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October 15, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-15

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i Steel

ed Press)
S14: - immediate
ireatened strike of
iners are to ; be
1 government. Aft-
's cabinet had dis-
n at length today,
f the ,Department
that he would in-
president of the,
s of America, and
representing the
r with him here'

=John L. Lew-
the United
a, who rgturn-
rs here today
nee with the
ailed/to bring
'lit he would
Secretary of
him in Wash-
tomorrow be-

he work Mf draug'hting
ng all bituminious coal
strike on Nov. 1 was
d at union headquar-
of the position 'of the
ued from the headquar-
vhich all blame for the
he country was placed
tors. The. miner's point-
e operators, "brushed
lemands of the miners
haff" and offered noth-
d except a r-enewal of
n wage agreement un-
l are sow working and
ers declare they are
t, "for the reason that
for the coal miners to
ing under its provi-
eatens Withdrawal
Oct. 14.-After a heat-'
ion devoted almost en-
s proposal to arbitrate
during which two at-
onement and a subsi-
met with defeat, the
strial conference ad-
without having taken

Election ofjunior lit class officers DID
Will take place from 10 to 5 o'clockU U
Wednsdayin University hal. As in L
the senior election Tuesday the votes -
will be cast by the secret ballot meth- MayB Questions of Vital interest to
od. Only real juniors are eligible to Be Discussed; Prominent
cast a ballot. Speakers Secured
The candidates to be voted upon are:
For president, Jack Gardner, Albert YOSrr TO REVIEW PROSPECTS;
Jacobs,Arch Wenley, and Henry Whit- BREWER WILL TELL OF M. A. C.
ring; for vice-president; Marguerite 'I'
ClaryCecelia Fohey, Alice Hinkson, Surrounded by the fragrant odors
and Katrina Schermerhorn; for sec- of a barbecue and with the spirit of
S yMichigan hovering over all, the Uni-
ret Dorothy Dodds, Margaret ity of Michigan club of Detroit
Rhines, Wilhelmina Warner, andv
Howard Weeks; for ,treasurer, Fitz- willhold its annual pow-wow at the
hugh Brewer, Paul Burkholder, Rich- Elks' temple in that city to prime the
ard H. Leonard, and Valdemar Watts; young Yostnmen of the Wolverine tribe
for Student councilmen, Earl Miles, for the battle against the tricky farm-
Fred Petty, George Prather, and Grat- ers of theanorth. Asthe smoke-haze
ton L. Rourke. thickens abbut the assembled throng,
Sophomore lits will vote on their memories of past glories will be re-
nominees from.10 to 5 o'clock, Thurs- vived by a host of Michigan's great-
day afternoon in the corridor of Uni- est alumni-braves.
versity hall. Invite All Studets
____sty______._An earnest appeal has been issued
by the entertainment committee to all
Michigan students who are now in
school to be present if possible. The
I~ai 1 V 1 R R M barbecue i going t be one of the
slbiggest events in Detroit alumni his-
tory. Besides the 1,500 alumni to
PRIMA DONA WITH SJJPIPORTING be present, it is expected that a huge
R ISTSTO 8SU OTING AMOPS delegation of Michigan men who have
ARTIS S ERS ISONGS been in the service will be on hand.
Ample provision has been made for
Sgs rthe feeding of the many men, and or
Songs by such representative lead- ders have been already placed with
jng composer~s as Chopin, Beethoven, Detroit merchants
Hayd, Rubinstein and Gounod' will To Discuss Vital Problems
comprise the program to be preseited
An evening full of pep and pun ch
by Geraldine Farrar, noted operatic is promised by the committee of old
soprano, Saturday evening in Hill au- grads. Not only will past heroes be
ditorium. Miss Farrar will be assist- represented, but also many prominent
ed by Arthur Hackett, 'tenor, and Miss
Rosita Renard, Chilean pianist. vtal to very trecpus Problemw
Adeaide................ eethoven be discussed, and a spirit aroused as
Mr. Hackett never before.
Etude No. 5, Op. 10 The support and co-operation of
Notune..................Chopin every Wolverine is essential to this
Toccata..... ............Saint-Saens great gathering. Other engagements
Miss Renard are of little importance when such
My Mother Bids Me Bind My questions of all-campus interest are
Hair ... .. .. ......... Haydn to be brought forward, according to'
In the Meadow...........Ruinstein the committee.
Legend.... ............Tschaikowsky Coach Yost to Speak
In the Silent Night :... . Rachmaninoff As master of ceremonies, Major Ed-
The Snowdrop ........,Gretchaninoff win Denby will start the meeting off
Miss Farrar - with a push. Among the forceful
Tes Yeux!............Rene. Rabey speakers of the evening are Major
La Procession ........Cesar Franck Frank D. Eaman and the Hon. James
Mandoline .............Gabriel Faure 0. Murfin. Fred Lawton, Michigan's
Nocturne ...r.. ......Cesar Franck famous composer, is to be on hand
Dansons la Gigue ........Poldowski to lead the mass singing and yells.
Mr. Hackett Michigan's football prospects will be
Marriage des Roses.... ........Franck reviewed by Coach "Hurry UI"
Au Printemps . .............Gounod (Continued on Page Six)
Si j'etais Jardinier .......Chaminade -
Ouve Tes Yeux Bleus (by re- LAWYER TELLS IN
quest).................Massenet WHAT TO INVEST
Miss Farrar
Etude de Concert............Liszt --
Blue Danube Waltz ........ Dallas Boudeman of the Kalamazoo
.... Strauss-Schulz-Evler bar, who is giving a series of 10 lec-
Miss Renard tures on "Investments" at 4 o'clock
Dream Tryst ..............Cadman each afternoon in the Law building,
Fair House of Joy ...........Quilter spoke on "What to Invest Your Money
Sea Lyric .. ..........Geo~rge C. Vie In" Tuesday.
O Cool is the Valley Now .... Real estate was the main topic of
.............. ...Louis Koemmefkch discussion. He brought out the main
The Eagle .............nEmil J..Polak points to be considered in buying real
Mr. Hackett ' estate as an investment. "The first
Aria, "Ux Bel Di" (Madame thing to be considered," said Mr.
Buterfif):............".....Puccini Boudeman, "is what is the basis for
Miss Farrar an investment in real estate? To do
so, first find out at what rate ypou
/ " *can lend your money, and then ascer-
ch g nT H av tain what the income is from the prop-
erty. This will enable you to deter-
Y -ll eader TeaM miie what you should pay for the land
or building.
Michigan is to have a yell-master Must Recognize Depreciation
team. Six try-outs are to work as a "Do not overlook depreciation in
team, and it is expected that this xbuying real estate. The condition of
method will show good results. It has the buildings will indicate the allow-

