? R. 1
Yost has called a football
to outline plans for next
'clock Tuesday night in the
'he Michigan football men-
be in charge but Robert
17, Roscoe Hiton, '02, as'
number of other influential
umni will talk.
r afternoon will wind up the
ootball practice, and the
ires .all football men to re-
Monday and Tuesday aft-
There will be no practice.
Hear Pond Explain Ideas
Used in Michigan
B }ilding
Presidential Candidates ToB le I
Named At Socialist Conventu i u
Prof. Campbell Bonner Elected
dent of Michigan
E _
ng 'the'second day of the con-
unions, the delegates were
a tour of the Michigan Union
t 9 o'clock Friday morniyg,
lay-out of the building was
during the course of the
hour and a half by Irving
;he architect of the building.
lelegates were greatly sur-
find so complete an institu-
e West, and all agreed that'
argest and best of its kind in
Fifty-six literary seniors, 34 men
and 22 women, make up the list -of
this year's Phi Beta Kappa elections
announced yesterday.
The following statement was given
out to show what determines the se-
lections: "In making the selections
weight is given;as nearly as possi-
ble, to the scholarship as indicated by
the grades, and the recommendations'
of 'the facuty made" by the different
departmen4, -
Mnst De Here Two Years;
"Some very excellent students each
year are not elected because of two
rules of the society: that a- student
must l4ave been in residence in the
Literary college of this University two
full years prior to graduation; and
that students to be eligible must have
taken at least half their work in the
humanities, incliding mathematics, as
distinguished from science.
"The standard was personality, con-
bined with being an excellent student."
Those Elected
The following were elected: Ade-
laide Alice 4dams, Battle Creek;
John R. Adams, Waterford; Henry'
Hug) Altvater, Maple Rapids; Marion
Amelia Ames, Lansing; Selma Laurs
Bandemer, Saginaw; Margaret Bar-'
low, Detroit; James Douglas Bond,
Honolulu, Hawaii; Bernice lone
Brown, Ann Arbor; Paul Devoe Ca-
how, Reading; J. Marguerite Chapin,
Detroit; 'William Keith Chidester,
Hastings; Anna Mai Crow, Shreve-
port, La.; Edna Adelia Daskam, Ann
Arbqr; Earl Waring Dunn, Detroit;
Nelson Winifred -Eddy, Alpena; Mark
K. Ehlbert, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dewey
F. Fagerburg, Paxton, Ill.; Laurence
Hobart Fleck, Greenville; Helen Lou-
ise Flinn, Erie, Pa.; Dorothea Minter-
man, Detroit; Adelbert Ford, Hough-
Burton 'Adam Garlinghouse, Tecum-
New York, May 7.-The Socialist
party of America will enter .the presi-,
dential campaign tomorrow with the'
opening of its national convention
called to select candidates for presi-
dent and vice-president and to adopt
a national platform./
Unusual emphasis has been attach-
ed to this year's convention by So-
cialist leaders because of attacks on
the party's attitude during the war,
ousting- of the socialist delegation
from the New York legislature and re-
Samuel S. Marquis, head of the edu-
cational department of the flord Mo-
tor company, will deliver the principal
address at the closing University'
union services to be held at 6:30
o'clock tomorrow night in Hill audi-
torium. The subject of Mr. Marquis'
address is to be "The Place of Relig-
for in the Solution of Present indus-
trial Problems."
Marquis a Mediator
As head of the Ford company's edu-
cational department Mr. Marquis has
been intrusted with the settlement of
disputes and personal problems aris-
ing between employers and em-
ployes and in this'work he has proven
himself a capable mediator and an au-
thority ol labor problems. The plans
for mediation which he has instituted
are producing marked efficiency at the
Ford plant and are gaining him much
notoriety among the industrial experts
of the country.
Formerly Cathedral Dean
Before taking up his duties with the
Ford company Mr. Marquis was dean
of St. Paul's Cathedral in Detroit.
