___________________THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ I Engineering Newsl I.r. V'v. E. F0oc. tt:.. dir~~~cf thc, ,.. i s ofi.J ,a .:.i _o 'he fe i t:1 tnrrt.n;f \vVed~1es. viy. 'v~ AS occu- %n -~~ Wa di.'vc t..d:() li. lg ziek- iniy Id. 1. 13, AdannU. '15EA is spendinig a few' day-., at the e:-iglineerig college for the _ yrpos4 of invee~t~.gtg sew- age di oosal Undo.r the direction of Professor I-load. ruims is sanitary en ineer oo the ohy engineer's staff" of GrmAu; Rh-i'ds Crand PRapi.1, Is building anl experimental sewage dis- po.. al plant, and after a year of trial :t i, expected that at plant %f-Or the Adarns will have charge of. Summer Sessiomn Gets Heavy Mail I'nu.sia .Iy Iwarvy correspondence concerning the sumnmer session is :;till pouring into the office, accord- : ng to Dean E. H. Kraus. For use as enerlosures in outgoing mail of the summer session office, special leaf- lets concern'ing the work have been printed. Among them are pamph- lets giving the program of special lecture>-, entertainments, and excur- sions, facts about the courses Qffer- ed -in the Pharmacy college, and al- so one 'en' library methods. Ii n I I I *For 'lot rs liv#, Flowers Bright 01 . 'it Aother v.memoryFlo rers Whire4 'FOR Next Sunday, 7Jay 11ith ORDIER E ARL Y Let Us Ship Your Flowers From Here. LANDERS, 213 E. Librty F0OER Phone29 Hutzel Shop "Notes- "Panameric" is the name of an exquis- ite new silk of which sports skirts are made: See it in white, black, navy and maize. Silk Handkerchiefs in artistic patterns and bright colorings are new. I I I I I. Clte or the New S itad the* New we be- change figure T IMES change. And lieve clothes should with them. forgot the past. They created styles with vim and go and punch; and lines to fit those fine bodies that were the marvel of Europeans. Never was this truer than now. Th e Ne WThe war made over the young ยง4mericean men of the coun- try -- physically Algure and in their atti- tude torward things. The old models, cut on the old civilian proportions, that are dead and gone, won't do. Back, waist, chest--all have taken on new lines. The old styles haven't got the "spark." They don't interpret the spirit of youth triumphant. So the designers of KUPPEN- H EIMER CLOTHES for Spring Just the kind of clothes the self- reliant young man is looking For A mbitious for - wanted in the fabrics Young )Ten and attractive Beautiful to one's new blue ve sts?-to give spring suitare variety here in, patterns. And with it all, that known mer- it' fine workmanship and sound, value that have always distin- guished KUPPENHEIMER CLOTH ES. Good clothes always cost a little more. But the greater wear and satisfaction make up the differ- ence many times over. Kuppenheimer many styles, And be sure you wear' Hutzel 'Silk Stockings this summer! The House of M . .n nd Liberty Sts A National Clothes Service Chicago, U. S. A Kuppenheimer Clothes are sold in Ann Arbor by N. F. ALLEN CO. Ann Arbor, Mich. Main Street A 1 ._