, Wash., May 7.-When Lew- is and Clark High school of this city found that its baseball team was with- out a suitable moundsman, investiga- tion was made among the newcomers on the squad, and' Walter Johnson, namesake of the famous Washington twirler, was named star pitcher of the school. Fond mothers naming their off- 3 spring Woodrow Wilson or Ty Cobb may now expect these fortunate ones to show exceptional gifts in the lines in which the original gentlemen ex- DG S. U. AND' MICHIGAN MEET ON COURTS TODAY At 3:45 o'clock Monday Psi Upsilon will meet Sigma Phi Epsilon and Beta Theta Pi will play the Hermitage, and Sigma Phi will meet Phi Sigma Kap- pa. At 7. o'clock on the Washtenaw diamond Phi Chi will. play Nil Sig- Election of officers for 1920-21 be held at Masonic Temple, May at 7:30 P. M.-Adv. to 22, MAY S M T W 23 4-5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 T JILUNZ AND REINDEL, ANGELL ma N.. i! AND KELSEY IN DOUBLES Ohio State will meet lyichigan on the. DEN" TS WIN FROM{ ON DIAMOND '23E tennis courts at 10 o'clock this morn- Dents won from fresh engineers yes- ing on Ferry field. This is the first terday in the interclass ball series meet of the year for the Wolverines, by a score of 10 to 6. The feature although Ohio has participated in Bev- of the game was the batting of Czycz eral already. In this way the Buck- and the fielding of Bellinger. Both. eyes will have a distinct advantage of these men played with the winning over the Michigan men. nine. The engineers showed a lack-of Four singles and two doubles practice ad their play was ragged. matches will be played. Louis Munz, Several good catches by center fielder playing'number one in the absence of Beckman kept the dents from run- Walter Wesbrook, will meet Ohio's ning up a considerable higher score. best man in the singles headliner. The Today at 1 o'clock sharp the medics four men who will make up the Ohio will play the fresh dents on south team is not definitely known, although Ferry field. It is necessary that both it is almost certain that Leonard and teams be ready to start at that time in the Wirthwein brothers will be three of the four to come. Bob Angell will play number two, George Reindel, number.three, and Wilfred Borinstein, number four in the remaining singles matches. Munz and Reindel will meet the number one Ohio team in doubles, which will be, in all probability, the Wirthwein brothers. Angell and Kel- sey will be the other Michigan dou- bles team. order to finish before the track meet and baseball game which are sched- uled for the afternoon. Monday at 4 o'clock the laws will meet the senior lits and the grads will play the fresh lits. These games will mark the end of the first round of play, seven teams now remaining to compete for final honors. To date the playing has been very ragged and shows lack of prac- tice and team work. However, it is expected that this fault will be rem- edied as, the tourney progresses. Of the teams which have played so for the soph lits and the junior eng- ineers have made the best showing. The laws are known. to have a strong team although they have not yet played a game. The dents have a strong pitcher in O'Hara and may prove dangerous contestors.. ANN ARBOR CHOP SUE!Y Excellent CHOP SUE Yfrom 11:80a.Cm. to midnight Steks and Chops 814 S. State I J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST 113 SOUTH 14AIN STREET -2 "THERE'S NOTHING TO DO, IN THIS OLE TOWN" Have you ever said that, when you're tired of the movies, and your best girl is out of town,, and you feel sort of "unneces- sary?" Just note the address at the bottom of this advertisement and drop in here "just to look around" and watch the players. You'll soon find a partner for a game of "rotation" or "straight" and forget all about your lonesomeness. This is a clean, decent place, one which you'll enjoy visiting regularly. Come in today. HUSTON IROS1 Billiards and Bowling, Cigars and Candles. Cigarettes & Pipes. "We try to treat you Right" 5 t MARLEY 2 DEVON 2 AR.A 6 13 1 20 27 .locked into this seaso with a new band, wil new and save you fl dollars. We do only work. Factory Hat Packard St. Phone 179 Branch r I, ; DELTA UPSILON PLAYS GOOD GAME AND ANNEXES, 3 TO 11 Wednesday, in the fraternity indoor tournament, Zeta Psi beat the Knick- erbockers by a 20 to 8 score and Delta Uusilon won the best played game to date from Phi Gamma Delta by a 3 to 1 score. In the evening XI Psi Phi defeated Delta Sigma Delta 12-4. Saturday at 1 o'clock Phi Alpha Del- ta will play Sigma Delta Kappa and Trigon will meet Acacia. Fine basket wards. -Adv. caps. Herringbones, tweeds, weaves. Priced, $2.50 up- Wild & Co., 311 S. State St. Ladies' Party Gowns r _ OF OUR A U, $30,000 Clothing and k Furnishing Sale ,_. .... S $35.00 UITS $29.00 . us $45.00 UI T S $38.00 U- $60.00 Suits or Topcoats $50.50 $65.00 Suits or Topcoats $54.751 S $70.00 UITS $58.50 $40.09 SUITS $33.75 . S $50.00 UITS $41.75_ $75.00 Suits or Topcoats $62.50 $80.00 $67.50 $25.00 SPORTS COATS $21.25 ,I 'I 1 &Co. satis- ed. C. ;ton.-. t . A FEW OF OUR FURNISHING SPECIALS SHIRTS UNION SUITS Extra Special CAPS NECKWEAR $3.00 Shirts at .....$2.69 $4.00 Shirts at . .... 3.59 Knitted and Athetic $1.25 $3.00 Caps at ...:.$2.69 $1.50 Ties at ......$1.29 $5.00 Shirts at . . . ., 4.49- DOLPHIN , $3.50 Caps at ...... 2.98 $2.00 Ties at . . . ... 1.69 $7.50 Shirts at..... 6.69 $2.00 values at.... .$1.79 PURE SILK $4.00 Caps at'. ..... 3.39 $3.00 Ties at ...... 2.49 $2.50 values at... 2.19 $8.00 Shirts at ..... 7.29 $3.5Ovaluesat .... 2.19 HOSIERY $3.00 values at ...,.. 2.49 KNAP $10.00 Shirts at . .. 8.89 $4.00 values at . .... 3.29 89c CLOTH HATS FELT HAT AT $12.00 Shirts at ... .10.49 $5.00 values at.....4.19 Six Pairs for ... . ...$5.00 $3.98 REDUCED PRICES ;.. - I avsers.-Adv. ; #. 'I ll LUTZ CLOTHI G STO 217 SOUTH MAIN ST.