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May 17, 1919 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-05-17

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University Officials To Inspect
Accredited Schools Of Michigan

iany visitors to the May Festival
re already availed themselves of the
?ortunity of 'examining the collec-
a of French war paintings that is on
libition in Alumni Memorial hall.
'hese paintings are all the work of
inch soldiers and were brought to
s country by M. Ludovic Leblanc
he French High Commission. Every
is for sale and the proceeds will
to either the artists or their fami-
'he collection embraces a wide va-
ty of types of painting and the sub-
t- matter includes many different
ases of the war. The works of many
able French artists are represented.
'he exhibition is rexpected to last
11 Sunday evening. The gallery will
open all day Saturday, and Sunday

Inspection of approximately 190
public and private high schools
throughout the state will be made
during the next two weeks by the De-
partment of Education of the Univer-
sity for the purpose of placing on the,
accredited list those that are official-
ly recognized by the University. Thp
graduates of the schools that meet the
requirements are then, received into
the University without entrance ex-
Requires Much Help
The growth of .the number of ac-
credited schools which have to be re-
inspected every one, two, or three
years according to their standing, has
been so rapid in late years that the
work of examining now has to be done
by a large committee besides the Uni-
versity's regular inspector, Prof. J. B.
Edmonson, who is on the inspection
tour during the entire second semester.
This year's committee includes the
following: Profs. L. M. Gram, M. P.

a paper for Michigan men.
rertisers give servie.-Aldv.

Picture Framing
We carry a complete line of mouldings and all nelp
stock. Our picture department is up-to-date in all re-
spects and lpe can sake you money.
See our'line of canoe paints. We solcit student patronage


L E WENZEL Swiframes

Fruits, Jellies, and Preserves

are getting very scarce.

We have succeeded in

getting a good sized shipment at prices that are
right. Call us up when you need a wholesale

lot of anything in this line.

Kyer & Whitker

Phone 326

114-116 E. Washington St.

Univ-rs-t of Michigan
Summer Session 1919
More than 300 courses conducted by a staff
of 250 members of the regular faculties of the
University. All University facilities available
Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering
and Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study,
Library Methods, Biological Station. Embalm-
ing and Sanitary Science, Public Health Nursing
June 30-- August 22; Medicine and Surgery,
June 30-August 8; Law, June 23-July 26 and
July 28-August So.
The work is equivalent in method, character and credit value
to that of the academic session, and may be counted toward de-
grees. Certificates of credit and attendance issued. Many spe-
cial lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions. Cosmopolitan
student body. Delightful location. Expense low.
For further information, address

Tilley, C. 0. Davis, A. J. Decker, J. W.
Bradshaw, H. H. Higbie, C. T. Johns-
ton, C. P. Wagner, D. L. Rich, . R.
Brumm, G. L. Jackson, T. R. Running,
and E. H. Kraus, and Registrar Ar-
thur G. Hall
The University of Michigan was the
first higher institution in the United
States to accredit high schools, the
recommended graduates of which are
received into the University without
entrance examination. The accrediting
plan had its origin in a resolution
adopted by the University faculty in
1871, and confirmed by the Board of
Regents the following year. The cred-
it for suggesting the idea belongs to
President Henry S. Frieze who was at
that time acting president. But the
principal work of developing and per-
fecting the plan was done under the
direction of President James B. An-
System of Great Value
President Angell once said in dis-
cussing the origin and purpose of the
accrediting system, "Perhaps in noth-
ing has the University been more use-
ful to the educational system of the
state than in the cultivation of the
friendly relation with the schools by
the introduction of the diploma system
of admission of students."
In the early beginnings of the sys-
tem atcommittee of the faculty, upon
special invitation of superintendents
and boards of education, annually vis-
ited the high schools desiring the ac-
credited relation with the University.
The findings of this committee were
reported to the faculty, and the deci-
sions of that body determined the re-
lationship between each individual
high school and the University.
Special Office Created
In 1893 the number of schools de-
siring to affiliate ,with the University
had become so large that a standing
committee of the faculty was appoint-
ed to pass on all questions involving
relationship with secondary schools. In
1899 a special office was created to
have charge of the inspection, and
Prof. A. S. Whitney was appointed first
inspector of schools. In 1917 the Uni-
versity and the State Department of
Public Instruction entered into an ar-
rangement providing for an exchange
of report on public high schools de-
siring both the tuition privilege from
the state department an accrediting
by the University.
The standards for the accredited
schools have always been stated in
minimum terms and have been so
framed as to enable thetypical three-
teacher high school to secure recogni-
tion. As a result of this liberal pol-
icy nearly all of the three-teacher high
schools in the state are now on the
accredited list, ad many of the small-
er schools are so shaping their poli-
cies as to secure aproval as soon as
their teaching force meet the required
32 Schools on List
The growth of the number of ac-
credited schools has been very no-
ticeable, especially since the year 1905,
and there are now 320 schools on the
accredited list of which 285 are pub-
lie high schools and 35 are either pri-
vate or parochial schools. More than
99 per cent of the freshmen taken in-
to the University enter under this ac-
credited system, according to Registrar
Arthur G. Hall.
A large number of Michigan high
schols in addition to being accredited
by the University, are also recognized
by the North Central association of
colleges and secondary schools.*'ol-
leges and universities belonging to
this association interchange their re-
spective state lists, and in this way.
graduates of high schools recognized
.by one of these states are also ac-
credited by the others.
"Green Stockings"
Tickets On Sale
Tickets for "Green Stockings," the