A feature of the closing services will
be the musical program which has
been arranged under the supervision
of Mr. Russell Carter of the School of
Music. A violin solo 'wil be rendered
by Bertran& Bronson, '22, accompan-
ied on the organ by Frank A. Tber,
and several sacred numbers will be
given by a male quartet from the
School of Music. '
N~ark M'ay Party
Beneath a wealth of decorations
that did Michigan architects justice,
nearly 200 couples last night at the
Union, inaugurated the first annual
May party of the Architectural
The feature of the affair was un-
questionably the elaborateness of the
decorations. Practically- every arch-
itect in the department hlped in
this work. Subdued 'lights, gave the
effect' of twilight and enhanced the
beauty of the large ball room.
fusal of the house of representatives
to seat Victor L.'Berger.
Liberties Endangered
Representative Socialists declare
that rights of free speech, free press
and free assemblage, which party of-
ficials assert have been endangered
by "gag legislation" passed during the
war, are certain to receive attention.
The ethics of application now of war
measures designed to prevent strikes
also is scheduled for debate.
A committee, of which Morris Hill-
quit is chairman, is at work drafting
recommendations for the party plat-
form. Adoption of a new platform is
considered of prime importance this
year, because of efforts by federal and
state officials to ally the party with
its "left'wing"-industrial workers of
the world, communists, bolshevists,
and other elements, which its leaders
assert has been dropped during 'the
past year or 0so.
Caofain Parks Oce Again Displays
Pitching Ability/ in
k Pinches
President 4Harry Biur
retiring hea of the J
Michigan, sat, for the fil
terday, for Ralph Clarks
who is to paint his por
Michigan Union.
The painting of the por
sured late Thursday nigh
in the campus campaign
ceeded $3,000, and it was
yesterday when the marlk
over $4,000.
Townspeople Contr
Townspeople came thr
eleventh hour report tote
with promises of more
The active student cams
portrait fuzids "was clos
with a number of volunt
Amount Will
be Iner
Pond Speaks
kne After the tour of the building,, Irv-
ing K. Pond spoke concening the
building itself, emphasizing the lay-
n their out, equipment and atmosphere of the
the Law place.
annual At 12:15 a luncheon was tendered
Barbour to the committee having under con-
s in pro- sideration the plan for a permanent
stream- association of unions. A report was
the af- formulated which recommended a per-
manent national organization, the re-
feature. port-to be considered by the whole
istoximiry body at the concluding dinner today.
lams at HarvardMan Talks
- Functions of Union governing bod-
e music les, with explanation of the working
ch were of such bodies at Harvard formed the
ipon the subject of an address by David M.
re deco- Little, Jr., graduate manager of the
palms, HarvardaUnion.
aking up Delegates from,, Iowa, Purdue, and
relties in Northwestern, these universities hav-
the tiny ing Union building plans under way,
drinking expressed themselves as greatly in-
occasion, terested in the next talk by Roy D.
hi punch, Chapin, president of the Hudson Mo-
ze shop. tor Car company, on his quggestions
of methods for raising funds for build-
ing and maintaining a Union. Mr.
dEET Chapin outlined the experiences of
th e campaign committbe in raising
funds in Detroit.
Lrmy re- - - Discuss Finances -
coors of Coitinuing somewhat 'along the
1 three me line in the ~matter of finance,
t annual Prof. Evans .Holbrook, of the Law
lying as- School, gave an address on "Methods
:red the of Financing the Union," with sub-
the four gestions as to the financial manage-
e trophy ment of a union building.
Flying At the evening session, beginning
y flying at 7:45 o'clock, George F., Hurley,.
highest '18L, emphasized the efficieny of the
t compe- Union in conducting its' student ac-
t, which tivities.
e Cleve- , Minnesota Reports
Concluding the evening session,
the four the reporilof the Minnesota delegates
with six, was' given, showing the results of
tied for their questionnaire sent to the vari-
h, Wes- ous schools and colleges in the coun-
scored try on the functions and activities of
sylvania, individual Unions.
rard, the Today concludes the conference,
place in with a final dinner at noon. At this
meeting the report on a permanent,
organization will be given, action
FROM taken on it, and the date 'of the next'
[ HIGH convention determined, as well as
the place.
hip de-
School- Dixie Club Plans Spring Dance
?attengill The committeemen in charge of ar-
to Ply- rangements for- the Dixie club spring
ote of 2 dance announced yesterday that the
ceived a dance will be held on Saturday night,
a State May >22, at the Ann Arbor Country
p, receiv- club, instead of May 14, the date pre-
es of the viously chosen. Music will be furn-
ill be in- ished by Sandy Wilson's orchestra
cups. from 9 to 12 o'clock.
