p ASSOCIATED THE WEATHER i'l PRESS FAIR AND COOLER EV DAY AND NIGHT WIRE TODAY ttantSERICE VOL. XXIX. No. 17. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1918. PRICE THREE CENTS ENTENTE WHIP HUN CCHOOL OF MUSIC ENTIRE NATION HITS AROUND LE CATEAU ILTO GIVE CONCERTS ENEMY RETREATS TO DUTCH BORR I WATE (By the Associated Press) The University School of Music is With the Allied Armies in France planning a comprehensive series of and Belgium, Oct. 20 (5 P. M.).-The !F faculty concerts, to be given compli-i' IN LIBERTY LUBII bewildered and shattered German mentary to the students and the gen- ORI.1, PINCERS CLUINN TEUTONS hordes all day long have continued topulcin11auirierat public, in Hill auditorium, as it i CITY OVERSUBSCRIBES QUOTA BY $1,483,650 WITH MORE COMING CAMPUS MILITARY MEN ADD $75,000 TO FUND Women Turn Over $2,900 in Canvass; Mostly Subscribed By One ' Girl Washington, Oct. 20.-Oversubscrip- tion of the Fourth Liberty Loan was nearly assured tonight when the three weeks' campaign closed. While offic- ial reports were lacking, it appear- ed that again the American people have given to their government not only what was asked, but more than was asked, in order that the war against Germany and her allies may be carried to a successful conclusion. to a-successful conclusion.n How far the total will run above the $6,000,000,000 mark officials would not attempt to say. It all depends on whether big financial interests at the last moment file the big lump sum subscriptions expected of them, and whether the number of smaller subscriptions by individuals is found to meet expectations. Huge Last Day Subscription New subscriptions entered during the last day, and those made effective by payment of the 10 per cent install- ment, probably will amount to $1,500,- 000,000 for the entire nation, it was said. Before business opened this morting $4,599,719,450 had been re- ported to federal serserve banks. Indicationssarerthat the number of individual subscribers will far ex- ceed 20,000,000 and break all records for distribution for war bonds for eith- er this nation or any other. About $16,000,000 have now been raised by American people in popular war loans since the United States entered the war, and all loans have been oversubscribed. City LIasses Quota by $1,483,650 Ann Arbor has successfully reached the close of the Fourth Liberty Loan drive, Chairman Ray E. Bassett an- nounced yesterday. The quota for this city was $1,482,172.63. It has been over-subscribed $1,483,650, and subscriptions were still coming in at a late hour yesterday afternoon. Up to that time there were 7,630 differ- ent subscriptions, but 500 or 600 of these were made by people who had subscribed before. Those who did not subscribe by 8 o'clock last night at headquarters on Main street have lost their opportunity. On the campus the success of the Loan was greater than was antici- pated at the opening of the drive, as many had made their subscriptions before leaving home. The S. N. T. C. had subscribed to $16,000 worth of bonds up to noon yesterday. J. F. Rutledge of the Great Lakes naval training station has been in the city to help Admiral Berry in making this Liberty Loan a success. The motto of the S. N. T. C. throughout the cam- paign has been "Fight or buy bonds, the navy does both." Bonds amounting to $6,400 were bought Friday, and since then $4,000 has been added. Company 2, Barracks 26, alone contributed $5,000 to the sum, and the S. A. T. C. has subscrib- ed $52,450 all told. Women Subscribe $2,900 The special canvass of the girls' dormitories and sororities, begun by Mortarboard and Wyvern last Monday, has swelled the campus quota by $2,900. Of this $2,000 was subscribed by one girl. At the campus booth, which has been in charge of Mar- guerite Chapin, '20, for the past week, 23 bonds were sold, amounting to $1,750. 87.45 Questionnaires to Be Sent Out Questionnaires for the older men will be sent out Wednesday by the local board. They are practically the same for the men from 37 to 45 as they are for those from 18 to 36, but will be considered after those of the give ground under the sustaned pressure by the British, French, Bel- gian, and American troops. Indications received ,at headquar- ters are to the effect that the German army believes that it is being with- drawn entirely from France and Bel- gium. , In the area north and south of Le Cateau furious fighting is reported, and the Americans have again dis- tinguished themselves. By dark last night they had penetrated a depth of two miles; today they made further progress against strong opposition. The Germans here had orders to hold the line at all costs, and the Ameri- cans and British had literally to hack their way through them. The enemy has been well whip- ped, and from prisoners it is learned that no reserves are back of them, because retirement in this section of the line is expected to take* place as soon as the other divisions to the north get far enougl back. North of Le Cateau the British have been engaged in equally hard fight- ing. Here, also, the Germans had to be riddled before they would give ground, but posts now have been es- tablished by the Allies east ofthe Selle river, and some ground has been gained southeast of Neuvilly UNION TO CARRY ON WAR