Y. W. C. A. AUTHORITIES TO BE HERE TOMORROWI HOLD MEETING OF STEVENS waii FORM F 1 T PRES. It. -AND - E.WSSERSTON 'ne 62&8. B IIUTCHINS ENDORSES CAUPAIGN FOR FUNDS TALB0T- in. A ',YRON E-'S''s irt,. RROW o t COLLARS are curve cut to fit the shouders perfecty Ctmutt, Peabody &Colnc.'Xtacs Party Gowns a Specialty THOSE CANOE TRIPS AND OVER-HILL HIKES During the Days to Come Will Mean Many a Sun-burned Face and Neck. USE DERMAL CREAM MADE AT Quarry Drug Co s PRESCRIPTION STORE Corner S. State and N. Univ. Women of the University will be given an opportunity on Wdnesday to meet in conference- at Newberry h.ailtwo women of prominence in Y. W. C. A. work, Mrs. Kathrine Willard ,ddy and Miss Bertha Conde in con- nection with the campaign for funds for the support of Dr. Sargent in China. Mrs. Eddy is acting executive of the foreign department of the national board of the Y. W. C. A. For years she has studied and traveled particu- larly in the Orient, going with her brother-in-law, Sherwood Eddy, the evangelist, on many of his tours and speaking with him. She is consider- ed an authority on the work of the Y. W. C. A. in China. Miss Conde is national senior secre- tary of the Y. W. C. A. She has re- cently returned from South America where, she conducted a survey of con- ditions among the women and girls of that continent. Miss Conde states that now is the time when everything pos- sible must be done to bring about a clearer understanding and warmer friendship between the two Americas. When asked, concerning his opin- ion of the campaign which will be- gin ou Thursday, President Harry B. Hutchins submitted the following: To the Women Students of the Univer- sity: I am informed that a campaign is about to be made among the women of the University for funds .for the support of Dr. Sargent in China. This campaign will be under the direction of our Young Women's Christian as- sociation. Dr. Sargent is a graduate of the University and is doing a great work for Chinese women. The move-; ment is by the women of Michigan for the women of China. I trust that the efforts will be crowned with success. The work of Dr. Sargent is in the missionary field, but it Iis essentially health work under the auspices of the Young Women's Christian associa- tion. The campaign, therefore, is really a health campaign for the wo- men of China. It.s entitled to a gen- eral and generous support. H. B. HUTCHINS, President. I ~tomen All upperclass girls who wish to play basebalI should sign up on the bulle- tin board in Barbour gymnasium be- fore 4 o'clock, April 27. University Girls' Glee club will hold important rehearsals at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday aft- ernoons at Barbour gymnasium. All members are urged to be present. There will be a meeting of the Girls'1 Educational club at 8:15 o'clock Wed- nesday evening at the Theta Phi Al- pha house. Professor Waterman will speak. REPUBLICAN WOMEN Republican women of the Univer- sity and Ann Arbor will have an op- portunity to meet, for the first time, to 3:30 o'clock this afternoon in the auditorium at Lane hall, where they will hear Miss Rose Morarity of Cleveland speak on "Women in Pol- itics." Miss Morarity is characterised by the. Republican national committee, which is sending her to Ann Arbor, as the best woman speaker working with them. Under the auspices of the Women's Republican club this meeting will be the first time that women of the Uni- versity and the city have had an op-= portunity to get together in a separate meeting of their own with an outside speaker and much of the future work of the women will depend upon the interest shown in this meeting, ac- cording to the committee in charge.. After the talk by Miss Morarity tea will be served and a general get-to- gether will be held for all those at- tending.6 & STEVENS & PERS1HING rtLKNtI 618 PACKARD STREET Fine basket wards. -Adv. a caps. ' Herringbones, tweeds, weaves. . Priced, $2.50 up- Wild & Cg., 311 S. State St. A Fine sport coats-Grey, blue, heath- er and brown. Wild & Co., 311 S. State St.-Adv. _!l1lflilligtllllllitlill11f1llttllllL Lunches Sodas Candies SSUGAR BOWL ~ 109 S. MAIN ST. rlllifliiI111111 1111 ilI11 l111 liill l llilli j REAL Camping in the REAL Woods Hunting, Fishing and Canoe Trips with Indian Guides in the Won- derful Timagami Country CALL 652-M AFTER 7:30 P. M. Drink DELICIOUS AND E~RESHING IHOT.T ATrR 3. Quenphes Thirst- gu.:l Touches the Spot THE COCA-COLA Co ATLANTA, GA K-w1CCr - ., 1 I I IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AT OUR POPULAR-PRICED HATS MILLINERY AND HAIR GOODS Phone 308 .