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May 10, 1919 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-05-10

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. ....T-



(Continued from Page One) a
cause, apart from the great cost of s
such an undertaking, settlements of w
the surface will take place constantly m
and somewhat irregularly for many w
years after the grading is completed. b
Action Needed Nww
"A theater of turf slopes, inexpen-
sive to establish and maintain, will not
be hurt in appearance or in useful-
ness by moderate and gradual settle-
ments, and any' serious irregularities
which may appear can b made good
at any time by lifting the turf and add-
ing more soil. For many student P
gatherings the audience can stand or
sit upon the turf slopes of the theater
without regular seating arrangements,
and for special occasions portable "cir-
cus seats" can be ,placed on the turf t
slopes whenever the cost of such seats a
is forthcoming. Similarly a portable (
wooden sounding board for speakers a
or music, and other stage fittings and e
elaborations, and an inclosing fenced
or gates, can be provided as desired. b
But the basic work of converting
what has always been an eye sore into
a theater of green turf ought to be un- i
dertaken forthwith, as the further con-a
tinuance of haphazard dumping, whileb
continuing the eye-sore will beforeI
long make the cost of grading the pro-t
posed theater very much greater thant
it would be at present.
Maximum Cost $10,000
"Without going very much more
carefully into such details as the
method of work and sources of mate-E
rial, it is not possible to figure very'
closely on such an undertaking, but
we feel confident that it could be suc-
cessuflly carried out at a cost be-1
1 tween $5,000 and $10,000.'
"Placing the stage at the north in-
stead of at the east is not quite ideal
for the audience in relation to the aft-
ernoon sun of May or June, but the
latter orientation would greatly in-
crease the amount of grading, and it
is interesting to note that the orienta-
tion proposed is decidedly better than
that of the famous Athenian theater
of Dionysus."
Propose Theater Program
In Hill auditorium the University
now has an edifice that is unsurpass-
ed by the similar buildings of any un-
iversity in the United States.
Less than a week ago, The Daily's
proposal to erect a campus theater as
a fitting and worthy memorial to
Michigan's soldier dead caused a great
deal of favorable comment among fac-
ulty, alumni, and undergraduates
alike. From the generally responsive
feeling evinced by the campus at
large, it seems that the suggestion fit-
ted in precisely with the University's
idea of what such a memorial should
be. If such a theater be built, it would
fill an empty place in the present edu-
cational scheme; for it would be de-
signed primarily for the encourage-
ment of dramatic art.
With three such works of architec-
ture constructed together, the Univer-
sity would be unrivalled in- the thea-
trical line for completeness and use-
fulness by any university or city in
the United States. It would have the
facilities for any sort of entertainment,
concert, meeting, or play. The north
side of town which some feel to have
been neglected, would now have de-
velopments which would vie with Fer-
ry field in beauty if not'in extent.
Of the need of an unroofed audi-
torium with a capacity of about 10,-
000 people, it is superfluous to speak.
At times Hill auditorium is no longer

adequate to accommodate the multi-
tudes that stream into it; and there
are certain purposes for which an
open-air auditorium would be more
suitable, such as the presentation of
pageants and the exercises of cap-
Plans Before Regents
-In the press of building operations
and the general disturbance of routine
occasioned by the war, Mr. Olmsted's
recommendation in regard to the
"cat-hole" was overlooked, and the
contractors in charge of the new Li-
brary were allowed to dump earth
there. Early in the present year, how-
ever, the attention of the Regents was
called to the gradual filling in of the
depression, and the action at their
February meeting marks a revival of
interest in the matter.
The outline of the proposed theater
is shown in the cut on page five of
this issue, which was made from Mr.
Oldsted's drawing. Appropriate land-
scape treatment, masking the laun-
dry and heating plant with trees, and
adorning the spaces at the rear and
sides with shrubbery, would place
within a few steps of the present cam-
pus a scene of rare beauty and re-
Expense Greater Now
It is conceded that und4r Wesent
conditions the cost of excavating and
removing the earth so as to carry out,
Mr. Almsted's desIgn, would be much

