UlkIrll.iIN'4LJItUL I S THEO. AND cently been received aIlowski, in charge al course in the en- , from the Curtis otor corporation re- ng school in practi- present time under th& guidance of experienced pilots and engineers. "The flying training extends over a period of 500 minutes devoted to actual time in the air. In calendar time, the flying period extends over a period of ;six weeks. During the ground-study period, maintenance and overhauling of machines is taught by an expert mechanical staff. "Students in our flying school have opportunities to visit our plant, wind- tunnel and aerodynamic research lab- oratories; and during the summer. period to witness the manoeuvers of various types of machines tested at our field." Special terms will be given to col- lege students if they apply in groups' of five or more. Students who are in- terested are urged to see Professor: Pawlowski as soon as possible. Read the Daily advertisements. They will lead you tp the best of Ann Ar- bor's stores.-Adv. f the letter irtis Aero- on is oper- ~l aviation, ENVGLA Dif O LOOK INTO GROVITH OF MONOPOLIES PROFITEERING COMMITTEE FINDS EXISTS AMONG MANU- FACTURES with a course cov- eld training. 'this carried on at the Pq at the American for your Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos, Candies, ks, Daily and;Sunday Paper. American Cigar Store iards and Pocket Billiards 514 E. WILLIAM STREET (One block from Campus) I. London, May 5.-England has start- ed an investigation of the post war growth of alleged trusts and monopo- lies. A profiteering committee which has been looking into the activity of elec- tric light companies and lamp bulb manufacturers, in a report recently made public, says that "a trade com- binations does exist among electric light manufacturers in this country and exercises a. powerful influence over the conduct and development of the" industry." It is known as the Electric Light Manufacturers' association, the report says, and has been created primarily in the interests of three firms-the{ British Thompson-Houston company, the General Electric company and Messrs. Siemens Brothers. It is re- ported to include from 90 to 95 per cent of the industry, to fix prices and regulate output, says the profit- eering committee. Fix' Prices The prices fixed by the association, the report says, became the standard for all lamps sold in this country, whether made by association or non- association manufacturers, or import- ed from abroad. Because of this standard price policy the general pub- lic reap no'benefit from lamps of cheaper manufacture, the advantage= going wholly to distributors. Standard vacuum lamps, now sold to the public for three shillings, states the report, could be sold at two shill- ings at which price the manufacturer and distributor would still have a sat- isfactory working profit. "One and a quarter million half- watt lamps," adds the report- "sold to the public in 1919 at twelve shill- ings and sixpence each were purchas- ed in Holland by three associated manufacturers at about three shillings a lamp. They could have been sold at not more than eight shillings which would still have left ample margin for the importers and distributors. Importers and distributors between them made profits on these lamps, of something like $1,400,000 over and above what would appear to us rea- sonable. Under American Control "Since the largest of the three dominant firms," continues the report, "is under the majority control of an American electrical concern, there is some danger that the interests of the British lamp industry may be subor- dinated t American interests." Home Is in -Rome - His home is in Rome in the house of Mascagni.- He is married and has two children, Velia and Ruffo. Ruffo's love for the artistic is inherent, as his family has been noted for genera- tions for its production of well- known painters. His sister, Fosca, is a distinguished poetess and his brother, Ettore, is a composer of note, having just completed an opera en- titled . "Malena." His mother was a distinguished singer and it is from her that Ruffo doubtless inherits his extraordinary vocal equipment. The family name is Titta, Ruffo be- ing his Christian name, the reversal having been made -for the sake of euphony. CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE MEETS HERE TODAY AND TOMORROW, The first Christian Callings confer- ence for older boys of the State of Michigan will be held in Ann Arbor on May 7 and 8, with the co-operation of the University.' Lane.hall is to be the headquarters for the conference. According to Mr. Thomas Evans, secretary of the University "Y," the purpose of the conference will