b THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSBDAY. MWAY 22, 19m8 ent Council Constitution Up For Vote Of Campus Today ,_ __ _ ollowing constitution has been up by the members of the council to replace the pres- stitution which does not cov- ;he issues that have arisen the past few years. Whether the constitution shall be used council will be voted upon at; campus election May 22. Preamble he students of the University igan in the year of 1919, on I day of May, by a majority of sting do adopt this constitution organization known as the Council of the Univerity of "The Student Council of the Univer- sity of, Michigan." ARICLE II-Objects The objects for which the Student Council is formed are: 1. To provide an effective means of communication between the under- graduate body and the University of authorities; 2. To interpret and maintain Mich- igan traditions and customs; 3. To exercise a general supervi- sion over student activities, organi- zations, traditions, customs, conduct, and 4. To crystalize and make more ef- fective the sanest of under-graduate opinions. ARTICLE I-Name shall be known as ARTICLE III-Powers Section 1. Enumeration. The pow- k A FRIDAY IS draw Hat Day Are You Ready? ers of the Student Council shall be legislative, executive, and judicial. The exercise of these powers shall be lim- ited to the academic year, exclusive of the summer session. Sec -2. Legislative. The Student Council may make rules and regula- tions affecting student customs, elec- tions, celebrations, ceremonies, spe- cial games and contests not under the control of the Athletic board, and the general behavior of the student body, except insofar as the regulation in such matters is now, or hereafter may be, provided for by the 'University au- thorities. Sec. 3. Executive. The Student Council shall adminster its rules and regulations, or provide for their ad- minstration. Sec. 4. Judicial. Upon written re- quest of the President of the Univer- sity, or of the dean of any depart- ment thereof, the Student Council may make an investigation into any matter of concern to student life and report in writing the facts ascertain- ed, with or without recommendation as the request shall state. The Student Council may decide any dispute referred to it by an under- graduate organization. No member of the Student Council may sit in such trial who is personally interested in the result, said question of interest to be decided by the Student Council without debate. The Council may delegate its ju- dicial power in the following manner: when a case arises, the Council may if it so desires, request each class president in the various departments to appoint one man from his class to serve on a jury, from which group the Council shall select six men who shall decide the particular issue be- fore the Council. ARTICLE I-Veto The authority of the Senate Coun- cil to veto any action of the Student Council is recognized. The minutes of the proceedings of each meeting of the Student Council shall be available at all times to the President of the University, the Secretary of the Senate Council, the Deans of the several de- partments and to the chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs. ARTICLE V-Membership Section 1. Number of members. The Student Council shall consist of not less than 20 nor more than 30 mem- bers. Sec. 2. Departmental Representa- tion. Representatives shall be appor- tioned among the several departments of the University according to the number of students enrolled in each department on the first of November of each year. The Student Council shall approve the schedule during No- vember of each school year showing the number to be elected from each department, the time of their elec- tion, and the classes from which they are to be elected, the selection to be made so that a majority of' the Stu- dent Council shall be seniors. Sec. 3. Qualifications. Only men from the Junior and Senior classes who have been members of their classes for at least three semesters may be elect- ed to membership in the Student Council. taries of the respective classes. An official report of each nomination and election shall be presented at the next meeting of the Student Council by the Councilman in charge of the election, signed by the President of the class and by himself. All regularly enroll- ed Seniors and Juniors shall be eligi- ble to vote at the meeting of their class held for the purpose of nominat- ing or electing members of the Stu- dent Council. For the purpose of this article and of Article V. Sophomores and Juniors shall be deemed to be Juniors and Seniors respectively after the fourth week preceding the close of the semester exclusive of the ex- amination period. The Student Coun- cil shall judge of the qualifications, elections, and returns of its members, subject to the requirement imposed by the proper University authorities. ARTICLE VII-Officers Section 1. Enumeration. The offi- cers of the Student Council shall be: a President, a Vice-President, a Re- cording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Audi- tor. They shall perform such duties as are required by this constitution and by the rules adopted thereunder. Sec. 2. Elections. Election of the Officers of the Student Council shall take place annually during the sec- ond week preceding the close of the second