THE MICHIGAN DAILY Relieve In Russia, (By Associated Press) Arehangel, May 28.-The 'American ruiser Des Moines arrived here to- sy with transports bringing new ritish volunteer army units to re- eve the American an4 other troops rho have been fighting since last mgust. Rear Admiral McCully, commander f the American naval forces in Rus- Ian waters, is aboard the Des Moines. 'he gunboat Yanktown is expected to Dllow the Des Moines here within a ew days. The ships on which the new forces rrived will transport the first unit f American infantry which it is ex- ected will be homeward bound in one reek. The last American lifantry on the 'olgoda railway front has just been elieved after nearly eight months' iervice. The American received A ousing farewell from the British and tusiau command at Obozerskaya. Arrangements are under way for olding Memorial day services at rchagel cemetery, where are in- erred many of the hundreds who have een killed in action or died in serv- ce in Russia. ' UIRSHIPS AID IN ,DDINt . SEAS OF DEADLY MINES London, "May 28.-Sweeping up the housands of mines which strew thef eas in the neighborhood of the British sles has proved such a costly and angerous job when carried on by the rdinary methods, that the admiralty as turned to the airship for. relief. Dxperiments conducted in the North lea, it is announced, have been suc- essful, mines being located and ex- loded much quicker than when the sual mine-sweeping ship is used. While the airship has the advant ge of height in locating mines, the nere fact that an airship cannot hit mine adds so much to theelement of afety that it is expected that much f the 5,000'square miles of mine trewn waters which remain will be leared without loss of life. Buy your Trunks, Bags, and Suit lases from F. W. Wilkinson. Trade our old-one. Phone 24. 325 N. Main GRAVES OF AMERICAN BOYS TO RECEIVE DECORATIONS London, May 28.-On Memorial day wreaths will be placed by the Knights of Columbus on the graves of all American soldiers, sailors, or marines who died and were buried in the Brit- ish Isles during the war. There were nearly 3,000 deaths in the American forces at hospitals and camps in Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland. There will be a wreath for each grave, with the name of the dead, soldier or sailor, and this inscrip- tion: "He died that we might live. In grateful memory from his fellow coun- trymen. The Knights of Columbus of the United States. May 30, 1919." American graves in France and Flanders also will be decorated by the Knights on Memorial day. FRATERNITY STEWARDS MEET; ELECT TEMPORARY MANAGER For the purpose of voting on a suit- able constitution, the fraternity stew- ards met Wednesday night in the Union. The constitution was adopted after a little pro and con debate, until Nov. 1, 1919. At that time it will be bet- ter known what the conditions de- mand. The points disputed were, the five per cent commission to be paid to the 'Business manager, and the tax to be levied against the fraternities for incidental expenses. A temporary business manager was appointed until the board can defi- nitely elect one. It was hoped to be able to elect permanent officers, but owing to the few representatives pres- ent, the action was delayed until a meeting to be held next Tuesday night. Horseback Rider Injured John C. Cowing, '21, while riding horseback on Geddes road, was vio- lently thrown to the ground, seriously spraining his left elbow. The accident was caused by the horse stepping into a hole in the middle of the road on the crest of the hill, and stumbling. The hole was admittAly dug by a party of surveying students who neg- lected to fill it before leaving. It will pay you to go a little out of your way to have Lyndon, Photo- grapher, do your Amateur finishing.- Adv. ARMY PLANNED TO BE LIKE MODERN COLLEGE Paris, May 27.-A great new educa- tional force in the shape of the Amer- ican regular army will come into be- ing in the United States in the near future if the present plans of govern- ment officials, army officers and prom- inent civilian educators are realized. Briefly, it is proposed to make Un- cle Sam's standing army a huge uni- versity in which the young men of the country will receive not only physi- cal and military training, but will be given opportunities to acquire acad- emic and vocational learning which might be beyond their reach in civil life. The old days of virtual wastage of time which represented almost blank pages in the life diary of the soldiers will be a thing of the past. Instead of being turned back into civ- il life in a more helpless state than when he entered the army he will be equipped to wage a vigorous fight for his place in the sun of the business or professional world. 450,000 Already Schooled The possibilities of this plan have been demonstrated in the wonderful work done during the past few months by the Educational Commission in the American Expeditionary Force in France, Since the signing of the armistice something like 450,000 Amer- ican soldiers have been appreciably benefitted by the army schools, which shave been put within the reach of every man and which have provided facilities to study almost every con- ceivable subject, from farming to philosophy. Few of the army educators in France realized at the outset how great a work they were starting. The avidity with which the enlisted man and his officer have seized upon the proffered opportunities has astounded them. With this object lesson before it, the army has been inspired to carry on this work at home in the standing 'forces. The project assumes, it is un- derstood, that the standing army of the