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May 30, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-05-30

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XXIX. No. 162.




PRO A AW. B. Weathers, E, ad James P
Ward, '22, left last night for Chi-
ago with the tennis team as a result
th their winning the prize offered by
the band management for the men
who sold the largest number of tick-
ets to the Band Bounce.
CpIJSIS CONSIDERED SERIOUS BY A trip to Chicago this spring or
CARRANZA'S next fall with one of the athletic
LEADERS teams was promised and the two men
decided to use the opportunity at this
time. Weathers was captain of the
ANGELES GUARANTEES team which sold the mosttickets, dis-
MEXICAN PROTEITION posing of 383, and Ward won the indi-
vidual contest, selling 277.
Angeles Known to erirAmerican Offials In all 2,000 tickets were sold for the
as Munitions Inspector for Band Bounce. The management con-
asFrance esiders this satisfactory because of the
unfavorable time when the Bouice was
Washington, May 29.-Villa forces given. The profits will go for the
ashingtron, M a29.-lla forpes A-benefit of the band to buy uniforms,
'have proclaimed General Felipe An- music, and to make up deficits incur-
geles provisional president of Mexico red on trips.
and Villa himself secretary of war. __rd__ntris.
Crisis Is Serious'
CiiIsSrosIBThe Ove, coming a the climax of STATE. SO IN
military operations considered by the
Carranza government so serious that
it has asked the United States for per-
mission to move troops through Tex- T IILIHR iUUL
as, New Mexico, and Arizona, is re-
garded here as reflecting a situation
more serious in Mexico than any since MANY WELL KNOWN SPEAKERS
the triumph of their forces over Villa PLAN TO BE PRESENT AT
three years ago. Viewed in connec- LARGE SESSION
tion with the activities of Felicista
forces in southern Mexico the situation Ann Arbor will be the scene this
is regarded as full of possibilities.
American government officials are year of the annual meeting of the Mich-
refusing to comment on the news un- igan State Bar association on June 21
til they receive official confirmation. and 22, the Friday and Saturday be-
There seems, however; to be no doubt fore Commencement. This will be
Americans Guaranteed Safety the first time in many years that this
Angeles' reported first proclamation body has met in Ann Arbor and the
announcing that Americans in Mexi- men in charge of arrangements pre-
co would be protected is particularly dict the largest attendance in the his-
interesting to officials here coming as tory of the association..
it .does on the heels of the refusal c yofteasoctown.nHr
the state department to grant Carran- Well Known Men JIere
za's request that he be allowed to move Many widely known speakers will
troops through American territory for give addresses, including Governor
the purpose of protecting Americans McCall of Massachusetts and probably
in Chihuahua. Acting Secretary Polk Senator William Alden Smith. The
announced today he had notified the
Mexican government he could not business sessions will be held in room
grant the request made unless assur- C of the Law building; but some of
ances could be given that Americans the speeches will be given at a meet-
would be afforded protection while ing in Hill auditorium.
the troops, were in transit. That this Martin J. Cavanaugh, president ofI
could not be done had been admitted the Washtenaw County Bar associa-
previously by the Mexican author- tion, will deliver the address of wel-
ties. Governor Hobby of Texas de- come at 10 o'clock in room C. Next
dlined to authorize the passage of the president's speech is to be given,
Mexican troops through Texas with- by the Hon. George Clapperton of]
eut guarantees of protection of Aner- Grand Rapids. Hon Frederick Mayn-
igans and so notified the state depart- ard of Grand Rapids and formerly at-!
ment, torney-general of the State, will read
Angles Known In U. S a paper on "Five to Four Decisions
Felipe Angeles is well known to of the Supreme Court of the U. S."
American officials through his services Auto Rides Furnished
to the French government during the
Furpean war as inspector of mun- Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock Hon.
t ropaas n the United States.r' H. H. Ryall of Escanaba will talk on
tions in the "Public Utilities" and Dean Henry M.f
Bates on "Legal Education." AfterI
DEMOCRATS FEEL these talks, the delegates will be
LAW OF VICTOR Y driven about the city and through the
boulevards in autos furnished by the1
local entertainment committee. Re-
Chicago, May 29.-United States freshments will then be served at
Attorney-General A. Mitchell Palmer Alumni Memorial hall.
told the Democratic national commit- president Harry B. Hutchins and
tee at a banquet here tonight that if Governor McCall will speak :ills
past achievement assured a future vic- auditorium at the evening session,t
tory ,the Democratic prty could write which is open to the public,e
today the political history of the next Union to Be Readquarters a
decade &t least. Hon. Frederick W. Stevens of Ann&
"But the people do not ask 'what of Arbor will give a talk at the business
yesterday,' " he continued. "They ask session, which will be held on Sat-c
'what of tomorrow.' Ours is the peo- urday morning. Though the plans are
ple's party and we do not deserve to not quite completed it is expected that
live if we cannot solve the people's the convention will close with a ban-
troubles. Therefore we must always quet at 12:30 at the Union. When the
be progressive, the new fashioned de- list of speakers is completed, it willn
moor acy. contain the names of many more dis- ,
"The hard won victory of American tinguished men.It is hoped that thet
arms will prove, to be a hollow and Union will be in condition to care for
unavailing triumph if we do not make the visitors. If the interior is com-
certain that dut of it shall come a pleted by then, it will be the first time
greater liberty, a better America and a that out of town guests will be able
sure peace. To these the Democratic to use it for their headquarters. y
party proposes to consecrate itself." -17-__-___
Chicago, May 29.-Members of the Late W ire 2 riefs
Democratip national committee closeda