. I
seh; Kathryn Cowley Glass, Battle
Creek; Alfred Samuel "Goorin, Pitts-
burg, Pa.; Andrew Comstock Haigh,
Detroit; Keet William Halbert, Bed-
ford; Margaret Howard Harrison, Chi-
cago, Illinois; Akiba Joseph Himmel-
hoch, Detroit; Constance Elizabeth
Hopkin, Almont; Clara M. James, To-
ledo, O.; Thelfa Gray James, Ann Ar-
bor; Carl Edward Johnson, Spokane,
Wash.; Oakley avin Johnson, Stand-
ish; Eunice Evanleline Kraft, Stur-
Victor Eldred Legg, Ann Arbor;
Mosheng Stone Lu, Hsinti, China;.
Anna Miriam McGurk, New Castle,
Pa.; Jessie Lovering Metcalf, Detroit;
Samuel Meyerson, Newark, N. J.; Ida
Esther Mines, Fall River, Mass.; Cy-
renius A. Newcomb, III, Pontiac;
James Kerr Pollock, Jr., Newcastle,
Pa.; James Pottinger, Detroit; Fran-
cis Ellsworth Ross, Manistee; Eve-
lyn Harwood Scholl, Ann Arbor;
(See Number 1, Page Six)
Tight pitching in pinches by Cap-j
tain Parks combined with opportune
hitting gave Michigan a well earn-
ed 7 to 3 victory over Purdue yes-
terday afternoon in the third Con-
'ference game of the season. Captain
Parks was the master of the 'situa-
tion at all times and although his
curves broke a trifle wildat times he
kept the Boilermakers guessing and
rung up 15 strikeouts.
S Michigan Scores First
Michigan scored first in the third
inning when Knode singled, stole sec-
ond and scored on Perrin's hit through
second base. Newell, first man up in
the fifth, doubled, took third, when
Parks was safe on a bunt and scored
when Knode knocked a foul fly. Parks
advanced to third on an overthrow and
scored on Perrin's long fly. Newell led
off in the seventh with his second two
base hit of the day, a beauty along the
third base foul line. Parks laid down
a perfect bunt and was safe when
Purdue's third baseman fumbled. New-
ell crosed the. plate on Knode's sacri-'
flee fly and Parks-scored when Kirch
singled. Perrin hit sharply to left
field and reached third base when
Faweett fumbled the drive. Kirch scor-
edon this hit and Perrin crossed the
plate a minute later when VanBoven
filed to deep center field.
Score 7 to 0 in Eighth
With the score 7 to 0 in their fav-
or the Wolverines played loosely in
the eighth and allowed three Boiler-
makers to fill the bases. All three
Purdue men scored when Hiser tri-
pled to center field. Parks tightened
up and retired the next two batters
nd in the ninth inning only three
Purdue batters faced the Michigan
Newell Gets Two Doubles
Newell and Perrin' for; 'Michigan
were the heavy hitters of the day.
Newell with two doubles to his cred-
it and Perrin with a pair of timely
singles were responsible for the ma-
jor part of the Wolverine runs. Pur-
due could not solvO the delivery of
Captain Parks and were held to two
/ Hiser's triple was the longest hit;
of the game.
Score by Innings
Several fraternity and inc
solicitors still have failed to
their reports. 'A member of
paign committee will be in
dent activity room of the U
morning in order to permit
ports to be made.
-Faculty Total $950
Faculty men reported a tot
by 6 o'clock last night, but a
an extenision in timfe on the
the campaign in order that ti
finish their soliciting. They
more within the next few d
Independent, teams ran a c
to the finsh with two teams
first 'honors, They were tea
headed by Sydney Sarasohn
15 headed by Eugene Lacey.
of $100.25'was reported by e
, The following three teams
in the following order: Willi
aels, team 9, $96.25; R. K
team 10, $93; Brewster C
team 3, $88.50.
