s athletes, be they good or n, win or lose, and behind behind the ie last man. TY e Univer. S. euse for otherwise tin. as second street. igned, the sig- an evidence of e Daily at the eDaily office. ion. No man postage. sentiments ex- after 8 o'clock M. CAREY [ugh Hitchcock A. ardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff . . ..Renaud Sherwood .John I.Dakinl .Brewster Campbell .Robert C. Angell . Marguerite Clark' Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr. Winefred Biethan i obert D. Sage Marion Nichols Frances Oberholtaer rt J.dna Apel t l. P. Lovejoy dy Charles Murchison Russell Fletcher 90 ....PAUL E. CAOLETTE THE ART EXHIBIT The art exhibits which have been held at frt- quent intervals during the past year at Memorial hall have been attened, in the main, by only a small and by no means representative body of students. Ths old high school idea still seems to exist among many that an art exhibit is a high brow affair at- tended only by a number of queer people who are. capable of understanding the hidden meanings of pictures that would be unintelligible to the layman: One need go no farther than the present exhibit of pictures to prove the absolute, folly of such an idea. Four artists-two from our own campus and one from Ypsilanti-are represented by the 9o'pic- tures composing the exhibit. And the pictures themselves are of the sort that will be readily en- joyed by the most unappreciative. Landscapes and portraits are the principal sbbjects chosen by the. artists and the-majority of these are so charmingly executed that it is impossible to view them without a sense of enjoyment. If you are one of those who have carefully avoided exhibits and lectures of all kinds in the past, take a few minutes off one of these after-- noons and see these pictures. It is a safe wager" that you will not regret your action. CONSERVATION Once more we hear the war time slogan of "Con-w servation." Ann Arbor has suddenly been hit by, a shortage of sugar and coal, due to the switchmen's strike and to a national shortage of the 'products. The situation seems to be about as acute here as, any place in the country. There is without doubt a great deal of waste of ' these products among students. One less spoonful of sugar. in the coffee and the use of foods that do ndt require sugar would be one way of conserv- ing. Careful use of gas in the laboratories and kitchens would tend to aid in maintaining the sup- ply of coal while the shortage continues. The American people learned to conserve during the war so the procedure -is not so painful as it might be. TEXT BOOKS for EC. 32- BO.&WU EXT&Shaw's Approach to Rusiness Poblems AT TWOE STORES 4s, Mark B. Covel ...H{enry Whiting . Edward Priehs ider,. R. A. Sullivan est. So merville ester W. IMillard ngnews for any bas fu charge be: Mona GR A HiAiMA' 5 BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK TWO STORES I- - II ri111i M nMl I DETROIT UNITED LINES (Oct. 26, igig) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit'Limited and Express Cars-6:xo a. tn., and hourly to g:to p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48 a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- presses make local stops west of Arn Arbor.) Local Cars 'ast Bound-6zos a. m., 9:.S a. m. and every two hours to g2o p. in., 10:50 u. m. To Ypsilanti only, r:4g p. M., :10 a. 'm.; and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bounl--7,:48 a. m. and T2:20 a. m ANN~ ARBOR CHOP SUE!Y Excellent CHOP SUEY from 11:80 a. m. to midnight Steaks and Chops 814 . State S 'S Asked AtRandomn "Do you thing lichigan should have a School/of Journalism" James I. -McClintock, '21L, manag- ing editor of the Chimes: "I think the. present system used at Michigan is very good. The practical side of var- ious types of journalism is brought out in our publications,-any of which give students good training The onl real reason for a school of journal- ism is that it \vould serve to attract students here who intend to enter the field It would be well if the faculty in the journalism department were'in- creased. Otherwise the theory in prac- tic now is all right." Burce Millar, '20, managing editor of the Michiganensian. "Rudimentary training in journalism, combined with work on the student publications, and a broad choice of courses in other de- partments, is preferable, I believe, to specialized study in a school of journ- alism. The technical training will have to be gone through during the, first few months after graduation any- way, and the four years at college might, well be, put. to better use in the -liberal arts. Exchanges from "insti-,- tutions having schools of journalism rank, for some inexplainable reason, below those published at colleges and universities where a non-technical study of journalism is combined in the general curriculum." David 3. Landis, '22L, former sports editor of The Daily: "I certainly would like to see a complete journal- istic school at Michigan. It stands to reason that the more schools we have in the country, the more will be done to, down the yellow journals so pre- valent at the present time." Gargoyle Submits Work to Annual Several clippings and about 15 cuts have been submitted to the Collegi- ate World Annual, which will be made up entirely of college wit, by the Gar- goyle. ORDER NOW Orders for Engraving require more time than usual. Leave your ordler card for - - rw m VISITING CARDS r Plate and $1.00 cards $3.00 and up - UM@VERSITY SBOOKSTORES -i = T HE "Y" INN