already shown its worth in other col- ance you should make for this factor.
leges, and the committee hopes it will The income tax allowed is two per
do as well here as it has elsewhere. cent for brick buildings and three'
"It should be understood, however, per cent for fraxye buildings.
that these men are try-outs the same "In buying vacant property, remem-
as all the others, and will be shown er that you will have to expend money
absolutely no favoritism," said C. E. before you can realize on your invest-
Bottum, '20E, when commenting on ment. A vacant lot is an encumbrance.
the plan. Taxes have to be paid every year And'
Final try-outs for cheer-leaders will you derive no income until you put a
be held Saturday at the M. A. C. building on it.
game, Bottum announced Tuesday Factories May Ruin Value
night. Since it was the plan to insure "In cities the shifting value of real
pep at the Traditions Day meeting no estate is a thing to be watched. Many1
new men were tried out there, and the a good residence section has been
final test was postponed. ruined by the invasion of industries.
In charge of the ceering Saturday As soon as a factory is built in a resi
will be those men wo showed up best dence district, -property surrounding
at the Case game, but there will be it drops in value." -
a dozen new men on hand to show Wednesday afternoon Mr. Bdudeman
their ability. There Is enough tried will talk on "Loaning Money on Mort-
material among this aggregation to in- ;ages and Chattel Mortgages." Due to
sure the competent cheer-leading nec- the large attendance at these lectures,
essary when the team is facing a really 'hey will be held in room B of the Law
formidable opponent, building instead of room C.