CAMP SERVICE OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO AID IN PROVIDING RECREATION FOR MEN The University of Michigan Union is doing the work in the community of the war camp community service. The army Y. M. C. A., whose function upon the campus is in the barracks and with the men in the Y. M. C. A. buildings, is supplemented by the Michigan Union, which is linking to- gether all social organizations in the city in order to provide sufficient space for recreational work among the S. A. T. C. men, the vocational men and the men on the campus not *at present in the army. The executive committee which is carrying on the welfare work of the Union includes Mr. Francis Bacon, director; -Mr. Harry L. Meyer, vice- director; Dean Myra B. Jordan; Mr. Louis Ayres; Mr. Clyde Elliott; Mr. Roy Jacobson; and Mr. Charles Sink.. Mr. Fred Heusel is chairman of the financial committee and Mr. Harry L. Meyer, chairman of the publicity and bulletin committee. Post Bulletins of Activities Each week a bulletin will be dis- tributed to each man on the campus and posted at the barracks, announc- ing when and where the various so- cial activities will be held, each night in the week for section B men and men on the campus not enlisted in the army; and over the week end for section A men. The following organizations are represented on the general commit- tee from which the above executive committee has been chosen: the Wom- en's motor corps; the Women's club; the city Y. M. C. A.; the city Y. W. C. A.; Ann Arbor Rotary club; all lodges and churches of the city; the Grotto; Ann Arbor club; University club; City association; City school board; School of Music; Knights of Columbus; canteen division of the Red Cross; army Knights of Colum- bus, and Collegiate Alumnae. Series of Smokers Planned Thle chairman of the smoker com- (Continued on Page Four) (' lN(E OF ADDRESS All students of the University who are not in the S. A. T. C. and have changed their address since enrollment should notify the editor of the Student Di- rectory by mail. This matter should be attended to at once so that the correct address may be in the -Directory. PNEUMONIA DEATHS ON DECREASE IN CITY Many Men Cared for in Private Homes and at Rocky Mountain Club The Spanish influenza showed a remarkable decrease in the reports of Saturday. Dr. J. A. Wessinger, city health officer, says the decrease is due to the wearing of masks, gen- eral precaution and the closing of all public places. He thinks that the masks were a great factor in produc- ing yesterday's decrease. The S. A. T. C. infirmary reports only one-third as many new cases today as yester- day. Number of Deaths Decreases In the city and on the campus there were 94 cases reported, whereas there were 98 Friday. The deaths on Sat- urday numbered four, a decided con- trary to the deaths for several pre- ceding days. Friday's toll was 8, while Thursday's was 11. Barbour gymnasium has been turn- ed into a hospital clearing house. All men who complain of not feeling well are immediately sent to the gymnas- ium where they are put under medical supervision for a few days. If any- thing serious develops, they are sent to the hospital or infirmary. It is what might be called a "safety first station." An attempt will be made to make the basement into a dietitian kitchen, and positively no girls will be allowed on the first floor of the gymnasium. Women to Evacuate Building As indoor work has not yet begun, the women's' classes in physical train- ing will continue to meet on Palmer field. The director's office will be transferred to the third floor of the Natural Science building, where the director may be found after Monday morning. The number of the room will be posted on the lower door of Barbour gymnasium later. The women are ordered to take gymnasium clothes from the lockers in the basement before 5 o'clock Mon- day afternoon. Juniors and seniors taking hockey, who have outfits in the gymnasium, must also reclaim them before that time. There will be no opportunity to claim property later than this hour. In entering the gym- nasium, the lower door must be used. The meeting of the Women's Ath- letic association is called for 4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon in the di- rector's office in the Natural Science building. 50 Light Cases Among Mechanics Officers and doctors of the S. A. T. C. have been working with might and main to combat the disease, and as a result the number of cases in section A has been reduced to less than ten for the 24 hours up to 8 o'clock last evening. Because they have not been able to work as much with them, and as several carried the germs with them, section B had a total of about 50 cases in the same time, but few of these cases are really dangerously Two of those dying within the past 36 hours were enlisted men in sec- tion B, S. A. T. C., Joseph Schmidt, third company of Wallace, and E. E. Harchberger, Fourth company, sign- al corps, of Wrightstown, Ind. The third member of the student body to succumb was Christian Schugt, a Mexican student registering from El Paso, Tex. Miss Emily Tessmer of 508 Third street was the only resident of Ann Arbor to die of pneumonia following influenza. The other death, that of pneumonia not preceded by influenza, was that