1" E MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 4, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 4, DAY SERVICES IN ANN ARBOR CHURCHES, Furst Baptist Church 10: 30-Public worship followed by r communion. Sermon by the minister on 'The !Higher Communism." The right-hand of fellowship will be given to the new members of the church. 12-Sunday school. Prof. Leroy Wat- erman is the teacher of Everybody's class. Frederick B. Igler teaches the Guild class.. 6:30--Guild meeting. Newton C. Fetter will lead -in a dis- cussion "of "Vital Themes." Officers for next year will be elected. Rev. John Mason Wells,, Minister. Church of Christ ' 10:30-Sermon, "The Pool of Be- thesda." 12--Bible school. 7: 30-"The Master Is Come and Calling . for Thee." Rev. F0. P. Arthur, Minister. Presbyterian Church 10:30-Minister speaks on "The Sup- pressed Hour of Jesus." New mem- bers will be received at this, service. 8: 00-Prof. T. E. Rankin will con- duct a young people's Bible study class in the parlors of the church. 6:30-Young people's evening service. Rev. Leonard A. Barrett, Minister. Jewish Students 'Congregation 7:00-Services conducted by Rabbi Max J. Merritt of Evansville, Indiana. Bible Chair House 9:30-University men's class. Topic for study, "the Bible's use of nature in teaching the revelation of God. 4:30 -Everybody's class. Study for this' week: "The Bible teaching concern- ing poverty and riches, capital and labor." First Congregational Church 10:130 a. m.-Public worship with sermon, "The Hlouse by .the Road," by Lloyd C. Douglas. Kindergarten' and primary department of church school- 12:00 noon-Church school. 6:30 p. m.--Student Round Table. Mr. Dou- glas will lead the discussion of plans for the young people's meetings next year. Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas, Minster. Keeley's Old-Fashioned Chocolates, always fresh; 65c per pound. BUSY BEE.-Adv. Is_ - W - t -_.. * U', TODAY, TOMORROW, TUESDAY It PA RAJIOUNT PIRLSENTS RK I t Try Our Sodas and Sundaes Are they, good? I'll say they are I Fountain of Youth CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY I'r ', NO , " l ar '"'- - '4 " &.. C ... l*c A Full Round of Satisfact-A ory CleanigService There is hardly a home that sometime or other does not require the services of an expert I cleaner. There is practically no cleaning re- MARGU.ERTZr Iquirement of ,the average family that we cannot fulfill satisfactorily. From the wearing apparel of men and women and the dresses and suits of the youngsters, to even the household coverings C L.AR £7 Mrs7Pr s $o£" J* aawngaI iggs rs. of the Cabb,4 a "~ Lc~ 'he and hangings, our service is complete. We re- move stains and soils, and the articles are re- turned fresh and clean with that well-cared for appearance that reflects credit upon us and our methods. abbage atol -Prompt Service Careful Work Pleasing Results Right Prices U- F-1 "Mrs.'Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"M shows Marguerite Clark at her best- as the lovable, comical lady who is "always trying to do things for other people." We won't go into a lengthy dissertation concerning the story's tremendous stage popularity--although we could, But we'll just ask you to come and see'lf you don't agree with us that Marguerite Clark in "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" fs the best picture in many a long day. U- Exclusive Energine "Mie }Come of' 8nergile" Cleaning Pressing Cleaners IRepairing laugh with Oh, B oy_.1 Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuc-lkle* in2 Parcel Post Packages Paid One Way Ll /1 Some 209 S. 4TH AVE Phone 2508 ANN ARBOR Corned y[ _ -, LvCoyLeave Copy Quarry': and L SS FEQar~ln ADVERTISIN.1'G 5 SHOWS TODAY--1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 7, 8:30 Adults 25C Including Tax - Children ioc G~aaizrut-C tuct10 Comedyi} Eugmentea orchestra FOR SALE FOR SALE-Beautiful gold and pearl opera glasses, $9.00. Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 10 volumes steel engravings, $25.00. F. Marion Crawford 24 volumes, $20.00. Wash- ington Irving 15 volumes, 1.00. Like new. Phone 330-M. FOR SALE- May Festival TiclO~i first Balcony-four' for Wed. Eve. ar four for Thurs. Eve. Call Leahy, 691-R after 7 P. M. FOR SALE--Two May Festival Cou- pons. Phone 1216-J, FOR SALEl-One mandolin and case. C~all 670-J. LOST LOST-First National Check book, "Bethel Flood" written on front cov- Ier, check inside. payable to Bethel Flood. Call Social Service Dept., University Hospital. LOS T--A Delta Gamma pin. Finder pra~se call 452. Reward. FOR RENT F011 REN'T -Canoe storage, Morris Canoes, O(d Town Canoes. Used aosfor. Sale. Easy payments. , aunders Canoe Livery. FOUND May 9-10 Wallace- REID Coming Soon-Cecil Demille's For Better, For'Worse Elliott Dexter, Jack Holt in The Roaring Road Gloria Swanson FOUND- Fur neck piece Thursday evening. Call W ai iKng Lwo, 314 S. State. I I r *---