ANTCq ARRIVF. i '1 ' Bi'";ZOF TH. ire s ,r repo ; i~ci t0 1t -. pa & and c the~ ASSOCIATED PRESS s is exclusively entitled ication of all news dis. r not otherwise credited so the local news pub- stoflice at Ann Arbor, lass matter. rier or mail, $3.50. Press Building. should not be of tbi physical injury or clothing. A disciplini physical sufferingis breed rebellion than And, as regards haz in the S. A. T. C., le be heeded: Every m A. T. C. has heard th Articles of War, whi( ition of all men in the ing is to be done, I e sort to cause AT SEAPORT CAMP destruction of A E P R Ling which causes more likely to Word has been received here from obedience. Allentown, Pa., that 378 of the me- zing of or by men chanics who left here Oct. 13 have ar- t this admonition rived at that city. There were 840 nember of the S. men who left at that time. The other he reading of the nmen have been distributed among ch define the pos- several seaports and aviation camps. army. If any haz- The men at Youngstown are receiving et the doers see their overseas equipment and so will W1omeni The office of the physical director has been moved from Barbour gym- nasium to room 446, Natural Science building, with the entrance on North University avenue. The Y. W. C. A. has moved its of- fice to room 445, Natural Science building. Until further notice, the office of Dean Myra B. Jordan will be in the summer session room in University hall. Extra sophomore hockey practice for freshmen will be held at 4:15 o'clock Monday afternoon. Army an(' We're at your service with r it' TEXT BOOKS and Supplies inGeneral A warm welcome and best of service always at AnnJ ness, goo ; , itormi, 2414 cc.m,..a cdons not to exceed 300 words, if aige uk signature not necessarily to ap pea tbut as an evidence of faith, and ~t- .:ants will be published in The ,.;n.y at th discretion of the Editor, if left at r *nas .:o the office. So mmunicationsrwill receive no i.j. No manuscript will be re- t.rned ,,nh: he writer incloses postage. TP e a '- does not necessarily endorse the s mte a.pressed in the communications. Mil .ighell.........Managing Editor sr'< -.kinson..........Business Manager a' Gaines.....Advertising Manager Agns L. le........Publication Manager IUSINESS STAFF ;F X 4 . ~ajor Wmn. A. Leitzinger TU ESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1918. Mi gh' Edtor-Bowen Schumacher that they remain "within the law." Above all things, let no man in uni- form perform any act which might in the least bring discredit upon thel organization whose insignia he wears. Soldiers they are and soldiers they should be at all times. probably cross over before long. There are 3,017 men stationed here. Of these 1,894 are S. A. T. C. boys and the remainder are mechan- ics and quartermaster's corps men. .MORE INDUCTION PAPERS RECEIVED WAH R'S U NIVERSIT BOOKSTOR A TEST OF SPIRIT TrE WILSON LINE "The G ermans are retiring to the Wilson line," said an English news- paper recently. Germany's latest an- swer to President Wilson's note serves to make even more piquant- ly apt the mental concept that phrase calls up. It makes vivid the Idea of German diplomacy yieldig ground only when superior Allied force makes it yisld, as the German armies re- tire to their Hindenburg, their Wotan and their Kriemhild lines only when Foch's armies smash them back. It sow that German diplomacy has for Its ideal Might even as have German arrms. Further, it shows that Wil- son's diplomatic offensive may prove to be the means of saving lives by winning the Allied demands not more o surely but possibly more rapidly than arms alone could do. Tbe people of the United States and of our associated countries understand, of course, that if the Germans did not see military defeat staring them in the face and feel its hot breath the most powerful diplomacy imaginable would be worthless. But coupled with the fo1 ec of arms, President Wilson's di- plomacy is proving formidable. When the Hindenburg line fell was the approimate time when Germany made her first retreat toward the Wil- son line by asking an armistice. When furtber defeats for German armies were recorded, Maximilian made his retreat toward the Wilson( the indefi- mnto and unsatisfactory acceptance of Wilson's terms. Further military defets eiz: now Germany makes fur- ther grudging retreats to the Wilson line, she instructs her U-boats not to sink passenger ships, gives more in detail her plans to meet Wilson's de- mand that autocracy be overthrown, and by deial, apologizes for her wan- ton destruction. The que ion is