Members of the senior literary class
elected the following class officers
Tuesday: President William W. Hin-
shaw; vice-president. Ruth A. Abbott;
secretary, Gretchen Jones; treasurer,
J. P. Hart, and Student councilman,
Karl H. Velde.
Election was held with ballots, about
150 seniors voting between 10 and 3
o'clock yesterday.
Michigan's memorial to her hero
dead is truly a reality as concerns the
financial end of the campaign, accord-'
ing to Le Grand A. Gaines, Jr., '20,
chairman of the memorial fund com-
mittee. Adding to thealready substan-
tial contributions which the various
fraternities, solicited at dinner Tues-
day evening, had made, the amount
taken in following the Traditionsday
pep meeting Tuesday night totaled up
Sto $400, approximately. This is but a
rough approximation, inasmuch as all
returns had not been made when this
paper went to press.
Tablet Made Possible
With the generous offering is made
possible the realization of a bronze
tablet suitably inscribed to be placed
at the foot of the pole, but the cam-
paign will be continued throughout
Wednesday to swell the fund suffi-
ciently to provide for flags and up-
keep for several years.
The new flag pole with its two flags
will be formally dedicated at the M.
A. C. game Saturday. Efforts are be-
ing made to have President Harry B.
Hutchins pull the cords which will
unfurl the new memorial so her hero
Expect Pole Wednesdayw
The 65 foot steel pole which has
been secured is expected to reach
Ann Arbor Wednesday afternoon and
the two flags, an American, measuring
8 by 12 feet, and a Michigan banner,
8 by 10, will arrive shortly thereaft -
Already the buildings and grounds de-
partment have dug the hole on Fer-
ry field and concrete is being laid
ready for the insertion of the pole.
Two coats of paint have already been
given the pole and the necessary third
coat will be applied some time before
Saturday so that the flags can be fit-
tingly raised and presented before the
game starts. The site decided upon
for the pole is at the east end of the
field, about 20 feet in front of the
main scoreboard.
' Respond Well
Sophomores and juniors responded
well to the call which was issued
Tuesday'for assistants to the commit-
tee consisting of Le Grand A. Gaines,
Jr., '20, chairman; Joseph Kerwin,
'20M; E. C. Blackert, '20L; Hugh W.
Hitchcock, '22; and Charles R. Osius,
Jr., '20. The following men were
chosen to act as assistants to the com-
mittee: Henry Whiting, D. J. Porter,
Stewart Baxter, Jack Williams, J. E.
McManis, George Prather, Fred Petty,
L. M. Woodruff, E. B. Hettinger, C.
L. Rourke, Fred Thompson, Boyd Lo-
gan, Lawrence Butler, John Pente-
cost, and J. C. Travis, all of the class
of '21; M. A. Newton, Frank Webber,
George Reindel, J. Bowers, J. Fry,

W. E. Benson, C. Spiess, D. Murray,
H. Hall, C. Boothby, all '22 men; and
H. Lauver, D. Maynard, R. Wasson,
G. Whitbeck, '22E. The following
freshmen also assisted: C. A. Hum-
mer, '23; C. Ward, '23; E. S. Reid,
'23; and J. H. Patten, '23E.
President Harry B. Hutchins gave
the second of the series of talks to
freshmen Monday afternoon using as
his topic, "The University."
At the close of the talk Carl John-
son supervised the freshmen elec-
tions. Nominations were made openly
from the floor and the following offi-
cers were chosen: president, Robert
Rice; vice-president, Margaret Mc-
Intyre; secretary, Elizabeth Humph-
reys; treasurer, Charles E. Duffie.
Carl Johnsoji wishes to see the new-
,ly elected officers in the Union Wed-
nesday at 3 o'clock.

9 0 1 O I M PO C ~ CTO R 2 N D A N N U A L T R A D IT IO N S IEM N N Y O f E E T R

Copenhagen, Oct. 14.-"The Ger-
nians are attacking Riga with poisoned
gas and also bombarding the town
with trench motors," said a Lettish
foreign office communication Monday.
"Great damage has been done to
quays and the harbor," a communi-
cation adds and "there have been
many civilian casualties.
London, Oct. 14.-The Letts, are de-
fending their positions at Riga against
the invaders splendidly while the
Esthonian governmen't has rushed
every -available armored car to their
assistance, according to official re-
ports received here.
Considerable bitterness is displayed
by newspapers in E'sthonia in regard
to the allies' policy, asserting that
the German forces in the Baltic had
been deefated last July and that the
campaign wold have been carried to
a victorious completion if the allies
had ont insisted upon an armistice.
The labor organ, Wabama, declai'es
that the menace to Letvia threatens
the future peace of all Europe.
War Service ook
Ready At Union
The War Registration book was put
on the Union desk at 4:15 o'clock yes-
terday afternoon, ready to receive the
names of any University men who saw
service. Every one is asked to regis-
ter immediately in order' that an ac-
curate list of the service men may be
compiled so that reunion and get-to-
gethers of units may start.
Expect 100 Pages of Names
Each student is asked to give his
rank, name, Ann Arbor address, class'
in the University, phone, home town,
unit and place of service, and any ci-
tations that he received. The book
has been specially ruled for this data
and those in charge say that they ex-
pect at least a 00 pages of names' if
not more.
Union officials predicted that a line
,of 150 would be formed, waiting to
register as a great )nany students
have asked in advance about the mat-
ter. It will be possible to sign up for
about two weeks, at the end of which
time the book will be taken into the
general office, where an accurate list
of the names will be made and where
they will be catalogued according to
Will Appoint Special .fommittee
After that the book will be left on
'the desk so that any one may reg-
4ster. In order that proper care may
be taken of ,reunions, they intend to
appoint a service committee, whose
duty it will be to arrange for any
unit meetings and probably for an all-
service gathering later in the year.
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 14.-Inclusion in
the prominent railroad legislation of a
provision to penalize strikes of rail-
road employees was decided upon late
today by the interstate commerce com-
mittee by a vote of 14 to 1.
The committee did not enter into the
details of anti-strike legislation the
vote being merely on the question of
adopting the principal of penalizing
railroad employees for striking. Sen-
ator Stanley, Democrat, of Kentucky,
passed the only opposing vote.