100 Per Cent Fraternit
Hundred per cent frateru
porting/to date are as follc
acia, Alpha Kappa Kappa, A
Chi, Alpha Sigma, Delta Ups
pa Beta Psi, Kappa Sigma,1
Nu, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi E
Phi Sigma Delta, Phylon, Ps
Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sinfon
Chi, Zeta Beta Thu.
Seven fraternities have as
tojmake their reports to the
Sufficient funds to enable t
ing of the portrait to be cE
to success are already in the
the committee. There is s
outstandingsums that are ex
be turned in today.
Officials Seatfsfled
Union officials declared tl
highly satisfied with the way
pus gnd faculty stood behind
ject. They especially comm
solicitors of the, various I
their consistent work in see
Mr. Clarkson is working o
ragements of a studio at pre
preliminary sitting that was
terday afternoon in the Un
ing was for the purpose of 9
artst an opportunity to stud:
Work will be, under way si
it is hoped that the finishi
will be ready for unveiling I
end of the year.
Detroit Minister Speaks Her
Rev. August P. Reccord, m
the Unitarian church of De
speak Sunday morning ,at tt
of the local Unitarian chur
subject, "The Transfiguratie
Mount and in' the Valley."
(Editor's Note-For the purpose of
informing the student body of the
qudlifications of the candidates 'for
the various All-campusoffices and the
work performed by them, The Daily
will run a brief summary of each can-
didate's activities while- in school.
The elections will be held May 12.)
The records of the men nominated
by the various organizations for Stu-
dent councilmen at large and the
president of the Y.,M. C. A. are given
today. Two men are to be. chosen
from the five Student council nomin.-
Nominated by the Union
Dewey F. Fagerburg, '22L-Mich-.
iganensian, two years, business man-
ager this year; Michigauma; Sphinx;'
junior lit councilman, 1917-18; one
year's service in the navy.
Student Council Nominees
R. Jerome Dunne, '22-"M" in foot-
ball 1918, 1919; "M" in basketball,
1919-20; membership' and portrait
committees of the Union; S. A. T. C.
Angus G. Goetz, '22M--"M\" in foot-
ball, 1917, 1918, 1919; captain, 1919;
captain-elect for 1920; Michigauma;
Griffins; Toastmasters; house commit-'
tee of the Union; medical reserves.
Nominated by the Y. M. C. A.
James K. Pollock, '2L--Alpha Nu;
treasurer of the' Oratorical association'
for two years; Mid-West Varsity de-
bating team; S. A. T. C.
Lee M. Woodruff, '21 - Editorial
board of The Daily, 1919-20; opera
committee of the Union, 1920; class
treasurer, 1917-18; soph prom commit-
.tee, 1919; Sigma Delta Chi; S. N. T. C.
For President of the Y. I. C. X.
C. Stewart Baxter, '21-Staff of the
1234 5 6 78 BRHE
Purdue ......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 2 3
Mich. ........0 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 X7 7 3
Bases on balls off Wallace 2, off
Parks 8, off Hortsman 0. Struck ou
by Parks 15, by Wallace 1, Horts-
man 1. Two base hits, Newell 2,
Three base hits, Hiser. Stolen bases,
Fawcett 1, Geuebach 1, Knode 3,
Kirch 1, Perrin 1, Karpus 1. Hit by
pitched ball, Genebach.
various student publication for three
years, Daily, Students' Directory,
Michiganensian, Chimds; membership
committee of the Union; Sphinx, Pi
Delta ' Epsilon; University service
committee, campaign committee of the
"Y"; service in machine gun officers'
training school.
Roswell P. Dillon, '21E--Member-
ship committee of the Union; Triangl-
es, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Lambda Opsilon;
J-Hop chairman, 1920; class president,
1918-19; S. A. T. C.
A. S. Oko Will Spfeak to Menorah
A. S. Oko, librarian of the Hebrew
Union college, will speak before the
Menorah society at 8 o'clock Sunday
evening, in Lane hall. This will be
the last meeting of the society this
:00-0. S. U.