twp day session tonight by adopting ---
e. declaration offered by P. H. Quinn, (By Associated Press)
national cpmmitteeman from lhode Paris, May 29.-The German delega-F
Island, reviewing the achievements of tion presented only three copies of tiea
President Wilson and the Democratic counter proposal to the secretary ofa
Congresses, and urging support of all the peace conference. Twenty inter_
indep dent and progressive voters in preters were busy today translating
te 1920 campaign to perpetuate these the document from German into Eng--s
poiieies. lish and French.
FRIENfOR I DUATIONAT BOARD Paris, May 29.-The date for theA
presentation of the peace terms to thes
Paris, May 29. -The French minis- Austrian representatives will be de-
ter of Education, acting on repreren.- termined Saturday at a meeting of the
tations made by the Bureau of Longi- powers which broke relations with
tudes, has named the following corre- Austria Hungary. At present it seems
spondents for this bureau: to be probable that the decision willu
George Ellery Hale, director of the dy n make the presentation on Mon-
observatory, Mt. Wilson, Cal.; William d n
Wallace Campbell, director of the ob-
servatory, Mt. Hamilton, Cal.; William London, May 29. - While the atten-
Snyder Eichelberger, director of the tion gof th Allies is concentrated ont
tpped Mtges Naval Observatory, the Germans along the Western front.
Washington, to replace M. Foester, German government officials in Schles-s
disbarred from list of correspondents wig are preventing the Danes, whop
as being a German subject; and Sena- have the consent of the Entente, from S
tor Righi, professor at the University shipping food to their own needyd
of Bologna, Italy. countrymen in Schleswig.1

UPPER-East Jordan team-left to right: Conrad Hughes, Gertrude Hock-
stad, Reo Bockes.
LOWER-Durand team-left to right: Celma Simonson, Robert Chick, Bax-
ter Fair,

In observance of Memorial
day, no classes in the schools
and colleges of the University
I will be held today. All Univer-
sity offces will also be closed for
the day.
Cosmo Club Holds
Season 's VBanquet
What will perhaps be his last in-
formal talk as President of the Uni-
versity before a student organization,
was given by President Harry B.
Hutchins last night at the annual
banquet of the men's and women's
chapters of the Cosmopolitan club.
i .
Cosmopolitan University
"I have often been asked why the
state of Michigan is spending money
to educate men and women from for-
eign countries," declared the Presi-
dent. "If we are to be satisfied with
a small, narrow university, there is no
need to advertise our school outside
our own small community. But by
welcoming students from all countries,
we are spreading the name of Michi-
gan throughout the world. The Uni-
versity of Michigan is the greatest cos-
mnopolitan university in this country
'and its Cosmopolitan club is one of
the largest in the world."
Benefit of University
In closing, President Hutchins said,
You will probably forget everything
you have learned in the University. But
if you have done your work well,
there is bound to be a certain residuum
which will make you a greater man-
a. man better equipped to meet the
problems of life."
Prof. J. A. C. (Dad) Hildner, H. B.
I., responded to the toast, "Ask Dad,"
and recalled some of the illustrious
alumni of the club. He recalled sev-
eral amusing incidents in connection
with his work as advisor. to foreign
The guest speaker of the evening
was Mr., Norman Mick of the adver-
tising department of the Burroughs
Adding Machine company, who
spoke on the subject of international-
Presidents Speak
Sotokichi Katsulzumi, grad., retiring
president, made his exaugural address
uinder the subject, "Bury the Hatchet,"
and Abraham Elkind, '20, the new pres-
ident, outlined the plans for the year
in his talk, "A. New Tu~ne."
Vera Andrus, '119, gave an impromp-
tu talk on "The Eternal Feminine,"
taking the place of Margaret Roth-
schaefer, 21, who was unable 'to be
resent. Mrs. M. R. Rhead of the
School of Music played two piano solos
luring the evening, and Mr. Ralph
M. Carson acted as toastmiaster.

