11 IRnS ; IwI I of Stylus will close on May 15. Man- tella Brunt, uscripts, not exceeding 6,000 words in ing at New-'length, may be handed to the libra- amendations rian of the Rhetoric library, or to received at Margaret Walsh, grad., president of the society, on or before that date. 1 _FU nI LE IIUITIULUIU ELL CONIENE MHERE TODAY1 / - I EX.GOV. WOODBRIDGE N. FERRIS. WILL ADDRESS MEETING TUESDAY I1 I WIxomn 100 cards from old plate.. ...... . 100 cards and new plate, from..... TIHE BUTTON ELP REDUCE H. C.. O F L.' L 1. MEMBERSHIP CARD IT' DO CLUB CL.m S , that' bearer is and will heln r a MEMBER of educe the High" )urtesy of , 1891 ,' not receive one of the above cards in at once at our store and get one and [he movement must be like a big wave nce, or the force of it will be lost. No Promises - No Expense -DMAN BROS. Phones 1890, 189 iping in the REAL Woods Fishing and Canoe Trips [ian Guides in the Won- A program containing addresses by men prominent in the medical pro- fession will be carried out by "the State Homoeopathic Medical society in its 51st annual session today and to- morrow in Ann Arbor. This session which will be held on the first floor of the new children's building, varies from those held in re- cent years in that, aside from the clin- ics, It will co sist of but four parts, each in the hands of a single spec- ialist. A half day will devoted to each discussion. hinsdale First Speaker Prof. A. E. Hinsdale of Ohio State university, is scheduled as the first speaker on the program. His sub- ject is "Modern Presentation of Mat- eria Medica," with laboratory dem- onstrations,,to be given at 10:30 o'clock this morning, while at 2 o'clock this afternoon Dr. G. M. Cushing of Chicago, will talk on "The Physic- fan's Place in Community Service." "Obstetrics and Gynecology" will be the subject of the address by Dr. Julia C. Strawn of Chicago, at 10 o'clock Wednesday mornin. Dr. Camp C. Thomas of Rochester, N. Y., will de- liver a lecture at 2 o'clock in the aft- ernoon on "General Diagnosis," with X~ray demonstrations. SEx-Governor- to Speak Aside from these scheduled talks, ex-Governor Woodbrige N. Ferris will address a meeting of the society at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. His speech is to be followed by a reception and dance arranged in his honor. WOMEN PLAN CLASS TENNIS TOURNEY Tennis- is the other :sport beside baseball in which the different class- es will compete in a tournament. Those entering from' the various years will play elimination matches, then the winners from each class will compete in a final match, the win- ning class to have possession of the loving cup until some other class shall claim a victory over them. The cup has been held by the class of '21 for the past two years, having been won for them, both times by Margaret Rottschaefer, '23M. A sign has been placed on the bul- letin board in the upper hall of Bar- bour gymnasium, wAere those desiring to enter the tournament may sign up at any time before May 7. All University women are eligible. CAPTAINS OF BASEBALL TEAMS ANNOUNCED BY 16 HOUSES Schedule of Games to Be Arranged at Later Date; Other Houses May Sign Up The names of the houses entering teams for the baseball tournament and the captains are: Gamma Phi Beta, Helen Bishop, '22; Delta Gam- ma; Alpha Phi; Alpha Chi Omega, Nelda Taylor, '21; Chi Omega, Phylis Wiley, '21; Pi ,Beta Phi, Alice Beck- ham, '21; Hall house; Kappa Alpha Theta, Rebecca Condon, '22; Martha Cook, Thekla Roese, '22, Kappa Kap- pa Gamma, Gladys Detwyler, '22; Caryatides, Elsie Townsend, '22; New- berry; Delta Delta Delta, Constance Hopkins, '20, Sorosis, Katrina Scher- merhorn, '21; Theta Phi Alpha; Cos- mos, Dorothy Brown, '23. Last year this tournament evolved itself into an intersorority meet, but it is the wish ot those in charge this year to make it include all houses where CUniersity women live. Houses that have not entered their teams may still have an opportunity of doing so by signing up on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. A schedule of the 'games ak they are to be -play- ed will be annbinced later. DOROTHY HALL, '18E, ACCEPTS WELLESLEY FACULTY POSITION Dorothy Hall, '18E, has completed the requirements for a Ph.D. and ac- cepted a position at Wellesley .as teacher of analytic chemistry. Miss Hall was a member of the class of '18, but began