a, I1 r engineers baseball td at south Ferry plas lan-' 7 :04-Third freshnan hygiene lecture get - in Natural Science auditorium by en- Dr. Warren E. Forsythe for the lay- studwnts who missed the regular' sets afternoon lecture. fles 7:80-Classical club meeting in room will B, Memorial hall. Election of of- 'nts ficers. the 7:30-New England club meets in ddi- Lane hall. Nomination of officers for the coming year. lust 8:00-Meeting of the Christian Sci- day ence society in Lane hall. (Continued from Page One) but the committee is hoping for a 100 per cent report from every frater- nity on the campus today. Among the independents, team, number 10, led by R. K. Corwin, '21E, ranks first with a two day total of $83. Second place goes to team number 15, captained by Eugene Lacy, '22, who turned in a total of $79.25. Team 14 went into third place when Sidney Sarasohn, '22, cap- tain, reported the total of $72.25. Team number 7, Al May, '22E, cap- tain, turned in $66., Team number 7, captained by Al May, reported the securing of two $5 subscriptions, which, with. one for the same amount reported by Dwight Joyce, '22, of team number 6, are the highest individual gifts. It is hoped by the Union officials that the campus will 'come through strong today in showing its appre- ciation of President Harry B. Hutch- ins, by supplementing the efforts of the campaigners to .bring the drive to* a successful conclusion. Student solicitors are buckling down to the serio'us business of the. campaign and will spare no effort during this last day of the drive. "Devil's Punch Bowl" Now Dry Agana, Guam, May 5.--"The Dev- il's Punch Bofl," once the wettest spot on the island of Guam, has gone dry. "The Devil's Punch Bowl," so nam- ed by U. S. Marines serving here, and a "wonder" always visited by tourists, is a huge hole in the ground 20 feet across at top and bottom and bulging in the center to 100 feet. It is 160 feet deep and formerly always held about 20 feet of water. The water has completely left the "bowl." 1 Change Park to Athletle Field Burns park is being remodelled In- to a recreational field. Curbs and Gutters Completed Curbs and gutters on East Univer- sity avenue have been completed. City Buys New Tractor A new tractor has been purchased by the city. Read the Daily advertisements. They will lead you to the beat of Ann Ar- bor's stores.-Adv. - I I11:80 A. m. to midnight Steaks and Chops 814 8.8tt Courteous and satlsfactor TR.EATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account a large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus- $5,0041.00 Resource . . $4,000.000.(W t s Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North University 4-4, Ladies' Party Gowns a Specialty I: FRIDAY nen club leaves "cial car from "M. for Chil. A.U. R. -I Fourth freshmen hygieneT ee. in the Natural Science audi- m by Dr. Warren E.. For- a, for the students who missed egular afternoon lecture. Polonia Literary circle meets In, hall. a 4 nil 'heta U-NOTICES elta On account of the University ruling 'heta that students cannot attend mid- vhile week dances, Harold Covert has delta postponed his party which was to sday I have been given at the Michigan the Union, Thursday, May 6, to Friday, to 4 May 7, at the Armory. Members of the Glee and Mandolin ater- club trip will please leave their lock, negatives at the office on Thursday Beta between 2 and 3 o'clock. rnm Art exhibition open daily from 2 to 5 o'clock at Memorial halle. Varsity band meets in front of Uni. - iersity hall in fulil uniforT for IS Swing out at 3:30 o'clock shap. SfThe following soph lits report this - afternoon at 3 o'clock at south Fer- ry field for the game with the jun- "om- for lits: Frey, Wimbles, Vick, Hav- iland, Fisclier, Chapman, Wolsson, fact Henderson, Kresge, and all other pe- soph lits with baseball ability.- [Ich- W. G. Conlin, manager. vith- The following graduates report at 3 vice- o'clock sharp today at south ferry field for' class baseball game : Al- len, Fleck, Massingale, Nowlen, 3. JS. and C. Hickman, Walton Dubar, Bonar, Kendall, Walton, Ten Hoor, and Wilkenson. The junior lit baseball team will prac- GE tice this afternoon at 3 o'clock. %zoo, CANDIDATE CHOSEN ma- BY OVERSEAS)CLUB THIS. WEEK ONLY SPECIAL SALE OF OWHITE POLO SHIRTS $4.50 Shirts $3.95 $4,00 $3.55 TRAINING COLLEGE ME FOIR BUSINESS The Graduate School of Business Administration of Harva University offers a two-year course to college graduates. T course is designed to give a broad fundamental training f business together with specialization in those fields in whi the student is nost interested. College men, looking to business as a career, feel the lack adequate preparation which enables them to deal effective either with general business problems or with the problen in their own special fields. The Harvard Business School ain to fill this need. Special emphasis is placed upon the application of busine theory to acual business problems. For his purpose the "pro lem method" of instruction is used. The Boston territory,. fords an excellent business laboratory. .: Coburses offered: Accounting, Business Lasw, Banking ai Finance, Marketing, Advertising, Industrial 'Management, Er ployment M anagement, Business Statistics, Foreign Tra Transportation, Insurance, Lumbering, Income Taxation, Offli Organization, Printing and Publishing. - Completion of the two-year cou~rse leads to the degree Master of Business Administration. For detailed information please address Grdute Dean W. B. Donhan' Graduate School of Business Administration HARVARD UNIVERSITY Cambridge, Massachusetts -_ . 111I1,lillI,1111Illlill H~lltl Hll HNli11, i,,1,1, I IH1111111t,,111111 rd he or ich AN of ely ms ms - af- end Im-- 0 de, ce of $3.60 : : $3.25 DONALDSON'S 711 N. Uiversity, Ave.1 .. D A GENUIN E REDUCTON SALE OF I / y TI INN G rge of Petititons were presented at the bigan- meeting of the Overseas club in the ppear-- Union last night for signatureswhich to would place Paul Eaton, '21, as a can- ed at didate for the presidency of the Tjnion. The club went solid for their k ai- member.Th'ey also asked the co-ope- give a ratio of the Marine Cdrps club. ie an- Barbour gymnasium is to be the w set scene of the Overseas club dance on press- I the evening of May 15. All overseas of the men are invited, including members more of the Marine Corps club who served overseas. Tickets for the dance will be on sale at the next meeting of the Ray 25 club, Tuesday night at the Union. Sarah The club went on record as favor- A. R., ing appropriate exercises on Decora- 25, at tion day for the members of the club Peter- on Ferry field. The members of the street. club will -be expected to appear in l CORBETT'S PRICES ARE ALWAYS LESS THAN WHAT OTHER DEAL- ERS ASK FOR THE SAME QUALITY AND WE OFFER CI AXV Su 0 TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF "-GAPS T op Co service to Patronize our Advertisers.--Adv. 1lI --HATS -SHIRTS -HOSIERY AT 20 ittle's -UNDERWEAR Lunches Nunnally's Candy Maynard St. Neckwear Remember we offer the very finest s and they are all new 1920 garments. 4 in and see the quality and the fine r $1.50 values at $2.00 values at $2.50 values at' $3.00 v'alues at . $1.00 . . ..$1.50 ...$2.00 .. . . . . . ..$2.50 1 of colors and patterns and you will realize fully that you save from $10.00 to $15.00 on a garment when you .purchase from us. __ . ._, Quality PALM BEACH AND PANAMA 2-PIECE SUITS AT 10 PER CENT OFF Stdi 0 Tom. Corbett III 0 116 East Liberty Street - Between Main Street and Fourth Avenue WALK A FEW STEPS AND SAVE DOLLARS Phone 598