t ian 4'00 a'A PRES DAY AND NIGI SEE VI( to ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1918. PRICE TH ES USING TION ES ARE WORRY matized To scing deaths from ers of the S. e were only o the hospi- ties are con- GARGOYLE WILL "GUIDE RIGHT" TOO The Gargoyle, in conformity to the University of Michigan being chang- ed into a military camp, will be de- voted throughout the year largely to the S. A. T. C. and S. N. T. C. The humor and drawings will pertain to the life of the student soldier and willl be of special interest to him. A page' will be devoted to a short biography of Captain Durkee, commanding offi- cer of the S. A. T. C. A half tone portrait of him will also be printed. Two pages are devoted to a dispatch, sent from Ann Arbor by a German spy and an article by von Hindenburg on the military situation in Germany. The German view of peace is explained in an article by the Crown Prince, and one of the professors of a German uni- versity, a gastronomic expert, says they Germans eat too much. The pages are supposed to represent a facsimile of "Der Kaiser's Lying Zeitung." The articles are composed in English but 'they are printed in German type. 1 U 4O ENEMY LOSES ZEEBRUGGE AND THI AMERICAN AVIATORS BOMB BUll YANlKEES STRAIGHTEN SRANDPH A y..t sp, V Ile CZECHS OFFICIALLY DECLARE FREEDOM (By the Associated Press), Washington, Oct. 18.-Independence of the Czech-Slovak nation was de- clared formerly today, by the Central Slovak council, and was recognized by the United States and the Entente Allies as a belligerent defacto govern- ment. The declaration, renouncing al- legiance to the Hapsburg dynasty and announcing principles for the founda- tion of the republic, was issued in Par- is and a copy was mailed to President Wilson. A ILL1 IEDAMIE1S DRIV HUNS TOWARD BORDER ENEMY RETREAT STRAIGHTENS' BATTLE LINE IN LILLE SECTOR CENTRAL POWERS ElN ESCAPE CRUSE PINCERS GREEK-SERB-BRI ARMIES MAK Lille-Cambrai Salient Co Between Oise-Serre Draws Tight t ake It i It A lon e She had always considered him a good sane boy with whom to play around, but now-she dunno. Yester- day he "put in for shore leave" and succeeded in absconding with 30 min- utes in spite of the mean C. P. O., so he tore around, called for the de-ah one and dragged her to one of our 'popular State street ice cream goo ~emporiums. They ate; especially did She eat; they get that way in the navy. He devoured with an absent light in his eye and' when it was all over, he rose solemnly, constructed a tower, like unto that leaning wonder of Pisa, of their spoons, glasses and stemware and started toward the rear of the establishment. He handled the dishes with an eclat which would have drawn praise from any mess sergeant, but only ice-house glances were directed toward him by his erstwhile friend. With a never again expression, she gained the street. K. P. is all right except when it be- comes a reflex muscular action. PERMIT HOSTESS HOUSE TO BE OPEN In spite of the fact that all public] places of amusement and practically1 all places of public gathering are closed, the Hostess house is carry- ing on its work as usual. There has been an unusual amount of work for them on account of the large num- ber of new men who have recently entered section B of the S. A. T. C. The new men often fail to realize just how useful the Hostess house may be to them. It has been the business of the Hostess house -to recommend rooms to the wives of the new men, to see that their family anid friends get in touch with them, and to de- liver special delivery letters and tel- egrams. When a group of men are preparing to leave, the Hostess house sees an- other rush season. The men send word to their' friends to come to Ann Arbor and the Hostess house is al- ways designated as the meeting place. At first the S. A. T. C. men did not avail themselves of the opportunities which the Hostess house afforded, but now the rooms are used very largely by them for reading and writing pur- poses. The daily newspapers from most of the large cities of the United States are found on the racks and the men can easily gqt the news from' home through this eth94. The women in charge of the Hst-- ess house wore their masks yeym - day, in order to set a good example. THE DILEMMA ras the fnrst to said. "It cured whom it was ave not heard lished with it epidemic bet- scher has been firmary to ar- on of men af- e and to make ftment. S. N. T. C. LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS FALL SHORT ON CAMPUS STUDENTS BUY LESS THAN $25,000; S. A. T. C. SALES NOT YET REPORTED Less than $25,000 has been subscrib- ed to the Fourth Liberty Loan by stu- dents outside of the S. A. T. C. Mem- bers of this organization have bought' bonds through the first sergeants of their respective companies but head- quarters has had no report as to the amount. The men have not been asked indi- vidually to buy bonds as this is not