reater than the sum estimated by him
n 1916. It would probably be neces-
ary to cover all the slopes with turf.
t is said that the work is of such a
ort that, if a detailed plan and speci-
cations were provided, the surveying
nd staking out of the open-air the-
ter could be done by the classes in
urveying, and the landscape work
ould be contributed by the depart-
ent of landscape architecture. The
ork of excavating and gra'ding could
e done by the University teams and_
orkmen when not occupied with more
rgent tasks.
Works of great art value, the mas-
erpieces of such war-famed artists
nd illustrators as Georges Scott,
C'harles Fouqueray, Emmanuel Jodele
and numerous others, were placed on
exhibit under the direction of M. Lu-
dovic Leblanc in Alumni Memorial
hall last night.
Paintings Work of Polus
These paintings, sketches, and orig-
inal lithographs werejmade by these
artists while in the trenches, in hos-
pitals, or in German prison camps.
All portray with vividness characteris-
tic of the French relicate touches of
the cheerful and sad phases of the
Probably the pictures which are
attracting the most attention are
"American Boy" and "The Accursed,"
Scott, and "Prisoners of Belleau
Wood" by Fouqueray.
.... Proceeds Go to Artists
Each picture included in the ex-
hibit is offered for sale, the proceeds
of which will go to the respective ar-
tist and his family. The prices range
from $10 to $2,800 and many pictures
have already been disposed of.
M. Leblanc, who has been delegat-
ed by the French government to di-
rect the exhibitions of this, valuable
collection throughout the United
States, may conduct his mission to
Australia after completing his various
engagements in this country.
(Continued from Page One)
Geriany. "There is only one -solu-
tion," he is quoted as saying, "peace
with Russia and the use of Bolshevik
troops for Germany."
"Mailed-Fist Peace"
Speaking in the Prussian national
assembly Thursday, Premier Hirsch
characterized the peace terms as rep-
resenting a "purely mailed-fist peace,"
which "would mean slavery for the
fatherland and fresh bloodshed for
A Berne dispatch says the German
government has telegraphed its dele-
gates at Versailles ordering them to
present to the Allies demands for ver-
bal discussions of the objectionable ar-
ticles of the covenant. Speaking be-
fore the national assembly, the des-
patch adds, President Fehrenbach de-
clared the terms meant the perpetual
enslavement of the German people
and added that the treaty was dic-
tated by hate.
(Continued from Page One)
play leading parts, and not because
their acting is superior to the rest
of the cast. The minor parts, with-
out exception, are done very well, and

Prof. J. R. Nelson, who directed the
production, is to be congratulated, as
well as every member of the cast.
To Stage Extra Performance
The demand for seats has been so
great that an extra performance of
"Quality Street" will be given this
afternoon. The popularity of the play
speaks well for the high quality of the
production, and it is to be hoped that
all future plays on the campus will
come up to this standard.
One new step in women's activities
was taken Thursday afternoon in Bar-
bour gymnasium in the holding of an
annual spring meeting of the board of
the Women's Athletic association. In-
stallation of officers was held for the
first time in the history of the associa-
Owing to financial success this year,
the Athletic association has been able
to donate $100 to the field house for
Palmer field. The new board was urg-
ed to make the building of this club
house its principal aim for the com-
ing year.
Following the reading of reports by
officers and committee chairmen, new
officers were installed. Membership in
the organization was increased by 225
this year.

_ ........-, ..r

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One and Two and Three and Four, Rock-a-Bye .............
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Stings of Sincere Sentiment
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Little Old Lady O' Mine ........................ .Henry Burr
Songs For Sweethearts
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Wait and See (You'll Want Me Back)...................
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Rainy Day Blues--Fox-trot ...........................
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