in the Gothamite, the pub- of the University of Michigan New York. hos- ( club 11 4G & EMBOSSING n old plate.. . . . . . . . .$2.00 new plate, from....... $3.00 up "nn . ninhnm nint n--la-. oue noww an secure promp te iverly ). M'RRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE amping in the REAL Woods ig, Fishing and Canoe Trips ndian Guides in the Won- rful Timagami Country ALL 652-M AFTER 7:30 P. M. . * 4 MEN'S CORDOVAN lruce--?ionates Aigator :Jttascot Although mascots are not an unus- ual thing at Michigan, still an alli- gator for a mascot is rather out of the ordinary. Helen Newberry residence is the proud possessor of "Bruce." (He is named after the donor, we are told). He is six inches long and makes his home in a specimen jar, where he -eems quite content to live on small pieces of raw meat, and spend his time in sleeping. Bruce ar- rivqd only Tuesday morning,, but al- ready he seems quite charmed with his new home, especially his mistress- es. . CLASSICAL CLUB PLAY ANNOUNCED "Helen's Husba'nd" is the play chos- en for the annual Classical club pro- duction td be presented Friday even- ing, May 14, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The play will be followed by a dance. Thcast has ;been chosen from members of the Classical club. Helena, queen of Sparta, is represented by Lyda Rideout, '23, with Geraldine Brasie, '21, supporting her in the ca- pacity of Tsumu, her maid. W. Keith Chidester, '20, takes the part of Mene- laus, king of Sparta, and, Robert Tubbs, '22, is Analytikos, is secre- tary. The king's rival lover in the person of Paris of Troy, is played by Herold C. Hunt, '23. Mr. George Wildner is directing the production. The' play comes from the pen of Philip Moeller. There will be a reheardl of Acts III and IV of "The New LadyBan- tock" at 7 o'clock this evening in Barbour gymnasium. All members of the cast are requested to come promptly by the director. . Mpperlass 'baseball practice hours at Palmer "field are as follows:Sen- fors, 4 o'clock Tuesday and Thurs- day; Juniors, 5 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday. Less than 30 Junior Girls' play scores remain to be sold. These can be obtained at Helen Newberry resi- dence. All members of the University Girls' Glee club who expect to take the Jack- so" trip, Friday evening, May 7,are requested to be present at the re- hearsal at 4:30 o'cliock Wednesday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. The schedule for Wednesday's base- ball gameq, in the inter-house 'tour- nament is as kllows:4 *1 Beta Phi vs.- Kappa Kappa Gamma at 4 o'clock Wednesday at Palmer. field; Martha Cool vs. Newberry residence at 6 o'clock Wedesday at Palmer field; Hall House vs.- Caryatides. at 5 o'clock Wednesday at the field 'across from Barbour gymnasium. All girls interested in entering the Spring tennis tournament should sign up for it in Barbotir gymnasium not later than Friday, May 7.. PUBLIC SPEAKHNG CLASSES WILL HOLD STORY HOURS Classes in story telling in the de- 'artment of public speaking are to have open story hours for children, according to a statement from R. K. Immel, insructor in Oratory, yester- day.. The story hour will be. at 4 o'clock every Tuesday and Thursday after- noon in Loom 302 Mason hall, begin- ning today. The hour, will be, free, to all chil- dren and to those 'parents who are interested in the work. Children uir .aavr .. rI Large well known brokerage com- pany selling food staples in volume to wholesale trade will consider em- ployment of several graduates inter-' ested in entering business life and as- sociating themselves premanently with reliable concern offering exceptional opportunities for growth and advance- ment. Must be clean cut, high grade, active minded type. Highest refer- ences required. Application@ not fully stating business experience, if any, also education, age, home address, and when services available, will not be considered. Address in own handwrit- ing, Box M. X., Mich. Daily.