ned about be placed s recently ar the Li- old iper No .Ground for Divore i, Sept. 28.--"Bad temper i ;round for separation-ifi f the people in the worln e separated stat the presen eclared& Magistrate Lankeste es Court, when a woman ap a writ of separation from he declaring he had "an awfu V Is- it 1111111 IlUNIIIImUL. 111 CAMPUS FEATURE SUMMER SESSION, NEW PROFESSORS ON FACULTY; O7'STRUCTION BRISK ON CAMPUS The University closes one of its most active summers in history, many changes having taken place both in the faculty and on the campus itself. LAST TIMES TODAY His big new picture of laughter and love, thrills and surprises. ,1 ORLESS I NG I President Harry B. Hutchins will continue as president of the Univer- sity another year, it was announced following a meeting of the Regents this summer. Prof. Willard T. Barbour of the Law school resigned in 'the latter part of June to accept a position on the fac- ulty.of the Yale law school. Following a ralary increase agita- tion for 'several. years on the part of "he University faculty, the Board of Regents acted upon the matter, rals- ng the pay of instructors and assist- int professors 30 per cent 'and that >f full professors 25 per cent. Mrs. William Wheeler, a Victor art- st and noted singer of oratorio and concert music, will come to Ann Ar- Ior this fall to head the vocal de- partment of the University School of Music, a position to which he has been' appointed following the resigna- tion of Mr. Theodore Harrison. Lieut. Col. John P. Lucas, signal corps; has been detailed as professor of military science and tactics at the University of Michigan. In the interest of humanistic re- search and having as its main object the surveying of Caesar's ancient Eu- ropean battlefields in the light of the recent war, an expeditioi headed by Prof. Francis W. Kelsey f the Lati department, has left the University for Europe and the near East. The expedition has been made possible by gifts tothe University. Prof. Arthur Horace Blanchard of Columbia university, has been chosen by the Regents to fill the newly creat- ed chair of highway engineering. Professor Blanchard will have charge of the course in highway engineering formerly given by Prof. J, .. Cox, and will also have supervision of a general expansion in this department. To the University of Michigan has fallen the honor of having one of her alumni appointed to the first profes- sorship ever held by- an American on the faculty of Oxford university. The distinction comes through the person of Prof. Stephen Herbert Langdon, '98, whose appointment to succeed Dr. A. H. Sayce as professor of Assyrio- logy has been announced by the au- (Continued on Page Nine) DOUGLA S FAI RBA NK ..fir.; :": ::;. AIR zoo ISM. "HIS MAJE IN T HE A ME RI S 1I Can Douglas Fairbanks stay put? Sure-just like water stays on a duck's back! cleans up everything from New York to the Mexican Border and then hops to Europe to them how to handle a revolution. Can he do it? Well-you know Doug ! I 1 I' ADULTS, 25c; CHILDREN, 10c. f I Doug. has never been seen in a picture that approaches "HIS MAJESTY, THE AMERICAN"-and that is saying something. It is the best gloom killer in the world.--Detroit Newvs. "HIS MAJESTY, THE AMERICAN" contains more thrills, action, comedy and real heart interest than anything Fairbanks has ever done.- Detroit Free Press. HAVE YOU HEARD OUR NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT-THE BARTOLA? TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY I' tth A 'ti NAZIMOVA IN "THE BRAT Adapted from Maude Fulton's sensational stage success and presented in seven bubbling acts. MAR V j,. '! N .,.+ 11 One man IF YOU WERE RICH AND ARISTOCRATIC AND BEAUTIFUL-if you wore a man s engage- ment ring'-.WO U L D YOU BE JEALOUS OF A GIRL IN RAGS? An- gela was. But she had a reason. See this wonderful elry and she f Another man mer sandwich and cried: "Lead me to it. *. :llow's pipe. Take some other possession. >ed up in his pipe is a fellow's peace of a, his contentment. This is more than Pipe, because then a good smoke is multi- ver. Our special seasoning process takes ring out all the sweetness and mellowness ich briar. Just you go to any good dealer good shapes. Put them in youriKrack. every time, and you'll be well on your No more admirable personation than "The Brat" could be found for Nazi- mova, "the star of a thou- screen production. sand moods." NaAZiMQVA ~rITH&-_5-1 As the little street waif and chorts-girl, in an American story, Nazimova has a ri is different-she 'scores the greatest hit of her entire career according to all the critics. UTH & CO., NEW YORK GEUST PIPE MANUFACTURERS ADULTS, 30c; CHILDREN, 10c. 4 1 Al