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Practical Instruction with Complete
Equipment Feature of Eng-
ineering School
The University of Michigan is a part
of the public educational system of the
state, and, in accordance with the laws
of the state, the University aims to
complete and crown the work that is
begun in the public schools by furnis-
ing ample facilities for liberal educa-
tion in literature, science, and the
arts, and for thorough professional
study of engineering, architecture,
medicine, law, pharmacy, and dent-
Through the aid that has been re-
ceived from the United States and
from the the state,, the University is'
enabled to offer its privileges, with
only moderate charges, to all presons
of either sex, who are qualified for ad-
Many Courses in Letters
In the College of Literature, Sci-
en le and the Arts full literary and
scientific curricula, such as in busi-
ness administration, insurance, journ-
alsm, chemistry, landscape design
and forestry; may be obtained.
It is the aim of the literary college
to cover the broad field of general un-
iversity study of the ancient and mod-
ern languages and literatures, of his-
tory, philosophy, mathematics, science,
and the liberal arts, as distinguished
from the more special work of the
profesional schools.
Prmctical Engineering
The Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture offer complete curricula
in civil, mechancal, electrical, naval,
chemical, and conservation engineer-
ing, and in architecture and athitec-
tural engineering. These colleges also
offer broad training in the fundament-
al subjects with opportunities for
specialization in the several branches
of engineering and architecture.
Practical instruction under teachers
of professional experience is given in
the modern equipped laboratories and
shops, and in the field.
In the Medical school a four years'
graded curriculum is given with spec-
ial attention to , laboratory teaching.
There are ample clinical facilities, and
a special feature of bedside instruc-
tion in the large University hospital.
Graduate work may also be taken in
this school.
Special Combined Corses
The Law school offers a three years'
curriculum, and, to those who desire
it, a year's graduate curriculum. The
school makes the practical court work
a specialty.
Two, three, and four years' cur-
ricula are given in the College of
Pharmacy, with laboratory facilities
and with training for prescription ser-
vice, manufacturing pharmacy, indus-
trial chemistry, and for the work of
the analyst.
The Homoeopathic Medical school
offers a full four years' curriculum, with
especial attention to materia medica
and scientific prescribing. The school
(Continued on Page Six)
That religious activity plays a large
part in the student life of the Univer-
sity of Michigan is indicated not only
by the thriving young peoples' societ-
ies of the various churches but also
by the strong student congregations
of the several denominations.
With many churches located in the
city, the student is amply provided
for on the moral side. Each year at
registration preferences may be indi-
cated for a particular church and
when the cards are turned over to the
ministers, steps are taken to bring the
new scholar into closer touch with his
church organization.
Prominent among the organisations
looking after moral welfare is the Y.
M. C. . of the University. which in ad-
Grouped for convenience under the
term' "sectional clubs," are a number
of campus organizations outside of
honoraries fraternities, and house
clubs, which foster Michigan spirit on
the campus and further its spread
abroad. With the success and progress
of the University in view, these clubs'
by contact with their alumni and'
through meeting with themselves,
stimulate interest in Michigan and en-
courage the upholding of its tradi-
Prominent among this type of cam-
pus society is the Cosmopolitan clubj
organized with both men and wom-
en's section and composed of students
representatives from the United States
as well as foreign nations. ,
The Nippon club as the name implies'
is formed of Japanese students. Sim-'
ilarly, Chinese compose the Chinese
Students' club. Spanish and Latin
American representatives have organ-'
ized the Club Ltino Americano.
Students from many cities through,-
out the state have formed societies'
to keep in closer contact while in the
University and to bring more men
from their home here to college.
Among these, mention may be made
of the Mt.Clemens, Pontiac, and Sagi-
naw students' clubs.
Classified under the head of "mis-
cellaneous organizations" are found
debating, dramatic, literary, religious,
and social societies. The -Adephi
house of representatives, the Alpha
Nu,. and the Athena societies offer
work in oratory and debating. The
Classical and. Educational clubs and
Le Cercle Francais are active in lit-
erary work. Dramatics are covered
by the Mimes of the University of
Michigan who produce the annual Un-
ion opera, the Masques, the Comedy
club, and the Lyceum club. Among
the organizations of a religious nature
are the ChristianhScience socity, the
Hobart guild, the Wesleyan guild
and the Catholic Students' club.
Other societies are the Mathematical
club, the Actuarial and Statistical so-
ciety, the Senior society, the Sym-
phonic league, and the Round-Up club.
Tour "Dormitories
Pride Of Women
Dormitories for Michigan women
have played an important part in Uni-
versity life as a whole in standing be-
hind neighborhood groups, bringing
the girls into closer contact with well-
known people outside the University,
and in inculcating in their residents
the principle of democracy.