Debating teams of East Jordan and
Durand high schools will meet at 8
o'clock Friday evening in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall to contest for the
state chamionship. The opposing
teams, debating on the subject of
"The Minimum Wage," will represent
the best of the ability among the high
schools of Michigan, being picked to
enter the finals after a series of sec-
tional meets held throughout the state.
Promoted by Extension Service
The promoting of. the contests has
been largely through the efforts of
the extension service, headed by Prof.
W. D. Henderson. Prof. Ray K. Immel,
instructor in oratory, has been in
charge of the organizing of the high
school debating league. The expenses
of the contesting teams will be paid
by this board. Prizes, consisting
of two loving cups will be furnished
by the University Oratorical associa-
Ann Arbor Wise Selection
Prof. ,Thomas C. Trueblood, in com-
menting on the selection of Ann Ar-
bor for the debate stated: "It is a
wise thing on the part of the extension
service. High school debating teams
represent- the highest type of students.
By having the meet centered here and
supported by the University Oratoric-
al association, Michigan will secure
many of these students upon their
graduation from high school."
The movement for the organizing of
high school debating leagues has been
one of western origin and it is only
recently that the middle western
states, recognizing the benefits of the
movement, has aided such organiza-
Societies Debate Saturday
Freshman debating teams of the Al-
pha Nu and Adelphi societies will con-
test for 'the championship cup, offered
by the Delta Sigma Rho, national hon-
orary debating fraternity, at 8 o'clock
Saturday evening in University hall.
The outcome of the meet will deter-
mine whether a similar contest will be
held next year, the terms for the win-
ring of the cup requiring three suc-
cessive victories for one of the contest-
ing teams. The Alpha Nu has won the
debates of the past two years.
The Alpha Nu has selected the fol-
lowing men for their team: Wiliam
H. Seeley, Claude A. Van Patten, and
Robert B. Ritter, with Alfred E., Lind-
bloom as substitute. Adelphi will be
represented by Joseph Morris, Louis
Gottlieb, and Meyer Baron, with Milton
,Atlas as substitute. Judges for the
debate have not yet been selected.
Chinese Murder Case Ends in Execution
Shanghai, May 29.-One of the most
remarkable murder cases in the his-
tory of China, an outgrowth of the
political conflict over the presidency
of China in 1913, has just been con-
cluded with the execution at Peking
of Hung Chi-tsu for the killing of
Sung Chiao-jen. '