-Adv. Brief Cases, Music Folios Student Cases n ... r r rr rri. MOTHERS' DAY, SUNDAY, M Mother Deserves the Best Home Lunch. and Dinner Per Week That means you should Guaranteed goodesare your protection. Iosist on the original Sold by all Reliable Dealer#. honor her with Trade mark Of quality BETSY ROSS CANDIES LIFTON MFG. 80s, New York Our own pack in special I SPECIAL SUNDAY MAY S MTW T 2 9 16 23 onA 3 16 17 24 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26, 27 F S 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 MOTHERS' DAY BOXES GLASS TOP BOXES 1 mn AT L r DE LUXE SILK BOXES AND BAGS 30 31 Men-Hats are high; your last season's hat cleaned and re- blocked into this season's shape, with a new band, will look like new and save you five or ten dollars. We do only high class work. Factory Hat Store, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. *A..*- From the cheapest that is good to the most elegant you ever saw F Your graduation not complete without good photographs to give your friends. Phone 604-W for appoint. mnt. SPEDDIXQ GSTUDIO -I BETSY ROSS SHOP R. " lent Just Received a Oxfords we ever had the pleasure of t is an exact reproduction of the style. n; soles, heavy single, which means finish, insoles, heel-lining and tongues utside quality: -ice, $15.60 Comparison at Any Price : iuwlilii+i 3iii .ir l .runrr m r n /I I ..1 .. w wi. l 111 Pr.lL YY .My.Mrl..r ..'i:.rii# il.. i.. lwr lr r ?? FREE!! r r/te BOOT SHOP' 115 So..Main St. A CAP WITH EVERY SPORT SUIT THAT Y O U ORDER I WILL GIVE ,ACAP, MADE OF'THE SAME MATERIAL THAT. THE SUIT IS - MADE OF THESE SUITINGS COST LESS THAN "READY-MADE" CAR- MENTS AND ARE REAL ALL-WOOL GOODS. FURTHER- MORE, YOU HAVE THE SATISFACTION OF KNOWING THAT YOURS WAS TAILORED FOR YOU AND YOU ONLY. IN OTHER WORDS YOU ARE ASSURED OF A GOOD FIT. Come in and pich out your favorite cloth and the style of badt that you like best. "ART" MARQUARDT 608 EAST LIBERTY STREET Leae Copy at Quatryls and The Olt NIJ I WANTED te- WANTED-Students during summer en to work for an old reliable company. St. Men in former years have found for emiployment very satisfactory. Sal- ary guarantee to married men. Ad- dress Box G. M., care Daily. I I ''4.. left outside the Wa door. Finder plea night at Packard, .. LL t: at- .se _J0. WANTED-Men to sell real estate in a town which has grown up over night. Can be sold in any part of. the U. S. Open only to experienced salesmen. Apply in writing, Box C. B., Michigan Daily. THE QUALITY OF 'p " ;I b bar pin. eap-A complete Dent- no use for same, ac- of owner. Address ers, 720 Main St., St. gan. "e you going to buy idebaker this spring? orfor sale''at a bar- WANTED-Two medical student de- sire suite for next year. Preferably North or East' of Campus. Phone Haefhill, 921 between 6 and 7 P. M., daily. WANTED-To purchase second-hand typewriter, L. C. Smith or Under- wood preferred. Call Pennoyer at 668-R. WANTED-To buy a good second- h and mandolin.. Call 2189-W after 7 P. M. XISELLAWEOUS PARTY WHO took instruments from overcoat in Union coat room, Mon- day, dinner hour, was seen an'd rec- ognized by friend of owner. If not hands of Daily by Thursday mid- night, arrest and prosecution. CALL PACKAGE express. Parcels de- livered to any part of the city. Phone 1981-W. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Four room apartment and bath. Completely 'furnished, silverware, china and linen. Will rent to responsible party for four months beginning- June 1. Address Box Q. X., 'care Daily. ,from the' ages of 5 cdally welcomed at hours. to 10 are espe- the story telling Has been carefully maintained for thirty- The ALE-17 foot canoe, complete pAddles, cushions,Af. 'Used season. Price $75.00. Call between 4 and 5 P. M. LE-14 room house. Excell- cation for roomers ,or fratern- )ne block from campus. 1002 ,shington. ALE-Harley-Davidson, Twin.. Io model. Fully equipped. Two Teachers In Bryn Mawr Seniors BY a recent vote taken among the seniors at Bryn Mawr college, scien- tie research work was foundt be the most popular' vocation. Social work stood next, architecture third, and Journalism fourth. Only twQ girls in the entire class are expect- ing to become teachers. Junior Girl Announces Engagement Announcement of the engagement of Eleanor Stephenson, '21, to Ed- ward Peacock, ex-'21, was made Mon- day night at the Alpha Phi house. Miss Stephenson took the part of Krantz in the Junior Girls' play, Patricia Passes. The Daily contains the latest A - elated Press News.-Adv. CONNOR TRADEMARK is your protection and assures you of a deliciously wholesome product that contains the highest food value. ASK FOR IT AT. YOUR FAVORITE FOUNTAINI