Approximately 230. women are n'w
housed in the four dormitories, Martha
Cook building, Newberry residence,
Alumnae house, and Kent house. Next
year four League houses are to be
reserved for freshman women.
Martha Cook building, the largest of
the University dormitories, houses 118
privileged women, chosen on the basis
of campus work and scholarship.
While no freshmen will live in Martha
Cook next year, it will be used as a
gathering place for them as well as
for the upperclass women. This dor-
mitory is widely known throughout the
country for the beauty of its archi-
tecture and decorations, the Martha
Cook blue room being as well known
to Michigan women as the White
House is to the country at large.
For the most part, rooms in Martha
Cook and in Newberry are single. Both
dormitories are self governing, a house'
president and officers being elected by
the girls. They are under the super-
vision of social directors selected by
the University authorities.
Kent house and Alumnae house, ac-
commodating. respectively 25 and 16
girls, are also self governing. Five of
the residents of Alumnae house are
self supporting and in all the dor-
mitories opportunities are . given to
the girls to earn at least a part of
their living expenses. Betsy Barbour
'dormitory will, it is hoped, be open
to University women the fall of 1920.
When.completed, it will have room for
76 'occupants.
Myra B. Jordan, dean of women,
says in regard to the dormitories:
"Dormitories have proven after all that
girls may be trained to become some-
thing more than good students. They
may and do become a part of the Uni-
Large 2-Year Building Program
Assured University By State Solons
University expenditures, both cur-
rent and special, for the next two
years will aggregate $4,300,000, the
largest biennial amount ever paid out
by this institution. Through the re-
cent action of the state legisalture,
$2,200,000 of this total has been made
possible, the remainder being receiv-
ed by the University as its share of
the regular mill tax.
Binding Program Large
During the next biennium, the Un-
iversity will have at its disposal $1,-
200,000 for building purposes alone.'
The era will see the start of a new
hospital, which when completed will
be one of the largest of its type in
the world. For the construction,
equipping, and furnishing of the hos-
pital the legislature has appropriated
$700,000, to which the University wily
add $315,000.
Model School Included
The building and equipping of a
model high schobl for the training of
teachers will be carried on during this
period by the department of education.
For the erection of this school, $300,-
000 was garnted by the legislatures.
Besides the new hospital and the mod-
el school, the University Library will
be completed and furnished. An ap-
propriation of $350,000 has been giv-
en for this.
Theater Seems Certain
It is almost certain that the Uni-
versity will also receive some kind
of a campus theater within the next
two years. A proposition for convert-
ing what is known as the "cat-hole"
into a large amphitheater, is now in
the hands of the Board of Regents.,
As a fitting memorial for the Michigan]
men who participated in the great war,
the University will no doubt be given
a new building within the near future.
Through this broad construction pol-
icy the University is planning to meet
for some time to come any demand
which might be made of it.
School Year Interspersed with Many
"Other Than Study" Activties
and Entertainments
To the average person who is not
well acquainted with the University
and even to many who are supposed to
be, the term honorary society is doubt-
less rather bewildering. Generally
speaking Michigan's honorary societ-
ies can be divided into two main
groups: Honor societies to which
election is based principally on schol-
astic standing, and campus societies
whose membership is offered to those
who have shown the most energy in
participating in generalactivities of
the campus.
Honoraries Number Many
In the first named class are such
organizations as Phi Beta Kappa, na-
tional literary fraternity; Sigma Xi,
national scientifio society; Tau Beta
Pi, national engineering society; Alpha
Omega Alpha, honorary medical fra-
ternity Phi Lambda Upsilon, chemical'
fraternity; The Order of the Coif, hon-
orary law society; Aristolochite u-
ciety, of the College of Pharmacy;j
Tau Sigma Delta, honorary fraternity
in architecture and landscape design;'
Gamma Alpha, graduate scientific fra-
ternity; and Phi Alpha Tau, national
honorary speech arts fraternity. A
number of these societies pick their
men on a basis of goodfellowship
from those who have the highest schol-
astic standing.
Campus Societies Varied
Michigamua is the senior all-cam-
pus society; Durids, the senior liter-
ary; Vulcans, the senior honorary en-
gineer; Barristers, the sci"or law;
Web and Flange, the senior civil eng-
ineer; Owls, senior society; Griffins,
the all-campus interclass; Sphinx, the
junior literary; Triangles, the junior
engineer; Archons, the junior law;
Wolsock, junior law; Alchemists, up-
perclass chemical society; Galen, up-
perclass medical; Las Voyaguers, for-
estry society; and Toastmasters, open
to all classes.