Amerongen, Holland, May 29.-Since
the former German emperor has been
acquainted with the peace terms, he
has become even more invisible to the
outer wor~ld. The only possibility of
he crosses the drawbridge twice daily,
going to and returning from his log FIUME AND REGION TO WEST
sawing in the garden of the castle, and MADE INDEPENDENT
then he is only within sight for a algout STATE
four seconds.
Replying to a repeated request for
a declaration, the former emperor sent ALBANIAN MANDATORY
the following words: GRANTED TO ITALIANS
"Tell the Associated Press that my
attitude is unchanged."
The messenger, General von Eaton- y Will Exercise Sovereugtnhfy Over
off gave the correspondent no hope Islands South of
that anything was likely to be given Flume
out for publication. It is virtually im-B-
possible to glean anything regarding (By Associated Press)
the former emperor's life or plans as Paris, May 29.-The Temps says to-
everybody in the castle is under strict day that an agreement has virtually
orders to maintain silence. >een reached on Adriatic questions and
At hatPresident Wilson who saw Jugo-
Apprenly her i n o oexctemntSlav delegates today hts given his
among his associates as to the termsconsent to the arrangement which Pre-
iof the e treaty.u The a former empress mier Orlando of Italy has accepted.
ismore anxious than the former em-r ot yhs td
peror and is apparently fearful that Fluime AcrdneIndependent Stae se
the powers may be able to bring him poing In the Temen ae that
to trial. ial points in the agreement ae that
Fiume, not including the suburb of
Suchark, forms with the region to the
IE TDwest, an independent state under the
league of nations. This state will-be
bounded by Italian territory and dn
tains the railroad from Flume to Lai-
Second: Zara, capital of Dalmatia
- and Sebenico, 70 miles Aoutheast of
CITY AND UNIVERSITY TO WORK Trieste on the Adriatic, will be placed
TOGETHER FOR COMMEMO- under the sovereignity of Italy, which
RATION OF DAY renounces any other part of the Dal-
matian coast and, Hinterland.
Italy Rules Islands
Memorial day will be observed to- Third: Italy will exercise sor-
day by the students of the University ereignity over islands called strategte
and the residents and visitors of Ann namely Cherso, 12 miles southwest of
A~rbr b th hodin ofcermonalsFiume, belonging to Istira; Lussi,
Arbor by the holding of ceremonials southwest of Cherso and also Istrian,
in the morning, afternoon, and even- and Lissa, 33 miles southwest of Spa-
ing, lato on the Adriatic, belonging to Dal-
Tv. Vance Speaks Tonight baatia, with the outlying islands.
Rev. Joseph Vance, of Detroit, will Furthermore, says the Temps, the
be the speaker at the evening services league of nations grants Italy the man-
to be held at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill date over Albania where the treaty of
auditorium. Reverend Vance, who has London assured Italy preponderance
recently returned from France, is said of influence.
to be one of the most forceful and elo-
quent ministers in Detroit. The pro- '
gram will also include songs by Rob- uargoyte reels
ert R. Dieterle, '21M, and music by ,
the local high-school band. Rev. Sid--Deeat Imminent
ney Robbins, pastor of the Unitarian
chuch, will offer prayer. --
Military. Units in Body A tense hush, permeating the halls
he Press building last night, evidenced
All military units of the city, as only to clearly the ' feeling of sur-
well as several other organizations, charged excitement that gripped every
will attend the services in a body. heart in anticipation of the morrow.
Judge H. W. Newkirk will preside. The workers were at their posts as
The program has been arranged under usual, but the ordinary chatter of con-
the auspices of the Daughters of the versation was lacking. What was for-
American Revolution, and the public boding? Two or three of the gargoyle
.has been cordially invited, staff whispered nervously among
In- the afternoon at the armory, the themselves as they satrtrembling in a
Welch post of the G. A. R. has provided corner, and the gist of their murmur-
a program with Frank E. Jones, local ing was as follows: "I am afraid
attorney, as speaker. Included in the The Daily will win tomorrow."
services will be a reading of an order That was the concensus of opinion
upon which the day's services are everywhere in Ann Arbor last night
founded, a reading of the Gettysburg and betting on The Daily ran high,
address, and a benediction by Rev. A. odds of 100 to 1 being offered, over
W. Stalker. All military organizations the Energetic Bumble bar.
of the city and the general public are The gargoyle staff proved last night
invited, by their attempt to abduct three of
Flowers for Graves The Daily players that in their own
In the morning, the members of the minds the game is already as good as
local G. A. R. will have charge of the lost for them. Dr. Lovell was the
collection of flowers which will be hero who broke this attempt at. foul
*taken to the cemeteries to decorate the play. During the last few days the
graves of soldiers who were veterans Doctor has become more and more
of the Civil war, and of those of the convinced'that the stuff that appears
Spanish-American war, and the Great in the gargoyle as poetry is of such
war. a nature that it would not become his
At noon a salute in honor of the dignity to associate himself in any
m'emory of the soldier dead will be way with this group, as pitcher, or
fired by a detail of the 74th company in any other capacity. Consequently
of the state troops. Local officials have the Doctorhas decided not to partic-
requested that the American flag be ipate n the playing at all but to
flown from all the homes and, as is thp act as general manager of the contest.
custom, the flag on the verticaly The Doctor certainly has a knack of
erected poles should be hung at half- getting in "where the glory lays." He
mast during the forenoon, being hoist- stated that the public could be sure of
ed to full mast thereafter. his presence in some official capacity
or other.4

One pf the remarkable attractions of
GRAIN MOVEMENT the game will be that it will be a base-
PLANS ANNOUNCED ball game in full standing, not a foot-"
ball engagement; consequently a hard
and regulation big league pill will be
(By Associated Press) used.
Washington, May 29.-Plans for the Admission is free -and the contest
inauguration of a permit system to will commence promptly at 9:30
control the movement of this year's o'clock this morning on Ferry field.
mammoth grain crop announced today
by the railroad administration, con- STRIKES CAUSE MANY
template the appointment of grain GERMAN BANKRUPTCIES
control committees at each primary
market comprised of representatives (By Associated Press)
of both the operating and traffic de- Berlin, May 29.--The ever recurring
partments of the railroad administra- strikes of miners are causing a catas-
tion, and a third party representing trophic condition in the Rhenish-West-
the transportation division of the Unit- phalian mining region. One company
ed States Grain Corporation. has declared itself insolvent because of
Shippers will apply through the strikes. A cabinet minister recently
agent at the point of origin to the grain stated at the Soviet Congress in Ber-
control committee at the market to lin that the demands of the miners had
which they wish to send their product. ruined a number of mining compa-
If conditions warrant shipping, per- nies.
mission for the shipment will be given Two mining concerns which in No-
promptly. Otherwise the shipments vember last had a reserve of 15,000,-
will be delayed unti4 storage facilities 000 marks, now have overdrafts at the
are such that the grain can be moved bank of 12,000,000 marks and the banks
without causing freight congestion, refuse to give them further credit.

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