THE MIC1GAN DAILYWEN 'MA X1 TAKES rFORTY WO NEW, EBR 'orty-two members were initiated >Sigma Xi, honorary scientific so- ,, at the annual Initiation and iquet held Tuesday night in the higan Union. The ceremonies start- promptly at 7:30 o'clock and were owed by a banquet. .ter the banquet Prof. John F. :pard concluded the program with scture on "Applied Psychology and War." In his talk Professor Shep- spoke at length on the system used the government In classification of sonnel. He also spoke about the 'erant psychological tests employed the government. 'ollowing is the list of initiates: 'culty- Edwin M. Baker, in- actor in chemical engineering; Paul Beaven, instructor in pediatrics; iine E. Gurd, instructor in.,psychia- ;Clair Upthegrove, assistant pro- or in chemical engineering. graduates -- Jeanette .Armstrong, ysacs) ; Ray V. Beshgetoor, (elec. "); Wilber Brotherton, Jr., (bot- );Wallace .E. Cake, (chem.); Frie- Cobb, (botany) ; Jean Paul Cooley, yysics) ; Robert L. Davis, (elec. .) ; Wesley G. France, (chem.) ; Roy senthal, (med. and surg.) ; Chas. H. f itts, (psychology);, Harry E. Ham- ad, (physics) ; Julia M. Hawkes, tron.) ; Carl D. La Rue, (botany) ; garet S.. Pengelly, (botany) ; rles E. Sando, (botany) ; Ellen D. Lulz, (botany) ; Erman 0.. Scott, em.) ; Philip W. Shepard, (chem. 0;); G. F. Smith, (chem.) ; Earl G. rdevant, (them.); Adolf F. Wen- r, (chem. eng.) ;; Elmer H. Wirth, (pharmacy). Undergraduates -- David C. Bovee, (mech. eng.); Clarence B. Campbell, (mech. eng.) ; Casimir A. Domzalskl, (med. and surgery) ; Roy W. Elliott, (civil eng.) ; Harold E. Gladhill, (chem.) ; Wesley C. Huff. (elec. eng.) ; Nelson H. Huntley, (civil eug.) ; Joseph' P. McFFarlen, (elec. eng.) ; Margaret Miller, (med. and surgery) ; Frank 0. Novy, (med. and surgery); Robert L. Novy, (med. and surgery) ; Edward L. Nugent, (mechan. eng.) ; Sidney J. Shipman, (med. and sur- gery) ; Henry Rich Thompson, (me- chanical eng.) ; Charles T. Van Dusen, (mechanical eng.) ; Peter Verschoor, (elec. eng.). IWHIAT 'SGOING ON ~l :0~---Swinnlng ractice Y. . A. pool for all University men in- tending to participate in the' swim'- muing regatta the first "eel; of June. 4 :Q;«---3fi4Rhigan-No1rtD ' l"anichasi2bjdl gaine at Ferry field. 7 :00(--Ilterfxn-teru!1. sle ward!s' Eol.. ing at Union. 7 :00--iicice c0,,r)Iueetsi r rni 104, Economics building. 7 :30-lice~ing of Y., M. C. . cabinet at Lane hall. 7 :30 - Canadian club mieets in Un- ion. ...30--Prof. A. H. Lovell talks to A. L. B.E. in room 348, Engineering building. 7 :33-fetn f e' wTz jr"u1gb%4611 in Lane hall 8:130-Sir Jo hnston Forbes-Ro bertsoni in "lMasks and Faces" at Methodist church. WILL AWARD SILVER CUPS IN DU~KND-FAST JORDAN, DEBATE kNoth 'Teams Hiaving 1Debated Question Several Times Insure Excellent D~elivery Prizes in the coming debate between IDuad and East Jordan high schools, 'which will be held at 8 o'clock F'ri- ',a~y evening in Sarah' Caswell Angell hall, will be two silver cops present- ed by the University Oratorical asso- clation. A large one goes to the team 1winning first place and a smaller one Schools in the upper peninsula weret Pridgeon, '20E, secondv~ice-presi- for the side which secure* second unable to participate this year owing! dent, and W. L. Fuller, -'20N, secretary honors. Both cups will be suitably to the extreme severity of the infiuousa and treasurer. 1engraved.; epidemic in that region. The installation of these now officers The fact that the teams appearing; will take place at a banquet to be held here Friday have debated the q,,,.