"Any "M" man in the University Presidents of the upper classes, de-"P
today who hasn't reported for spring partmental vice-presidents of the S O A E
MY 1 WLL STOP Surn..
football practice, regardless of his Michigan Union, and members of the
eligibility is forgetting his duty to his Student council of the various col-
University. Come out. If you don't leges, are invited to -attend an open
expect Ito play next fall, come out -APRIL CHIMES meeting of the Union nominating
and help put the men who will play committee at 1:30 o'clock this, after-
in condition." non in room 308 on the third floor
by Coach Douglas, In charge of the MA E UNFAIR TO IN. d In view of the present large mem-e
spring. practice of the Varsity grid- STRUCTORS bership of the Union, and the peculiar Cooking Must Be Done In
ders. It appears that some of the conditions which may exist in pertain These Hours A
good grid men in the .University' have ThsIor
fogottenrthefac that the rice JOURNALISM SCHOOL of the schools and colleges, it has 'been _ _
forgotten the fact that 'the ractieTED IN ISSUE suggested.that such a meeti~ng would MORNING
his Wi le dngyor bi.ADwaCAenable the representatives of all de- 5 to 7:30 o'clock G
.This wll be doing your bit toward -partments, nyen who are conversant i1 to 12:30 oclock
solving the athletic problem. Come Author Takes no Cognizance of Stu- with the conditions in their partic-
oul and get into togs. Help teach if dent Control of University larclasses, to lay before the nominat- AFTERNOON
you can't help play.'' Pablications ing comi4ittee the type of man they to 6:30 o'clock
believe should be in office.
(117 X D)Though names which might' be con--f
L O H AB * Usidered for candidates may be brought 0
That if some action is not taken to up at this time it is to be under-f
raise the instructors' pay, there is no stood, the committee states, that no,"
_0N reason why we should not expect a sort of carVpaigning an be tol r-
10 xD pRESSIO _______ca _btoe'1f
teachers' or faculty men's union, ated. t
strikes and walkouts in the Univer -_______________
ecsity, is an opinon expressed in an ar- O
CDef Cau se For High Cosit ticle i ij the April number of Chimes, Nb
f Lingh s which made its appearance on theI II Ann Arbor Wholesalers Endeor u
campus yesterday.,mnaniri nmunirrn t of SmllStres d
The article states that the typesetter rR visiun Nnnmalr S Dresnd
EXCES PROFITS TAX SAID who sets the story probably receives On Rand n
TO HAVE NO PART IN RISE more money a year than the average
instructor in the University. His CUBAN PLOT CHARGED TO E.
"We are headed toward a depres- foreman's salary is comparable to that TO MEET PRESIDENT AT RESPONSIBLE FOR SCARCITY p
sion, and one of the most potent forces of any professor in the University.. DINNER I
carrying us toward this depression is Figures showing increases given to ,Ann Arbor's sugar situation is as
,the relation between employer and faculty men are given with'the com- Entertainmen for the deans of the sit is tht the entire
employee," said Prof. David Friday, of ment that "though it is evident that liberal arts colleges from 14 institu-
She economics department, in a Mtalk heroic attempts have been made to tions who meet in conference here country. There is no large supply in d
last evening before the Michigan stu- remedy salary conditions, these fig- Thursday and Friday of this week has the city and there seems to be no im- a
dents' Liberal club, in the Natural ures are so obviously unfair to the been planned in detail, stated Dean mediate, prospects of, reteivipg any
Science auditorium. The subject of instructor that t(ere is .little room John R. Finger yesterday. help from outside. Cafes and restaur- s
Professor F'rlday's talk was "Labor at for comment" s
the -rass-roads." tal was"Labr atforbomm-t'"Luncheons will be. held at the ants are doling, out their limited sup-
Labor Sef"nterested It states that if some plan is not de- Union on both Thursday and Friday ply one and, two lumps at a time.
Lao;efItFsedI ttsta fsoepa sntd-and a dinner has been planned at the MrKyofyeanWhtrsi
"Labor has been struggling for vised to remedy them, that within the dlsft. Kyeof Kyer and Whtker, said
many years to gain some slight bal- next decade, we will see as great a Union for Thursday night. President Tuesday, "There is a shortage of
ance of power as compared to the em- revolutionizing of the teaching pro- Harry B. Hutchins will deliver an ad- sugar; we can't get shipment when r
ploying class. Labor has attained its fession in this country and in this dress of welcome at this event. The we do get the orders confirmed, and t
end by methods of self interest, and University as many fear will come in purpose of the dinner is to present an the. price is .going crazy." The local
there is great danger that it- will con- opportunity to 'the visiting deans to retailers- are doing all they can to
tinue to pursue these tactics. If this ma nt ui ndustries, tat a meet with the president and the local make fair division of what sugar
course is continued, labor will lose ore nstrutr n n te lty deans, Dean Effinger said. there in their possession. Natural-
are considering and planning to leave'
this power in from three to five years. the University at the end of the pres- Following the dinner an entertain- ly the old customers come first.