play to be presented on Thursday,
May 22, at the Whitney theater by the
Comedy club, have been placed on sale
in the various fraternities and sorori-
ties, at the Busy Bee, and at Waher's
and Sheehan's book stores.
In charge of the distribution of these
tickets is a committee composed of
David D. Nash, '20, chairman; J.
Kasberger, '19; BurtoncA.rGarling-
house, '20; Vincent Riorden,'20; Mark
Ehlbert, '20;. L. A. Packard, '21E; J.
P. Hart, '20; E. H. Luther, '21; Rus-
sel Persing, '22; Mary Overman, '19;
Winifred Parsons, '19; Elsie Erley, '20;
Lois Benna jlackt, '19; Marian Hand-
ley, '20; Constance Hopkins, '20; ary
D. B. Harper, '19; Lois Maher, '20;
Eva H. Foss, '19.
Contrary to custom with the Come-
dy club, the tickets this year will be
reserved. They may be purchased
froia any member of the cocmittee
or at the stores at 50 and 75 cents,
and may be reserved, starting Monday,
at either Wahr's or Sheehan's book
Mimes Dansant Friday
Postponed because of the May festi-
wval, the dansant of the Michigan Union
Mimes society will be held Friday aft-
ernoon, May 23, instead of this Satur-
day afternoon.
New College Inn open Monday, May
19, 1919.-Adv.

Engineering News
Eight students of the marine engi-
neering department are going into the
Sun Ship Building company as ship-
'fitters during the summer. As many
'more will be taken by this concern as
care to go.
Thisshipping establishment has its
yards at Chester, Pa. The men who
are going are: A. Dew, '20E; H. Run-
diehart, '21E; O. F. Adams, '20E; C.
S. Madden, '21E; E. W. Saults, '22E;
W. N. Crickson, '20E; A. J. Gavey,
'21E; T. S. Grosse. Anyone else
wishing to do such work should in-
quire of Prof. E. M. Bragg.
. The idea of working in a ship yardt
is one which the marine department
urges all of its students to do at least
one vacation and two if possible.
The chemical engineering class of
Prof. William W. Woods will leave
at 7 o'clock this morning for Detroit,
where they will inspect several. chem-
ical manufacturing plants. Some ju-
niors and seniors not enrolled in this
class are making the trip.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley is expected
back Sunday or Monday from New
York city, where he attended a meet-
ing of the A. S. M. E. directors of 1
which he is director. Soon after his
return it is thought that he will ap-
point the engineering members of A
joint committee to consider -the feas-
ibility of a combined engineer-lit
A farm lighting system has been
loaned the University by the Lalley
'Electric Lighting company of Detroit,
'and is now on exhibition in the Elec-
trical laboratory. The feature of the
device is its compactness, the entire
outfit, exclusive of the water tank, oc-
cupying a space of less than three feet
long and two wide.

601 E. Liberty

Three or four men are wanted
to work on the editorial side of
The Daily. They should see the
city editor between 1 and 3
o'clock today.1



- Over Boot Shop


115 S. MAIN ST.




Rapid Cleaners and Dyers
Now you have a chance to save money. Ladies
or Gents suits to be dry or steam cleaned and
pressed. $1 per suit. We call and deliver. Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.





of Special Merit
Our Stocks complete
No necessity of misfitting
The limit of value at any stated price
We especially invite comparison of our $9.50 and $10.00 Brown calf
and Cordovan Oxfords. Every pair guaranteed satisfactory.

Phone 1995J

We Feature Fit

fine tailoring is cloth of pure wool
You can be sure of getting this essential in
Clothes satisfaction, when you make your selec-
tion from our showing of weaves. Here the term
"All Wool" is more than a mere advertising slo-
gan. It is one guarantee that the material comes
direct from the sheep's back into the fabric in
your clothes.

J 'a








Box 20, Ann Arbor, Michigan






Leave Copy
Quarr's and
Te Delta


Lea V Copy
Quarry's and
The Delta

FOR SALE-Ford Speedster. Also 17-
foot Old Town canoe and equip-
ment. Phone 688-W.
FOR SALE-Two Festival tickets for
Friday and Saturday afternoon per-
formancesi Call 1203-M.
FOR SALE--Two seats for Saturday
afternoor. May Festival. Main floor.
Call 236.
LOST-A notebook from senior cloak
room in Dentistry building with name
Frank W. Mercer. Return to Caul-
kins' Drug, Church and South Uni-
versity. Reward.
LOST - Between Tappan Street and
Arcade postofilce, a lady's Shrine
pin. .Reward. 833 Tappan. Tel.

WANTED-I am seeking a press
agent. As a singer, talker, and prac-
tical speaker I am well known
throughout.rTerms 50-50. Dr. Lov-
ell, 402 Detroit St.
WANTED - Married couple would
like position of managing a frater-
nity. Experienced. Address Box X,
care of Daily.
WANTED - To buy a set of drawing
instruments. Address 924 E. Ann
St., P. Van Domelen.
WANTED-Young man for profitable
summer employment. Major R. K.
Carson, 719 Packard.
I1ANTED - Men for summer vaca-
tion work. Work in your home town.
See Ritz, 209 S. Thayer. 726-J.
LOST-Leather pocketbook contain-
ing money and papers. Good reward.
Call 990-J.
LOST-Pair glasses. Tel. 1220-J. Re-

If gas coke is used in the furnace.
All of thesmoke is removed in the process
of making gas leaving a clean fuel. Our coke
is made from the highest grade of coal and has
the lowest percentage in ashes of any domes-
tic fuel.
Price $9.00 per ton until 5000 tons are
sold. (2-3 gone now.)
Do not wait until the last minute, it may
be too late.

LOST-Gold ring, black
Initials inside. Finder
to Daily office.

stone setting.
please return


(h0s (Jhnpautl*

-Let the Dairyad tht loft


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