her work in the Graduate school during the last term of 1918. Kemp Burge, '17, Marries Texas Girl Kemp S. Burge, '17, of Louisville, Ky., and Miss Martha, Ann Smith, of Dallas, Tex., were married last night at the home of the bride's par- ents, Judge and Mrs. J. W. W. Smith, in Dallas. Burge is a member of Trigon and Michigamua. Upperelass baseball practice hours at Palmer field are as follows: Sen- iors, 4 o'clock Tuesday and Thurs- day; Juniors, 5 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday. Less than 30 Junior Girls' play scores remain to be sold. These can be obtained at Helen Newberry resi- dence. All members of the University Girls' Glee club who expect to take the Jack- son trip, Friday evening, May 7, are requested to be present at (he re- hearsal at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons in Barbour gymnasium.' Members of the old 'cabinet of the University Y. W. C. A. will hold their last meeting at 3 o'clock this after- noon. The new members will not meet at this time. Wyvern will hold an important meeting at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday eve. ning at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. O D. M ORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE f up Benefit Dance Postponed Indefinitely The leap-year, dance for the benefit of Alumnae house which was to have been given at Martha Cook dormitory on last Friday evening and which .was postponed on account of the death; .of Mr. William Condon has been post- poned indefinitely, due tb the fact that no convenient date can be decided N O T IC E =Il~lI nu urnlI i Any students (meni), interested in an unusually attractive proposi- tion covering, summer vacation pe- riod please advise at earliest on-j venience State age, also previous vacation employment if any. THE WING SEED COMPANY, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Place your order now and secure prompt delivery SUGAR BOWL upon. Fine basket wards. h caps. Herringbones, tweeds, weaves. Priced, $2.50 up- Wild & Co., 311 S. State St. Private Dancing Lessons or Class Instruction. Phone M. L. Moses, 1666-J.-Adv., Read the Daily fqr Campus News. ~/4t4 /7~3g, -and Spur is the top-notch cigarette 109 S. MAIN ST. I Aie tilevinit? Yes, , heyare! Lunches Sodas Candies 1111U li i l l l l 11 l l! 111111111111111111 ,' 0 ni Country -R 7:30 P. M. Alp Ar f I ,, r' Have you. smoked Spurs? If you have, you're *snoking 'em now. If you haven't, you've missed a mighty big smoking treat. Ask any Spur smoker. Maybe he'll say "They're al right!" Maybe he'll say "Tip-top!" - Maybe he'll-Well, anyway- What he means is this: "Spur has, what every smoker is looking for, A blend of bully American tobaccos, spiced with more than a dash of the Oriental. A blend that brings out that good old tobacco taste' so's you can taste it." 1 Leave Copy it owan and lbs Delta .A" ' -}. T - rist watch between ron St. was attach- 1 ribbon. Full name se. Call 1704-R. Re- eft outside the Wat- 3or. , Finder please er loose-leaf note Rumsey, 1363-J. . Alpha pin. Call WANTED) WANTED-Students during summer to work for an old reliable companya Men in' former years have found employment very satisfactory. Sal- ary guarantee to married men. Ad- dress Box G. M., care Daily.. WANTED-Men to sell real estate in a town which has grown up over night. Can be sold in any part of the U. S. Open only to experienced salesmen. Apply in writing, Box C. B., Michigan Daily. WANTED-Two medical student de- sire suite for next year.. Preferably -North or East of Campus. Phone Haefhill, 921 between 6 and 7 P. M., daily.t WANTED-Got any "pep"? If you are a live wire I can turn your spare time into real money. Ad- dress Box M. D., Daily. WANTED-To purchase second-hand typewriter, L. C. Smith or Under- wood preferred. Call Pennoyer at 668-R. WANTED-One room for two ladies,# May 19-22. Answer care Daily, Box H. R. FOR RENT, FOR RENT- Large desirable suite near Campus for married couple or1 two ladies. 1724-3. NISCELAJZOUS CALL PACKAGE express. Parcels de- i livered to any part of the city. phn1. . 4 _ xT That's what put top-and there was I 20, 4'Ye Spur at the room for it. I iplete Dent- r same, ac- r. Address ain St., St. I books for Inspection 16 S. Wash- .. Y' . -K.,WWPM Smart "brown-and package, with ng to kmp l aYlver" ti+. triplw . , :.: ,fit fratern- is. 1002 .,, * ciare tt