whether the arm- aes -will break the Rhine line before the Germanss reach the Wilson -line. The point to remember is that Might is the only argument to bring sweet reasonableness to the Germans. They are demontrating it as much in di- plt 8cy as on the battlefield. They yield grudgingly to the inevitable and 01ly give up what they think neces- sary RECULATED HAZING In order to take measures for the upholding o Michigan's traditions, the members of the class of 1921 will meet at 4:30 oYlock this afternoon at the band stand. This move is an oppor- tune one, aid should be supported by every sophomore and upperclassman on te campus. .In tn absence of a large percentage of the men who would have been ac- tive in keeping alive the spirit of Michigan, this duty reverts, in large measue, c the present sophomores. That they are alert and cognizant of then obligation is shown by their having called this meeting o their cash, -. But, in aticipation of certain things which wa arise at the meeting, a few remars on hazing are not out of or- der.Rmazsng as prosecuted by an un- coutrolled mob cannot be regulated; and it may, be followed by disastrous results. This fact is borne out by several unfortunate occurrences of the past year. Another form of hazing, however, can be carried on without physical harm either to the hazers or the persons being hazed. This kind of hazing and 'the reason for its ex- istence may be outlined as follows: When a group of sophomores notice that a certan freshman maintains persistently a distasteful attitude, a small group-say four or five-may administer a salutary bit of punish- Michigan's football eleven,. has nots been seen in action for the past two A new allotment of induction pa-, weeks, and due to unfortunate cir- pers were received at the Registrar'st cumstances, delay of play may also office yesterday. The following is the occur next Saturday. Discontinuation list of the names on the list: of action on the gridiron is certain Bourne, N.1 Warren, Bowden, Ed- to cause a stagnation of college spirit win T., Carpenter, Howard J., Dykhui- which never ought to happen. These zen, Peter A., Faben, Richard R.,; are the moments when loyality is Harms, Kershaw, Hitchcock, Albert brought to the acid test, and true gold E., Hurst, Hurley G., Kukenus,'John determined. A team is always in need A., Miller, Wendell S., Parsons, Ed- of the staunchest support and only ward F., Salon, Nathan L., Stephens, lovers of their school can prove this. Sidney .E., Sullenberger, John A., The football men are still practis- Trucks, Fred R., Wolfstein, James S., ing every afternoon and giving their Kohler, Louis H. time so as to become expert with the oval. Scrubs are biting the dust and PROHIBIT CHANGING COLLEGES helping in the making of the first TO GET NEW S A. T. C. STATUS team. Support is the unwritten law of any university, and which every student must heed. Games are sched- At a meeting of the Senate Council uled for the future. All of them can yesterday, it was decided that stu- not be postponed. dents would not be allowed to change Coach Yost will soon have the op- from one school or college to another portunity to play his men against merely for thetpurpose of changing powerful opponents. Michigan must their status in the S. A. T. C, Litera- back these players, and do so with the ture students willsbe eligible soon for old time spirit, which enables the officers' training school but engineers, team to display its best efforts for pharmics, and dentistry and medical victory. Ferry field is sure to re-echo students will not. This is why quite with Michigan's songs and cheering,! a number havesbeen changing to a because the spirit of -past years will listerature course. The government surely be repeated in the next play- considers that the professional stu- ed game. dents can be of more value profes- sionally than they could possibly be In their latest reply the Ger- in the officers' school hence this de- mans claim the right to spread ruin. cision was found necessary on the part Which is a Hun bromide, applicable of the Senate Council. to any time we can remember during LEAGUE GETS 700 the last four years.W 'G -_- MEMBERS; EXPECTS 1,000 TOTAL According to the Times-News, in- fluenza is a very fatal disease. Soon The h campain'shasnafar only reached the we will be hearing of someone who is'campa 700 mark. The slogan of the league. extremely dead. at the opening of the school year was Since the gauze strainer for influ- 100 per cent membership. "We ex- monia microbes came to town there is pectedto