of R. E. Weaver. Care for Men in Private Homes The problem of caring for many of the convalescent influenza patients is finding a satisfactory solution through the knidness and generosity of many Ann Arbor women. With the opening of the Rocky Mountain clubhouse on South Fifth avenue, under the direc- tion of Mrs. J. E. Beal and Mrs. Ro- (Continued on Page Four) WOMEN VACATE BUILDING ACCOMMODArION OF SICK, F01has done during the past several FOI years. As a feature of the series this year, a goodly portion of each program will be given over to community sing- ing, under the direction of Theodore Harrison. College and patriotic se- lections will be given a prominent place. On account of the quarantine, the first number in the series, which was announced for Thursday evening, wili be postponed. A complete list of the dates will be given out shortly. WILSON REJECTS NOTE Of AUSTI-HUNGARY GERMANY ACCEPTS ALL TERMS BUT CESSATION OF SUB WAR (By the Associated Press) Basel, Switzerland, Oct. 20. - The answer of Germany to President Wil- son's note probably will be published Sunday afternoon. Washington, Oct. 20.--On the eve, apparently, of the coming of another peace note from Germany, President Wilson has rejected the plea of Aus- tria-Hungary for an armistice tnd peace negotiations and, in doing so, has made clearer the conditions which the Central powers must meet to end the war. In a note written yesterday, and made public soon after it was well on the way to Vienna today, the Presi- dent says there can be no talk of peace with the Austro-Hungarian government except upon the basis of complete liberty for the Czecho-Slo- vaks, and other subject nationalities, as three members of the family of nations. This declaration may be far reach- ing in its effect upon Austria-Hungary where long enslaved people, apparent- ly, are nearly ready to sweep away the hated dual monarchy and the de- tsted Hapsburg dynasty. Though not mentioned by name, the Poles, Rumanians and other distinct races held under Austrian domina- tion, come within the protection of the principle of self-determination laid down by the United States and the Allies, State Department Hears Nothing Beyond press dispatches from Swit- zerland, saying that the new German note would be dispatched tonight, the state department had no intimation whatever of the time or the nature of the German response to the Presi- dent. Officials heard without com- ment of the report that Germany would accept President Wilson's con- ditions "generally" with an exception that submarine warfare must con- tinue to the end of the war. About the state department this was re- garded as an indication that the Ber- lin government, without conceding the surrender that it has been told must precede an armistice, would seek to continue diplomatic discussions in the hope of eventually weakening the po- sition of her enemies and winning the earnestly needed negotiated peace. It was reiterated that only a com- plete acceptance will satisfy the United States and the Allies, and that an effort by the Germans to evade the issue probably would cause the pres- ident to promptly refuse to continue the correspondence. Turn Newberry Hall Into Infirmary Orders and a request were received yesterday to turn Newberry hall into an infirmary for the S. A. T. C. It had been planned to open the hall yester- dey afternoon, but the order changed all plans and carpenters are putting it in shape for its future occupants. It is likely that men just out of the hospital will be allowed a copule of weeks rest there before being placed on the active duty list, and light duty men will probably take over some of the lighter orderly work. FOREIGN TRADE TO9 BE PEACE T O P I C Foreign trade will be one of the fundamental considerations to comet up on the peace table in the opinon of Professor H. C. Adams of the Eco- nomics department. He calls atten- tion to the fact that at the bottom of all great armed controversies be- tween nations is this subject of trade. The war for American inde- pendence was brought on by Eng- land's rigid mercantile policy. Thet war of 1812 was precipitaed be-t cause of trouble between Englandt and America on the high seas. Russia! fought to get an outlet to the sea, so as to facilitate trade, and Constantinople has ever been a bone of contention for those nations wanting sea ports. He believes it is evident that this war must attempt to settle once for all this elusive and ever erupting sub- ject of international trade. It will1 not only be a readjustment but a new arrangement along many lines, and this important question is occupying the attention of economists eevry- where. "It is commonly recognized that the course of foreign trade has been great- ly deranged 'by the war," states Pro- fessor H. C. Adams of the political economy department, "and that one of the most difficult adjustments aft- er the return of peace will be that of foreign trade. Especially will this be true in the case of trade between first-class industrial nations on the one hand, like England or Germany, and nations like China or the colo- nies of Africa, on the other. It is this feature of foreign trade that calls for especial attention, and it Is altogether likely that the nations of the world wil be "obliged to