AT LAN E HAL L Home Cooked Food y Lunch and Dinner Per Week $5.75 SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER The Telescope rnnometer still seems to hover d of the mercury column, and aspirants are finding it hard to en't engaged in regular fall s spring sports are being car- er conditions didn't even exist. :rue of the varsity tennis team. vs that when tennis begins to i of the student body that sun- pected to be somewhere around. not follow this year. For sev- candidates for the varsity ten- going out each day in the hopes mittes' practice. - And, strarige y have accomplished wonders onditions. game it would be very untimely ite predictions as to the chances s this season. It is not out of r, that from past performances that a splendid year may be ex- winner of both the doubles and atches of last year being on the ir. i team will.be sent to Detroit es of the season. The next day. go to Toledo and play in that >n.- These matches will give strength of the final four-man selected to represent Michigan our Eastern opponents, Cor- Union. )F PROFESSIONALISM ked, is there so little organized g at Varsity baseball games? >tball season one sees organized rs, the Varsity band, and much why should not th° same be s easy. It is the taint of pro- onference baseball games one spirit which he sees at games 1 teams. There is rooting, to i every case unorganized and no singing whatsoever. but that, if during the seventh Yelow and the Blue" should vould be good on both players why is it not .possible to have leering, before the game and Fatherly Advice Don't you miss. a blue blook; - And don't you bolt a class. Don't let the sweet things get you Don't cut across the grass. Very Good, Eddie ' Teacher-Parse the sentence, "Egbert married Gwendolyn.", Pupil- -Egbert is a noun 'cause, it's the, name of a thing; married is a conjunction since it joins Eg- bert and Gwendolyn; and Gwendolyn is a verb' 'cause it governs the noun. The Barrier "What makes you think that Jones. will never become a regular college man?" "Because he's got a deformity." "Deformity? I'd never noticed that before:" "Yeh, the poor fellow has a cowlick right or,his forehead so that for the life of him he can't part his hair in the middle." - Dear Noah:-- What is a transport of delight? Reader. Why, that was the vessel which'carried all those' undesirables' who were recently deported. Our Daily Novelette { And now in the hour of trouble his thoughts turned instinctively to her. A feeling of revulsion swept over him as he thought of how his'youthful gullibility had made him the plaything of that woman. He had heard other, fellows tell of how these co-eds had tricked' men, but like a fool he thought that this one was different. A dry, mirth- less, embittered laugh fell from his lips. But he knew one to whom he could turn for solace. Thoughts of how to vamp her way through . a course or through a man's pocketbook had never entered her head. Young and innocent, 'guileless and naive-he wondered now how he could have ever left her for the futile chase of social butter- flies. In his 'mind he cold picture the smile, whole- some and unaffected, which would gladden her face at the sight of him. III The maid who admitted him informed him that he would find her in the .sitting room. For a mo- ment he swayed in the doorway at the sight which met his eyes. There on another man's lap was the girl he had revered as the epitome of youthful in- nocence. A happy, trusfing smile played on her lips, and now and then she would wind those baby- ish arms of hers around his neck murmuring at the same time some unintelligible gibberish. How long" he stood there he never knew. With a low groan he finally staggered out of the room, his fast re- ceding faith in womankind completely destroyed. What did it, matter to him that she was only 3 years old and that the man on whose lap she sat had, seen 40.. .' J.W. K. Famous Closing Lines "She seems all broken up about something," he muttered as he gazed at the Venus de Milo statue. NOAH COUNT. Buy what you need,-no more,-and buy good dependable merchandise. This will reduce the H. C. of L. more than any- thing else. SPORT COATS ' f, M MATERIALS Flannel & Knitted ,Fabrics White Flannel and Whip- cord Trousers JUST THE THING FOR THOSE SPRING PARTIES A Sport Coat and Extra Trousers will be a splendid substitute for a suit and save you Forty or Fifty Dollars. TINKER & COMPANY CLOTHES, FURNISHINGS & HATS So. State St. at William St. ... . ....,r.,. .. ...,. ....- -- e / .. _. 1 , - Gas Must Be Saved There are only eight dafslsupply of coal in Ann Arbor with little chance of further coal reaching, us within that time. Gas Consumers must help us. In order to save all possible for the necessities of life we have adopted the fol- lowing program: First.-Gas pressure will be reduced to the lowest point of safety except during the following hours during which all cooking must be done: 5:00 TO 7:30 A.M. 11:00 A. M. TO 12:30 P. M. , . 5:00 TO 6:30 P. M. a" and iges of this plan. The owd would be changed The players would be by knowing that up isands of their fellow tory or defeat, ready tlook seemed blackest. nents for this plan, it Second.-Use of gas in factories must be discontinued beginning Wed- nesday morning, April 28th. Third.-If these two means do not reduce the use of gas to the safety point all water heaters will be shut off and all non-essential uses stopped. We .must have help or the calamity of no gas will soon be upon us. ;I WASHTENAW GAS COMPANY h