be to. present the various phases of Chris- tian work and to help the boys in the choice of their life calling. The con- ference, will be open to boys of 16 years of age and over, who represent churches, Sunday schools, and Y. M. C. A.'s, and. who are' already, think- . ing of entering Christian work.tEach local delegation will be accompanied by an adult leader. The initial meeting of the confer- ence will begin at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, followed bya banquet at the Congregational church in the evening. All of Saturday morning will be taken up with meetings in Lane hall. In the afternoon the boys arel expected to attend the baseball game between Wisconsin and Michigan at Ferry field. The best possible value for long time wear and service is secured by or- dering a HAND-TAILORED SUIT draftfed t YOURPERSONAL MEASUREMENTS MEATS ALBERT GANSLE TAILOR 113 South Main Street (SECOND FLOOR) 202 E. Huron Street PHONE 821 Has always stood for the BEST in There will be no regular Fri- The Name day night dance at the i.P. Esohelbach Armory May 7. Dance on Saturday night as usual. Y RAZORS AUTO-STROP GILLETTE SEXTOBLADE i other. standard kinds. . t .t OUR IDEA OF A KODAK PICTURE We have always had the idea that every Kodak User wants the best possible results. So instead of rushing films and prints through the developing and printing processes, we take the required time and care to do the work right and we find our customers ate in favor of this plan. If you have never had LYNDON A-D CO. do y ur Amateur Fin- ishing you will be most agreeably surprised by binging your next roll to .us. Our service is 24 heurs from 3 p. m. each day. LYNDON & COMPANY berbach & Son Co. 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. - 1 Amherst Grants Increased Salaries Amherst,-May' 6.-The faculty of Amherst college have been granted an increase of 50 per cent in their salaries, according to the announce- ment of the president of that institu- tion. a t tt 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. ESTABLISHED 190 AT THE SIGN OF THE KODAK d* II .. --- - -R- Mail Orders Phone Orders Promptly Filled 7 Promptly Filled Estabiisned 1557 Whitman's ° Candy Mother's Day ( i Know She Will Appreciate It TITTA RUFFO TO SING AT FESIVALQEIN Titta Ruffo, who sings a group of miscellaneous arias in conjunction with the Chicago Symphony orches- tra and its conductor, Frederick Stock in the opening, concert of the May festival series, Wednesday even- ng, May 19, in Hill auditorium, is an Italian baritone conspicous in the Chicago, Opera company. Ruffo is 36 years old, of Tuscan parentage. He was born ;in Rome, where his father carried on a suc cessful business as an iron worker. Titta became, so profiicent in the craft that he was given many spe- cial commissions on account of his artistic specimens. Many . of his works are the pride of. Rome and va- rious other Italian cities. The beauti- ful bronze wreath which reposes on the tomb in Paris of the martyred Sadi-Carnot, once president of France, is an example of his chiseling. -Discovers Voice Early He discovered that he had a voice while still comparatively young and entered the famous Santa Cecilia con- servatory in Rome, where he studied voice. He tutored under several pro- fessors who endeavored to discourage him as they believed he had neither a voice nor dramatic ability. Ruffo at- tributes his succes to the teachings of his brother, Ettore, who is also a mu- sician of note and who taught the now famous singer all he knows of song lore. Ruffo made his debut at the Costani in Rome, as. the Herald in "Lohen- I grin." Since then he has sung in the principal musical centers of European and Latin-American countries. In Italy. and South America. he; is as great a drawing card as "Caruso and his recent successes in- the United States would lead one to assume that the near Future will bring him the universal homage of North American cities. The minimum fee for one of his performances is $2,500. 0 1"\ o .. I 1 - ... Ij Wrap or Mailing FOR EARLY SUMMER r' r Deliver in the City COMBINING foulard and georgette a pretty and novel effect is achieved in the BETTY WALES frock illustrated. Finely tucked georgette is draped over the camisole of foulard. The overskirt is also of georgette, with rows of tucking. The girdle is of foulard. The color combinations are navy and tan and navy This store alone sells Betty Wales Dresses mom uJ1ZES and cerise. We are displaying many other Women, 34 to 44 Misses, 14 to20 E. & S. UNIVERSITY AVE. BETTY WALES frocks and gowns of original design for women and girls. ) s ST. 711 PACKARD ST. MACK & CO. goo l ls Label. Dr 5568 VO" . 1 .