Three Women's Societies
Senior society is the independent
senior girls' society; Mortarboard is
the senior literary girls' society and
Wyvern, the junior girls' literary.
Pi Delta Epsilon is the national hon-
orary journalistic fraternity and Sigma
Delta Chi is the national professional
journalistic fraternity.
All these societies cannot be placed
in any too definite classes as the aims
and election requirements overlap.
In almost every case, however, mem-
bership is intended as a recognition
of hard work in a certain line of en-
Mlany VBuildings
Enhance .Campus
Journalists Find Fertile Field
Expression in Many Publi-
. aaations
track Success and Improveme
Basketball Bid Fair for Futu
'With campus publications covering
practically every phase of University
life, Michigan offers to the prospec-
tive journalist or writer, opportuni-I
ties which equal, and in some casesI
surpass those offered by special jour-
nalistic schools.
Everything from l daily newspaperE
to bulletins of highly technical na-I
ture are published on the campus, that
the engineers, laws and medics, as wellj
as the lits, may be benefitted by be-
ing given an opportunity to express
themselves in journalistic forms. E
Daily Acts as Campus Organ I
The Michigan Daily stands pre-emi-
nently as the foremost publication. ItI
is the daily newspaper of the Univer-
sity, and is the organ of the campus.j
Besides carrying all of the latest news
afforded by the campus, special tele-
graph service 'is maintained through
membership in the Associated Press.
The humorous publication, The Gar-
goyle, offers the poets and jokers ofI
the University, an opportunity to show'
the campus their ability. Such mag-
azines as the Michigan Technic; the
organ of the engineering college, and
the Michigan Law Review; the journalI
of the Law department, furnish the
more technical branches of journal-
"'Ensan" Reviews Year
A review of each year is taken care.
of by the Michiganensian, which is an
ever increasing, running history of the
University. Practically every campus
activity, whether it be Varsity, class,
or academic', is taken care of by this
publication. To the prospedtive stu-
dent of the Universbity, there is no
better book through which he can be-
come acquainted with the Campus
than by means of the "'Ensian."
War conditions left their marks up-
on University publications as they did
on everything else. With the ma-
jority of the old men in the service,
Michigan had to resort to lower class-
men and women for the staffs of the
publications. Their efforts kept the
publications running smoothly, until
the crisis was over. Then the old
men came back, and the pre-war en-'
thusiasm that marked the spirit of the
publication, once more prevailed.
Lieut.-Col. A. H. Gansser, of the
125th Infantry, 32nd division, will,
speak at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening
in the Presbyterian church on "The
Salvation Army at the Front."
Colonel Gansser is making a lecture
tour of the state in the interests of
,the Salvation Army campaign. Col. A.
C. Pack will preside at the meeting,
at which all Elks are requested to be
Beginning with convocation, theE
formal opening of the University in the
first week, when the faculty in theirl
gowns and the students gather to hear1
the President address the incomingE
freshmen, and lasting until the com-
mencement in June when the seniors
leave, Michigan offers to her students
one amusement and entertainment aft-£
er another varying from vaudeville to
the best of grand opera. /
'The first months of the newcomers'
stay in the University are replete withf
forms of college life, other than ath-
letics, which break the monotony of
study. Early in the fall is Traditions'
day, a huge mass meeting, at which
the traditions and customs of past
years are brought before the new men.
The annual fall games on Ierry
field, in which the sophomores andt
freshmen strive for supremacy in the
flag rush and other like contests are
held. During the- first months of the
academic year twilight concerts are,
given by the greatest musical ,artists
in Hill auditorium.
Many Shows Given
The Spotlight vaudeville, given for
the benefit of the University Union in
Paris, has in it the best amateur talent
of the campus. A like entertainment
is given by the Cosmopolitan club
and the Band Bounce for the benefit of
the Varsity band is attended by 'hund-
reds. The concert of the Glee and
Mandolin club, previous to its exten-
sive trip attracts many.
Annual Opera Produced
Perhaps the biggest event is the
Union opera, produced by the Mimes,
in which all the parts are taken by
men. Everything is done by the stu-
dents. They write the music, the play,
and get it prepared for the road.
Annual plays are given by the Com-
edy club and the Junior Girls' play
occupies the same position with the
women as the opera with the men.
The biggest social event is the J-
Hop in Waterman gymnasium. Dances
Are given by each class and mixers
,are given throughout the year by va-
rious societies.