the policy of the war department, but Secretary McAdoo's appeal to all army men to buy has been read to them and the manner of buying explained. The students subscribed $57,000 to the Third Liberty Loan last spring, so unless the S. A. T. C. men subscribe much more than is expected, the cam- pus is falling far short of the last Loan. Approximately $22,500 was- subscribed by the students during the first week of this loan and less than $2,000 has been subscribed at the cam- pus booth and in the campaign among the women this week. The booth will be open from 2 to 5 o'clock this after- noon and Marguerite Chapin, '20, who has charge of the booth, looks for subscriptions from all who have not yet bought bonds.. The city's deficiency was reduced to $215,000 by subscriptions yesterday at Loan headquarters on South Main street. All towns of the county with the exception of Chelsea have raised their quotas. Some have oversub- scribed enough so that if Ann Arbor fills its quota the county will not b behind in its allotment. The committee is expecting a large subscription today from persons who put it off to the last miniute and from those who the first part of the week promised to buy. To give everyone plenty of opportunity, the headquart- er% will be open all day to take sub- scriptions. It will close at 8 o'clock this evening, The names of all per- sons in the county who have the means and have not subscribed by that time will be published in the county papers next week. Last S. A. T. C. Enlistments Today Anyone possessing the requisite edu- cational qualifications and not 1be- longing to any reserve, who failed to report yesterday, may appear for ex- amination- this morning on the fourth floor of the Natural Science building with the others. This will be the last chance to enlist in the S. A. T. C. this .GAUZE MASKS DEFEAT SHOULD BE AT LEAST FIVE THICKNESSES AND OFTEN RENEWED That the adoption of gauze masks on the campus to curtail the influenza epidemic is defeating rather than aid- ing its purpose, is the opinon express- ed yesterday by Capt. B. C. Vaughan, commanding physician in charge of the training detachments in the Uni- versity. In his estimation they axe Justified only in the case of doctors, nurses, or other immediate attend- ants of patients ill with the malady. "I have very little confidence in the masks," Captain Vaughan said in part. "The value in wearing them is at best very uncertain. In fact, their unsanitary nature and the poor fa- cilities among students for sterilizing them makes them distinct harborers of the very bacteria which they are intended to combat. "To make them at all efficient, masks of such material should be at least five thicknesses, should be worn not longer than one hour, and should by all means be either discarded or most thoroughly sterilized before they are worn again. Renew Masks Often "In the next -place, they should be moist before they are ever applied. As the masks are now worn, they permit the person to breathe as usual the warm, dry air, with slight capacity for separating the germs from it. Any- one acquainted with the size of the influenza bacterium may know that the texture of one or two thicknesses of gauze cloth will afford little more than a sieve for their transmission. On the other hand, after the masks are worn for a while, the moisture exhaled from the mouth, admittedly unsanitary, produces a spot which serves to attract every kind of bac- teria in the vicinity.". The difficulties of keeping the masks clean was also emphasized by Cap- tain Vaughan. "Very few students (Continued on Page Six) SENIOR MEDICS READY FOR CALL TO EPIDEMIC BATTLE The medical . college is awaiting a call very soon from Washington .as- signing senior medics to active duty about the state in the battle against the influenza epidemic. Communities where the physicians are overworked -with the rush of patients are com- mon, and the aid of U. of M. seniors will go a long way toward relieving' the situation. Until definite word is received no selection from the class for this emergency will be made. - (By the Associated Press) - British Army Headquarters in France, Oct. 18 (4 P. M.).-One-fourth of the Germans have been forced out of the wide 'strip of land from the northeast to the region east of St. Quentin in France., The great Allied gains of today seem to have been made east of Douai, where the British have sliced off a substantial corner of the fast disap- pearing Lille salient. The last reports received from here indicated that the British, in their for- ward rush, have reached positions close to Bouchain and Mastaing, north of Cambral, and gained ground about five miles east of Douai.; Steadily, and not without some ra- pidity, the battle line is being straight- ened and the Lille salient shortly will be obliterated. East of Le Cateau and the Sensee river, the British and Americans con- tinue