provide some special means for the content of this class of trade. This will be essential to the interest of enduring peace." WEARING OF MASKS STILL IMPERATIVE A general tendency to become care- less or to discontinue the wearing of the gauze masks was evident on the streets and campus yesterday. Uni- versity and medical authorities wish it known that the wearing of the masks is still imperative, as the epi- demic is by no means conquered al- though under control. It is the opin- ion of the medical authorities that the masks are not only helpful but nec- essary in checking the epidemic. Stu- dents and the public are reminded of the necessity of keeping the masks clean by washing with soap and hot water. Fresh masks for the students of the campus will be distributed tomorrow. These will be given as a result of the untiring efforts of the ladies of the Red Cross. They will be given out in exchange for soiled ones between 7:30 and 11:30 o'clock at the Health service, Red Cross headquarters, and on the campus. Precautions should be taken to wear the masks loosely, covering both nose and mouth. The same side , should always be placed next the face. SOLDIER-FARMERS TO ASSIST ILLINOIS FARMERS HARVEST Rockford, Ill., Oct. 19.-Two hun- dred and fifty soldier-farmers of Camp Grant are to aid Illinois farmers in husking corn. The plan was effected when representatives of the state council of defense and agricultural committees from Chicago presented their pleas for harvest aid to Major F. B. Eastman, casual officer at the camp. A response by men of the rescue company followed and each man was given a furlough of two months. The soldiers will be assigned to farmers who need the help and their pay from the government will be discontinued during absence from camp. The farmers, however, will compensate the men. The soldiers accepted for this duty are generally experienced farmers, having left their farms for military service. THE CENTRAL POWERS LOSE 800 SQUARE MILES OF LAND IN THREE DAYS ADVANCE THREATENS COMMUNICATION LINE Austria Must Recognize Czecho-Slo. Vaks and Jugo-Slavs Before U. S. Makes Peace (By the Associated Press) Allied troops on a front of more than 120 miles from the North sea to the Oise river, are closing in on the retiring Germans. The enemy is given no rest, and they have difficulty in holding the supposedly prepared lines when they are reached. On the north the British, French, and Belgians are approaching Ghent, and in the center the British are marching on Tournai, while the Brit- ish, French, and Americans, north of the Oise, are threatening the impor- tant railway lines south of Valen- ciennes. In the Argonne, west of the Meuse river, the Americans have im- proved their positions in the neigh- borhood of Bantheville. Allies Bag 6,000 Prisoners Unofficial reports are that the Bel- gian coast has been cleared complete- ly of enemy forces, and that 6,000 German troops have been caught be- tween the advancing Allies and the Dutch border on the North sea. This force was apparently unable to make good its escape southeastward, in the direction of Antwerp, owing to the rapidity of the Allied advance from Bruges. Allied troops are reported near Eecloo, 15 miles east of Bruges, and the same distance northwest of Ghent. They are also approaching the Dutch frontier near Sluis. The Allied troops in Flanders have regain- ed 800 square miles of territory in the past four days. Between Bruges and Courtrai the German resistance is somewhat stiff- er than farther north, but south of Courtrai the British are advancing rapidly from the Douai-Lille line. The Marcq river has been crossed east of Lille and the town of Chereng, eight miles west of the important junction of Tournai, has been taken. The Brit- ish have pressed forward nearly eight miles on a 30 mile front in three days. Entente Troops Widen Wedge South of Valenciennes the British, American, and French forces are wid- ening the wedge driven into the Ger- man defenses, and have forced the enemy behind the Sambre canal, on a wide front, east of the important railway center of Guise. The Selle river has been crossed in force southeast of Cambrai, and the British are approaching the formida- ble natural obstacle of the forest of Mormal, which will cut the Valen- ciennes-Avesnes railway, the main German support line in this region. The French maintain strongly the pressure between the Oise and the Serre rivers and eastward along the Aisne river. Hun to Retreat Before Yanks? There are some indications that the Germans are preparing for a retire- ment from their positions in front of the Americans, northwest of Verdun, between the Meuse river and the Boult forest. The American advance threatens the security of the Kreilm- hilde positions on the left center of the sector. A further advance in the (Continued on Page Four) QUESTIONNAIRES By special order of Provost Marshal General Crowder every enlisted man in the S. A. T. C. ed every man in the S. A. T. C. or S. N. T. C. must fill out and file the regular questionnaire with his local board. This order is imperative and must be com- plied with. The possibility rests upon the man himself. If he has not as yet received his ques- tionnaire or returned it to his local board' properly filled out,- he should do so at once.