[he I THE MAJESTIC Unscrupulous tricks are relied on by the Fargot automobile people in their race against Wallace Reid as "Toodles" Walden in "Excuse My Dust," which will be repeated today at the Majestic. The initial scheme tried consists of purchasing two m.a- chines made by the Darco company with whom Walden is associated and rebuilding them to pass as Fargot cars in the race. These are not the only disguised machines in the race, however, as the car Walden, drives is an old model repainted to look like the Dayco's latest product. There is still a fourth Darco in the race which has been entered by Walden's father: in-law to assist "Toodles" if necess- ary. The Fargot drivers try a number of schemes to put Walden's car, which they think is a latest model Darco, out of commission, but finally, in an attempt to crowd Walden off the road, are caught and given some of their just deserts. WhitneynTheatre- Thu AUGUSTUS PITOU rm.Presents 01 DISTINGUIS1ED COMEDIENNE, K. ;, s A RO EOIC m~ A MEW MELODRAMATIC FARCE I I ,.. n r " i, " ' EDWARD 9 fro mnthe gOSE ,A4 a THE ARCADE ""W" rol"m 1* A.Y ROBSON'S NE W COMEDY, "TISH," COMING NEXT THURSDAY TO THE WHITN The Daily's specialty is servic to everyone.-Adv. } A ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30. 10:00 BY THEATER. I The aStage THE WHITNEY rCe in Ford . d:; II "Tish," a melodramatic farce im- bued with the humor of Mary Roberts Rinehart's stories by the same name, will be presented Thursday night at the Whitney with May Robson in the title role. Miss Robson has been call- ed one of -America's foremost comed- iennes. She has appeared in "A Little Bit Old-fashioned," and "The Re- juvenation."' Contrasted to Tish, who is of an ad- venturous spirit, are two spinsters of timorous, retiring natures. Through her strong-mindedness, Tish, who is always in the center of some excite- ment, leads Aggie and Lizzie through a maze of strange happenings. GARRICK-DETROIT Impersonating a young author struggling upward in New York with his adopted boy, William Hodge is ap- pearing this week in a return engage- . went of his latest play, "The Ghost'of Honor." Mr. Hodge is alsothe author of "The Road to Happiness," "Fixing' Sister," and "A Cure for Curables." The supporting cast includes Mar- garet Linden, Jennie Lamont, .Ann Warrington, Miriam McCauley, Alice' Bricker, Jean Howard, Scott Cooper, Etienne Girardot, and Bobby Clark. Money is of little use in Don Mateo's turbulent romance with Concha Per- ez, played by Geraldine Farrar in "The Woman And the Puppet," which will be shown for the last times today at the Arcade. Mateo first discovers the Spanish cigarette girl when she is performing a gypsy dance in Seville in imitation of a professional dancer. The real gypsy resents the mimicry and Mateo interferes on the behalf of Concha. In the struggle that follows he saves her from the police. When she re- fuses to accept the money that he of- fers her for a kiss, he strives to win her affection through her 'nore pecun- sous mother. His action only further arouses Concha's spirit of independ- ence. MARINE CORPS CLUB TO ELECT OFFICERS AT SMOKER TOMORROW For the purpose of electing next year's officers, the United States Mar- ine Corps club will. hold a smoker at 7:30' o'clock Wednesday nigh.t in the reading room of the Union. A program has been arranged in- cluding speeches by members of the club and faculty, music and refresh- ments. The Daily's specialty is service to ev~rvone.-Adv. H UBE{R "GREENWICH FOLLIES" Th? first Tennis Games and cross country walks make Sore Muscles }4 I- For relief use MARY IRBERTSVIE A STORIES RECENTLY ARPEARING IN PRICES 75c to $2.00 'Limber -Up I' SALE at 2 H1 1 quarry Drug Co 's PRESCRIPTION STORE Corner S. State and N. Univ. r ck Detroit [LIJAM HODGE in ie Guest of Honor" uIIsuImIaaIugIsIutIssINflIsItIIIt allllllil~ll111#I{~j~t11111A Phone 308 m C EXTRA SPECIALS FOR T' LACE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY S YOU CAN SAVE, MONEY BY TRADING HERE UC SUITS AND TOP-COATS Dust' $35.00 Values $40.00 Values . $45.00 Values-.. $50.00 Values . $29.75 *$33.75 $60.00 Values . . $65.00 Values . $70.00 Values, '$80.00 .Values , $50.50 $54.75 $58.50 $67.50 e. .. .. ... ., ., . . . .. $38.50 $41.75 f' ... TO F .,...... . ; . FEATJRE. .x VG THE SOIL" r OF CELLULOID HILARITY $12.00 White Jersey Silk Shirts, Collar attached $ 5.00 Merton ClothHats................. . 1.25Dolphin Pure Silk Hose ............. (6 pairs for $5.00) $ 3.50 White Checked Pajamas .......,....... $ 2.00 Vassar Athletic Union Suits.......... $25.00 Knitted Sport Coats.................. $ 2.00Genuine "Gunknit"Ties ........ . . I .~~~~~~~~ 0 d ..9~~~~ .. . " ". ". .... $10.49 ..... $3.98 ..... $ ,89 . 91 9 9 ~ 9 9 9 S 9 ~ .~ 0 0 09 0.S5 0~ ~99 . $3.19 . $1.79 $21.25 $1.49 ART 0 0 0 0 .. t" 9 i " " """ 0 ..... . ... .O . *. O . 9....90 ,r% v r hariety nd of r sup- Tr sick 2:00 3:30 7:00 8:30 i LUTZ CLOTHING STORE OPPOSITE MACK & CO. U