attacking., They fought all day today against stubborn resistance which was overcome in all places, The Germans are fighting with the greatest resistance here and along the battle front southward to protect a retreat that is going on northward. New Annual To Be War- Time Edition The Michiganensian war annual for 1919 is to be edited in three sections. The first section will be out by De- cember. In comparison with former anuals it is about the same size and shape. It is to contain 500 pages, which is only 150 less than the en- tire book of last year. Due to the new plans and an in- creased war spirit a much larger cir- culation and better production is ex- pected. As the name indicates the entire edition will be given over to military incidents. The book is to be bound in khaki and blue signifying Michigan's colors and also those of the army and navy. All through this section will be snapshots of Michigan men and women in service, individual pictures of every man in the S. A. T. C. and S. N. T. C., and of the com- manding officers. Views of the bar- racks and interiors of the different buildings on the campus will help complete the volume.' The paramount story is to be a his- tory of what Michigan has done for the war both here and in the firing- line in France. The edition is a credit to the University, not only from a literary but an artistic standpoint. The art staff, composed of seven members, is an entirely new staff and new ideas along that line will be car- ried out. The annual for 1919 will manifest the dignified and business-like spirit ing pictures of Michigan men in serv- ice or letters from men in France or army camps please send them into the Michiganensian office or notify some member of the staff. (By the Associated Press BULLETINS London, Oct. 18.-The Frenc captured the town of Thielt, B Flanders, and have passed on yards east of the town. The en atill resisting strongly between)] and Cambrai, but is retiring northwest of La Fere. With the American army nor of Verdun, Oct. 18.-(8 P. M.)- than 60 American day bombing tors today attacked Bayonille ancy, and other towns north American line at Grandpre. E ing planes downed 10 Germa chines. This is said to have be largest enterprise yet carried an All-American flying force. With the American army nor of Verdun, Oct. 18.-(11 P. M. Americans sprang"another si on the Germans today, having ground north of Romange, and0 ing Bantheville without artillei parations. Northwest of Grandpre the - cans captured Talma farm in ti of stiff machine gun resistance. was much fighting at close qa throughout the day. (By the Associated Press In Belgium the enemy is ground hastily to bring his safely out of the trap which m them, but from the French fror the Meuse river he still is f desperately to hold. back the jaw of the great pincer move Zeebrugge Falls to Mlie Zeebrugge, Germany's second submarine base on the North s gone the way of Ostend. To the Bruges has been evacuated and coing, Roubaix, and other town been delivered. In France, east of Lille to C the British slowly, but surel pressing forward, despite supr forts of the enemy to hold the ting out the base salient. To the collapse of this salient ar aded men of the United State the fdrces of Haig, and are hard along the Bohain-Le front in a maneuver with gre cess and throwing Valencenn a dangerous pocket.r Han Retires Toward Hir To the south, in the sack the Oise and the Serre rive Germans slowly are withdraw ward Hirson (20 miles east of swith the enemy covering his with strong rear guards. Like Champagne the Germans are a strong resistance against the and Americans in their atten drive northward toward Mezie Sedan. The French, never have been able to cross the river near Vouziers, and thus made more secure the positioni Franco-American forces in the of the Aire at Graudpre. To the east the Americans c sides of the Meuse river are going forward. Between the wooded bastion and the Meus picked troops have been chc send the blow northward tow (Continued on Page Six All students and member the S. A. T. C. are requeste the, Red Cross society to i their influenza masks d When the epidemic is over, the ban lifted, the masks ai be handed in. The Red C can re-use the gauze in masks after sterilization. I dreds of dollars and thoua of labor have been spent in structing the influenza mas one death of one per 4'- "" that a list of Fire Burns Hof of Craig Home A small fire occurred at the home of Mr. George C. Craig at 8:30 Wed- nesday morning, The fire started in the chimney and spread to the roof, where it threatened to become serious. The fire department was called out, however, and soon had the blaze un- der control. About half of the roof was destroyed. Everyone who was here last year will remember Mr. Craig as the chauf- feur of the Packard taxi which threat- ened to fall to pieces at any time. He is not driving the car this year. Nuff stu-