_____TH-F MICHIGAN I)A.-:'Y Ypsilanti Bootlegger Arraigned John H. Thompson of Ypsilanti was arraigned Tuesday before the Wash- tenaw county circuit court for boot- legging. Mr. Thompson was bonded over to the October session of the court on a $1,000 bail. He had brought 24 quarts of whiskey from Toledo. Analization showed that the liquor contained about 50 per cent alcohol. And Other Articles For "UP THE RIVER" TRIPS SWITZER'S HARDWARE 310 So. State, We Do Panama Hats Right Notice f'aania hats should be left witl us at o.lce i order to have themu ready for stra w i at lay Don't wait untH you are ready to wea your Panaina before you bring it in, let ush bv.: it 110w so we can have it done ill nice shape wlIe you want it. We use no acids, pastes or other injurious compounds. We do only high cla.s Work and your hat looks new when you get it. we renew your hat while other cheap hat cleaning places ruin it. Bring your hat in now. We also clean and reblock felt hats, put on new bands, make hats to order, etc. Factory Hat Store 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 Oriental Turkish tobacco charmed the natives hundreds of years ago. And when travelers visited the Orient, a new delight 'awaited and thrilled them-in smoking Turkish cigarettes. The tobacco in Murad is 100% Turkish and is gathered from those famous lands-and Murads are both charming and thrilling. True they are a little more expensive than -ordinary cigarettes-but oh, such a difference "Judge for yourself-!" University of Michigan Summer Session 1919 -)Yore than 300 courses conducted by a staff of 250 members of the regular faculties of the University. All University facilities available Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library Methods, Biological Station. Embalm- ing and Sanitary Science, Public Health Nursing June 30 - August 22; Medicine and Surgery, June 30-August 8; Law, June 23-July 26 and July 28-August 30. The work is equivalent in method, character and credit value to that of the academic session, and may be counted toward de- grees. Certificates of credit and attendance issued. Many spe- cial lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions. Cosmopolitan student body. Delightful location. Expense low. For further information, address ToE. RANKI N Box 20, Ann Arbor, Michigan I -- i Athletic Underwear SWIMMING REGATTA' PLANS COMPLETED Plans for the swi ~miig regatta have practically been completed The fete is to be held at the municipal bathing beach at 10:30 o'clock Satur- day, June 7. 11A variety of events are scheduled. Including 20 yard free style dash, 20 yard breast stroke, 20 yard back stroke, 20 yard crawl and fancy div- inn contest. After the :swimming events there will be canoe -aces andl canoe tilting contests. Tryouts are now being held at the Y. M. C. A. pool at 3:30 o'clock on Wednesdays. As the arrangements stand now the contestants will be en- tered independently but if enough men turn out they will be (divided into teams and the men in charge are hoping to be able to make it an interclass af- fair. MORE ENTRIES FOR INTERCLASS MEET Entries for Saturday's interciass track meet took on a slight increase in number Thursday, although train- ing on the ouutdoor cinder path was interrupted by rain. Many classes are co-operating with the track department to encourage a large last minute representation and as the bulletin still /shows good op- portunities in several events a big turnout is expected before the list closes tonight, JUNIOR LIT BASEBALL TEAM OPENS PRACTICE THURSDAY Firsteregular practicehof the junior lit baseball team was held Thursday afternoon on south. Ferry field in spite of damp grounds and threatening clouds. The class has placed its athletics on a definitely organized basis since the arrival of warm weather and system- atic workouts will start at once in the diamond game. All men who wish to take part in the opening game on Saturday morning and the succeeding contests are ex- pected to report for practice this aft- ernoon. The representation of the 1920 lits in the class track meet to be held Saturday afternoon is still weak and all available class athletes are urged to enter the events before the lists close tonight. Musical Club Managers to Meet Attention of assistant managers and tryouts for that position of the Var- sity Glee and Mandolin club is call- ed to a meeting at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon in room 328, Natural Sci- ence building. All should be pres- ent. Advertise n 'The Daily.-Adv. CLABIFIED LOST LOST-Black leather note-book and Twentieth *Century English Liter- ature readings. Call Moore, 1330- X,. Reward. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Two May Festival season tickets, lwer floo. all 892 National League Philadelphia 1, Brooklyn 2. Boson 3, New York 2 (11 innings). Cincinnati-Chicago, rain. St. Louis 2, Pittsburgh 4. Daily Advertisers give service.-Adv. w I American League Detroit-St. Louis, rain. Chicago 4, Cleveland 1. Washington 0, Boston 3. New York 2. Philadelphia 0. YESTERDAY'S GAMES; PICK TENNIS TEAM beat Bowers 6-4. FOR D. T. C. MATCH Wesbrook and Bartz are ready for the matches, having improved much with the last week's practice. Muntz Coach Mack has picked five men to is playing a steadier game than at oppose the Detroit Tennis club in t he firs o rthesbot fightin hard for matches to be held at Detroit this the fourth position on the squad. I afternoon. Wesbrook, 'Bartz, Muntz,Dp Popp, and Bowers are the men se- Detroit will be represented by ILight- lected.ner, Codd, and possibly Ira Reindel. Iec the last meeting the Detroit These men have had plenty of experi- In th las meeing te Deroitence and are looking. forward to a team was badly defeated, but with vtory. the additional practice, they will give the Varsity plenty of exercise. Dur- ing the last practice, yesterday, Bartz The Students patronize The Daily defeated Muntz 6-2, 6-3; and Popp advertiser.-Adv. ay Comfort - - Freedom Now s the time to change estiva, 7, Wilson Bros., Lewis, B. V. D. Wadhams & Co. I STATE STREET STORE I I I -..r. Leave Copy at Quarry's and" The Delta A DVERTISING -s- Leave Copy at Quarrysland The Delta ,x, : WANTED FOR SALE WANTED -- Large manufacturing FOR SALE--May Festival course tick- company wants live sales manager et or any part. Call 131, R. Cook. to represent them in Washtenaw FOR SALE--1919 Excelsior Motorcy- county. Entirely new proposition cle, fully equipped-$250. Box X. earning large profits. An excel- FOR SALE-Full course May Festi- lent chance for a student. Must val ticket. Fifth row. first bal- have at least $200 working capi- cony. Call Lane 357. tal. Address "Manager," 301 Equi- FOR SALE-May Festival" cover cou- ty Bldg., Detroit. non.. Call 661-3. i I