In the spring come the games be-
tween the sophomore and freshman
sclasses. The cane spree, tug-of-war,
obstacle races, and bag rush are con-
'tests by which class rivalry is "taken
out" in a friendly manner. Shortly aft-
er the games Cap Night is held. At
this time Seniors become',graduates,
Juniors become seniors, and -freshmen
become sophomores. After a run
through the gauntlet the freshman
throw their, toques into the fire and
dance around the effigy of their class.
The best musical artists of the coun-
try assemble in Ann Arbor at the first
of May for the May Festival. At this
time operas of the highest type are
sung by the Choral Union in connec-
tion with these singers.
Commencement is the end of the
'eventful year. Then seniors are ad-
dressed by an illustrious educator and
:as aclimax to their years of work
Despite the ill effects of the wa
Michigan athletics, the Wolverine t
ner has been carrtied to victory in ei
one of the sports during the past y
Even the combination of the S. A
C. regime and the anti-athletic i
paganda was not enough to down
spirit and enthusias a in the dem
of the students in the University
the continuance of athletics throt
out the period of the war.
The football season Ewas opened i
bad state of uncertainty. Conflici
rumors were prevalent as to the
tude of the Army officials toward
sport and much delay in the begin
of practice was caused.
Unbeaten in Football
A strong schedule was arranged
the officials with the purpose of se
ing as many games with teamsz
Ann Arbor as ,possible. The ii
enza ban and the interference of
itary authorities caused the re
,tion of the schedule continui
Michigan was not once beaten bu
Illinois played more games the (
ference championship was accoi
to them.
Basketball Improves
Basketball, following close on
heels of the football success found
student body awaiting the first ga
of the year with enthusiasm.
sport was not old in the Unive
and had not yet established for
a reputation such as was possesse
the major sports. The S. A. T. C.
terferred here also for Waterman g
nasium was not in shape for pra
and the first work was under a
advantage because the only place
could be procured was the high se
After a hard fought season
Michigan team landed in fourthp
In the Western Conference, play
game which, for the second year,
be considered a vast . improve
over the first year in this 'spor't.
ishing with a percentage of .500
,games won and five lost, the. s
seemed at last to have attained the
sition of importance that rightly
longs to it.
Wolverines Win Track Honor
Indoor track, started in the midi
the basketball year and not in any
overshadowed by the court game,
entirely successful. With only a
point lead over Chicago the Wolve
athletes managed to capture the
Outdoor track followed as a co
uation of the indoor sport. The
meet with Chicago resulted in an 1
whelming victory for the Maize
Blue, the final score being 93-42.
meet cinched the Conference c1
pionship for Michigan.
Tennis promised much this y
Only a few matches have been 1
but fortune has favored Michiga:
most cases.
Baseball Victory Expected
Baseball, the sport which is
dominant in the minds of the far
'the present time, bids fair to brir
Michigan more honors than any of
,other branches. The nine has not
a game and many believe that a
ference championship is inevitab
This completes the cycle of s
in the Michigan year. Interclass
dpartment and women's athletics
;plement this in totaling a 'year
will go down as one of the memoi
in the history of the University.
Many Fraternities on Campu
There are more than 50 fraten
and house clubs on the campus th
tal being comprised of 28 genera
professional, and the remainderI
house clubs, with a membershi
total of approximately 1,400
Practically all fraternities of net
repute, either general or profesi
As the campus stands today, with its
many buildings, nearly every type of
architecture is represented. This is
contrasted to the few unpretentious
structures that ofrmed the campus ,of
1837, Michigan's first year. The older
buildings are being replaced by ones
that' are modern and that stand out
,among other University buildings.
Hill auditorium, the gift of Arthur
Hill, is far famed for its beauty and
utility. It seats 6,000 persons and has
unusual acoustic properties. It has
attracted comment from outside ar-
tists and guests who have visited it.
With the erection of the new home
for the University of Michigan Union
a type of architecture, that is pre-
dicted to be the coming form, is in-
troduced on .the campus and Michi-
gan may well be proud of it. The
Union is all that could be desired for
a men's club. Among the convenienc-
es are found a standard size swimming
pool, bowling alleys, billiard and pool
tables, dining, reading and lounging
rooms with a well equipped grill
The New Science building furnishes
the most modern and excellent facili-
ties for laboratory work in all branch-
es of the subject and is one of the
highest assets of the campus. Al-
though an older building, the engineer-
ing department has efficient equip-
Helen Newberry dormitory for girls
in semi-colonial style is unique and
It is expected that a twin building
will be erected next to it.
Student Council Governs Activities
Recognized by the Uiversity au-
,thorities, the Student council governs
the undergraduates. Its members are
;elected from the various upperclasses
and they conduct all campus activities
and provide an effective means of
communication between the faculty
life, largely through the influ-
f these 'sociological laborato-