- UNIVERSITY CRAFTSMEN HTOLD at 6 o'clock May 31 at the Masonic tion which will be discussed, that of ELECTION OF CLUB OFFICERS Temple. a minimum wage bill, not less than Atteanaleeto o h-rft- GtyurBs alyupisa seven times each will guarantee thor- AthanulecioofeCfs- (Cushings.-Adv. ough preparation and excellent doliv- !men of the University, held May 24 ____ ____ ery.' The contest Friday night is the at the Masonic Temple, C. C. Hyde, Mcia' ae o ihgnnsi culmination of a series of iebates '18M ,was chosen president; S. L. Ken- IMcia' ae o ihgnf±U among the 70 high schools in the 1 nedy, '20L, first vice-president; L.I --Ady. IMichigan high school debating league i Stuidetits of the University of M~ichigan are cordially invited to I inspect our new liw-~ of PARIS FASHIONS Novelties in 'Tailored Suits, Gowns and Dresses Newest materials, newest models, newest colorings, ant: lowest prices L4 Lhook at this waffle reief It's an exceptionally good one for making waffl~ies, too. ;/>~ poiund of flogr %z teaspoonful of salt 2 eggs jpirt of milk 2 oaflces of butter 4 levelC teaspoonfuls of RyzoN* Golf Suits Riding Iree.ches You can depend on the flour, ,the eggs, the butter and the salt always behaving in about the same way. But the baking powder-.-that's another story. If it's goodl, it means 1cces-andl a delicious breakfast. Everybody happy! If it's poor stuff it will make a mess of things, perhaps cause a complete loss of the other ingredients and spoil the. whole Sun- (lay morning for the whole f aiily. That's why we wouldn't car-c to recommiendl a baking powder unless we knew all about it, unless we had tested it ourselves. \We (10 know RYZGON and we urge you to try it because we know it will matte you our friend. It's always dependable ; always of uniform high leavening power; always pure. We also, want you to get to know the RyzoNv Baking .Book. Over a million of them are in use already in American homes. Ask us about it. Lamb & Spencer Store DB E. GREINNAN " Custom Tailor (Original Designs Dr Co Rtight Now WHEN YOU USE YOUR KODAK NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS wV. D. 318 So. State St.1 QUAL[ITY McLean, Prop. Ann Arbor, % ich. SERVICE 14 Nickels Arcade TGIE MOST you would enjoy a better one with a better lens. It is a good time now to niake the exchange. Better see us at once. 0 0 * 324 SOUTH STATE STREET 1123 SOUTH UNIVERSITY TURII CIGARETTES Vebending exc~ep* jonal M~AKERS OF THE tNLG T Q E TURKIHAV EcypT~i~ GIGARElTES IN THE WORLD \ a r 711 PACIKARD STEE i Universityof Michigan Summer Session 19,19 I Jttore than 3oo courses conducted by a staff of 250 members of the regular faculties of the University. All University facilities available Literature, Science, and the Arts. Engineering and Architecture, Pharmaacy, Graduate Study, Library Methods, Biological Station, Emubalm- ing and Sanitary Science. Public Health Nursing June 30-- August 22; Medicine and Surgery. June 30-August 8; Law, June 23-July 26 and July 28-August 30. The work is equivalent in method, character and credit value to that "of the academic session, and may be counted toward de- grees. Certificates of credit and attendance issued. Many spe- cial lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions. Cosmopolitan student bony. Delightful location. Expense low. For further information, address Box 20, Ann Arbor, Michigan : ,. AR R DANCES This and Friday Week. Nights F. ursda~y