semester, exclusive of the ex- amination period, except in the case of the President. Sec. 3. The President. The Presi- dent's term of office shall be one year. Members shall be nominated for this office by the Student Council from the old members of the council and shall be voted upon on the all-campus elec- tion 'day by the entire student body. The successful candidate shall take his office at the same time the other offi- cers do in the spring. The President shall be a senior. Sec. 4. Term of Office. The term of office of all officers of the Student Council shall be one year or until a successor shall have duly qualified for office. Sec. 5. Qualifications of Officers. All officers except the president shall be elected by the entire Student Council from those men whose term of office extends through the next session pro- viding that the Corresponding Secre- tary shall be a senior. The Student Council shall be judge of the quali- fications, elections and returns of its officers. Sec. 6. Officers elect before assum- ing office shall take the following oath: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office to the best of my knowledge and ability, - So help me God." ARTICLE VIII - Term of Office of Members Section 1. Each member of the Student Council shall hold office until his graduation providing that such term shall not be longer than four se- mesters. A session of the Student Council shall commence on the Mon- day of the second week preceding the close of each semester exclusive of the examination period. At this time mnem- bers elect shall be sworn in and be allowed to vote for the officers elect- ed at this meeting. At this meeting the newly elected officers shall be sworn in by the retiring president and shall assume their respective offices. rules contained in Roberts' "Rules of Order" shall govern the Student Coun- cil in all cases to which they are ap- plicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution or rules of procedure adopted thereun- der. Sec. 2. Impeachment. A motion to impeach, a motion to convict after an impeachment, trial, and a motion to fix. the punishment, if any, shall re- quire the concurrence of two-thirds of the entire Student Council. Judg- ment shall not extend further than re- moval from office or membership in the Council, or both. Sec. 3. Attendance A member who has been absent from any three regu- lar meetings of the Student Council uring any one semester shall be deem- ed to have vacated his seat. A record of absences shall be kept by the Re- cording Secretary and he shall report immediately each case arising under his section to the Student Council. The president shall thereupon declare the seat of the member concerned to be vacated and shall appoint a member to supervise a special election for the return of another member provided that the retiring member shall not be a candidate to succeed himself, and provided further that such special elections shall comply in all substan- tial respects with the rules stated in Article VI. and that the term of office of a member returned at any special election shall not extend beyond the term for which the retiring member was elected. Sec. 4. Any member who is absent from any meeting of the Student Coun- cil without proper excuse, such excuse to be judged by the President of the Council, shall be fined 25 cents for such absence. The Student Council shall have pow- er to compel the attendance of absent members in order that a quorum may be obtained. Violation of its orders shall be punished by such a fine upon the absent members as the Council sees fit to impose. ARTICLE X-Meetings A majority of the Student Council shall constitute a quorum. Meetings shall be held regularly at a specified place and shall be public, provided that by a two-thirds vote the Student Coun- cil may go into executive session. The President and Recording Secretary shall have the power to issue official statements regarding the executive business to the public. Not more than two weeks shall intervene between any two meetings of the Council during the academic year, except that three weeks may intervene at the time of the Christmas and Spring recesses and at the time of the mid-year examinations. The Recording Secretary shall keep a correct journal of the proceedings of the Student Council and at the re- quest of any five members shall re- cord the yeas and nays of the mem- bers on any question. Special Meetings Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, providing 24 hours' notice is given Qf the time and place of such meeting. Absences from such meetings shall be dealt with the same as are absences from regu- lar meetings as provided in this con- stitution. ARTICLE XI-Finances Section 1. Treasurer. The treasur- er shall have charge of the funds of' the Student Council and shall keep a correct account of the same in such books as shall be provided for his pur- pose by the University auditor. He shall pay out money only upon prop- er warrants drawn by the Auditor and countersigned by the President. He shall report the financial condition of the Student Council whenever called upon and shall present his records to the University Auditor at the close of his term of office. Sec. 2. Auditing Committee. The Auditor, Treasurer, and President shall constitute an Auditing Committee, the Auditor to be