THE MICHIGAN DAILr News From The Other Colleges AT THE THEATERS I I I Washington- Plans for removing* the dandelion from the campus have been worked out in an unique way at Washington univergity, St. Louis. Every year, on a certain day at 1 MAJES TIC MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Srws Sunday LAST TIMES TODAY JOHN BARRYMORE -- in- "The Test of Honor" s Shows at 3:00; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr's Res., 2316-M Sat-3-Viola Dana in "Satan. Junior" and Bi; V Comedy.'Soapauds and Sapheads" Sun-Mon-4-5--Mae Marsh in "Spotlight Sadie"; Katzenjammer Kids Cartoon and Bruce Scenic. "f o'clock, the men of the university meet on the campus and work all day re- moving the plants. Each plant to the credit of a student counts as one vote to be cast for the most popular girl in the school and the girl receiv- ing the highest number is crowned as "Dandelion Queen" that night at an all campus dance. Harvard-The erection of a monu- ment in a park to be laid out on the vacant ground on the south bank of the Charles river has been proposed as a memorial to the men of Harvard who have fallen in the great war. The monument would probably be a high shaft of the obelisk type, built of Vermont marble or Quincy granite, raising to a height of about 1,000 feet. Indiana -,"An All-University Day" has been suggested for the University of Indiana for the purpose of crystal- lizing the interests and spirit of the college into one great unit. It is hoped this day, if inaugurated, will be handed down with the rest of the traditions of the university. Harvard-The senior class of Har- yard donned their caps and gowns on May 1, and will continue to wear them from now .on to the end of the school year. They will be worn in every class, conference, or other academic activities in Cambridge from 9 o'clock to 1 o'clock daily. Northwestern - The women of Northwestern university are planning a twelve page edition of the Daily Northwestern which they alone will edit, and put out. It is expected to cover the year's deficiencies in the newspaper line and will contain news and features. - TODAY Majestic- John Barrymore in "The Test of Honor." Arcade-Viola Dana in "Satan, Junior." Wuerth-Frank Keenan in "The Midnight Stage." Orpheum- Griffin's production, "The Great Love." Shubert-Garrick, Detroit.- "Oh Lady! Lady!" Detroit Opera House-on-the-Cam- pus-"Passing Show of 1918." Faculty Concert To Close Sea-son "Celeste Aida" by Verdi will be sung by Mr. James Hamilton, of the faculty of the University School of Music, at the last appearance of the University Symphony orchestra at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Hill aud- itorium. Mr. Samuel Pierson Lock- wood will act as conductor. The members of the orchestra are First Violins Mrs. Anglina Lockwood, Dorothy Haymaker, Neva Nelson, Grace Al- bracht, H. Altvater, B. H. Bronson, A. Davis, Mabel Stone. Second Violins C. C. Rhodes, Doris Miller, N. All- mendinger,, M. Wruble, H. M. Fried- man, W. E. Moore, M. D. Hicks, H. G. Lustfield. Violas E. A. Schaeberle, W. L. Noville, W. Wilson, M. C. Shewcraft. Violoncellos M. W. Kann, C. S. Greene, E. A. Oslus. Basses C. Badalamenti, H. L. Davis. Piccolo H. V. Prucha. Flutes Mrs. Helen Snyder, D. . Teal. Oboes L. J. Porter, R. D. Horn. Clarinets N. D. Falcone, H. S. Sherman. Bassoons R. Inskip, E. H. Wirth. Horns E. E. Watson, N. A. Lange. Cornets M. D. Slaughter, D. C. Arner. Trombones L. Falcone, J. D. Brown, H. C. Seeley. Tuba W. Wilson Kettledrums Albert Lockwood Percussion D. E. Rhodes Y. W. C. A. PLANS WORK FOR WOMEN DURING SUMMER LOST? Advetise in The Daily.--Adv. Daily advertising is profitable.--A Today Only Viola DN For girls interested in this cam- paign, classes will be held in the Y. W. C. A. rooms in Barbour gymnas- ium every Tuesday at 5 o'clock, the first of which will be held on May 6. These classes will be in the form of open discussions. Complimentary Dinner for Opera All members of the cast, cho committees, and orchestra of the I igan Union opera, "Come On, I will be given a complimentary di at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, Ms at the Union. Star of "The Gold Cure" in AT THE MAJESTIC "Satan, Another Splendid * TheBetter 'Ole" will; be shown at The Arcade Theatre on May 13, 14, 15. Jot that down right now 80 you, will be sure to save a date for it. It's worth it Old Fill E. Phillips Oppenheim is author of "The Malefactor," the powerful and gripping novel of which "The Test of Honor," in which John Barrymore is appearing for the last times today at the Majestic, is the picturization. "The Malefactor" enjoyed a wide vogue in this country and in England and was hailed as one of the most dramaitc stories of the year. John S. Robertson, who directed Mr. Barrymore in . "Here Comes the Bride," is director for this picture, ana Eve Unsell is the scenarist. An usually capable cast of actors sup- port the star, including Constance Binney, of "Sporting Life" fame, Mar- cia Manon, and Robert