future will be a comparatively large one, and that there may be a short period of compulsory training for the youths of the country, although the scheme is not dependent upon the com- pulsory feature. Curricula to Be Varied Under the new system all subjects would be taught, from A, B, C's for the Illiterate, up through perhaps the first year of university work. Voca- tional training would naturally form a most important phase of the pro- gram. Boys who had had no oppor- tunity for schooling before entering the army would be started on their way and would be permitted to rein- list at the expiration a ftheir service in order to carry on their studies. Oth- ers, who perhaps had finished high school, would be given a chance to begin their college course so that there would be no waste of time in case they were planning to go into professions or business. There would be military training, of course, and the soldiers would be made as nearly physically perfect as posibe. A large part of their time, however, would l e devoted, if they so desireu, to improving their hinds. Thus, the army believes, any boy, matter what his stan:g in society, would be materially benefitted $, hs period of service with the colors. THEATER PRICES IN FRANCE SHOW TWENTY CENT ADVANCE Paris, May 28.-The Comedie Fran- caise, Prance's leading theater, has at last been compelled to follow the ex-f ample of the other theaters and in- crease the price of its seats. The in- crease is not heavy, 20 cents, on the higher priced seats and half as much on certain of the cheaper.places. Orchestra stalls will cost the equiv- alent of $2.40 instead of $2.20. Even with these increases, the Comedie Francaise, which receives a state sub- vention and so has to receive officialr authorization before changing its ad- mission rates, remains cheaper than other first-class houses. The new music-hall under English direction charges the equivalent of $4! net, including the poor tax for its best stalls. The theater where Gaby Deslys is appearing charges the same, with 10 per cent extra for the poor tax. WHAT'S GOIN TODAY 7:00-Mandolin club rehea hall. 7:80-Christian Science s ing in Sunday school of X3:00-Sir Johnston Fo son in "Masks and Face odist church. TOMORROW 9:30--Daily-Gargiyle bas at Ferry field. 1:30--Annual Wesleyan at Three Sisters lake fo people of the churcha Meet at Methodist churc U-NOTICES Michiganensian staf imen wish to attend the All-F banquet next week at must sign the list at th fore Saturday. Results are important. Advertise The Daily.-Adv. in IOTA SIGMA P1, HONORARY G ON1 j SOCIETY, ELECTS OFFICERS At a recent meeting of Iota Sigma Pi, women's honorary chemical so arsal at Lane ciety, the following officers were elet- ed: Mary Morse, '19, president. Law- oclety meet. rence Sims, '20, vice-president; Rober f the church. ta Deam, '20, secretary and treasur;t rbes-Robert. and Helen Seeley, '20, correspondin es" at Meth- secretary. eball game guild pienie or all young and friends. h. h. There is never embers who any "nag" the Union, or "drag" to ie offices be- irONS It has that ""feel"' I 2e that makes you want to go on writing forever. s 17 degees statiorneMr . Garme ing comPany_ . t ) JFome ofVner.ine2' 209 S. FOURTH AVE.0 PHONE 2508 SLNIORS Be loyal to Michigan. Keep in touch Straw Hats with your Alma Mater by subscribing to We are showing, not the largest line, but the very Latest in Sailors T4r mir4togau tti1 Before you leave this spring Tinker & Company Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters 342 S. State St., at William St. I !S 'F- To University Students, School Children, and the General Public GERMAN TRAINMEN CAUGHT STEALING AMERICAN STORES Coblenz, May 28.-Eight German railroad employes were arrested re- cently by American military police in Coblenz and charged with robbing United States army cars of food. One of the men, Gerhardt Croom, was su- perintendent of the railroad yards in Coblenz, and the others were switch- men. Croom who was taken to the of- fice of the provost marshal by an American private was greatly humil- iated by this procedure and protested vigorously. The American military police allege German 'railwayemployes were caught separating food cars from a train arriving at night, switching a car onto a lonely siding, robbing it and dividing the plunder. Afterward the car would be returned to its proper place in the train. Gould, ex-'20L, Visits City Lawrence M. Gould, ex-'20, has Just received his army discharge. Mr. Gould was one of the first to enter the service and was sent at once to Jourville, France. Later he was transferred to Romorantin with the 80th division. During the second drive of the Meuse-Argonne he was with the 5th corps, principally with the 89th division where they were cited by the commander-in-chief. After the armistice was signed he was stationed at Coblenz and placed in charge of the sanitary corps. Advertise In The Daily.-Adv. U t s Summer Almost Gone Price Those who desire to buy the highest grade Coke at the low- est price for this season should Coke Bicycle riding anywhere upon the Campus except in regular driveways has been forbidden by the Board of Regents, in accordance with Public Act. No. 80 of 1905 as amended by Public Act No. 302 of 1907. Violators are subject to prosecution under the terms of these Acts. The Buildings and Grounds Department has been instructed by the Regents to enforce this legislation. These regulations are entirely separate and distinct from the City ordinance relative to riding bicycles upon sidewalks. purchase at once. " s " + " E. C. PARDON, Superintendent Buildings and Grounds. Kkui 4trnatw (hii U nPUUW ...... . I