the chairman. The com- mittee shall pay at their discretion bills against the Student Council and also any bills paid by the Student Council. Th committee shall also be responsible for the care of the prop- erty of the Student Council. Sec. 3. Committee's Financial Re- ports. Any committee who handles money shall within one week after the conclusion of the matter of which it has charge, make a financial report to the Treasure upon such forms as shall be prescribed by the University Auditor. Sec. 4. Authority to make Con- tracts. No officer, committee, or mem- ber of the Student Council shall make any expenliture except by authority of the Student Council. Sec. 5. Compensation. No omcer, committee, or member of the Student Council shall receive any reward or emolument of any kind for his serv- ices. Sec. 6. Raising of Funds. The Stu- dent Council may raise funds for a specific object by circulating subscrip- tion lists in the classes. ARTICLE XI-Raticatiou This constitution shall go into effect immediately upon being approved by two-thirds of the members of the Stg- dent Council and by the proper Vui- versity authorities, and by a majority of those students voting at an all- campus election. ARTICLE XIII-Aendment, An amendment to this constitution may be made at any regular meeting or at one, especially called for that purppse, provided that said amend- ment has been submitted in writing at a previous meeting is approved by. two-thirds of the members, and re- ceived the approval of the proper University authorities. Science has proved that newspaper advertising pays best. You can reach all t"e students and faculty through f The Daily.-Adv. supplied with an excellent variety of of High Class Straw Hats. 0 0 JR choice will know nothing but approval. J . Wuerth Co. Main StreetA .OAO , IN jarment 111I1$ . CO'MPany_- 0 YOU'RE T"K J U DGE I Rendpr Your Poision oar Our 14eW ..qneof@ I SHPRT$ AfgD TKS "Art" Marquardt .Qpmpus Tailor po07 19,LIbqrjy Z hfte Rome of £nergi nc 209 S. FOURTH AVE. PHONE 2508 j E' Follow the crowd to LYNDON'S you'll get LATES-T MODELS'in KODAKS- SH EASTMAN FILMS and the BEST AM, EUR FINISHING IN THIS COUNTRY. 719 N. Unibersity Ave. ADV ERTI'SI N Leave Copy at Qharry'and. The Delta Sec. 4. oath of office. Members elect shall present credentials from their classes and before taking their seat shall take the following oath of of- -Ace: "I do solemnly swear that- I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as a member of the Student Council, - so help me Go'd." Sec. 5. Vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled by the class whose represen- tation has been affected. Whenever a Councilman shall cease to be a mem- ber of the class which elected him he shal forfeit his seat in the Student Council. ARTICLE VI-Elections Section 1. Time. Nominations and elections of the members of the Stu- dent Council shall occur semi-annual- ly, during the third week preceding the close of the first semester,, exclusive of the examination period, and at the time of the all-campus election in the second semester. Sec. 2. Notice. At least two days' notice shall be given of all nonina- tions and elections. Sec. 3. Nominations and elections. Meetings for nominations and elections shall be open class meetings in charge of the president and under the gener- al supervision of members of the Stu- dent Council. At each spring election there shall be elected one man from the Soph Lits, and one from the Junior Lits, one from the Soph Eng., one from the Junior Laws, one each from the Junior Dents, Homoeops, Medics, and Phar- mics. In early fall there shall be elected from the Graduate department one man. In midyear there shall be elected from the Junior Lits one man, from the Junior Eng., one man, and from the Junior Laws one man every even year. Nominations and elections shall be by secret ballot. Credentials shall be issued to the successful candidate An nispensabie ARTICLE IX-Dlscipliue Section 1. Rules of Order. foundation fine tailoring is cloth of pure wool You can be sure of getting this essential in Clothes satisfaction when you make your selec- tion from our showing of weaves, Here the term "A 11 Wool" is more than a mere advertising lo- gan. It is one guarantee that the material comes direct from the sheep's back into the fabric in your clothes. The _. _ . . . _ _ _... , ... w. ,. . .. .. a .,..... for LOST r--Century readings in English rature. Name, Emily G. Ed- rda. Phone 199. 'A flannel army shirt at the tug war. Return to .R. Cameron. one 1118-W. '-A. K. K. Fraternity pin. Call ler, Phone 921, 102 S. 12th St ward. -Trench-coat in vicinity of cam- Reward. C. Sowluski. Call 6-1L '-Brown sweater at Ferry Hield s games, Saturday morning. Call WANTI)D WANTED-To rent .by private family. For June and July. Home with about nine rooms. Phone 1288-M. WANTED-- -Log-log slide rule, good condition, square price. H. Blum- berg. Phone 470-J. WANTED-Experienced porter. Apply 721 So. State. WANTED-Your aubcripties to te Daily. - FOR RENT FOR RENT-Four-room flat at 605 E. Williams. Newly decorated. Suit-, able for omces or living quarters. Apply at University Music House, J. KARL MLCOLM 004 EAST LIBERTY ST, COR. MAYNARD r SAVE THE PIECES Eye Glass Lenses Ground in Our Own Shop. Same Day. Tr Eyes xarms N ry Our Service. 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