get at leasth1,000 members, no necessity for anyone laughing up and are going to get them yet," Elsie 2 rv10. nhairman of the member- Extra hockey practice for freshmen will be held at 3:30 o'clock Wednes- day afternoon. Senior hockey practice will be held at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday and Thurs- day afternoons, with extra practice at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Lunch 11:30 to 1:45 Lunch 40c Dinner 5:30 to 645 Dinner- 0c HOME COOKED FOOD Junior hockey practice will be held at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday and Thurs- day afternoons, with extra practice at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. The attendance committee for wo- men will not meet until further no- tice. The telephone number for the de- partment of physical education and the office of the Y. W. C. A. will be University 149-J. SWISS TO PROTECT TRAPEMARK FROM GERMAN USE AFTER WAR Washington, Oct./19.-Regulations intended to prevent German owned firms with factories in Switzerland from exporting their product under the guise of Swiss goods after the war, have been adopted by Swiss chambers of commerce in connection with the establishment of a new na- tional trade mark for all Swiss ex- ports. The regulations provide that use of the trade mark be confined to firms two-thirds of whose capital is Swiss and to goods that actually are made in Switzerland, exclusively by the Swiss. It is known that many firms operating in the country which are ostensibly Swiss, have been establish- ed by German capital, or acquired from their original owners by Ger- man manufacturers; in order that an apparently neutral outlet might be secured for German-made goods in the post-war period. The president of the Geneva chamber of commerce is quoted in advices received here as stating that control of these will not be easy, but that the chamber is alive to the probability of improper use of the trade mark and Swiss manufac- turers are being asked to bring cases of this kind to official notice. Or Board by the Week $5.00 _. THE "Y" INN AT LANE HALL j OPEN TO MEN AND WOMEN L Y NDON 719 N. University Ann Arbor representative dealer in EASTMAN KODAKS, films and supplies, and photographer to Michigan Students. We do THE amateur finishing business in Ann Arbor because we do the kind that brings them and keeps them here. - - - Established in 1905. Growing bigger and better every day STEVENS & PERSHING HAVE YOU TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE OrPORTUNITY TO SAY MONEY ON HIGH CLASS MILLINERY AT THE NEW PARLORS I ON 618 PACKAR I. GO TO The Mayer-Schairer I Company 112 S. Main St. OWN A CORONA The lght portable typewiter. Weigho 6/ lbs. Over 175,000 In use. Indorsed by the U. S. Gov- ernment. Price complete, with. case, $50.00. 0.1). MORRILL 322 South State Street (Over Baltimore Lunch) Typewriters bought and sold DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackso: Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7 a. m., 8:io a. m. and hourly to 8:ro p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8 a. mn. and every hour to 8:48 p. m. Local Cars East Bound-5 35 a. m., 6 a. mn., 7:05 a.,im. and every two hours 7:05,, 8:5 p. im., 9o5 p. m.,to:50 M. To Ypsilanti only: 8:05 p. m., 9:50 in, 11:45 P.i., 1:10 a. m.,t:2o a. m. To Saline change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6 :05a. m., 7 a. in., 0:20 p. in., r2:20 midnight. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited c 8:48, 10:48 a. M.. 12:4; 2:48, 4:48, 6 p. in. To Jackson and La"si"g, Limited car, 8 p. m. Additional Cars to Ypsilanti-9:s0 a. 2:05, 6:05, 9:45 p. 1., 12:20 midnight. his sleeve. If the members of the band are to get out of K. P., musicians will be- come remarkably numerous. AMERICAN SOLDIER INTERESTS FRENCH Behind Allied lines in France, Oct. 21.-The American soldier is a source of continual interest to the troops of the other nations with whom he is fighting side by side, and to the peo- ple of France. They have been vastly impressed by the wholehearted way in which he carries out his duties. On parade and on the march he regards his work with the utmost serious- ness, and every American column that passes leaves an impression of set, resolute faces very different from the nonchalant attitude of the British Tommy.' In his moment of repose, the "Yank," as he is called everywhere in France, loolps for a building with a short flight of steps to the door, fore- gathers there with his friends, and eats nutsand chocolates in prodigious