If this - policy is changed, 'the coun- ent semest r ment has been arranged to take place Quantity Buying Alleged p
try will embark on a new epoch of in- Another article in the magazine en- in the. University club. Mr. William Mr. Schovel of Dean and company, f
dustraldevelopment" declared Pro- titled "The Days of Baseball History, Wheeler will sing and other numbers Ltd., when asked how they stood oni
fessor Ftiday. shows that baseball outdate all other are to be presented. supplies said, "We have none." Mr.'
The great decrease in production sports at the University, authentic An automobile ride around Ann Ar- Schovel went' on to say, There have
throughout the country was given by records being available o games wit bor and the vicinity will be given the been three full cars of sugar received
Professor Friday as the prime cause outside teams as early as 1866. It visiting Deans on either Thursday or in Ann Arbor in the past few weeks
for high prices, and he further stated shows that in herlltimehistory Friday afternoon.. The conference and it my belief that there is a sf-
that there isnothing to the argumftntMichigan has won 444 games, lost 200, will end with the luncheon on Fri- dent quanity in the cityto. ide over
that the excess profits tax was a causead tied 17 day. the shortage if it were alleveny d-
for 'a rise in prices. Nan___________vided. The trouble i htmn ae
Leaders Have Task ew Hids Seen been buying up sugar in quantities
Leuder Hae TskOne writer in the Chimes, advocat- '~
If labor leaders could make the' LnnmychorswornaCimrnanat- n iy-r $W n far in excess of their needs and now
rank and fiesee that they could re-chool of journalism, claimsthat they have an over stock on hand while
tro theirnd owebyi nreasig-yrou - all indications 'point to a time, not For .120 Re ls others go without."
tan their power by increasing pro- far distant, when journalism will take Allotment Plan In Use
ductin and ,eflcIency, this would be its place beside law and medicine as
the crossroads where labor_ might a The Southern Whlolesaf Grocers .
continue onits way toward a better one of the leading professions in the From 9 o'clock Friday night to i association sent inquiries on condi-
sotanard o liing.ay rUniversity. "A building housing the o'clock Saturday morning the triangle tions to a number of the leAding sugar
standard of living, . rhetoric faculty and this department of in the Engineering arch will, be des- refiners of the country and many opin-
journalism would fulfill most of our -ecrated by no member of the clan of ions were put forth in answer. Thesel
Actress to lie present needs, and if it were allowed Sphinx.' Nor during that time will are contained in bulletins received
to include the various student publ- any wearer of corduroy greet his rival here.
Guest 0fC b cations it would offera-n opportunity society brother with the forbidden The American Sugar Refining cor-
- /for a closer connection between the chant, "Alree" pany, writes that they have forsome
actual work of the faculty and the For during these hoursM all enmity time past been working on the allot-
SMembers of the Comedy club will practical work of publishing and edit-. will be foresworn between Sphinx ment plan, selling to their regular
meet Madame Borgny Hammer, Nor- Ing," the article states. and Triangle, as the literary and en- custmers on a basis of their~past pur-
wegian actress, at a' reception at 5 The writer, however, fails -to bring gineering juniors glide to the strains chases.
o'clock Thursday afternoon in Martha up the advantages of having the pub- of "Sandy" Wilson's orchestra's new Arbuckle Brothers answer that they
Cook dormitory. lications remain entirely in the stu fox-trot, "I'm Zephyring on the Nile" are working entirely on the allotment1
Madame Hammer and her husband dents' hands. at the Ann Arbor Golf club. plan. The Federal Sugar, -tefinins
will be entertained by the club at a -The magazine as a wpole is the best The spring party of the two socie- company reply much in kind. All are
dinner in the dormitory following the yet published. It has 56 pages in it. ties has now been an annual affair for sincere in their assertion that th'ey
reception. The cuts are snappier than usual. The more than a decade, and Chairmen are doing all in their power to getj
Spring tryouts for the Comedy elub half tone of the drawing of the Huron George Prather, '21, and Robert sugar to the impoverishe market.'
will be held from 9 to 12 o'clock the on the cover is a tinted page, a new Grindley, '21E, promise entertainment Palmer in Charge
morning of May 8 in University hall. idea for the magazine.ne that will make it well worth the while During a meeting of the Michigan
Tryouts are to come prepared, if pos- for the inactive members of both or- wholesale grocers a few days ago the
tibleThishisnot neessaryas tm- "MICHIGAN WORK IN CHINA" ganizations to let others uphold the president of that organiaztion gave,
tion. This is not necessary, as some- TOPIC OF TALKS TO WOMEN burden of the University for a few out the report that there Was in Cuba
thing will be provided for reading. hours late in the day, April 30. today a small group of men who held
CO-OPERATION SOUGHT IN "What Michigan Is Doing in It is expected that the caravans in their hands almost the entire sugar
MAINTAINING CLEAN UNION China" was the subject of addresses carrying the Sphinx and Triangles in supply of the United States.
