I 44 1 rtmian r DAY A DNi SERV ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1920. PRICE THREE " TO, UNVEIL ANGELL Art Exhibition Op TS , MEMORIAL TABLETU 11111 VIIVI IL Hl rtsspr The unveiling of a bronze memorial H anI; ArNDstsTP tablet in memory of former President LWtshave Emeritus James B. Angell of' the Wh.lteatit h ae University will take place at the paintings in the exhibit present, the morning service of the Congregational Bell, Grindley, Petty, a'nd Schaefer to exhibition of art in Alumni Memorial churchn n Sunday. The tablet is to Run for Presidency of hall opened Wednesday night. The 'E IRLS be placed in the pew that Dr. Angell Organization , reception Wednesday night was some- churchacon nday.e he thabletAsgto 'CE thing of a private affair, but the ex- teoccupied ine the church. - AppropriateTOB COENA hibit was opened to the public ys music will be rendered by the choir, OFFICERS TO BE CHOSEN AT hbtws eedt h ulcyes- mich will be renderedyte choDr.A ,' CAMPUS ELECTION MAY 12 terday, and will remain oen until} which will sing some of Dr. Angell's May 16. favorite hymns. T pins. are1of FDr. Lloyd C. Douglas pastor of the Final nominations were made at a The paintings shown are Of excep- EUSSIA Congregational church, will deliver meeting of the Union nominating com- tional merit, and have an unusually ngrgarc, d mitteelast evening. T~henames illfresh appearance. There are 90 can-t ' ~the morning 'sermon, his theme be- vmitteo, lastbevening. The namestwill SPlanneding,Ins m oaionAoftDr n- be voted on at the All-campus eec- vases on exhibitio.. The artists who ry gell." Next Sunday also marks the tior May 12. The names of the fol-s ast-aein, L the exhibit areA. beginning of Or Douglas' sixth year lowing nominees have not been pass- Mastro-Varrison anA. Makelski, Er- as pastor of the ed upon by the eligibility committeo. nest Harrison Barnes, and Roman SrgFor president of the nion-Ferdin- Kryzanovsky". - 5) church.Frpeieto h no-edn Several of the paintings have reciv- te against and C. Bell, '21L, Robert Grindley, ed favorable commentfromn the visit- t score of '21E, Fred J. Petty, '21, Gilbert P. Schaefer, '21A. . iors. Those which have received spe-t ave been SIT-ATIONFGAS Porer , onA. Stewtar cial praise ar'e Makielski's portrait ofl it915us Fr recbrin~ secretary-Donald J._________________ IT 1 day defn- Porter, '21, John A. Stewart, '21. da1 Palmer For Law vice-president - Abe j. ,TI fl ~ ~vrr~~~r ~Cohen, i2lL,' Thurman B. Doyle, IJIUIAO OLOFR assaults, , '21L, David A. Forbes, '22L. led i theFor 'engineering vice-president - :e by the Company Hopes to Have Enough Coal Richard o. Fischer, '21E, George H.s ther rad- Within Next Two Days to Roderick, '21E, Guy S. Shoemaker, n~. SNOWDEN TO INTERVIEW addition Remove Restrictions '21E. ___ MEN INTERESTEDT ances 'in- For Medical vice-president-Harry TODAY effort in HAS RECEIVED WORD RAILS B. MacCallum, '21M, Ralph 6. Ry-.b Russia. CLEAR AS FAR AS CLEVELAND chener, '22M.p yictims -For literary , vice-president - C. Positions are open for college grad- partmext,. Stewart Baxter, 21, John McManis, uates, especially the graduates of me- b nd their We hope to have enough coal in '21, Grattan L. Rourke, '21. chanical, civil, mining and other en- i sight, within two days to remove the rattaned deouret vice- gineering schools, and those of apressing For combined departmentsvie regulations on the use of gas in the president-Lester H. Frenvh, '21H, schols of commerce and accounting city and supply our customers with William E. Klrchgessner, '20P, Mar- who wish to enter the service 4f the u all they want," said' Henry W. Dou- ion D. Slaughter, '22D. Standard' Oil company in Asiatic c -nre glass, '90, president of the Washte- For Student councilman at large- countries and the Levant,. according t -general, naw Gas company, yesterday. to Dr. A. A. Snowden9 who will be at i Lay day Dewe9 F. Fagerburg, '22L, Richard teMcia Uin(oa't e e rking n Mr. Douglass -stated that one car C. Losch, '2,. nhr M gan u ho oae tees- 's of dis- was received yesterday and that two niors and graduates who areInterest- e As in morehad left Jackson. The Gas ad in such work.