quantities."I Of an evening the "Yank's" regi- 11ey, A , UI 11I t LM;1LL1V ship committee, announced yesterday afternoon. Twenty of the league houses up to that time had sent in their 100 per cent cards and eight sororities had made a perfect re- port. The campaign will continue re- lentlessly and it is expected that the various girls' houses will send in their cards as soon as possible. COUNCIL OF DEFENSE WOMEN DO WORK IN HOSPITALS Not only private families but physi- cians from the St. Joseph's and Home- opathic hospitals have asked for aid from the women of the Council of Na- tional Defense. These women have shown no fear or hesitancy in going where the influenza was raging. They, have helped in the hospitals in serv- ing the meals, washing dishes and laundering. Mrs. Keech says she has been able to fill all of the calls that came to her for aid except for sweeping and scrub- bing. Most of these calls have been filled unreservedly, however. ALUMNUS GETS DECORATION FOR FIGHT AGAINST TYPHUS FOR QUESTIONNAIRES Fine Stationery Engraved Cards aie Stamping Printing Ruling Book Binding Seather Goods Office Supplies Filing Devices Desks Chairs By special order of Provost Marshal General Crowder every enlisted man in the S. A. T. C. or S. N. T. C. must fill out and file the regular questionnaire with his local board. This order is imperative and must be com- plidd with. The possibility rests upon the man himself. If he has not as yet received his ques- tionnaire or returned it to his local board properly filled out, he should do so at once. I. University Students the Army and Navy hcadquarters for cleaning and. altering uniforms is situatedaat the corner of N. University and Iiigalls, where your khaki garments will receive special atteuntion1 by expert workmen. We call for and deliver with 1 Day Setvl~e W. L. SLEDGB, Prop. Open from 7:oo a. m. to 9:o p. m. Phone 2734-W; 2264-J WE\gUY DISCARDED CLOTHES 1 Book Cases ; _ Students of the University of Michigan are cordially invited to inspect our new line of l WAI KING LO Open from 11:30 a. m. to 12:00 p. Phone 1620-R mental band plays to him. The ,selec- tions -are not "uplift stuff," but they Lieut. Dr. Carl B. DeForest, A.B. '11, cheer the tired soldier amazingly. Per- A.M. '15, has been awarded the Star haps a couple of soldiers will jump of Roumania (Officer with Sword) for up and do a one-step together up and his efforts in combatting typhus in down the sidewalk. Roumania during the years of 1916 -_and 1917 under the auspices of the ALLIES EMPLOY CHINESE FOR British Red Cross and later under the BUILDING OF ROADS IN FRANCE auspices of the American Red Cross. The notice of Lieutenant DeForest's London, Oct. 19.-The Allies have decoration appeared in the London employed 50,000 Chinese behind the Gazette. He may be addressed care fighting lines in France principally of Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co., Pall for road and railway building, black- Mall, S. W. 1. smith and carpentry work. Although China declared war on the General Ann Arbor Women Contribute Jelly Powers almost a year ago the Chi- The women of Ann Arbor are com- nese are made to understand that plying very generously with Miss Ruth when transported to France they will Hurd's request for jelly. "Not only not be used in the fighting lines. have they sent it to the men in New Coolies are paid about $13.50 a York but have contributed to the men month and pay for other laborers in the infirmary of the University, at ranges upward to about $27 a month the Rocky Mountain club hospital and for skilled men. In addition they wherever a need could be discovered are given $250, a fabulous sum for for it," said Mrs. T. J. Keech, chair- coolie, as a bonus for embarking for man of the registration of women, of France, $75 in case of injury and $150 the Council of National Defense. is given to the next of kin in case of death. Preserve your Michigan traditions. ________--_--Subscribe now for The Daily, $3.25.- Patronize our advertisers .-Adv. Adv. FALL SUITS nA TOP COATS 314 s.State St. Ann A Newest materials, newest models, newest lOWest Prices %poorngs, and Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be rge or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capiteil gd Surplus, $550,"0.90 Resourees. ......$4,000,000-00 Northwest Cor. Alain & Huron. 707 North University Ave. -11 rin I b AP Why not? Quality and Satisfaction Always Guaranteed ALL STUDENTS WANTS Stationery Confectionery Cigars and Tobaccos The - Stdents' Supply Phone 11 60=R S. A. T. C. Men Always Welcome