Tuesday evening by Miss Bertha informal attire .will depart from Ann These men, according to the report
OConde at Martha'Cook dormitory and Arbor at about 8:30 o'clock Friday have purchased outright or have op-
left on the Union force, exclusive of Mrs. Katherine Willard Eddy at Helen evening. The committee in charge tions on nearly every bt of sugar in
the the Uhous an.Asa re sltsgeat Newberry residence. asks that all camels be parked in the the country. They also have contract-
di culty is encountered in keeping the "Needing most of all Christian lead- mall, lest they injure the sod of the ed for large deliveries from every, pas-
bu ding in order, front approaci and ership, China turns to America for 18-hole course. 'Til then, "Aloree," sible source. The fact that they are
w lk clean, and having similar duties help, Those methods and principles and "Clankety-bang-Clank." Cubans makes it a difficult proposition
1 kcen n hvn iia dte -P p. for the., government to handle. The
'performed. the West has used to its advantage, for thegernm e ohe.te
s Men are asked to help out as much China now seeks to learn for her bet- YESTERDAmS GAMES atteris be naced beoe Attrney
S G MESGeneral Palmer and every effort is be-
as possible by not dropping cigarettes terment. Through Dr. Clara 'M. Sar- . ing made to get quick action on the
and papers on the walk just before gent, '15M, Michigan is permitted to(yngP)mae
entering the building. Further co-op- carry out her share of this work,' (
eration within the building itself is stated Mrs. Eddy' in effect in regard Ameriean League
also urged by Union officials. to the Dr. Sargent campaign which Cleveland, 3; Chicago, 2. Alpha Nu Will Banqpet Thursday
wil be launched Thursday by the Uni- No other games played. A banquet will be given by the Alpha
Heath In New York On Business versity Y. W. C. A. Nu Debating society at 6:15 o'clock
Homer L. Heath, general manager Both executive officers will address ' National League Thursday night, in room 316 of the
of the Union, is in New York City on the campaign workers 'at a supper at Cincinnati, 3; St. Louis, 2. Union. This is the annual banquet of
1usiness. His return is expected the Newberry hall before leaving Ann Ar- Other games ppstponed on. account ,the society, and preparations have
early part of next week. bor tonight. ' of rain, been made for a program.
as'Companies Seek Rug' to
Movement of Publi 'UtlI
ties Voal
With only an eight day su
iel on hand and with bt 01
ne-half more in sight, Ann
aces a table with nothing. on
Shredded ,Wheat and Milkt
[enry W. ,Douglass, '90, prei
he Washtenaw: Gas company,
"After 10 days at the most, n
ut absolute'curtailment of ga
s. Local factories are shut
ay until more coal comes. T4
etain. aout oe-eighth of"tli
ial supply for home ,use.
. Co-operation Necessary
"Only the fullest'co-operation
art of all will ,enable the su)
ast the 10 days. The importa
his move will 'be readily seen
act that all boarding houses,
als, sororities, and fraterniti
.epepdent on this supply for
nd other purposes.
That there is a seriousness
ituation in the state at lar
hown at a. meeting of tie
lectric companies in LaInsln
When assembled befote the
jtilities -commission 3i co
epresented said that they u
han ,a five da3"'supply of fi
and, and then would face a
sown. '
Sinnw Without GAS
Saginaw has already been
gas for several days. The' ga
panies are trying to secure a
from the Interstate Comtmer
mission which will permit .a
novemnent of Public Utilities
With a fuel administrator thi
would be alleviated consideta
President Douglass. said ,th
gas company had been withou
per cent coal supply since la
since then it has bought small
wherever possible.
Strike Not use
When asked the reason for t
shortage Douglass said inhe
ly, "Automobiles have been shi
extensively in coal cairs that t
no cars left for coal. There
at the mines but nothing to
in." Douglass did not seemt
that the. present ralroad st
much effect on the coal' short
Coach Lundgren and his
baseball nine returned yestert
South Bend.,Ind. ,where the;
Monday in idieness while a:
rain prevented .the' game w
Notre Dame °4tamond crew.
Dame will meet the Wolveri
Ferry field May 27.
"Entirely satisfactory," is
Coach Lundgren describes th
.-na c'ntest. The Varsity in
pleased with the showing
charges, and says that their
came up to his expectations i:
partments of the .game. Par
gratifying is the batting of
Perrin, who garnered four
eluding two triples, 'a double
single in' five trips to the :
stead of two hits as was i
ported. Captain Parks' work
mound and Mike Knode's fiel
base running were other brig
Lundgren's men oppose K
Normal today on Ferry field
S. U., at Columbus Saturday.
zoo is always represented by
baseball machine and ever s
pitching duels between SiE
Koob this contest has been
portant one. Ruzicka is the
choice to oppose Kalamazoo
elongated Wolverine hurler c,
pended upon to exhibit, son
d '