Schable. Junior Comedy-drama To all girls and other unmar- ried ladies! Hark Ye! - f AT THE WHITNEY WUERTH THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Sat--3-FRANK KEENAN in "The Mid- night Stage." Comedy, "Merely Mar- rying Mary" and Scenic. Sun-Mon-3-4-WILLIAM RUSSELL- in "Where the West Begins." Also a Sunshine Comedy, "Money Talks." Tues-Wed-6--7--GEORGE WALSH in "Help, Help Police." Also Lloyd Com- edy and Free Press Weekly. - COMING - BILLIE BURKE in "PEGGY" ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Sat-3-GRIFFITH'S production, "The Great' Love" (Ret). Also News and Comedy, "Charlie in Turkey." Sun Mon-4 5-HAROLD LOCKWOOD in 'Shadows of Fear." Also "The Lure of the Circus," No. 16, and Ford Week- ly, "Good Roads." TuesWed-6-7-BESSIE LOVE int"The Yankee Princess." Also a Mutt and Jeff Cartoon Comedy. - COMING - "ROMANCE OF HAPPY VALLEY" Mat. Wed. GARRICK ht and* Best Seats R IK Sat. Mat- $1.50 DETROIT 50e to $2 Oh, Lady, Lady 'The Original Nelk York Cast Dependable, Scientific, Drugless EYE EXAMINATIONS Phone 590 for appointment Emil H Arnold Optornetrst 220 S. J'ain St In the character of Philippe Bridau, which he plays in "The Honor of the Family," the booking at the Whitney for Monday, May 5, Otis Skinner is one of the faithful Bonapartists after the Emperor's downfall, who vowed in good earnest a mortal enmity to the Bourbons, and even refused the opportunities which were offered him in the Infantry with a rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel. The character is one in which reck- lessness, unblushing effrontery, and cool courage are blended in a most fascinating way, and the part gives free vein to Mr. Skinner's peculiar tal- ents. I "Satan, Jr." there is shown an absolutely in- fallible method to catch the elusive male, You don't have to wait for him to take the initiative after all. The matter is simple. Take a lesson from Viola Dana, and be enlightened. As to Men: We wonder how many .could resist you if you fought andi pursued and annoyed and actually devilled them into mar- rying you, as did Viola in "Satan, Jr." It's a corker and you don't want to miss it. I I The Y. W. C. A. has formulated a plan for furthering it's work during the summer months. The idea is for college women to form Y. W. C. A. clubs or camps in their home towns or wherever they may spend the va- cation. These organizations may con- sist of girls of any age. Their activ- ities will be as well-rounded as pos- sible, blending both social and useful activities. It has been suggested that clubs in Michigan make hospital gar- ments for children in the University hospitals. N IOLA DANA r ....- '" SUNDAY--MONDAY Mae Marsh in "Spotlight Sadie" jComing-Natilmova In,"Out of the FoC AT THE ARCADE U MONROE IHRE NEW A-RROW COLLAR .FOR SPINJG Cluett,Peabody,&Ca.Inc. TroyAw U U UN ITED CIGAR STORE- 118 E. HURON STREET In "Satan, Junior,' 'which; will be shown today at the Arcade with Violo Dana in the title role, a young so- ciety girl derives the name "Satan, Junior," from the fact that she seems to be a veritable daughter of the devil. The story deals with the young mad- cap's falling in love with a distin- guished playwright who does not take her seriously but believes that her profession of love is another of the many provoking ways she finds of making his life unbearable. He soon finds, however, that he truly loves the little vixen, and the necessary ro- mance develops. Mae Marsh in "Spotlight Sadie" is the attraction for- tomorrow. DEPUTATION TEAM WILL BE SENT TO HOWELLS BY Y. X. C. A. At the last meeting of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet it was decided to send a deputation team to Howells. This team is composed of Dale Thompson, '20, Robert French, '22, Ray Baxter, '19, and Secretary Newton Fetter. This is the fourth team to be sent out by the "Y." Earl Miles, '21, has been appointed to take charge of the deputation work and intends to send out several teams to nearby towns. THE PRICES ARE BEST THE SERVICE I S BEST BUY COAL NOW -AT- ; I Buy our goods and save the Free Coupons and Certifloates. are redeemable for valuable Premiums They CIGARETTES We carry all brands of Cigars Try these "United Brands" Roora 0,7,8,9,10,11 and iSo La Tunita - 6and 70 Orlande 10, 11 and 2 for 25o Benefactor - 6, 7, and 8o Palm de Cuba - 5, 7, and 8o United Hand Made - 6o CORN WELL'S Camels - Lucky Strike Omar - Fatima- Pall Mall - M.Iachrlno - Army and Navy ISO ISO 2Sc 2Sc 25c 20c 50o II - - . PHONE 2207 or 81-Fl All Sorap and Fine Cut I Oo Famous Anthracite & Bituminous Coal &Coke Phone GOLDEN & JETTER, Props, 64-ifU li 4t 11' F*, * c MAJESTIC T O D A Y SHOWS AT 2:00-3:30-7:00-8:30 JOHN "The BARRYMORE in Test of Honor" POSITIVELY THE BEST OFFERII 4.Bray Ptograph - Selected Comedy SUNDAY-3 DAYS 135Ma rguerite Cl 1tuIDQ WIGG1Q alp TUU'CAAl NG EVER PRESENTED BY MR. BARRYMORE - Adults 25c including tax - Children l4c 31 FATTY ARBUCKLE ark in BAGE PATCH" in "LOVE" JWAiM7"Ye V U '7 V'U A £ AU..a wot%, ~ .. #,"x, . x<