The committee's vote was regarded
as making certain inclusion in the
final bill of an anti-strike clause some-
what similar to the clause of the Cum-
mins bill proposing fines and imprison-
ment for concerted action o'f employ-
ees interfering with interstate com-
New Englanders Start Activities
All students from New England are
invited to be present at the first meet-
ing of the New England club to be
held in Lane hall at 7:30 o'clock to-


"Wa p" John Summarize's Idea
Gathering; Johnson Tells. Wma
Is Expected
"What are Michigan traditi4
irst, be human;' second, work; ti
coeds; fourth, BEAT SOMEBODY.
This was the enumeration of '#
Miclhigan stands for as laid down
night at Hill auditorium, by "
John, oneof the alumni speakers
the second annual Traditions Day.
With the auditorium packed b
its normal capacity iand with '
students turned away because of
of room, the first 119-20 All-Can
meeting began the collegaite yea
1919-20 with a bang.
Crowd Gathers Early
Spirit that began with an assei
age 'of students who gathered at
doors of Hill auditorium, long be
the scheduled time for the meet
pervaded the greatest gathering
the lVniversity has ever witnessed
Student speakers, faculty speal
alumni speakers, cheer-leadersnd
band, carried the receptive auas
age 'through aprogram that P
Michigan 'from the frst nrotse of'
band to, the final strains of the '
low and Blue."
First year students-the guest
the University, took the opportu
offered them by the few moment
suspense before the appearance of.
principals on the program, and
style that bids well for Michiga I
their own cheering for the Univei
and the football team.
Hogan Speaks
Carl T. Hogan. chairman of the <
wntttee in charge, started the
rolling, after the band had opi
with the "Victors," by defining M
igan traditions. x°
"Traditions are the life of the
iversity," he declared, "they are '
bind us together, what make us '
to be here and what make the ala
come back."
He introduced Carl Johnson, pt
dent of the Student council, who
pointed address, told the assemb
what has expected of them this ,
H e explaine d the 'princip l of Mich
traditions, and invited first:
men to fall into the spirit of the:
versity life.
Define Sogai
Prof. W. D. Henderson, who re
sented the faculty at tie occasion
troduced a new feature into the
gram of the evening when he toc
upon himself to define the meanin
Michigan's' slogan, "Let's Go M
"Let's go Michigan for scholars
let's go Michigan for loyalty, but al
all, Michigan, let's go for true u
ulterated Americanism," he fini
'fter having declared the" slogan i<
His address was greet d with an o
whelming applause, and his rem
were repeatedly punctuated by ch
and applause from the student bod
John Strikes Keynote
"Wap" John, alumni speaker stT
the keynote of the meeting wher
summarized the idea of Traditions
In the quotation given above.
J. Fred'Lawton caried the asse
age into the highest kindof spir
his high spirited way of discus
problems vital to the Universit
Michigan memoral CnIcpa gn
James McClintock, editor of
Chimes introduced the Michigan M
orial campaign and was assure
support by the hearty approval g
his address.
Carl T. Hogan, 1919 Traditions
chairman, after the meeting, dec
it the most successful meeting of
kind ever held in the University.
"Although Traditions' day is
than a year old, this second oa
ance of it assures its permanenc;

a Michigan institution," he decla
"It is something that we may I
forward to, to start each Mich|
year hereafter, and we jhope tha
will be of as much benefit to the



abor resolution was laid be-
conference today without rec-
ation by' the central commit-
with an amendment proposed
nittee by Samuel Gompers,
it of the American Federa-
Labor, providing that the ar-
a committee be chosen by the
ace groups "from members or
nbers" of the conference. A
te resolution failed to receive
roval of any of the three con-
groups although it was fram-
3 to avoid mention of the steel
It proposed acceptance of Mr.
s' committee of six 'to ad-
"serious labor disputes," its
'to be final. The labor rep-
ives would be chosen both by
out on strike and those re-
in the einploy of the several

Gompers Asks Intervention
'he climax of the day's tense ses-
n, one of which was recessed in
midst of confusion, came late in
3 day when Samuel Gompers, leader
the labor delegation, made an im-
ssidned plea for intervention in the
el strike and reviewed the negotia-
ns leading up to the calling of the
ike on Sept. 22.
Looking directly at Judge Gary,
airman of the United States Steel
'poration, seated wits the public
7up, less than 15 feet away, the la-
leader declared that the steel cor-
ation had acted "like the bolshe-
:1" in refusing to meet representa-

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