__._ r mr ------------------- I ------------ -------------- - r How Much' MUST YOU EARN This Summer? Chancel are we can double It for you. At any rate, let us know the amount required and the time in which you have to earn it, and we will tell you frankly what we can do. No obligation whatever. A Money-Making Opportunity For You 1461 You might say "bullimmense or means the same thing. Means: 'There was room at the top for a cigarette that, can refresh a tired and much tried taste. And Spur's that cigarette." In the new Spur blend you find. The richness cofthe- iu.h b;mAnu d ji ivujau ite-.. )MAN'S WORLD is face to face with greatest reader demand it has ever -ienced. Our battery of giant presses nstantly in operation-24 hours a day, ys a week-and still the demand out- sthe supply. sa good, healthy condition. It keeps lumping but happy. We'll take care he supply if we have to annex the e west side of Chicago. t what we want now is 100 emergency to helphandle the demand-toocrys- e it into sales-to book the orders. want men of" personality, perseverance and push-and we are ready'to pay the price. If you want outdoor-work-- At top-notch pay If ,you want money-experience-adven- ture-and a glimpse of life as O'Henry saw it-drop us'a line today. Tell us how much you ought to earn, the time in which you have to earn it, and the territory in which you prefer to work. Our proposition will be sent you at once. If you like it, all right; if you don't, there's no obligation. Address L. V. RODDA V OMAN'S WORLD MAGAZINE 107 S. CLINTON STREET, CHICAGO ]nd ' LeaVi Cop and UMe and 'LAS IFI The Delta A DVE RT I S I.G Athena Literaty society will meet at 7:15 o'clock tonight on the fourth floor of University hall. Junior mem- bers will try out for the junior-sopho- moredebate. There will be a rehearsal of Act II of "The New Lady Bantock" at 4 o'clock in Barbour gymnasium. The en- tire cast including the actress' frends will rehearse Act II at 3 and 7 o'clock Wednesday. 40 WAMTEI) ITED-College men' as camp di- ctors in a large boy's camp for a weeks commencing June 26. -evious experience desirable but t essential. Only he-men foid of t-door life need apply. A splen- d opportunity for combining an joyable and profitable vacation. ill be in Ann Arbor Wednesday d Thursday, April 28th and 29th. interested' leave name, address d phone number at Daily office. NTED-The names of fifty stu- nts, men or wcmen, who are bor- wing all or part of the ,money th which to pay for their educa- n. We have a proposition to pre- it to you. Address Box D. B., re Daily. ITED-Bright young man .wants sition as theatre usher. .Prefer eatre that will show "Down -on e Farm," as I want to see this reral times. Call 296-M. [TED-Four rooms furnished for' ht . housekeeping. Suitable for FOR BALZ NINE INTER-SORORITY BALL FOR SALE-A piece of property suit- TEAMS ENTER TOURNAMENT able for FRATERNITY OR SOROR- ITY. An excellent lot and a good Only nine teams have signed up on house at a price which is right. Ask the bulletin board in Barbojr gymna- us. POTTER & ALLSHOUSE, Real sium for the baseball tournament to Estate and Insurance. Telephone; begin the end of this week. Many 2083-M. 601-3 First Nat. Bank Bldg. more have signified their intentions FOR SALE-Canoeing season fellows to participate and it is the wish of the -Small "Yic". Plays all records. manager that these houses sign up $15. Must have cash this week.immediately. Of those already signed, $15. Must have sh his we4e. eight are sorority teams and one a Meyer, 403 2nd St. Phone 1646W.igleague house team. LOST As many league houses as possible are asked to enter teams so the tour- LOST-Chi Omega Sorority pin. In-! LOSTChi megaSorritypin.In-nament will not evolve itself into an itials on pin D. D. Call 2707-J. Re- nnt willrot mevo. itse itan inter-sorority meet. Any house that i~lliu V u un vome Orental lseat tem- pered by the mildness and fragrance of Burley and other choice home-grown tobaccos. It's a happy blend that brings out to the full that good old-tobacco Just smoke a Spur and see. 040 NO- F- '20, NOR .? 04 -MA ~L __&Nah.MN I ward. LOST-A Gent's umbrella in Union Saturday night. Please call 2413-R. LOST--Kappa Alpha Theta pin. Find-I er please 'call 2570 Reward. LOST-Log-Log slide rule. John E. Boice. Phone 1016. FOR RENT T6 RENT-Unfurnished apartment for June, July, and August; near campus; four rooms on first floor. does not have a sufficient number to form a team can combine with an- other house. The names of the cap- tains should be handed in when the team is entered. WAITZD WANTED-To lease fraternity house suitable for twenty. Address H. R., care Daily. WANTED-To exchange my new Ford roadster for ten reserved seats for "Down on the Farm." Call -296-M. , ,. o7 And what's morel Satiny imported paper, crimped, not p.ated.- akes an easy-drawing, slower-burning ciga- rette. A mghty, eat brown-and-silver" packagewith trple-wrapping:. keepdS purs fresh and fragrant.